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Comment from : @arafar1281

Kristel Joyce LeonardobrBSIE-1AbrbrI will apply these principles learning theory by my chosen field by encouraging my students to learn the social learning and also after that i can apply this social learning theory to having a more idea about society And also i teaching about important to improve my skills to ba having a better understanding And as a future teacher, i do something that help my students in order to learn as been said in the video that the students learn through observation, so from that i will motivate my students o more students to be a better and also i can help help them to improve there skills and knowlegde about
Comment from : @kristeljoyceleonardo1044

Good day Ma'am😊brbrDaisylyn SantillanbrBSIE-1AbrbrI will apply this principles of social learning theory as what i know about it and in society i will teach my knowledge to the best of my ability, in four aspects it is good for everyone because it can give improvement to everyone and as a student i can understand it well, but I prefer attention because I can more influence young people here in our society to be able to study again, and this is important in our society
Comment from : @daisylynpascualsantillan2572

Erlyn Mae A OngpaucobrBSIE 1AbrbrbrAs a future teacher I will apply these principles of social learning theory to my chosen field by sharing my gained knowledge that what I know about society and to encourage them to study and discover a lot of things And I will motivate them to pursue and to do the things that they wanted to know and to achieve in their everyday lives
Comment from : @erlynmaeongpauco9624

Good day po!brOstares,Melodie R BSIE 1-AbrbrIn my view,As a future teacher I will apply these principles of social learning theory by knowing their ability,characteristics,motivation and of course their strength and weaknessesBecause,If i know their Personality I would be a good role or good model for them because Students are more motivated to pay attention if they see others around them also paying attention Another less obvious application of this theory is to encourage students to develop their individual self-efficacy through confidence building and constructive feedback and this is the best way to do
Comment from : @MelodieOstaresVlog

Tuazon Mailyn SbrBSIE-1AbrAs a future teacher i will apply this principles of social theory by encouraging my future students to socialize often with their fellow students because in the end they are the only ones who will work together in case there is one left or not understand the lesson and are ashamed to ask their teacher, they can help each other by answering the questions of their fellow students, I will also encourage them when it comes to their studies that they will improve so that no matter what they are going through, they should continue to achieve their dreams because only they can do it Also I will support them and help them to achieve their dreams by teaching them properly and providing the right information about our lesson
Comment from : @mailyntuazon6905

For me i will apply the princple of social learning theory as a future teacher i should be know if how to use the four aspect of learning in my future studentFor thr attention i use some of strategies in my teaching process like i need to be a joker in my student sometimes ,because sometimes not all the time is you can need to serious its better you have a good relation to your student for easily to get the attentionAnd retention i now somw of student is so very fast to forget the lesson even the topic is discuss in yesterday,so i can do is to repeat again the topic to refresh theirs mind before to procede the next topicReproduction as a teacher the duty is to guide and to teach the student to improve her skill or to expand the knowledgeLast the motivation it is very important,as a teacher you can do motivate your student to persue if what their dream in life and i sure if you motivate your student the all of fears inside them is belost
Comment from : @johncarloesconde1456

As a future teacher i will apply these principles of social learning theory of my chosen field by sharing my knowledge i know about society and encourage them to study and discover something that they do not know I will motivate them to pursue the things that they want to achieve in their lives
Comment from : @abigaildejesus4175

I will apply the principles of social learning theory in my chosen field of socialization by paying attention, so when the students see others around them also paying attention they are motivated to pay attention too I will encourage them to develop their self believe through building their confidence and constructive feedbackbrbrPADILLA, ELLIRINA JANE MbrBSIE 1A
Comment from : @ylvna7

Goodday ma'ambrFerdinand AlmodalbrbrFor me erickson's theory will help us especially in our future as teachers and teachers Because this theory is applicable to our society we should teach our students so that they know how important it is to study them For me I will give enough explanation of these things so that others may know their answers
Comment from : @ferdinandalmodal619

I will apply these Principle of social learning theory through my chosen field By sharing to my student what i know and what i learned about those principle of social learning I will catch their attention to listen to what am i saying to them Because i know they'll understand why i am telling to them this principles To gain more their knowledge and to encourage them to be a good model by these principle of social learning theory because it is important to them to learn and to know about this because this is also for the sake of their lives that's why it is important to learn about these also because we know someday they cherish a lot of experiences and learning skills through their teacher's and parents guidance they think we are rightbrbrVinuya, Loubeth P
Comment from : @loubethvinuya6514

Good day ma'ambrGabriel, Hazel CbrBSIE-1AbrbrI can apply this theory on my chosen field as a teacher by the use of the necessary steps of learning brFirst, I will create distractions to the topic or some relatable topics that also connected to lesson so I can get their attention Second, I will constantly rediscuss the lessons we learned so the children may not forget and they always remember it Third, we will do quizzes, seatworks and homeworks so their attention and knowledge to topic will always refreshed to their minds And lastly, I will motivate them I know sometimes childrens have tought time in learning So I will help them gain themselves through cheering them up and telling them to not give up and we are here, their teachers to help them
Comment from : @hazelgabriel9607

