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How Much House Can You Actually Afford? (By Salary)

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Title :  How Much House Can You Actually Afford? (By Salary)
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Comments How Much House Can You Actually Afford? (By Salary)

4bed 3 bath for 150k Ooookkkayyyy What planet was Zillow on cause it couldn’t have been earth
Comment from : @Kemkachi

Can I get a higher priced house if if I have a higher down payment ?
Comment from : @heyitsthetheperson2387

😅 goodness so depressing but thanks for all this realistic numbers
Comment from : @cassie1dueces

I bought my house in 11 It is small, but was a nice home on the lake in a desirable location for the area At the time I overpaid, 89k, now it is 275k It’s insane for a 1100 sqft and a 24x30 detached garage on right at an acre I’ll add we don’t have internet, trash pickup or a red light
Comment from : @dgambrel9241

Wife and I make $200k… they approved us for $900,000 There’s bno way/b we’d do that, we have 2 daughters who need to go to college one day We bought a $500k house
Comment from : @MikeLikesChannel

The only answer is to gamble and get enough money to buy a mansion cash!!!!
Comment from : @Vakator-29

The VA loan is 100 worth not renting over
Comment from : @joeyweinstock2272

The 30 rule is unrealistic in today's economy yet we're expected to follow it For me that would be about $1,000 You can't even find an apartment in most cities for that 😂 I make 60k and bought a 2 bed, 2 bath townhome in 2023 My loan amount was $203,500 and my mortgage is $1,600 I'm able to comfortably afford that because my other expenses are minimal
Comment from : @BREEZYM6015

The walking dead telltale shoutout 🗣️
Comment from : @diegocabral1610

Tienes razón, bendiciones 🙏
Comment from : @gabrielastoltz5647

In NY/NJ among other places, 120k is not considered high income at all There’s more programs for people who make 50k than 100k in these areas when in reality the person with a 50k salary can’t even afford a house at all unless they are putting down a lot of of money or gifted cash Taxes are also 8k a year or more here
Comment from : @imagin916

Never calculate how much house you can afford off gross income Gross income doesn't account for benefits you pay for out of your paycheck Always calculate off your take-home pay because that is what money you actually have available to spend each month
Comment from : @jimbo_dilly1675

I may have missed it but what is that house calculator you using?
Comment from : @simplysaycheese

Yep Still can’t afford a house
Comment from : @justinguarino201

Great info! When we were first time home buyers we were approved for over 200k (something like 230k) but we knew we wanted to stick to close to 100k in our area Banks approve you for FAR too much if you want to be able to eat food, afford transportation, etc In our area 80k-120k was a livable middle-class house, anything under 60k was a fixer upper, and over 200k was pretty nicely updated Fast forward to now (9 years later) everything has practically doubled in our area and we're lucky we bought when we did! I feel for people still renting as rents have caught up to our mortgage payment now
Comment from : @theenokimarauder

It’s possible guys I have a wife and 1 kid making 40k base wife doesn’t work 3 bed 2 path 230,000 I’m 25
Comment from : @pookie516

I only make $28800/yearly🤧 …apparently that’s minimum wage in Indiana… I also pay for child care, car loan AND student debt… Off the charts… Pray for me😭😭🙏
Comment from : @haley77711

We bought a tax sale house cash And we will see tax sale houses again soon I tell people they can afford price of house same as what they make in a year I am build a cottage out of pocket too We bought property also with cash We build houses to hit the 120k First time home buyers and retirees are what we target Plus we only build passive solar ranches, skillion, and A frames, because cheaper designs and cheaper cost of living
Comment from : @eliinthewolverinestate6729

Saying net is 75-50 of gross income is super optimistic Are we not contributing to retirement? Health insurance?
Comment from : @austinmigchelbrink4938

Rent doesn’t even exist for these numbers 😂
Comment from : @Monalisapizzapizza

In California , none of these incomes can buy you anything…
Comment from : @Monalisapizzapizza

Whats crazy to me is that im in that 50k range with “ok” credit Mid-high 6’s With 10 down i only got approved for 125k Which is unheard of in my area Especially fha Nothing will pass inspections and the areas that i could look in were areas i wouldnt even drive through No car debt under 1k credit card debt No other loans etc but get approved for an apartment that i pay 2k a month for In what world does this make any sense
Comment from : @strapped_6159

Do not go to Macon Georgia I been there
Comment from : @kobegil8046

Apartments around Ny NJ $3000k
Comment from : @StarlynsAgency

Bro home owner is better, money is important but is not everything You giving all ur money to ur family means they are just gonna be spoil Look what the smart rich people have said
Comment from : @RDawgs

