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Title :  Computerized foreign language learning
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Comments Computerized foreign language learning

If we had computers in the 30s, courses would be out of this world amazing
Comment from : @turborunner7859

10 years later, and the technology still hasn’t revolutionized language learning Most online resources are either flashcard systems like DuoLinguo, integrated dictionaries like LingQ, webcam tutoring or downloadable texts
Comment from : @LiamPorterFilms

I ran a Google search for LinkQ, but all I can find is something called Linq, which is about programming language Can someone please help me find a link to this LinkQ program about which is spoken in the video?
Comment from : @RhamosVhailejh

What's your opinion on the usefulness of Google translator? Ik ben leren Nederlands
Comment from : @MichaelPolios

Any speech waveform pattern software that you can recommend since this video was made?
Comment from : @takforalt

I was surprised that there was no mention of SRS (Spaced Repetition Software) such as Anki or iKnowjp (formally Smartfm) I believe SRS to be tremendously beneficial when attempting to build a larger vocabulary Any thoughts?
Comment from : @chipnailer

I think that the internet is the language learners best resource! I have learned so much from the internet in my languages I do like the feeling of having a book in my hands though I like the colloquial series and teach yourself series I do not like rosetta stone, its a waste of money
Comment from : @HamzaDudgeonthelinguist

Surprising I can only think of one reason, even though it does not justify the reality That is that there are still many people resorting to older and more traditional means of learning, such as textbooks, pen and paper, OHPs, white boards, and more recently, the Smart Board It's as if giving thought to a brand new computer suite is a way of keeping up with modern times, yet, with not everyone being fully appreciative of their versatility as learning mechanisms, they are half-abandoned
Comment from : @LinguaGenesis

It's an extremely valid comment We all respond to means of language learning in a variety of different ways, regardless of how effective the creator of any given exercise deems it to be You mention LingQ and while I am acquainted with its founder, Steve Kaufmann who, from the age of 62, is fluent in ten languages, how you have found the site Also, have you tried Michel Thomas? I have done a review of this methodology here on YouTube
Comment from : @LinguaGenesis

Quite right The strengths of any material depend on their linguistic content, the focus of the strategy / methodology, and how any learner interacts with them Of course, CALL exercises come in many forms (audio CDs, pronunciation recognition graphs, self-check grammar exercises, etc), and some will evidently yield better results than others My company, Lingua Genesis, has offered long-distance MSN and Skype tuition since 2004 - arguably one of the most beneficial methods I have used
Comment from : @LinguaGenesis

Thaiguysbu, I've heard students of mine speak highly of Rosetta Stone and have myself written brief reviews on it As Prof Arguelles mentions, it's suitability depends upon how the individual learner responds to it Personally, I commend it as a CALL (computer-aided language learning) item which strongly interlinks an audio component, allowing linguistic proficiency to be developed, with abundant and well-tailored visual imagery available, to represent word categories, eg nouns, verbs
Comment from : @LinguaGenesis

have you ever used rosetta stone?
Comment from : @thaiguysabu

To echo zocurtis, I've enjoyed Livemocha quite a bit It helps Also great for meeting natives
Comment from : @JonathanMahoney

I can't agree with you enough in your questioning the implied "intrinsic" value of using computers This is one reason I have very little respect for educators in general I remember when I was in highschool they bragged on and on how they had gotten funding to "put a computer in every classroom" By time I left the school the "new" computers had all gathered dust and were obsolete to worthlessness and never once were used to facilitate any sort of learning
Comment from : @parasitius

I can't agree with you enough in your questioning the implied "intrinsic" value of using computers This is one reason I have very little respect for educators in general I remember when I was in highschool they bragged on and on how they had gotten funding to "put a computer in every classroom" By time I left the school the "new" computers had all gathered dust and were obsolete to worthlessness and never once were used to facilitate any sort of learning
Comment from : @parasitius

Note that the internet is a good source of audio methods You can download podcasts, for example Google "Latinum"
Comment from : @inkstersco

I have found that undertaking a third language often improves my abilities in languages that I already speak The problem is time, and the tendency to want to study one language with enough intensity to really progress Good luck I agree with Alex on motivation, the most important ingredient for success
Comment from : @Thelinguist

Thank you for mentioning LingQ I would love to have a chat with you some time How do I get in touch with you?
Comment from : @Thelinguist

Professor Arguelles, Thank you for mentioning LingQ in your informative series on languages I believe that our brains are capable of figuring out new languages, with enough input and a little help and encouragement The content needs to be enjoyable and meaningful The help can include explanations that serve to increase alertness and attentiveness The community aspect of the web can be as important as the learning methodology Can we chat on skype some time? How can I reach you?
Comment from : @Thelinguist

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