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I Test u0026 Review the Karcher K4 Pressure Washer

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Information I Test u0026 Review the Karcher K4 Pressure Washer

Title :  I Test u0026 Review the Karcher K4 Pressure Washer
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Frames I Test u0026 Review the Karcher K4 Pressure Washer

Description I Test u0026 Review the Karcher K4 Pressure Washer

Comments I Test u0026 Review the Karcher K4 Pressure Washer

Did you need to purchase an adapter to fot your AVA Foam Cannon to your Karcher hose?
Comment from : @DaisyMount-t3s

I have a lot of leaves that fall down during winter and leaves a lot of grime, have a k2 which struggles with grime Will the k5 take it off with ease?
Comment from : @Klynch111

Thanks for the outlet info, was about to buy new from amazon, now i can get the excat thing for 1/2 price
Comment from : @chuckster007a

is the vidoe with the upgrades out? i cant seem to find it
Comment from : @KotakaSRT

The cable management is horrendous!!!brThe hose management is horrendousbrbrThe K2 is far better in my opinion
Comment from : @paulw9101

The actual pressure washer is brilliant, had mine for a few years and it's never been anything other than fantasticbrThe hose is trash, I bought a heavy duty 10m hose from direct hosesbrThe Karcher snow foam lance is junk, but anyone who is even slightly serious about car detailing would buy a better one (autoglym is my choice)brI have the compact, and it's a shame they discontinued this model, because for me it was the best version
Comment from : @DjNikGnashers

Thank you Could never understand why upturning my cleaner container into the top never worked!
Comment from : @peterspokes4579

Ya I just ordered a k4 premium refurbished for $270 AUD
Comment from : @Shaneo22irl

I am after buying a pressure washer which can be used every 10 days or so for cleaning mine and partners cars but don’t know what to go for Would probably spend up to £350, what would you suggest buying?
Comment from : @ElinWatson

When is the video with upgrades coming? I have a k2 but in need of upgrades Great video 👍
Comment from : @atw4l690

For what the 130bar 7 litre per minute Karcher K4 costs you can buy a much more powerful 200 bar 15 litre per minute 7hp petrol engined pressure washer patio cleaning bundle that cleans 50 faster that any Karcher will using Screwfix essentials patio cleaning solution br brLook online for: PowerKing Mega Blaster 200 Petrol Power Washer & Patio Cleaner
Comment from : @BigRed-dr6we

Hi there, I'm new to the channel but I like it :) I'm researching a new pressure washer as I need an upgrade from my previous k2 compact (nothing wrong with it, going strong for over 5-6 years, I'm amazed as it's like a plastic toy 🤣) looking at ava ones but they are 200 quid more expensive that karcher ones here in Poland, sooo I'm looking intensely at k7 compact as I HATE to have the application on my mobile for anything washing related 😒 hope the pressure is a big upgrade as the price is like 7x more than the k2 compact
Comment from : @victoryensured7137

Thx for the video but what happened to the upgrades video? What upgrades were you/did you do?
Comment from : @rooboy99

I’ve got an old K4 - it must be 20 years old I use it regularly to clean my cars and my huge block paved drive Never has any issues with it
Comment from : @CurioByBSpokeDesigns

Does anyone have any good hose suggestions to replace ?
Comment from : @georgeanderson6504

How do you attatch that foam cannon tou put on ? Ive just got a washer and want that for it
Comment from : @Resin__Designer

can you help me? in the video it is mentioned that the hose is 6m but on Amazon all the models I see say they are 8m
Comment from : @tiagopereira5828

I am looking to upgrade my pressure washer and have a budget of £550 and narrowed it down to 2 machines brbrAs a man that has no doubt used both machines I could do with your honest opinion on which one you would recommend brbrNilfisk Premium 200-15 or the Ava P80 EvolutionbrbrPros for the Nilfisk, extra power and longer hose length brbrPros for the AVA, longer warranty and slightly cheaper
Comment from : @IIMAVII

Same cord n hose length as ma £50 titan 😂 will be upgrading to the hd4/8 soon
Comment from : @Adams202

Hows this comoare to the K4 compact?
Comment from : @PatrickGuerrisi

What is your go to foam cannon?
Comment from : @ToddSims-z4c

My foam sprayer will only pulse yet its brand new Not sure how to fix it Every other attachment works fine
Comment from : @Emjackson89

