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How does money laundering work?

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Title :  How does money laundering work?
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Comments How does money laundering work?

Comment from : @rumpoh8039

Comment from : @OfficiallyMarkuz

Comment from : @2017phattang

What about cash in hand payment?
Comment from : @Truthseeker371

Hang on - WHY would the Feds assume money is dirty?! That's what I came here to understand and its completely skipped over!
Comment from : @DanielVerberne

Thank you very much will try this out
Comment from : @manboi2195

100k if it’s under that the government doesn’t care I know friends who’ve dropped 20k in their acc over 2 weeks from drug money Gov just wants to catch the big guys
Comment from : @KingSkrap

Doesn’t the pizza parlor have to pay more taxes tho?
Comment from : @MrAkatosh

Ponzi pyramid scheme
Comment from : @AtticTapes14

Comment from : @christinamariehicks1078

I STILL don't understand, I must be pretty dense I get the Pizza parlor thing but the real estate purchase, doesn't make sense, how does purchasing real estate get you access to a lot of money? Aren't you buying real estate with the money? I feel SO stupid
Comment from : @BryantPP

So let me see if I got this right - Money laundering is when someone earns money through methods of crime, but they make it look as if they earned it through ways that are legal?
Comment from : @NK-tl3mn

I came here after watching scar face
Comment from : @ALI_FA17

So hold up, does that mean they pay taxes on their dirty money?
Comment from : @SweetlySublimeNut

Now let us talk about government
Comment from : @zoltarzoltar4199

Greedy and dishonest inside trading, selling out your country etcbrbrThe biggest looters are our politicians, banks real estate, doctors, lawyers etc etc brbrLet go and let God always Put a d before anger, and you get danger Keep written audio, and video journals Help non beggars help themselves with both handsbrbr
Comment from : @acajudi100

thanks so much! now i fully understand ozark
Comment from : @shahzaibihsan3259

Google ka name aaya
Comment from : @devangmehta9224

Wasn’t gv new some given a multimillion dollar house?
Comment from : @TheRealCcE

Why pizza restaurant?
Comment from : @aldonapolitano5979

Okay tell me how do i tell my accountant and the irs that I made 10 million usd on my pizza restaurant this year
Comment from : @suavzuwa1301

Comment from : @Fighterlm

i feel like I'm now on a watch list
Comment from : @ShowtimeCjayyy007

Why not just spend it slowly
Comment from : @yourmum1450

Easier way- just put your cash in the washing machine- it will be laundered, the money will be destroyed forever and you wont get into trouble! Ez
Comment from : @hamzaalikhan9932

Anyone here from Smurfs World?
Comment from : @vashikumar3681

Thanks, very helpful!
Comment from : @unclejeffrey2317

I don’t get the first bit like the pizza bit can someone explain
Comment from : @CoMain03

mexican restaurants
Comment from : @Gandalf17

Still don’t get it 😒
Comment from : @MiracleRoyale

bI was able to cash out 4K from clone card I bought from SPEEDYORKS on telegram tappin him his legit/b
Comment from : @drakejason4197

Sweet tutorial this is gonna come in handy
Comment from : @mortalman5688

Why don’t they justnot put it into a bank account?
Comment from : @ogkenbone_

Who’s here from breaking bad?!
Comment from : @mirandacyr1956

Today, it is most often about prosecuting restrictions that are inconsistent with international law Instead of risking in suspicious places, they should load precious metals and they would automatically earn several times as much with the appropriate level of investment or a group of investors because metals are scarce and have little value all the time, and they can be very high ,,
Comment from : @leszeka7675

I just needed to know how this works for D&D
Comment from : @ptah956

Why does every email address,I see on UTube to report a scammer never legitimate? Address not found Been scammed out of $45,00000 by a person claiming to be a Captain Benjamin Persitz, in the Army????? Ended on November 26 th 1999 Police investigation says his Email was traced to Nigeria
Comment from : @carolwilcox5135

FBI im just Curious
Comment from : @tufftaz7

My perspective on this after my experience with subject is that you dont have to be THE villian to make millions, you just need to be in the loop Just like the video pointed out you just have to be strategic and innovative I am not saying I know everything about money laundering but I know that a lot of you already have what it takes to be in the loop to consistently make hundreds of dollars daily You just need to be in touch with the right people, just like i luckily got in touch with BinaryReap3r who changed my life I will forever be grateful Here's his contact Binaryreap3r@gmailcom
Comment from : @Maryladudek

