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Random Year Gold Coins vs. Brilliant Uncirculated

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Title :  Random Year Gold Coins vs. Brilliant Uncirculated
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Frames Random Year Gold Coins vs. Brilliant Uncirculated

Description Random Year Gold Coins vs. Brilliant Uncirculated

Comments Random Year Gold Coins vs. Brilliant Uncirculated

Thank you for the good video
Comment from : @remonmicheal8753

Hi I realize this video is 3 years old but just seeing it now I noticed Silver Gold Bull in Canada sells random year coins that are described as BU What are your thoughts on that? Should I be skeptical?
Comment from : @workingbulldogs

Will your LCS pay the same for bullion regardless of its condition?
Comment from : @michaelangelobergeron5980

Nice Norseman 🔪
Comment from : @murray42076

999 gold ? Worth $50 At Walmart checkout
Comment from : @ToyMarston

When I bought my last three gold coins in new york the guy pulled a stack of three from under the desk and tossed them onto the table, each one sliding off the other, before packing each one into a plastic sleeve Like it was my change at McDonald's I don't know if it was my hat, or my southern accent, or what but that hurt my feelings
Comment from : @BenjaminISmith

Gopd episode
Comment from : @david9633

Interesting, currently the 2024 Buffalo is $5 less than a random year Buffalo at SD Bullion and the premium is just 4
Comment from : @sed6

Do you prefer to buy random year or uncirculated for 30 euros additional?
Comment from : @Rafael-bj9pq

When I see BU on a website should I read bullion or burnished uncirculated?
Comment from : @flira

One thing that might make a difference to some people: Security features For example, a random year Maple is not necessarily going to have the radial lines and/or the micro-engraved date Bullion is bullion, but only if you know for certain that it is bullion Security features do make that much easier
Comment from : @TheCogitech

I hear a lot about “gold is gold” but is hard for me to not care for my coins Some people call OCD, but to me is pride in taking care of my stuff ( clean house, car, work area, etc) Once I bought a 10g gold bar and noticed that the bar got some dings probably caused by the assay card I could not see that and removed the bar After a few days I decided to sell it and sure enough that BS about it had some scratches and was worth less I now only buy BU coins and look for the newest year and keep all my coins in capsules
Comment from : @captainsplash24

Enjoy your videos! I buy random dates because in the long run I think it's a greater value I capsule all the Buffaloes and don't buy the queen!
Comment from : @danherrington6345

If you read this I would like your take on the following I was looking at some buffalos an hour ago trying to decide on a few 2022 Brilliant Uncirculated buffalos for $1913 ea versus Random Year Brilliant Uncirculated buffalos for $1888 ea, for a savings of $25 ea Since both descriptions say “Brilliant Uncirculated” I would lean towards getting a few of the random date coins Based on your experience, do some dealers play loose with the descriptions or is this scenario typical? Here are their words: (Spot is $1808)br$1913 - 2022 1 oz American Gold Buffalo Brilliant Uncirculated 9999 Fine 24ktbr$1888 - 1 oz American Gold Buffalo Brilliant Uncirculated 9999 Fine 24kt (Random Year)br$1886 - 1 oz American Gold Buffalo - Spotted / Scuffed 9999 Fine 24kt (Random Year)
Comment from : @showlow626

I've often wondered if the condition really made that much of a difference when it comes to stacking straight bullion coins, not numismatic coins
Comment from : @jeremiah1059

I truly appreciate your commentary in all your videos I’m relatively new to stacking I must say you seem to be My Go To ✨
Comment from : @cotinavs

A lot of non info
Comment from : @stevareno6995

In my 20’s so a little new to gold Question: I didn’t know the year of a coin could make such a difference like 5 is there a threshold for the age of a coin For example a 10 year old should be a certain percent cheaper or gold is gold no matter the year?
Comment from : @Ogmma94

What is maximum premium you suggest for all 3 styles? What is a good deal premium?
Comment from : @mastershonuff4046

Like #1000 Congratulations
Comment from : @burke9497

3:00 “circulated” gold makes me think of the Au vending machines in Dubai For those times when you get a craving for a KitKat and 10g gold bar
Comment from : @DansEarway

I like random year You can get a rare coin date
Comment from : @appleztooranges

Lighting on point! 💯💯
Comment from : @au_ag2088

Everytime i order random years they keep sending me 2021
Comment from : @MattDeckard

