Title | : | Why is it so Easy to be Thin in France? |
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Use code LUCILE3 for $3 off your first eSIM and download Airalo today: goairalocom/LucileHR Comment from : @LucileHR |
I'm an introvert I would not want to always eat with my co-workers I want to leave and be by myself to recharge from people Especially from people that get on my nerves Comment from : @StrawberryJamJam29 |
13:30 I’m American and recently began to treat sweets like you do I rarely eat donuts or cake now but when I do, I get the real stuff and pay extra for it’ No $150 donut at Dunkin’ but instead a $3-$4 donut at a bakery that taste 10x better brbrThe only “sweet” I regulate eat is a Homemade peanut butter and jam sandwich That’s much healthier than a donut and satisfies by sweet cravings And I don’t even put much jam on it, it’s 80 peanut butter Comment from : @Homer-OJ-Simpson |
That’s not true A book came out a few years ago based on actual studies that said only women in Paris are thinner In the rest of France women are just as fat American women And even in Paris, they’re eating more fast food and junk food now Boulangeries have to compete with cheap grocery store bread They’ve got McDonald’s in Paris Comment from : @MarySanchez-qk3hp |
What is in her hand ? The tail of her cat 😅 Comment from : @borghc3749 |
Beczuse we do not eat a lot😊 Comment from : @borghc3749 |
Really interesting and enjoyable video, and as a Franco-American having studied in the UK and in Belgium, and now living in China, I agree with just about everything you said!brbrI will add: as you expressed, the darker side is the peer pressure, and while I've also been raised to enjoy having the same meal together with everyone, it gets difficult when one has special dietary requirementsbrbrAnd that's specifically an issue in the context of France food being very meat and cheese-based Whether for the climate emergency, world hunger, epidemics, or animal welfare, there are plenty of reasons to avoid consuming animal products in order to limit factory farming industries, and yet doing so will earn lots of pressure in France… I was certainly pressured and blamed a lot by my family for "destroying togetherness" and such at the table I really wish there was more understanding and respect for people's reasons behind their differing practices, and more awareness that we can enjoy a meal and time together even if we're not eating the same thing And actually, spending a year in China has helped prove this point: many Chinese people also experience meal time as a social event, and yet their meals are based on having a multitude of different dishes people can help themselves from This makes it much easier for people to have differing diets and yet still enjoy togetherness during meals💚 Comment from : @ZachAgape |
cigarettes Comment from : @brandoncavazos7965 |
I live in America and have a meal schedule just by default, lol I eat dinner by 5pm, lol Comment from : @angelsworld1733 |
Bc they have no chemicals Comment from : @angelsworld1733 |
1:20 yes this works Comment from : @jenniferjuneau7329 |
The first time I went to France, I remember telling myself that I would eat as much as I could In a week, I must have had over 20 meals and a out 10 bottles of wine When I arrived at my home, I thought my scale was lying to me because I hadn't gained a single pound It was shocking Comment from : @RadToucan |
Ton point sur le fait que manger est social est mauvais je trouvebrbrC'est social partout on mange ensemble Non ? 👀🧐 Comment from : @kalmeq5737 |
I don't think French are any skinnier Im in the states Most people are not fat Maybe it became a myth because there's so many fast food places Teens and people in their 20s are so thin especially Lots more thin people running around than fat Comment from : @lorir5728 |
I see a similar culture in Portugal as you described in France It’s interesting that in Portugal it is or at least it was common to tell someone that they had gained weight or were too skinny I don’t think they saw it as being rude or inappropriate but more about them caring about your health Comment from : @cg2456 |
Love that you have a Chicago Bears thermos! Comment from : @JessicaWang-fl3tb |
You forgot chain smoking and alcoholism Comment from : @wynnyekey5316 |
Thank you for this video, I really enjoyed it My dad was Italian, and we had a lot of the same practices In the United States , there's alot of comfort eating Food and beverage are comsumed to help deal with stress Treats, like you said, are a part of everyday life in the US Comment from : @jeaninesarrge8159 |
If RFK Jr gets pesticides wnd chemicals out of our food that will be a big step next to tackle is ultra processed foods Comment from : @starshipcaptain4753 |
Chicago Bears? YES Comment from : @sharongrenier1667 |
They smoke like chimneys I prefer to eat my anxiety away 😂 Comment from : @JoLou-ki9oj |