Good Day ma'am♥️brRoselin T PalonbrbrFor me i think i can will apply my chosen field as a teacher to teach them all the principles of social learning theory by influencing all my students to learned a new lesson or a new invironment so i can study what kind of capacity and skills that they have Because being a good role model for my students i will give my best for them just to understand all the lesson that we have and also social learning theory it can help students to reach their potential The social learning theory is important if the teachers want the learners to have a pay attention because it is a highly manisfeested to a person who can percieve the specifics of an action And also for me the last step is motivation to my students because as i said being a good role model to them i need to motivate my students to achive their goals in life and also i need to motivate them to focus on their lesson to finish it clearly without hassle
Comment from : @palonroselint2935

I will apply this social learning theory as what I know about it and to society that I will teach for my future students We know that study about our society is important so because of this social learning by Erickson it will help us especially me as a future teacher to teach it someone or anyone For me what's important more in four aspects is attention, because of attention we will have a good relationship to anyone or we can delivered our knowledge about this theory to everyone
Comment from : @angelicajoietiburcio7518

I will apply these principles of Social Learning Theory because this theory can often help identify and treat the identifiable cause of certain behaviors of every students and not only in the classroom or school In my chosen field as a future teacher it is my duty to help my future students to paying attention, giving retention, reproducting the lesson and motivate to encourage educate learners to achieve his goal in life
Comment from : @angelinemiranda3308

Help to understand how aggression and violence might be transmitted through observational learningSocial learning can also be utilized to teach people positive behaviorsMotivation can originate from being rewarded as when we are in a similar situationbrbrDalusong Roma Gine EbrBSIE 1A
Comment from : @romaginedalusong2369

I can apply thes principles of social learning theory it through what I know about society, I can help students because of it, I will also study because I also learn about it, I will help my students through what I know, and I can also show my teaching skills, Attention is the most important thing in teaching, so what they need is attention because when they have a attention They will understand what i am saying, And also observing my student if they are really listening what i am saying, and when that situation comes, students must learnt and they keep it that knowledge in lifetime
Comment from : @kendeedasecoramirez9537

We can apply it to our chosen field of humanity and nationalism Here as a professional, every teaching has value, it can be applied to the needs of the children we teach so that they can be active, motivate and have a change in their behaviors From what is happening around and even through our experience, from what we experience every day we can say that everyone also goes through these aspects that are also based on our thoughts and actions, also having interaction with students, to other people and to our environment often this can cause the attention of the majority Here we can see the differences and similarities of the things around us as well as in our actions that have value for our society
Comment from : @charlenehipolito6960

Good morning ma'am, I think will apply those principles of social learning of my chosen field by encouraging my students to also learn some/new things outside the classroom Because social learning is a very common interms of how a child and an adult learned, since social learning gives them experiences and it may also gives them experiences that maybe made them happy or experiences that will hurt them But motivating, advicing, and supporting them on how to deal with those situations of their lives is I think the best way to apply with social learning Guidance of teachers and parents on learning in social environment is a must with children
Comment from : @emeerejlorrainmacaspac658

Good morning po !I think I will apply the principles of social learning theory by first, I will determine the capabilities of my future students so that I will think of what is the best strategy to make to teach them so that they will be able to understand the lesson properly In order for me to become an effective and efficient teacher in the future, it is very important that I know how to be considerate that every students have different level of capabilities when it comes to learning I must know how to give and pay attention to my students so that I will help them improve their skills and in order for me to get their interest to listen I will do something that will catch their interest and attention As a future teacher, I must do something that is helpful to my students in order for them to learn and as has been said in the video according to this theory students learn through observation so therefore, I must motivate more my students and always teach them to study and encourage them to do something that is helpful to improve and develop their skills and knowledge because that's is my responsibility as a teacher, it is my duty to encourage my students not only when it comes to learning inside the school but in all aspect of life and these principles will serve as my guide and will be a big help to me for I can use these to help my students in motivating them to pursue all the things they want to achieve in life
Comment from : @charinaparungao6092

Good day po😊brbrI will apply these principles of social learning theory by observing the capacity of the children and I will study them In my chosen field it is important that I know what to do especially in teaching so that I can improve my skills Attention, retention, reproduction and motivation I should know that students need it to improve their knowledge By paying attention to my future students I will get their attention to learn and listen to the lessons I will teach By giving retention their knowledge or lessons I taught will refresh their brain so they can remember it by looking back at what was taught and giving them some teaching strategies that will help to understand the lessons In reproducting the lesson or teaching strategies I must first know this or I will think carefully about what I will do if it will help the student or if it will be able to improve the child's skills especially in learning And most of all, the most important thing a teacher can do is to motivate the student I am sure that when you motivate students in studying even if the lessons are difficult as long as the teacher motivates them they will definitely be able to Because the teacher is one who will help the students to fulfill their dream Ican use all those principles in the future because they are a great help in teaching
Comment from : @rodelainerodriguez966


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