Title | : | The Secret to Finding Great Records for CHEAP! |
Lasting | : | 16.11 |
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Views | : | 81 rb |
Got any reggae in your store? Comment from : @olivierYF21 |
Live in a place with more than one record store lol Comment from : @tristanmike |
💯 Comment from : @sijiiisa |
Hey Heavy, we are all walking through life together I'm diggin it I want to cut down on all the stuff I have Pulled 5 milk crates of records out of the back barn Weekend indoor barn sale? If your traveling through The Catskill mountains stop in I like checking out your site Just been pulling out picture disc's Thanks ANB Comment from : @imonicklbelliss-t1g |
Hi Dylan love ya work bro😊 Comment from : @SteveBlack-yh4bc |
is millions of records websit e legit? Comment from : @vi_cupcait |
Vinyl is dead! brIt's an ancient formatbrOnly old farts collect them because they like dinosaur rock!brGet on the Digital Revolution and get thousands of different albums in ALL ERAS at a fraction of the price! Comment from : @Klostrum-j7y |
OOP! I live in NC so imma have to make a trip! Comment from : @porcheh9853 |
YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for sharing all you to do I am a newbie so all the information you have provided has been a great help Comment from : @angelaevans1636 |
Hey Michael from Hollywood Blues harp and guitar playeryour a great person Comment from : @michaelcummings8119 |
Martinez Amy Martinez Robert Jackson Eric Comment from : @GarciaTheresa-t1o |
I don’t like subscribing to ppl but you got my sub I’m from ATL but I work in Charlotte frequently I’m comin to shop with you soon Take it easy my guy Comment from : @cxf5512 |
Pray your favorite artists aren’t really popular around the world price is all about demand Comment from : @Phatta57855 |
Record karmabuy for 1 $ and sell for 3-5k $and that person could also probably use money but hey"record karma",right ? Comment from : @Waywardification |
I definitely haven't bought over a million records, but probably have 3-4k of them I agree with pretty much everything here, but the best one is probably friends A buddy of mine is a real estate photographer, and was shooting a house one day He called me and told me they had a bunch of records in a garage I called the realtor, and asked if the people wanted to sell them She took a day or two to call back, but when she did, she said, "They said you can have them" They just wanted them out of the house, and they didn't want to deal w them There were about 3000 records There were about 300 gems The rest, not so much But if your friends know you want records, they'll think of you when they see them Comment from : @QwayczarMusic |
There's 2 things with buying records: your Gut, and the record GodsbrbrI found a pair of Yamaha NS10 speakers at Salvation Army Took them home and they actually worked! Comment from : @MattCupan |
Thanks for the secrets to finding vinyl records cheaply Great video So great ♥♥ Comment from : @VINYLS-PARADISE |
Bro, I just love you (not in that way, lol) Such a great attitude and outlook, you embody the things I've always loved about record collecting One more thing making me want to move out to NC Comment from : @Chuck-Bob |
Swell Comment from : @robertsterner408 |
Earned a fan here! Comment from : @juanportillo7702 |
Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Just getting into this with my kids and having a lot of fun Comment from : @gabrielkimbrough |
I found a near mint original press of The Surrealistic Pillow by Jefferson Airplane in the Goodwill bins last week Comment from : @nicolasflamel2905 |
how to find only 90's techno vinyl records Comment from : @OfficialNo44 |
I just discovered your channel a few weeks ago and I love your vibe Just got back into it about a month ago Comment from : @DavidJones-ey6ie |
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience I'm a noob in this world and I'm grateful for your videos to help my education Comment from : @SturleyArt |
Record karma is very real I literally thought of it yesterday because of how lucky I got and now I see you saying this hahq Comment from : @arzabael |
I just enjoy music I have a bit of everything from pop, rock, country, gospel I have Vera Lynn (Forces Sweetheart), Rolling Stones, Sting, Elvis, Charley Pride, Fleetwood Mac and many more It just depends on my mood I think music is just really special and different types all have their unique sound If I like it I just play it and appreciate the talent that has created it Comment from : @pippahappy9735 |
Great video brbrThank you Comment from : @djjoeykmusic |
I'm 50, just got back into Vinyl I have a shit ton of CD's and a good deal of online downloads, but hell yes Vinyl brings me back I'm back to square 1 I bought 2, 2 for Christmas from buddies I'm very entry level, but my stuff is pretty cool for now brbrMedium Fi!brbrLove your videos Good stuff Comment from : @jeffspicoli6172 |
Dude Love your videos I’m in Gold Coast Australia and building my colllection back up again I’m very grateful for the insights and enthusiasm Keep em coming Comment from : @johntowers7066 |
What futon do you have? Comment from : @DesynqHD |
Do u have a code word when you are digging in the wild and find a heater 🐼 Comment from : @joshialopez |
Woah ive been to your store before I had no Idea, my friend had a performance there with his band a while ago Comment from : @fancymarshmallow2635 |
You know dude I've been trying to get ahold of you for months now I need to ask you something do you have any guns and roses on vinyl I am looking for GNR lies and guns n' roses live from 87 to 93 do you have them on vinyl Comment from : @joshhorvath7151 |