As long as you consume less calories that you burn you wont get overweight Thats it You can eat chocolate all day and be thin Comment from : @jelizavetase5272 |
Perfectly well summed up I love North America, but food wise, it's torture Paris, by contrast, is pure heaven Lucile is right about deserts as well - Paris bakeries have deserts to die for, yet I don't have any memories of ever having over-indulged (and it's not the price, it's the quality - you don't really want a second pastry once you've had a truly good one) Comment from : @leasgier3311 |
It isn't easy and French people aren't all thin, in fact nearly half of French adults are considered overweight (by BMI) and 18 obese They're a bit slimmer on average than Americans and Brits, but that's not saying much And eating lots of bread and butter certainly doesn't help, even if they're artisanal and great 'quality' You're probably thin because you're young and active and with a good metabolism! Comment from : @livrowland171 |
Whenever this subject comes up people focus on food quality and maybe not focus so much on PORTION CONTROL Fewer French people are fat because they eat less Comment from : @BroccoliRocks |
That eating together as a family has been all but lost now i think I grew up sitting at a table with mum dad and sister and we all ate the same thing Now parents have careers and less disposable time plus mobile phones etc have a lot to answer for Comment from : @jillhurst7390 |
Did you go to school in Cabo Mexico as a young girl? If so, was it at instituto internacional libertad? We might have gone to the same school Comment from : @xohealthy |
On portion size, one's stomach adjusts to the amount of food that one consumes Thus, smaller portion sizes mean a shrunken stomach and satiation from a smaller portion size This results in the maintenance of healthy weight Comment from : @linuxman0 |
The restaurants Are closed during eating times… hahaha, figure that out… Comment from : @heywoodjablowme4612 |
A lot of European cities structured the way it's not convenient to use a car and there are also bunch of hills, stairs to go up Easy 10k steps a day THAT'S why a lot of people are thin Cooking and food traditions are not that important, even this woman eats bunch of carbs daily, unless she compencate it in physical activity Comment from : @its-tinyavocado |
Between 1997 and 2020, the number of overweight cases has always fluctuated around 30 while the number of obesity cases has continued to increase at a rapid rate Obesity has increased from 85 of adults in 1997 to 17 in 2020 The increase is more marked among younger people Comment from : @Bustaliscious |
1:37 That French tomato cutting technique 😬😅 Comment from : @jimcheeze |
Absolutely, everybody who said sobrCIGARETTES Comment from : @timothysullivan6790 |
Keep up the great work! Comment from : @CallieThompson-p9r |
PREPARATION OF MEALS IS SOOO REWARDING😋💋😋 Comment from : @ShiouderWannkossak |
I am french and this is all bullshit Overweight and obesity: one in two adults affected in France · overweight still affects 47 of French adults Stop spreading lies Comment from : @SBeyaDah |
Dude you really have zero idea how little walking happens in the United States Yes duh your skinny French people absolutely it’s the walking 😂 Comment from : @PaulinaSplechta |
Two to FOUR slices of bread? 🙄 Comment from : @PaulinaSplechta |
As an American living in Southern California my family and I did the same things your family did We pretty much always ate in with home cooked meals all the same meal together we only ate out on holidays like Easter breakfast after mass also Mother’s Day etc 🥰🫶🏼💕 Comment from : @roseg1333 |
Poison in the food, water, and air If that isn't enough poisons are injected to boost immunity A per-capita daily fructose and saturated fatty acid consumption comparison would be nice Who knows, maybe the minerals in the French/European soil are better Comment from : @MarcDunivan |
I've been in Paris once and the most difficult thing there for me was the food Like everything felt either full of cream or full of fat and everybody eating meat and butter and cheese, which are all things people are taught not to eat here I couldn't eat like that but fresh vegetables and fruits I do love Comment from : @missunknown626 |
I just moved to France in January from nyc, I always ate healthy-I don’t eat butter ( i noticed on your butter was rated E, (France rating) I eat olive oil It has to do with portion control I agree with that I usually cook at home If you eat normal portions with veggies and not junk food you will stay thin The wine is very good but yes it’s fattening You can over eat the bread too Cooking at home is usually the best -no mystery! Comment from : @ejw9606 |
MaIs comme tu es ravissante ! Et ton anglais génial ! Comment from : @RobWhittlestone |
Generally speaking ,the French don't eat rubbish and ready meals!brBritish supermarkets are awash with ready mades and sweets and generally speaking ,the quality is poorerAvailability is tricky after Brexit Comment from : @beckynelson6786 |