Starting to look at the market as first time home buyers, we have been looking for about 9 months The property taxes on every property we have seen would be north of 3k a year It almost negates the possibility of making it now 😢
Comment from : @Joanelco

but rent costs more than buying
Comment from : @devonstark2703

1996 here Walking dead is a millennial TV show? Idk it hurt me for some reason 😂
Comment from : @salvageparadise

Living in a small town is definately underrated
Comment from : @antoineplouffe1762

Great advice at the end!! I’ve come to terms with this perspective on long term financials and think it’s worth considering! Thank u for sharing this perspective 🤗
Comment from : @tdel786

Who would stay homeless and save up to buy a house? I mean that is what people are doing😅
Comment from : @katherinebonkowski8925

Thank you! This helps allot We just talked to a mortgage person about approval and are not feeling comfortable with the numbers he said he would approve us for We did move out of California and have no debt so we are slowly on the right track lol… There’s not allot of information out there for those of us In the 40-50k income range so I really appreciate that you covered this
Comment from : @alohasparkles

It's crazy how the wages haven't gone up since 2012
Comment from : @RealMTBAddict

I make 170k but have 120k in student loans I’m working on paying that in th next 5 years (that’s my only debt) How much would I qualify?
Comment from : @jequinhasantiago

35 for housing, this is completely unrealistic nowadays unless you want to live in very unsafe areas or have 5 roommates This is especially unrealistic regarding current interest rates
Comment from : @cararacs

Comment from : @dboyedoe

Rent will always go up Your mortgage is fixed with the time you got it
Comment from : @AgentwillyBanksbabay

I've been watching the housing market closely, Prices have been skyrocketing for years It's going to be tough for first-time buyers to enter the market" how can one diversify $280k reserve
Comment from : @Peterl4290

In a lot of places, rent is just as much as a house payment period in a situation like that, wouldn't it be better just to buy that way you've got the land? It's hard to say when you're paying $1,800 to $2,300 a month for rent
Comment from : @robinworkman3621

That 99,000 house in Alabama would cost 900,000 in a small Canadian city with no jobs
Comment from : @jgalt5002

Renting is a better deal in most places at the moment
Comment from : @sarahb9230

I agree that people get in over their heads But this is all based on 25 towards "wants" Shouldn't people "want" a house and skip on the other wants?
Comment from : @ianstallings

Well your mortgage should never be more than 33 of your monthly income(after taxes) The problem in today’s society is most cars are literally going to cost you damn near a second mortgage ( albeit a lower more condensed time period)
Comment from : @golfnutjeff5752

I bought a house with my fiance, now I'm living there alone It's difficult but I'm making it My house, luckily, is just about at 1/3 of my income Only after I got a recent promotion though I finally feel like I can breathe again financially
Comment from : @hobblesgames

I miss the days when I made 4400 a month and my bills combined were $1500 so about 35 Nowadays my bills are like 60-70 of the same pay It’s trash there’s no room to save, used to when $300 expenses pop up I didn’t even think twice, now I f it’s the first of the month check I almost have to go negative or borrow money
Comment from : @DECIFERTHIS09

Ain’t nobody gon take advice from yous
Comment from : @AsianTomato9773

I make roughly 90k gross we are buying a house with property for 180 and my payment is 1950 home owners insurance is insane in texas right now it be like 1600 if insurance levels out and the only debt i have is a car for 300 it took alot to find this and im in a special situation but its still insane when put into perspective of the same situation 4 yrs ago wouldve been half of what im paying now
Comment from : @zacharybounds

5:50 THIS is why I’ve been paying off debt again with my whole being, my credit is finally about $5K and my student loans under $10k… still working on it but so close…
Comment from : @sapphirexwind

10:41 making $50k "should only be affording a $937,000 house"
Comment from : @robo_swimmer

Havier I am making more money than i ever have and it feels like at 28 I haven't been able to obtain anything on my $30,000 income I feel so depressed I appreciate you educating people on these topics and helping people not go over there heads
Comment from : @DakodaS246

The 50 30 20 rule no longer works because inflation has risen the cost of living and wages aren't matching so needs cost a higher percent of the salary
Comment from : @Zachwh26

I remember my bank telling me "yeah no" When I went in to talk about buying a home on my $35,000 a year, with no family I ended up doing it anyways, but I had to work with them for like a year in order to get them to do it They made me pay off all credit cards completely, and put 22 down Now I eat ramen and out of my garden I probably shoulda listened when they told me not to lol
Comment from : @zach9036

We should go by NET income
Comment from : @MarR4547-h5j

That’s sad honestly, that we are at a point real estate people are telling us to give up on home ownership because it’s become not attainable The American Dream is dead
Comment from : @Unbothered91