Ugh, old coins, gross!
Comment from : @MattDeckard

For me today, to give you an example, on a 1/4 oz ML, there is a 5$ CAD diff on new or random, so i keep picking the new, i even added a ding, now i know how it feels🤨
Comment from : @mikemaners4411

I’m not a fan of pre-owned bullion, unless it’s something I really want to get as part of my collection My dealer is great, he has both random and current year BU in stock Choosing current year is a no brainer lol
Comment from : @stormforge68

SD bullion sucks!
Comment from : @wildone5295

I just ordered a random variety 5 gram gold bar, partially it was because gold prices rose as you know but also because I wouldn't mind a 5 gram bar that is not in assay packaging although if it does come that way there is no complaints here lol I want to see, touch, taste 😉 the actual gold bar without opening the assay packaging
Comment from : @rhanson1124

So, do scratches lower the price of a coin or not really? I so, how much?
Comment from : @FranciscoMartinez-ds4fm

Great content as usual! I picked up a few random year gold Buffalos from Silver Gold Bull in the past and they arrived in great condition, so I agree that random year for certain coins can be a great choicebrbrBTW, JMBullion still has a few random year 1/2 oz gold Eagles left for a decent premium for anyone interested
Comment from : @JA-wq6bm

APMEX currently has Buffalo BU random years available I paid to much but I'm a newbie and my dollars become worth less every day
Comment from : @goldenrod8861

Since I'm a new stacker I'm just grabbing random years :-) right now I'm just working on accumulating some gold, maybe later in life I might decide to go for BU :-)
Comment from : @Fortuna_Magica

So I've read that touching gold coins lowers the value Now, I assume that refers to the premium as opposed to spot/ melt value Since gold doesn't corrode or tarnish with time or handling Am I correct in this assumption that pure gold, (or close to) will still sell for the melt price of current per ounce price, despite scratches or Knicks?
Comment from : @gibsonflyingv2820

Good commentary
Comment from : @rogertayloRRR

Random year coins are great, especially when purchased from an LCS or private seller Avoid the larger dealers! I can always find gold cheaper locally Can't even remember the last time I bout gold from an online dealer Been a fat minute I think Wait a sec, did I see a scratch on that Maple?
Comment from : @VerticalStacker

It would be nice if the US mint started a trade in program- you give them 10 ounces of gold- judged by weight not condition- and they give you 9 and 1/4 Eagles in MS 69 I'm not holding my breath I should open a store and offer this deal I have a ton of Eagles
Comment from : @uncareid5557

So is no one going to ask about what appears to be a gorgeous folding knife on the right of the video and ask what it is?
Comment from : @xpz25nfh

You pretty much answered your own question Buffalos, Krugerrands, Eagles okay for random year The rest be picky if they are mirror finishes like Maples and Britannia; they will be noticed Fractional and older coins like Roosters, Sovereigns get a fair pass for quality control Proof coins I'd only get if they are equal price to BU or less, face it, its a collectible
Comment from : @syovar1

Random date purchases add a little excitement to your buy I’ve picked a few up because they were cheaper Depending on the time of year, new ones could be cheaper Just got to look around, but would never pass a deal up on a random though Have seen a few new BU coins looking like they were dropped and kicked across the floor It’s all a little bit of a hope and prayer these days
Comment from : @elparnell

I am a supporter of random for the price but for the past year have been spoiled by getting new ones even cheaper
Comment from : @SilverHeist

Probably the best coin to get, followed by the Maple - and I live in Canada
Comment from : @kofiofosu9051

I bought a monster of silver Maples because of the anti fraud features I inspected a few tubes, they are all pristine That was a few years ago when most of my purchases were kilo and 100 ounce bars The gold Eagles I bought in the '90s came in tubes and are also mint state But I mostly don't care about condition Yes, I am happy that the Kangaroo I bought recently is unscratched and it would be nice if the two Maples that came in the same order were newer, but the point is I only paid $3900 over spot for the three The only time I cared about condition was a 10 ounce silver bar I bought from Apmex for $19900 when generics were going for $25 less from other dealers I had coveted that bar for a while It is a "Jesus clears the Temple" from the Chris Duane collection I don't think I will ever sell it I also have a couple of early 1800s bust halves in better that "good" condition that have sentimental value, but the rest is all just valued by weight The fact that I have never bought a capsule for anything should tell you my stacking attitude
Comment from : @uncareid5557