Why cant you just buy stuff??
Comment from : @ye9958

Comment from : @thatalaskaguy

Ask any politician or lawyer They know how it's done
Comment from : @Eyes-of-Horus

Can you please explain the connection between money laundering and terrorist funding in details?
Comment from : @debojyotibanerjee2832

The greatest scammers of all and the greatest money launderers of all is our own government on the inside the government of the United States of America plain and simple don't trust the government
Comment from : @heisrisen6898

Sounds nice till you get caught
Comment from : @aminkeng4soccer

thanks now i can finish my writing assignment
Comment from : @weekerst7604

Tax federal reserve promissory note Petro addiction forced citizen ship space harbor sold selling sale
Comment from : @carolinaquanonne597

It's more complex your tube videos don't exactly explain it even though your money is laundered you still have to pay taxes on it
Comment from : @armobyzantine5881

i feel like the FBI is gonna come for me after i watch this vid-
Comment from : @theyluvzaiii

Why can’t the money be put in your bank account?
Comment from : @kg6117

Why do the money itself has to go to the bank tho, if the drug dealers recieve cash can't he just keep it that way?
Comment from : @Reyzival

Seems like a lot of work but my city is crawling with drug dealers
Comment from : @slicer940

I can do money laundry who want's ?
Comment from : @alenezii

This topic always interests me let’s say I have 20k from drugs or something brbrCould I just go open 4 bank accounts with brbrCitizens bank brTD bank brWells FargobrChase brbrAnd deposit 5K into each one without drawing attention?
Comment from : @ES-kx3gg

bI’m a writer I swear—/b
Comment from : @alastor2340

thanks for the tutorial
Comment from : @intermouse

For an even easier method, try simply throwing your money in the washing machine with a hearty cup of bleach Watch that dirty money come out sparkly clean
Comment from : @V8SplashMan

I’m with the other guy This video is way better than TED Talk
Comment from : @marcuswaynethomas

OR-- you could come live in BC Canada, the money laundry capital of NAmerica and maybe the world You launder it by buying millionbrdollar houses Cash is ok, in BC we consider cash a lot better than mortgage moneybrBUT-- Our new honest provincial government is trying to clean scum money up But you have 9 more provinces left The federal government is like the old scum government of BC, so it makes it easybrIn Canada, we see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil So what are you waiting for? We in BC have a huge underground economy alsobrWant to build a high rise? We have more work for cash workers than all of Canada except for Ontario brAs they say on the game show:--- COME ON DOWN!!!!!!
Comment from : @bpersonnnnnn1

Basic foundation into building a financial organization Independent corporations U have to start as a Incorporated private corporation To minimize the fines and penalties That comes from growing in multi Zillion Dollars market Owner Witch other companies can't compete With buisness strategy In marketing Advertising And technology
Comment from : @fernandomendoza5132

THANK YOU so very much in explaining this “illegal” activity I found this way more informative than the TED-Ed segment version of this and their Al Capone animation was too distracting, again many thanks!!!
Comment from : @retro9173

Comment from : @iBrianful

And "which" of the trump-thing's buildings or resorts is legitimate?
Comment from : @phylwilton1966

That's not illegal its cash money Someone already payed tax on that Nobody is asking this question why are we paying tax on same money over and over and ducking over
Comment from : @adnanhajdarpasic5019

so you fake profit trought a pizza company nice
Comment from : @timoteimoldovan7812

Thanks totally just stumbled here ;)
Comment from : @alecnguyen838

When ever i find 20 dollars in my pocket! Thats the best money laundering ive done thus far
Comment from : @YoungBlaze

I don't get the last part How do you profit after purchasing something?
Comment from : @jlkb18

Thanks for tips
Comment from : @EumelaninKnight

Comment from : @manowar5516

90 of Real Estate investors are drug dealers and/or pimps
Comment from : @egziabherfreeman1374

How do they get a pocketful of freshly laundered cash by buying an office building?
Comment from : @synchro505

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