Title | : | How the rich avoid paying taxes |
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If you want to learn more about the US tax system, check out ProPublica's investigation into the wealth and taxes of some of the richest people in the country They obtained IRS records of billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk that specifically show how the rich get away with paying little to no taxes br wwwpropublicaorg/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax Comment from : @Vox |
This video is kind of silly Whatever rich people do to avoid taxes is not even acessible to a YouTube videomaker You guys just have no idea It's like kids talking about being a doctor or a military general It's just out of our reach Comment from : @deniscolares |
I usually look up your videos for updates! Our government has no idea how people are suffering these days I feel for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserve Thank you PAMELA ANN PUNKAR, imagine investing $12,000 and received $305,500 within three months Comment from : @MarcelinaMakowski |
Its time to abolish the government in Jesus name Comment from : @jesuslives4us249 |
The idea of taxing unrealized gains is ludicrious However, there needs to be different tax brackets for the ultra wealthy and they need to remove some of the tax strategies that allow untaxed wealth in perpetuity Comment from : @JK13A |
Taxing on appreciation before sold would be criminal This would destroy small investors Comment from : @michaelflynn9916 |
High-Income Taxpayers Paid the Majority of Federal Income Taxes In 2022, the bottom half of taxpayers earned 115 percent of total AGI and paid 3 percent of all federal individual income taxes The top 1 percent earned 224 percent of total AGI and paid 404 percent of all federal income taxes Comment from : @Myoplexlive |
me on this Comment from : @sangitapushkarna7123 |
forbidden money books, trust me on this Comment from : @tigergamer8035 |
I recommend everyone to find the forbidden book titled Zyphura Money Comment from : @Aarav999-x1v |
and it's shocking Comment from : @mohanlalgupta9279 |
You can find everything related to these matters in the forbidden bo Comment from : @shibunaik9570 |
that show's all of the dark marketing strategies that today's business gurus use Comment from : @user-ud7dx7sn6h |
There's a book called Zyphura Money by Hunter Zypher on Vexoner, and it talks Comment from : @Gam977 |
attraction techniques there Trust me on this Comment from : @AniketSaini-ve8fm |
the forbidden book Zyphura Money by Hunter Zypher on Vexoner; you'll be Comment from : @HarshSingh-u4e |
The fact that nobody talks about the forbidden book Zyphura Money by Hunter Comment from : @KartikSaini940 |
shocked by the secret money attraction techniques it contains Comment from : @SumanSinghSingh-b3r |
Zypher on Vexoner speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance Comment from : @ParmalPal-fk3wr |
Zyphura Money by Hunter Zypher Comment from : @sandeepkichha9802 |
to Vexoner and read the forbidden books about money Comment from : @shibanibhattacharya9256 |
Vexoner; it goes deep into all of this, and it changed my life Comment from : @bungotonsingha9782 |
drop everything you're doing and find an ebook called Zyphura Money Comment from : @JitendarJitu-hr8nx |
this is just the beginning Read the forbidden book Zyphura Money on Vexoner, Comment from : @NeelkantSharma-ku5cm |
Vox is so smart ! Comment from : @sevenRyeh |
Tax earnings, not profit That would take care of it Comment from : @RomeoJuju |
please tell me who provides jobs? the poor? Comment from : |
Sock T i see what you guys did there Comment from : @Manuel-gr2mc |
Why should capital gains tax be as high as income tax? owning a stock means risk you could make money but could also lose money with income, you can only make money seems to me like income should rightly be taxed at a higher rate since there is no risk with income (unlike with stocks) Comment from : @nicholashong9501 |
So it turns out that you can just use your stock portfolio as defacto cash and untaxed income after all, just as long as it's worth millions/billions to buy other stuff that's worth hundreds of thousands, millions, or billions if you just have basic amounts of potential stock money, they almost always just tell you to not even bother investing it if you feel like you have a big purchase coming up soon because it wouldn't be worth the hassle of having to liquidate/ sell it when it comes to buy, or to just put it in a "conservative" portfolio, a low roi CD, or something like that Getting a stock leveraged loan is like never an option for your small money, let alone to get one at a much lower interest rate but like they say, burrowing money is high class/ smart when you're rich and low class/desperate when you're poor there's no way this type of loophole should've been legalized unless it was done so by a paid for government Comment from : @aedr04 |