the 75 tax rate Comment from : @buildingandfixing4397 |
It has been proven that USA has toxic chemicals, hidden oils, and preservatives in the food Our society is designed to keep you fat, sick, and dependent on medicine brbrI'm happy for you in France, but we need an overhaul of our food in USA Comment from : @karmendurbin |
The first 3 letters in DIEt version version of any food, are the most important 😂 Comment from : @macjc5 |
This is the first video of yours that I am watching, but I have already hit the “subscribe” button because you’re so much less pretentious and much more friendly and grounded than some of the other French lifestyle YouTubers I can hardly wait to watch your other videos! Comment from : @polymathica |
Tous les Français ne sont pas minces loin s’en faut Tous les Français n’habitent pas à Paris non plus et n’ont pas des moyens financiers leur permettant de financer des produits frais ni n’ont le temps de les préparer On est trop proche des clichés habituels Je constate une nette dégradation de la qualité de la nourriture sur Paris et une explosion des repas prêts à consommer depuis une bonne vingtaine d’années La vidéo est néanmoins intéressante Comment from : @jert1000 |
Gosh its the same in Turkey Stop telling me if I put on weight, goodness, I already know Do I look like I do not notice my own body and weight, I live in it! At the time I was on medication that had me put on weight and it is terrible to hear, "Oh you put on weight!" How rude is that?! Even the dentist told me this, they also say if you have lost weight It is such an annoying thing Comment from : @barbadosnights5287 |
C’est quand même une vision assez biaisée d’un microcosme plutôt parisien , la France n’a jamais compté autant de personnes en surpoids et obèse (1/2 personnes) En ça la vidéo n’est pas tout à fait honnête D’un arrondissement à l’autre le décor et les gens n’auront pas du tout la même apparence ce qui fausse encore un peu la vision Cela dit pour la comparaison US/FR c’est très vrai, on a la chance d’avoir accès aux légumes et fruits beaucoup plus facilement ! Comment from : @meh3963 |
AMERICAN GRAINS & FLOUR IS TOXIC! Comment from : @lulumoon6942 |
Smoke like chimneys Comment from : @deckenneth |
Before watching video: 'cause everyone's poor, right? Comment from : @Telfear1 |
Telling someone about their weight is terrible The problem could be health related Comment from : @rjtxnj |
Bread and fruit for breakfast is definitely not a balanced optionbrFruit is also sugarbrThe reason is in the size and quality Especially if you compare it to America There is a lot of cheap and low-quality food there Comment from : @rjtxnj |
CocainebrbrbrNext video Comment from : @VexedWanderer |
As a French girl who has lived in Paris and other cities, not everything described in this video is really true for the whole country I can say that it is quite true for Paris But once you get out of this city, it is different It is true that French people are always concerned about the quality of food (fresh bread, meat, vegetables) but there is a big difference with many families who have less income, they do not eat as well and as fresh and a lot of processed foods Also, in Paris you walk a lot, because it is impossible to drive and you have a lot of public transportation, but in other cities people use their car for everything, every trip (even to get bread), so they do not exercise as much as in Paris or big cities I really saw and experienced these differences when I lived in Paris, I was healthier and I even lost a few pounds In Paris you see thin people But when you get out of the big city, you can see that people are less thin and more overweight Comment from : @steakusaure97 |
I was born in wrong country 😩 not too far from France though Comment from : @veronikapop8161 |
You have good points I do think it extends beyond just the French It seems most of Europe is like this Whenever I'm there I can usually tell my fellow Americans by how heavy we are Lol Comment from : @RobCortez0416 |
Yeah so the answer is at 2 minutes in the video She eats like a bird, most French people eat like birds As a French who doesn't eat like a bird, I'm at 30-40 body fat So it's not exercise that makes a difference, or the quality of food Comment from : @Fuzzi974 |
No one wants to hear this, but the simple reason is that smoking and drinking is more common and food isn't processed as much as in America brbrI used to be anorexic and have a super unhealthy relationship with food I've never been fat, only normal, lean, skinny, or buff (Ex-GF really messed up my head and I'm a dude, can happen to anyone) brbrBUT, smoking and drinking (in moderation) is not uncommon for eating disorders because they kill appetite Obviously in moderation, but if you already have a super strict diet, or you were keeping a food diary like I was, you control that stuff pretty well and just enough to kill the appetite brbrAmerica is a place of extremes, so it's hard to simply find balance here sometimes or know that balance is the best and easiest way to happiness Comment from : @ravenbom |