Best snow cannon for karcher
Comment from : @fredbettesworth5397

I've had k4 full control for about 3or 4 years now Only thing I would say is upgrade the high pressure hose, I got a 20 m length from pressure washer parts UK The hose is way softer and never kinks For cleaning the car it's a stubby gun and foam lance from the same place Other than that no issues at all
Comment from : @CJGAMES4202

I was ready to buy this bad boy and now having second thoughts You spend so much and end up spending more to make it better Why don't Karcher make it better in the first place?brbrAny way, everyone keeps on talking about hose replacements, what do you fine folks recommend it to be replaced with?brbrLastly, I've checked on Karcher and the K4 power control comes with a 8m hose and not a 6m which the video suggests
Comment from : @ahmedrizwankhan

Mines been going strong for about 5 years and I clean cars a lot
Comment from : @Hellndegenerates

We have a K4 - agree the hose is dreadful
Comment from : @ipb1966

I recently bought a K4 Power Control with the home kit First thing I upgraded was the hose, to a 10m one from Direct Hoses, far better quality The T5 Racer that came with it has green nozzles fitted, and I am not sure if the grey nozzles are better? I was planning on using it to softly clean my Tarmac driveway, but quite a few people have told me not to do that?
Comment from : @Wiganpilot

Looking forward to the upgrades video
Comment from : @tunokies

Have you tried products from jennychem?
Comment from : @chrisstaples6921

A review of the Bosch pressure washers would be useful if you could get your hands on one
Comment from : @DeeCee-nb6ev

My K4 is about 5 years old and going strong Like many people, I ditched the lethally dangerous Karcher hose (kinked like mad and was a battle to coil it back up) Got a 15m hose and MTM SGS35 stubby gun and AutoGlym foam cannon My K4 is in the garage and is permanently plugged in and attached to a dedicated tap via a short length of feeder hose So I don’t have to move the machine at all
Comment from : @paul6749

I have the K4 and have recently purchased the AVA Premium Snow Cannon after watching your review I was also looking at the AVA Pro Force gun, do you think this would be a good upgrade for the K4 ?
Comment from : @karlharper2715

Hey mate, New subscriber here Can you recommend anything as an alternative to guardex, my wife is picking up her new car up soon and i'm keen to proctect it TIA
Comment from : @jasonocallaghan4358

I run a K2 that i have upgraded to use after market attachments and hoses I’m coming up to 10 years as a professional detailer and I’m only on my 2nd K2 Not bad for a $AUD149 machine I just don’t see the value in the expensive ones I did buy a 2400psi Ryobi after my first K2 died, but it weighs 3 to 4 times as much as the K2 I use it primarily for around the house stuff so i can keep the K2 for the important stuff FYI, I’ve tested my K2 as per what I have seen on IMJOSHV and it’s running about 1100psi and 12 GPM Keep the great stuff coming Dave Lloyd
Comment from : @indetailcarcaresolutions3770

Thank you for this I acquired mine about 8 years ago from a friend who never really used it It was a replacement to my old one, which was cylindrical, with the hose and cable wrapped around either side (sorry, I can't recall the model) My K4 has never really been problematic apart from, as you say, the short and plasticy hose I'm planning to fit a better, longer one and fit a reel on the rear handle part from one of my old pressure washers
Comment from : @jamienevill1768

The 6m kinking hose, I hate it with a passion, almost impossible to wrap up once done
Comment from : @declanc5372

Good video but nobody who owns a Karcher uses a Karcher hose - it's the law You buy a new 25m rubber hose, a short trigger and a decent snow foam cannon Once you have these the Karcher is a demon of a car washer
Comment from : @sickranchez2023

I got one about 5 years ago brThe hose is rubbish kinks all the time I upgraded to 15 meter no kink hose so much easier to use changing the hose
Comment from : @jamiemorris5177

Dave forgot to congratulate you on the 100k!
Comment from : @Bigdaftboy

Great honest review, I have had a Kärcher K4 for over 6 years it has been brilliant for cleaning patios to the car, yes the snow foam is a bit of a let for the car But a reliable machine Keep up the great car detailing tip videos👊🏻👍🏻
Comment from : @nickrendell4300

I’m probably not comparing like with like but I bought a Karcher HD 5/12 C years ago In that time it’s broken twice I was willing to buy a new machine but my local Karcher agent recommended they had a look at it rather than buy a new machine Apparently it only needed new capacitor, so I had it repaired I did think the repair was costly but felt I had little choice as the machine worked perfectly well If it does break I will probably have a look at the Ava range you’ve spoken so highly of because I thought the Karcher snow cannon was not very good
Comment from : @mrneutral5081