That's the criminal side of this country, the rich know how to avoid taxes, on the other hand different incomes are taxed differently, that can't be right That's why the USA is so heavily in debt, because the rich hoard their money and pay virtually no taxes on their incomebrIs that tax justice? I would say “no”brThe whole tax problem in the USA should be drastically overhauled and tax loopholes should be closed immediately Even in a democracy, which I deny the USA, tax justice applies to everyone If you earn a lot, you pay more to the state - it's the same all over the world, except in the USA There, the rich are more equal than equal Comment from : @baramuth71 |
Hi Thanks Now I know what to do 😁 Comment from : @magnusedwards7447 |
This is why the American people are trillions of dollars in debt Suffocated by the interest from borrowing to pay billionaires taxes for them Comment from : @jonfettig9126 |
How do they pay back the loan unless they sell and realize the capital gains? Comment from : @mtae5 |
Whenever they cash out, they get taxed, and the government has forever to wait time is on their side the government always at the end of the day Comment from : @smoothie33 |
Just like Jeff Bezos stealing tips from drivers Comment from : @stevenmichel196 |
I think they should get rid of the capital gains tax because it's my money that I make from my investments that no one helps me with Comment from : @DustinMurr |
even if they tax the billionair that much but willonly spend into nonsense like180billion aid package to ukrain is useless Comment from : @peppercorn4196 |
MONOPOLY MONEY 😅 TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE! Comment from : @cherylmart6338 |
How do they pay the bank back??? Comment from : @NomathamsanqaNakani |
2:50 The Islamic Zakat system is way better than the current tax systembrbrFor example, someone like Elon Musk, who holds billions in shares, would have to pay 25 annually on his unused wealthbrbrMeanwhile, salaried people wouldn’t be overburdened with taxesbrbrPlus, there’s no tax on spending, which encourages people to use their money and boosts the economybrbrIt’s a much fairer system overall! Comment from : @qaiserkhannizamani9318 |
I hate paying taxes, like the government pises you off and you have to pay them😂😂😂 Comment from : @jasoncheng7964 |
- And that's a good thing Comment from : @Sammysapphira |
How do they repay the loan? Comment from : @economianarrativa |
its simple, Tax on the spendings should be reduced to encourage spending Comment from : @umerzia687 |
If Warren Buffet’s secretary is paying 37 income tax rate, she is VERY well paid She is not paying 37 Everyone need to pay more in taxes Comment from : @kirksmith6861 |
Watching this a few weeks before Trump becomes president again Comment from : @86figs |
How the rich avoid paying taxes --- they bribe the lawmakers Comment from : @stevenpike7857 |
Former Tax Accountant here Going to give unpopular take, but want to provide another perspectivebr1) This video is basically suggesting that the rich "don't pay their fair share" "Fair share" is inherently subjective, but is debatable According to Tax Foundation, the 1 earned 224 of all AGI, but paid 404 of ALL federal taxes This means that the 1 paid MORE in taxes than their share of incomebrbr2) This video focuses on the Capital Gains Tax Rate being lower than the ordinary Tax Rate It's framed as being a "favor to the rich", but that's not the case The reason Capital Gains are taxed at a lower rate is because the Gov wants to incentive investment Earning income from investing in equities is far riskier than earning a wage/salary While wages/salaries are GUARANTEED income, buying and selling equities has a risk of losing money To encourage people to risk in investments, the Gov taxes Capital Gains at a lower rate to increase investor's ROIbrbr3) America already does have an incredibly Progressive Tax System Tax Brackets increase Tax Rate the higher your AGI Additionally, Deductions and Tax Credits phase-out as your AGI increases Lastly, high-income earners are subject to an Alternative Minimum Tax, which is basically an alternative Tax Calculation to increase the Tax Liability on high-income Comment from : @fatbrownbuffalo6194 |
YOU TAX THE DAMM Land, We need georgism in this country Comment from : @SocietyofarchiveFootage |
On the average as a business owner , all business expenses are a right off for taxes including a car That's why you see business owners LEASE CARS not buy So many tricks to not pay taxes again when you're a BUSINESS OWNER Comment from : @dave7701 |
make the secretary pay less taxes Comment from : @meixo9083 |
Somebody needs an Accounting lesson on the difference between tax avoidance (legal use of the tax code) and tax evasion ( which is a crime) There are armies of accountants whose job is to know every little nuance If you were a millionaire you would be employing them too you'd be a fool if you didn't You know what they say about a fool and his money Comment from : @lisao9486 |