Don't sweat the scratches It doesn't matter
Comment from : @thinkforyourself9311

I appreciate your time You make great informative videos Glad a reasonable, logical person can stack like you do Hope you are stacking the basics as well BBBB i know you are doing well on the forth B Vaya con Dios!
Comment from : @stevenw8044

Honestly with the amount of coins coming from the mint direct with scratches just from being in the tube it’s whatever is the best price for me
Comment from : @ThePlatinumBeast

in the end it's 1 oz of pure gold and highly fungable all over the world ie melt value and almost 100 of the value is there
Comment from : @user-pd8bk4ei1h

I am fine and can deal with some scratches or nicks
Comment from : @72cmcinc

Random coins have worked great for me If you do not mind small details, you DO save quite some money You might also get lucky and get a beautiful sample!! brbrIn any case, random year or not, 1 oz of gold is 1 oz of gold If you are trying to sell, little scratches or details should not be a deal breaker, especially if you are buying long-term
Comment from : @JoshuaBautista1409

Buying Random year is great if you are looking to minimize the premium I have been able to find random year Gov issued bullion for as low as 35 - 5 over spot, even in the last few months
Comment from : @cmdrmagno

There is a 500 gold balboa coin from Panama that is over 1 oz depicting the Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa kneeling before the Pacific Ocean
Comment from : @goldmaple5290

You should get some unusual gold coins I'm tired of seeing the same gold coins in your stack You should get the 1 oz Kjas Emas gold coin from Malaysia, the 1 oz White-tailed Eagle gold coin from Poland, the 1 oz gold Irbis or snow leopard gold coin from Kazakhstan, the 1 oz Melita gold coin from Malta, the 1 oz Golden Fleece from Georgia, the 1 oz Noah's Ark from Armenia, the 1 oz Islamic gold dinar from the state of Kalimantan in Malaysia
Comment from : @goldmaple5290

Comment from : @aligar2376

If I bought BU coins, I might have a couple, they will only get scratches kicking around here I like the surprise with the " Random dates," Like a box of chocolates
Comment from : @allanlarmour7460

Definitely can relate 😂 I’m sooo picky! If I get even silver with a scratch or rust spec I’m pissed immediately haha but you’re totally right They are bullion It’s funny the stuff we get hung up on Thank you for always bringing the killer insight 🔥
Comment from : @LucyStacks

I bwish/b I had a gold coin like that Lost everything in that tragic boat accident (Old man jokes, I know)
Comment from : @TheRazzaManazza

I agree for the most part most bullions are bullions However, some are worth more than others For example, 2020-W V75 AGE is worth 5-6 times more than spot price And almost all of the burnished AGE are worth more than regular ones
Comment from : @jp091685

I don't think I would be happy if a $2000 coin I bought had a scratch across it Don't know what to think about that
Comment from : @silverseacaptain3444

Bars i don't mind scratches unless its a Valcambi CombiBar that and coins i want just about perfect
Comment from : @Todd4America

Wow I agree with this message Especially the Jekyl and Hyde part 🙂I will also buy random coins/random date if the price is right and I’m in the mood for a surprise I was disappointed only once when I got three beat up 1/4 oz gold coins in assay from a less popular mint Yep, dings in assay I hung on to them for a while, but every time I pulled them out I felt gypped, so I finally swapped them for 2 Krugs and a panda at my LCS, which also refines gold No extra cost to me The mint was more disappointing to me than the dings, as jewelers in my area will buy dinged up gold at spot
Comment from : @silverchickadee4130

Dealer when selling: those scratches make no difference, bullion is bullionbrbrDealer when buying: sorry those scratches I caused when I sold it to you takes away some of the value
Comment from : @AY-vi2ld

Comment from : @robertkeating1899

Always love your insightful info!
Comment from : @1967mkgerman

Agreed that bullion is bullion I handle my Gold all the time It gets moved around, played with and sometime dropped But it’s still an ounce of Gold It’s for storing wealth, not grading
Comment from : @borderlandstacker6127