It looks like Pikachu on the thumbnail :)
Comment from : @ivaylooo

Had my K4 for a little over a year after upgrading from a K2 that I’d had for almost 10 years I think, upgraded the hose to 15m flexi hose from DIrectHoses, MTM STG35 stubby gun (awesome) mjjc S v3 foam cannon and all connections 1/4 inch quick connect Not had a single issue at all, the only thing that bugs me about is the I wish the water inlet was on the back and that the handle had a lock option so it could be locked in the up position, I may find a way to do that anyway so I can add a holder for the coiled hose
Comment from : @WEZ4136

Everytime I see a karcher now, it I dont interest me after buying the Ava p80 You recommended me the Ava and was the best decision I made for a pressure washer Thank you mate!
Comment from : @anonymousbullet7407

The question is, when will it start to leak? Karcher are renowned for it 😂
Comment from : @marklambert2750

My k4 failed one month after 2 year warranty They have since changed to a 3 year and wanted £180 to repair itonly after some length conversations and raising issue with the warranty has been extended on a new buy but same spec they helped but was hard work
Comment from : @oursulaert

I bought my one a month ago and it came with a 8 meter hose so it must be different
Comment from : @j6m3scam3

Great video and I am looking forward to check next video for the updates as it might give me ideias and revommendations to my Nilfisk e150 😊
Comment from : @Carlos_Teixeira_Drums

Been using Nilflisk for 10 years, can you also test that
Comment from : @SeaSkully

Got a K4 and cleans all way around my Mercedes long wheelbase van no problem 👍👍Great Machine 👍👍
Comment from : @robinharrison3907

I've had a k4 for the past 2 years and tbh it's great for it's purpose for now, which is cleaning my personal vehicles on the weekend, as I'm a professional detailer the rest of the week 🤣 Not the best but fair for most jobs, specially detailing, however I've changed everything besides the machine itself, short gun, bigger hose (10m) and lots of acessories to fit the short 1/4 quick connect gun The original Karcher acessories, wand etc Just wasn't good for me, too big too bulky
Comment from : @afonsofreitas3595

Very helpful vid again Dave, which Jet Wash does Leo prefer, the star of the show❤
Comment from : @alistairjones4794

What would your opinion be on getting a 10m hose extension if getting one of these ?
Comment from : @ssaunders2k

I have a K4 that i use for my valeting business, so it gets used often I got one originally from halfords and after a week or so of using it the hose would fire off from the pressure washer endit was dangerous and very frustrating! I ran the water through to avoid air locks, but it kicked the hose of regardless, i took it back to halfords, at which point they just gave me a replacement one with basically no questions asked! It can't be a good sign😂 However, the one i got it replaced with has a longer, more durable hose! So maybe they've listened? It's kicked the hose off once so far, so im hoping that was a one-off!brbrAll in all, I'd probably avoid buying this and spend a little extra on a better brand
Comment from : @jamiealen7230

6:32 what is the name of the snow canon ?
Comment from : @N0N4M30

Had these for at least 15 years but tbh the Ava I got off your recommendation is the next level up brGreat update good feedback
Comment from : @ianapriliatuono

I look forward to the next 'upgrades' video as I like the K5, but the hose drives me nuts, and, stubby guns?
Comment from : @Daz_Stap

Great video Dave, I have a mixed experience with the Karcher refurbished products brA K5 pressure washer that is still going strong after 2 1/2 years of use But I also bought a wet and dry vac that lasted just a few months before detonating
Comment from : @Daz_Stap

Hi Dave, what is your jetwash of choice given you have tried just about all of them Choose your weapon 😊
Comment from : @jonnyb4271

Look forward to the upgrade video - I’ve had a k2 for a little while now, just worried on the longevity as the parts feel so plasticky I changed the hose to a 10m more flexible hose which was a game changer
Comment from : @plebism

I upgraded to an k4 after my k2 brokeowned for 4 years now I bought myself a 15m hose from amazon it feels much better quality than the karcher one and so much easier
Comment from : @picklesrule69

Great Video Dave, I have replaced the hose and lance with a flexible 8m hose and stub gun, has been really reliable for me as a weekend car cleaner :)
Comment from : @richardspice2334

Going to throw in a word for nilfisk I have a 145 fantastic piece of kit I have recently upgraded the hose to a 15m soft and it's awesome
Comment from : @andrewelley9966