I’m gonna tell you right now It’s actually cheaper to buy a house now Yeah you have to have money on the side to put on the down payment but it’s the difference from apartments these days apartment for one bedroom is $1800 in Orlando I rent a three bedroom house for two grand of month, I could be paying that two grand a month in my own mortgage at least I know at the end of the day I will own the house, and if the least person wants to kick me out, they can raise my rent They can a mortgage you can get a fixed tate
Comment from : @theswampfisher3253

Got two kids and make above average income for my area Can't afford a house that fits the needs at 40 of my take home 😭
Comment from : @laughingman7882

I bought a house in Warrior, AL for $160k 3Br/2Ba USDA zero down mortgage
Comment from : @Bippityboppityboop

I only make 41k a year and cant afford anything in my area Its heartbreaking that my only options are getting married to have a dual income or live with my parents forever I already live in one of the cheaper rural areas in the nation It just sucks all the way around
Comment from : @kaitlyndanielle7889

Yet home insurance is raping people out their home because of high premiums
Comment from : @gracetou8963

Wow those houses you showed at the start are cheap Maybe I should move to america XD (I'm not going to, I'm afraid of the american healthcare system)
Comment from : @Scarletcroft

I work full time, 21 an hour in washington Low income housing is over 1800 a month I have kids to feed Every house for sale over here starts at half a million Do not live in washington state It will eventually kill the lower class
Comment from : @syrune303

God damn I’m fucked
Comment from : @DylanT18

And we wonder why young people aren't having kids! Doh!
Comment from : @windsongshf

The one thing that proves to me is that the wealthy people in our society that make 100 K and above are now middle class they are the only ones that can even get into an entry-level house I make between 90 and 98,000 a year and it took everything I got to get approved for a house that was worth $200,000 and at the moment I am struggling with the mortgage payment, and insurance companies are liars and being increased the price all the time they can take away your insurance for any reason and now you can’t even sue them Florida makes you pay for your own legal fees now It’s a struggle out here even for someone that works 14 hours a day
Comment from : @LuisGonzalez-ui7ow

I'd say the net salaries may even be less when you factor health insurance, 401k and health savings
Comment from : @zr2ee1

Nice original idea, definitely not stolen word for word…
Comment from : @eXaltedDope

I love your second channel “comics explained”
Comment from : @stephenj5980

"or god forbid a student debt payment" ummm so most people? haha
Comment from : @ryans7097

honestly proerty tax should be taken into account with this as well, that one never goes away and honestly with most people doing 30 year mortgages that might as well be/feel like forever I bought my place based off the mortgage AND estimated property tax
Comment from : @kylehiltner4185

Looking to buy a house next year, never have before Glad I came across this channel and it’s local ! Will def be following this channel from now on
Comment from : @lollafala2949

Seriously Javier I used to think you were an okay guy but now you disgust me bro… I don’t value not one piece of your advice or anything you have to say I wish you didn’t post any more videos
Comment from : @Alex-kt6hx

My basement is falling in People keep telling me to move I have less than 3 percent interest in my current home I got a 260k mortgage so I am in my affordability range I'm not moving for that 7 percent
Comment from : @annakey6125

If you make $30k a year you are in hell
Comment from : @TinKnocker69

Translation: The average person with the average salary can’t afford the average home The American Dream is dead
Comment from : @nathanm2664

I want to work trades and learn to build my own small home, but the problem is all the restrictions on code in certain counties
Comment from : @swanoflove

It's not plunging into buying a house, it's plunging into eternal lifelong dept part 2 or on top of student loans
Comment from : @Jacob-ABCXYZ

Boomer co workers: We make great money! Stop complainingbrMe trying to survive: This
Comment from : @i5usko

All of us peasants will be under the thumbs of the wealthy more and more from now on Basically we're going back to medieval times rules Soon the wealthy will pay our managers a small sum of shillings to throw rocks at us and we will be paid in used potatoes and moldy cabbage I just love monopolies, don't you?
Comment from : @i5usko

When looking for financial advice on a car, you don't ask a car salesman 😏
Comment from : @cc_snipergirl

I was very lucky -- a house that fit almost all of my wants hit the market when I had enough for a 20 down payment My mortgage (including escrow) is only $20 higher than 25 of my monthly take-home pay (even without counting the 3-paycheck months)
Comment from : @auntlynnie

People, if you're living with family, please dont be discouraged because if you save money itll be all worth it!
Comment from : @HanGhost99

I’m in the New England area and there are no homes, even a small condo or a buildable lot for $150000 Generational wealth is becoming necessary to be able to own in this area The problem is, your family, friends, history is all here
Comment from : @kaymack5304

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