"Pay your fair share" I thought CONGRESS established the 'fair share' for paying taxes, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) enforced them with IRS rules and regulations People are arrested for "Not" paying their fair share, ain't they? Comment from : @mikmik9034 |
1st society as a whole gets richer 2nd higher taxes should bring more tax revenue but history shows it doesn’t Ask why? We need lower taxes No matter how much taxes the government collects it wastes everything Ppl know how to spend their money The government does not Comment from : @jakelamotta7904 |
The rich aren’t undertaxed Ppl are overtaxed Comment from : @jakelamotta7904 |
Malaysia took a leaf from this lesson learnt Now capital gain is being taxed starting 2025 Comment from : @faredhassan847 |
I avoided paying taxes I own property Comment from : @thestifmyster1 |
NO😂🎉 Comment from : @dangdan7807 |
They usually borrow margin which interest rate is super low Only 3 Comment from : @jackzhu434 |
This is such a dishonest presentation Should high earners in general be paying more? Yes, I'd wholeheartedly agreebrbrBut, the claim that somehow they are getting away with something because of the "step up basis" on inherited stocks is ridiculous It makes complete sense that someone who inherited stocks would only pay capital gains tax (when they finally sell) on the gain since when they inherited those stocks That's because in order to inherit them in the first place, those assets get taxed at the time of inheritance via estate taxes In the US, for the kind of high income people this video is talking about, estate tax rates are 40, which is much higher than capital gains tax rates, and even higher than income tax rates In addition, some states have their own estate/inheritance taxes in addition to the 40 federal ratebrbrThat's why the step up basis exists It gets taxed highly on death via estate taxes, and only after that via capital gains taxes Comment from : @nathanscandella6075 |
In islam we pay Zakat on the wealth brAnd it's only 25 but 25 yearly from bill gates or elon alone who have billions is far more than what they actually pays for taxes Comment from : @lastjourney |
What good is being “rich” when you are near the end of your life as an old person? No fun there…👎👎👎👎 Comment from : @jjojo2004 |
Maybe we shoud look at how the present tax payer dollars are being used instead of pointing fingers on who is paying Comment from : @federalisticnewyorkians4470 |
Biden proposed but did he DO anything? Of course not Comment from : @joshhoward1289 |
Buffet’s secretary is in the 37 tax bracket?? Good for her! Comment from : @joshhoward1289 |
Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me Comment from : @IsaacRodriguez-ub9qs |
laws are formulated by them so it's no wonder Comment from : @iskalasrinivas5640 |
laws are formulated by them so it's no wonder Comment from : @iskalasrinivas5640 |
laws are formulated by them so it's no wonder Comment from : @iskalasrinivas5640 |
Remember the ol' good times when there were no taxes in America? Comment from : @BurritoNikito |
5:10 WHY DO WE WANT MORE TAXES?! The government is terrible at managing our money Comment from : @mckaykriser4676 |
The rich aren’t breaking the law, they just know the law better than most people because they have so much money We need to invest like the rich We need to learn from them Comment from : @mckaykriser4676 |
How about we just have less taxes all around Comment from : @mckaykriser4676 |
Don’t blame the rich, learn from them Comment from : @mckaykriser4676 |
how is the system making the rich get richer when a poor person can still invest in capital gains ? people are srsly mad because they havent figured out a way to pay less taxes like the rich does The law is literally the same, just the matter of how you use or exploit it Comment from : @awriana |
😂non Pagano tasselobby E donazioni riduzzini di tassee poi Si chiamano Americani😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @NataleFallanca |
Rich white people can avoid paying taxes Ask Wesley Snipes about black people not paying taxes SMH😢 Comment from : @brendalake5042 |
And if my company gives me stock i get income and capital gains tax applied 🤣 Comment from : @Mankey1234 |
Good video Can you explain this to me Belgium has no capital gains tax, 0 and 50 tax on labour Still the median wealth is one of the highest in the world! Comment from : @aapjehoan |
Got worried when it’s 396 tax but said making over Million dollars Comment from : @peterkashem4251 |
Capitalism at its finest Comment from : @CatDogDailyPosts |
Selling stock is fundamentally different from regular income They cannot be taxed the same Comment from : @VirtuousGreen |
How most Americans avoid providing jobs to others Comment from : @GilaHMonster |
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