Got my K4 full control from the karcher outlet few years ago cost me like 99 quid and was pretty much brand new not a mark on it Also that hole on the front left is meant for the pressure hose to come through which is very handy when you have the premium model which does have a hose reel its like 190 on karcher outlet currently
Comment from : @adwol48

I brought my k4 two years ago and not had any problems only one snow foam canon is crap had to buy better quality one Just remember to register it with Karcher warranty team Don't buy one from halfords it's not same quality as one in B&Q plus it's £30 cheaper
Comment from : @edwardbateman9475

Would love you to do a ratio mix video ,please
Comment from : @nyqer6636

I have the K4 power control which has a hose reel attached The OE hose is toilet, so I changed it for a much longer, and better hose from direct hoses I don’t have to move the K4 at all, and can get round the whole car with ease
Comment from : @jeffmason4559

I got a k4 6 months ago been using it quite regularly cleaning my and my family and friends cars ive accidently become a valetter i got a 15m hose for it and a stubby trigger i use the mjjc snow foam cannon with it and i have to say the k4 has been great its downfalls for me is u just need to buy the addons to make it the total package yourself
Comment from : @danp8241

Personally I own the Karcher K4 power control , this came with a hose reel I have not had any issues what so ever the last year Thus ofc, I upgraded the gun and the hose But the water hose inlet I havent had any issues either
Comment from : @BuffshopDanmark

My 17 year old K2 is still going strong k4 next to have Eventually
Comment from : @slowsteadysteve6565

Quick question Not pressure washer related but I am currently using power maxed ceramic ultra seal and I am considering getting the AVA seal and shine Would you class both of these to be similar products?
Comment from : @martincarter4362

Bought the Ava p57 of your recommendation think karcher have had there day like,had a k2 for years hose is to short storage is crap on the machine but I’m not saying Ava is the best as I’m having niggles with it the handle keeps locking itself and is stiff to push the unlock switch and the foam cannon is utter crap the 06ltr so I’m buying the 3 on pay day and that little one is going straight in the bin
Comment from : @dirkdingle7926

Switched the hose out for a longer no kink blue hose from direct hoses and added a short trigger gun with various nozzles which makes the karcher way better imho
Comment from : @BarFlyBrewing

Have had a K7 Series for 9 years, daily use, looked after, NEVER run dry or thrown around Also have a Kranzle K1322TS serviced regularly
Comment from : @detailerslife8127

Wicked video! I've literally just started up cleaning myself and bought one of these as they're really easy to get hold of It's a great bit of kit for the money , But my god is that hose soo annoying Constantly coil's up and not long enough, Spend a lot of time trying to untangle and pack it away properly Secondly the snow foam bottle is stupidly annoying to get used to the amount of time's i've accidently pressed the button fitting it to the handle and the bottle just falling on the floor losing product is unreal Bad design by karcher that one! It's a great lightweight bit of kit for not an awful lot of money Definitely following to see what upgrades you do because they sure need a better hose and snow foam bottle design
Comment from : @WillyhoweGuitar

Thanks for that - as useful video just as I am thinking of buying one Going to go the refurbished route I have bought things like washing machines and tumble driers via this route at good reduced prices and they have been utterly reliable
Comment from : @nekite1

Once again another fantastic and informative video Dave
Comment from : @marktrower2267

Not a lot of money ,but the hoses on them are a pain I think for a bit extra there are a lot of better machines out there
Comment from : @simonmarsh5007

My K4 compact finally let go after 10 years of weekly use cleaning cars, motorbikes and mountain bikes Unfortunately, because I was in a bit of a budget bind since the car is going into the body shop, so I had to settle for the K3 horizontal, since I was able to pick it up for £90 delivered Most of negative points of the stock product have been negated by having an upgraded 15m rubber hose and an MJJC foam cannon running through a stubby gun I just hope that the K3 would still be able to deliver on performance for weekendly activities Definitely didn't have the budget at this time for an Ava I'm presuming the performance will still be sufficient for its duty cycle
Comment from : @Titot182

No thanks Dave i will stick with my AVA as its the nuts!! 👌🏻👍🏻 But I was interested in the patio cleaner on the table what was that & can you use that on an AVA if its any good as my AVA patio cleaner is shite!!😬
Comment from : @davelawrence594

A man dressed as Donald Duck has been arrested in MK for selling quack ☺️
Comment from : @JB-F10-M5

I bought a K4, but being the first pressure washer I've used I can't really compare to others However I have seen on forums that the component to upgrade is the hose to something longer and more cooperative
Comment from : @HT1D08

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