Yes, consistency is a good point: Since the day in the Nineties I found the vinyl album of KINGPIN - "Welcome to Bop City" ( later to be rerecorded as SHOTGUN MESSIAH - dto) here in Germany (!!!) in a record shop for 5 € I know Santa Claus does really exist! Also found the first TANGIER - Tangier from 1985 for 5€ also, which is almost as rare Sometimes I wonder how on earth this stuff came to Germany pre-internet time?!? Comment from : @johann_casparbaumgartner6972 |
I found a super low number white album at a yard sale It was like 9000 something Got it for like 10 bucks Comment from : @crashintonickdm |
What's up! I've been following your channel for about a week or so and learned so many things already I want to thank you for that But seeing this video, the way you giggle for this passion you have is priceless Thank you for being such an amazing person and sharing your knowledge with us Much appreciated Got my first two first pressings : Jethro Tull - Thick as Brick in a shop I usually go for vintage clothes for a good price and ordered the first press of Bauhaus - In the Flat Field from discogs Sharing is caring and you sir, you definitely love your community Hats off to you Comment from : @claudiobrt652 |
Does anyone on here knows who Nikki Newbury? Comment from : @cougarGTE |
I’ve followed you on IG for awhile and I’m rarely on YouTube but your videos are so insightful and informative Thx! Comment from : @misstommiereads2301 |
great video man! Thank you Comment from : @AndroidMusicStudios |
Started collecting records as a kid in elementary school about 12 years ago; eventually fell out of it and focused on other things Recently fell back into it and your chanel is very helpful with teaching me things I need to catch up on 😊 Comment from : @bella7613 |
Thanks Dylan for adding the human element to this post, sometimes I watch and think" this guy is addicted to vinyl"brI must confessI am addicted to vinyl too Damn near nothing beats finding an album you've searched for for sometimes several years and one daypoof! There it is! Comment from : @davidmaraman855 |
I have a decent collection (bout 400 LPs and a couple hundred 45s) im sure I could get a few dollars for them but I don’t collect vinyl or look at it as an investment I collect them because I enjoy them Comment from : @George-de6hd |
My best purchase- 90125 by Yes in near mint condition- 3 euros around $300 from a charity shop It was the first Album right at the front of a box full of albums I could not believe my good fortune Comment from : @peterstoneham9871 |
I am in the begining of open a shop in New Bern and i am very happy to have you give me some great tips Again thank you If im ever your way I will stop by to chat Thanks again Comment from : @frankscutiere6052 |
My main tip is don't get your heart set on finding specific titles that you're into at the present moment If it's in your wheelhouse - GET IT You will eventually find everything you're looking for, just not necessarily in the order you want IE -friends would say "you got Future Games and Kiln House" but don't have Rumours?" I didn't buy Rolling Stones Stripped (extremely rare UK only 1995 live vinyl), brand new for $15, only because I didn't have Sticky Fingers and Exile already back in 95 Now I'm sitting on tons of Sticky and Exile, while Stripped is $200 Comment from : @dawnpatrol700 |
Dylan thanks for spreading your record karma and for teaching us so much about records and music history Comment from : @kjistok |
Love it with record karma, that’s so cool Recently discovered you, and really loving your attitude and inclusiveness Comment from : @SpyderTracks |
Coolest record guy I bet it's a southern thing ;) Comment from : @radiotubes |
Your opening monologue got my subscription Great attitude Thanks for sharing your experience! Comment from : @philmcfarland2833 |
why would someone think its disrespect full if i wanted to look up a band on discogs before I buy an album? Comment from : @ratwhocankickflip |
Hey there, I've watched several of your videos and they're very interesting I've been collecting vinyl since the early 1960's, both albums and 45 rpm records I don't go out searching in the wild anymore like I used to in my younger days but I do attend a couple record shows locally I've acquired several vinyl hunting stories too over the years I've pretty much stopped buying albums because of space limitations but collect mostly 45 rpm records now I share many of my 45 rpm records on my YouTube VinylNostalgia channel I collect many different genres of music styles mostly prior to the 1980'srockabilly, doowop, girl group, instrumentals, psychedelicetc, etc Comment from : @VinylNostalgia |
This is such an informative video and highlights what a nice guy you are I know that wasn't your intention (to come across as a nice guy) but it shows through Thanks for doing what you do Comment from : @lscossar |
Truth Comment from : @charlesbrown8496 |
I really liked this video…brbrRecord karma is real y’all Comment from : @manipuco23 |
my secret is to buy cd's;-) Comment from : @peartfaldo |
hey this is my first time seeing you but i love your vibe/energy! Comment from : @isaiahpolk4179 |
Your love of albums has made a business for you and I can appreciate that, but what’s more important an album or the music? Spending $35 on a 13th Floor Elevator’s with one good song says the album is more important than the music Comment from : @tomshaner3553 |
This was a great video and thankfully I had already learned these tricks so validation is always nice to get I will say that I still have a lot to learn but I've found that I'm learning on every dig Keep up the great work on your videos Comment from : @DarkSide_Vinyl |