I’m French Canadian from Quebec, and while we do have a few North American tendencies, I feel like our french heritage makes us eat and live that way It’s not even just about the culture, but our lifestyle is a mix of european and american things O could relate with a lot of things you said in the video, but there’s way more junk food in quebec😂 Comment from : @bibichillieblue |
Most of the things you mention used to be American habits: eating at specific times, not snacking, good manners, children eating the same meals as adults, children sitting nicely and joining in the conversation at the table, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, not eating sweets except on special occasions, cooking from scratch not eating takeout/delivery/restaurant food, and more All this changed in the 70s-80s when more and more women rejected homemaking and homelife as demeaning and passe Now, most of my daughters' generation don't even know how to cook and cater to their children's food whims The end of American family dinner traditions has been a terrible loss for family cohesion and caused a sense of emotional homelessness at large It has also caused or has been part of the obesity epidemic Comment from : @suzyq6767 |
I love the Chicago Bears cup Nice touch for a video originating in Paris Comment from : @jimbarnes8706 |
Cool food Comment from : @maxwellanderson007 |
When I toured France for two weeks, I ate well, skipped no meals, and gained no weight When I sent my mom to Italy, she could eat things that she couldn't touch in the US I am convinced that it is the quality of the raw ingredients, lack of processed foods, and lack of growth hormones and antibiotics, etc Comment from : @user-qi4ff5in9z |
I eat dinner with my family and… it’s exhausting 5 generations of my clan live in the same street I do it to make others happy but honestly, I want nothing more than to just hide under the covers and read something Comment from : @jnak974 |
But that was all in the past Today you see fat and bloated French people A large part of this is because of bread, pasta and everything containing flour, wheat, rye and barley and even oats It turns out that wheat cultivation has changed in recent decades Wheat was super-hybridized to face the elements and withstand the herbicide and this gluten is not digested by the intestine causing inflammation, obesity and disease Furthermore, wheat is grown with the herbicide glyphosate even at the time of harvest during drying and this product is carcinogenic according to the WHO Macron gave a deadline of 5 years to change wheat planting and eliminate glyphosate The deadline has long passed and there is no solution in sight All wheat planting and harvesting in the Western world from Argentina, USA, Canada and Europe is the same and uses the same herbicide And please, young lady, don't cut the vegetables in your hands, use a cutting board; do not eat raw mushrooms and wash and disinfect vegetables that may contain parasites such as salmonella and botulism toxin, disinfect everything with sodium hypochlorite Comment from : @mxblyxky |
Quality over quantity applies here, I'm sure In America we have so much, and so much of it is garbage We do have choices but sometimes I wish it were simpler instead Comment from : @bekadid |
Da bears Comment from : @unconditionallove3820 |
Short answer: smoking Comment from : @juliak2591 |
French food culture is better overall Even with the dark side We make ourselves miserable with food in the US Comment from : @southend26 |
It’s 2025 no country is thin Comment from : @Orla-sc2ml |
My family live in France, the supermarkets there are brilliant so much better than the UK The produce is much fresher and and the shops are clean! Comment from : @carolclarke1242 |
Great video Comment from : @Dixler683 |
What if you have a food allergy? Would asking for that to be left out of a dish at that point be a faux pas? Comment from : @earcher |
No gmo food in France Comment from : @countingthecosttofollowChrist |
Very interesting! I think the no snacking is key… Comment from : @Afcour |
I answer you: money Comment from : @Mari-ld3rz |
2:05! Go Bears! Comment from : @strangersandfriends |
Cigarettes Comment from : @13Psycho13 |
Umm also because the American people CONSUME more food which means more calories Like eating takis as a meal? Fast food is so convenient and cheap and healthy foods is seen as a trend, a chore or something unattainable Comment from : @sleepyartist6065 |
The one thing you mentioned is that you run Also that you abstain from eating sugar These are common sense diet tips Comment from : @ginamouery3964 |
I think its metabolism! Comment from : @jacobsinger97 |
Le Snack?- Mais non!- Jamais! Comment from : @A0A4ful |
The French Food Pyramid is the opposite of the American Food Pyramid Comment from : @CapeCodPhilip |
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