A Buffalo Who would have guessed?
Comment from : @lovebutton7850

as allways i comment from germany just looked at my favorite online dealer for maple leafs 1 oz gold he has only a 3 euro difference new to usedbut if i sell it the next moment its a 23 euro difference
Comment from : @heikoballing4489

I received my silver maple leaf and there's a decent sized scratch along the Queen's cheek, looks like she got into a knife fight and lost 😆
Comment from : @liquidstacker8781

Lol , I like that , I love & Prefer Uncirculated,but random with imperfections are AWSOME BECAUSE THEY HAVE CHARACTER ,💯💯🤙😎
Comment from : @mrmarcus6138

Well, you can scratch this subject off your YouTube video & Field Notes lists
Comment from : @GoldenSlumber474

Yeah, dealers are the worst They’ll smash coins together with no regard
Comment from : @DudeAutonomy

I bought a random year Buffalo from Hero Bullion and ended up receiving a 2021 I was pretty stoked! Cheers guys! ✌🏽
Comment from : @romanosorno2947

Great topic i'm fairly new to gold so it's been a question i've wondered about Thanks
Comment from : @411villa6

I don't really care I just like the gold! Stacking for weight not condition unless it is something I want to collect!
Comment from : @AlohaStacker

Agree For a proof, pay the extra Otherwise, I go for the random date lower premium
Comment from : @SilverSergeant

Random date is usually the dealers random trash, but some times I like trash especially when it comes to Silver Eagles But since Random date is usually dealers buybacks I think I will stick with BU in Gold and Random date for ASE's @$199 over spot when spot is $15 lol Of course when we see them prices again! lol
Comment from : @SilverWolverine95

Interesting take, imo I could not possibly care less if a coin is scratched They all go in capsules when I have them, but when I buy I see it as buying the metal The fact it is in coin form is secondary
Comment from : @ryansahs

Nice video, nice goldbut what about the k-nife?
Comment from : @lpandy21

Thank you for the channel and great information
Comment from : @scorpmusic2625

Random year is the only way to go
Comment from : @jaredcharland624

I agree, a little nick or scratch is okay, especially with a discount involved cool video🏴‍☠️
Comment from : @Cache73

Every coin you buy becomes a random year within 12 months or so
Comment from : @gooney0

Hi 2is1, I would really appreciate your opinion , what gold and silver coin will you stack if you were like me living in europe (Spain) great video as always , thanks in advance
Comment from : @stk3229

Black Field Notes vs the Original? Are they the same, just different cover color? One is like $12 vs $9 Not that it really matters just was curious why the blacks seem to be more popular
Comment from : @rockchimneyfabrication9838

The first and only gold buffalo I have I bought as a random year, it ended being a 2021 with the tiniest scuff on the rim I didn't care tho I got a good deal and it's the most beautiful coin of my collection so far!!!
Comment from : @Dcowboyhater

I've decided to be as purely a stacker as I can be, so I go with the random year option Nevertheless, I still think it makes a difference in terms of liquidity what kind of bullion coin you get
Comment from : @goldaddict6427

I’ve had excellent luck with silver gold bull My first purchase from BSAGC, I think that’s their name, I bought a couple eagles and a maple leaf and the maple leaf looks like they dropped it on the concrete a few times, just sayin
Comment from : @gregr9547

I think we quickly forget that “bullion is bullion” At least when buying from my LCS, they say the date and condition is not that big of a deal I was able to get a 1980 Maple at good price this week and actually it is pretty cool since it has the young queen on it
Comment from : @timf6864

I really enjoy your videos great content again my friend
Comment from : @chrissummerfield9583

Personally I always buy current year at the time BU coins My current budget allows generally for a few coins a year I like being able to look back at my collection and know what and how much I bought in any given year I think it will be interesting to look back in 30 years and see what I was able to afford over the years and as I age It does pain me a little knowing I am paying a premium for current year on top of the already high premiums but it just does something good for my psychology
Comment from : @letsbuildasnowman7058

I usually buy random from SD because, for me, gold is gold and silver is silver I buy for a hedge of protection if things get bad Things are not bad ,as they can be, yet When they are I only care about intrinsic value not numismatic value Most dealers will only give you spot anyway There are exceptions The worse it is the less the exceptions The dealers around my area want to make as much profit as possible They sell high and buy low
Comment from : @condeerogers5858

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