If you're looking for the simple solution to this predicament, I recommend using ski masks and ball bats to get what you want on the cheap Comment from : @CheeseburgerLaunchSequence |
What I would really love to know is your secrets for negotiation a deal How do you a price that attracts the person you're buying the collection? And is it a fast negotiation or sometimes you take a long of time negotiating? That's what I'd like to know Comment from : |
Small towns garage salesbrAlso advertizing in small towns"newspapers"onlybrPeople who read and deal with Newspapers don't know as much as the internet no life zombies who know everything Comment from : @stevedamien638 |
This video sucks , Discogs sucks, Popsike sucks Internet killed REAL DIGGING and increased prices Comment from : @jonaskazlauskas9084 |
Very cool topic! Comment from : @johndrx165 |
Great video as always my dude Comment from : @TooManyRecords |
Speaking finding out in the wild Found first press never been open Dead Milkmen big lizard in my back yard…$45!!! Comment from : @eddharris3494 |
Hey Dylan, Actually curious why you say looking at discogs in front of someone is disrespectful I get this vibe from store owners as well Why should a customer not know what they’re looking at, whether it be the market value/ what it has or should go for *online*, even just what it actually is (what pressing, more about a group you don’t know, etc) I know people can be annoying about it (but a buyer must understand the difference between having something you can see and feel in your hand to buy that minute vs buying online) But what makes it rude? There’s no secret that there is a public online marketplace, and that marketplace often dictates how much people charge So why should the buyer not be informed so they can make an informed decision? Many times discogs is how I found out that the seller is not only really overcharging, but also vastly overvaluing a record And if the person selling doesn’t know discogs, why is it rude to use a market resource to figure out if it’s worth you buying it? I just don’t quite understand what’s rude about it, but I know I get the side eye in stores - whether I’m checking price stats or finding out more about the pressing I’m looking at or whatever I want to find out - and it really bothers me Comment from : @GordanClipboard |
Great video mate , greetings from another massive vinyl freak from sunny Australia 🇦🇺 brKeeping the vinyl dream alive Comment from : @theflares70srockshow45 |
Your a noble guy and it’s really enjoyable listening to your passion and stories 😁🎶👍 Comment from : @chrisbaron70 |
If you don't see any vinyl at a yard sale, always ask if they have any records they want to sell Often, they forget to put them out or didn't want to bother lugging heavy boxes up or down steps A few weeks ago, an older couple in my town set up a sale in their garage as they were preparing to move permanently to their house in Florida Not seeing records, I asked and they had some stored in the basement in boxes on a high shelf which they didn't put out because they were too heavy for them to move I offered to move the boxes for them to their garage so they could sell them and I also moved some other heavy items for them to the sale area I ended up finding about 15 really great jazz records from the 1950s in excellent shape Comment from : @RichAdams21 |
Hey Dillon,I have some original records that are from those old recording machines 78 size records ,3 or 4 holes in the middle ,looks like a vinyl over a steel center,Recordio Disc,Wilcox Gay label,hand written, One is Herbie Fields ,his biggest hit,Dardenella,the other is Charlie Barnet, song is Gloomy Sunday with Taudy Richards on vocal ,Presto Label ,dated Nov 30 1950what kind of market is there for these studio recordings? I have at least a dozen of theseMy Grandfather was an Orchestra leader,well we had about 11 musicians in the family so these were his collection Comment from : @annhanntz275 |
Really love your whole attitude and approach to the hobby Dylan, thanks so much! Comment from : @tituschalk |
Second, look for crossover appeal Soundtracks (movies, video games), historical non-music records (speeches, broadcasts, field recordings), sampled cuts; they all attract movie geeks/gamers/historians/people who are fans of the sampler Comment from : @jeromedumont7458 |
Don't neglect bargain bins! I found a RevCo album (good condition) for $10 in one of those The store obviously couldn't move it or weren't aware of the band's significance Comment from : @jeromedumont7458 |
I've been lucky (as have people I know) with going to the specialty shops and seeing if they have things that they don't specialize in, like getting the rock records from the classical guy Often times, that stuff doesn't even make it to the bins Comment from : @JoeFranke |
Great video, with some good advice Thank you I moved into a new area 6 months ago & I’m still searching for the places to find some decent used records I also believe in record karma Comment from : @dalepafford5732 |
My personal secret is to look for things that not many other people are interested in I've found hundreds of gems because people are too busy looking for the big name or "rare" titles Yes, prices have come up a lot, but not all pricesbrbrAlso, remember, the market is at a peak right now Truly valuable records will retain their value, but don't kid yourself that your sealed RSD repress is going to be worth much in 20 years Comment from : @minimumriffage7520 |
Thanku for NOT being a hoarder of infous vinyl lovers appreciate the knowledge and like u said it keeps the excitement goingmy dad really taught me bc when he passed I found Van Halen to Chopin in his collection🎶🎹🎤🎸💯 Comment from : @maryrecoy1616 |
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