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Giving to Charity is Selfish, This is Why

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Title :  Giving to Charity is Selfish, This is Why
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Comments Giving to Charity is Selfish, This is Why

Conditional support to people who are willing to take initiative is better than charity
Comment from : @adonaiel-rohi2460

My mom and my friend only donate their broken or stained crap It drives me insane How selfish
Comment from : @FreeJulianAssange23

What a stupid study Did nobody stop to think that the results are glaringly obvious? Financially secure people are less stressed, healthier, and more likely to give to charity—it’s their circumstances, not the act of giving, that likely leads to these outcomes This is a perfect example of why correlation studies are trash Why would anyone use this as evidence for anything meaningful?
Comment from : @3zm0d3RL

Those who pay taxes are contributing to helping the less fortunate in society, as taxes fund various public services and social programs aimed at providing support to individuals in need These include welfare programs, healthcare services, education, and infrastructure that can benefit disadvantaged populations In this sense, taxpayers collectively support societal welfare and the common good, including assistance for those who are less fortunatedon't bother donating to 'charites', you are already doing your part
Comment from : @jerryjoe15466

I think even if you got zero emotional gratification out of it charity wouldn't be good As in the causes themselves have no inherit value They might even have negative values
Comment from : @NotRegret

I don't give to charities anymore, I don't know how much of it actually goes into the cause to help those in need and how much goes into the person collecting the donations/ Cash?brbrLuckily there is a way to keep tabs on your charities and contributions public give them
Comment from : @motleyassortment5512

I gave charity for a cow shelterbrAnd I did also cocaine, the feelings compared it's totally differentbrYou cannot reduce feelings to dopamine, noradrenaline and serotoninbrIt cannot deliver more, than a a very very basic understandingbrSo called experts 😂
Comment from : @geroldbendix1651

Wanting to be humble by donating anonymously is, in itself, incredibly arrogant Get out of your head: ir you donate PERSONALLY you are doing good, end of story brbrIf you care about it: you're also doing the Lord's work
Comment from : @jadehaze7939

That's why I don't donate because I am not selfish 😂
Comment from : @Dreamer38607

It's actually the same reason adults love giving at Christmas Its primarily selfish brPeople pursue the same feeling they had as a child In order to achieve this, they project this as empathy onto that very child and use them as a conduit for their own temporary happinessbrbrHow do you know this? Well ask yourself, what is your response to a child being ungrateful after the act of giving brHumans love to layer and mask the truth behind everything they do
Comment from : @whatfffd

I get the Warm glow when I hit the Like Button 😇
Comment from : @richardbarrow6606

What I’ve learned from this video: don’t do cocaine, you can get the same feeling by donating to charity
Comment from : @cursedcat6467

I feel like it's the same with love Most people only love or care about others because of selfishness
Comment from : @wanderingIvy67

the bible states "giving is better than receiving
Comment from : @andy18091

oh boy does jewdism have alot to say about this
Comment from : @Mai-jk8nm

this video trying to say that charity is selfish is just not true (look up the definition of selfish) Is charity not a hundred percent selfless because there's a possibility that the giver might receive a good feeling or a pat on the back, I would argue that that is literally the definition of charity, when the only benefit to the giver is a good feeling or some appreciation
Comment from : @seekerofthemutablebalance5228

the word selfish is defined as something that is done with no consideration for other people and entirely for personal gain or pleasure, so things that are mutually beneficial cannot be defined as selfish
Comment from : @seekerofthemutablebalance5228

Damn, harsh on my home country using the South African 2 Rand in the thumbnail But that's still pretty acurate
Comment from : @S1eepy

Charity is for people who genuinly think they are doing good Those kind of people are the worst
Comment from : @tidus-fc8rq

realized this a while ago, ruins it for me
Comment from : @christianovrlord4781

Kudos for the ZARs on the thumbnail brbrSad side note, our country has one of the highest global unemployment rates, that R200 coin in the picture is not even enough to get a loaf of cheap bread It's the equivalent of 10c USD Take a moment to consider those less fortunate living in 3rd world countries Life is actually hard here
Comment from : @matthewarmstrong7069

bPeople dying all over the world/bbrOh look a donkey I’ll donate enough money to feed them instead of humans who contribute to society
Comment from : @tradingfromthislightertoab8921

lol that R2 hit home since our currency is Rands
Comment from : @phumlanindlovu5653

Charity today has become such a scam, why bother? I've tried to help homeless sorts in my neighborhoods, and have found these individuals to be very selfish and ungrateful They never stop asking for more and God forbid I should ask them for a hand in my life, which I did I faced an expression of arrogance and disbelief You have so much!!! they accuse So say a sincere prayer for others Best charity ever Let them earn their keep as I did for the last 75 years, and God bless them
Comment from : @jonathanbrown4933

F_cK Timmy Donations outside home country should be 100 taxable until our own problems solved
Comment from : @drgunnwilliams8239

Charity is a wonderful thing and should be encouraged not disparaged I think it's terrible when smart people say stupid things While not enough of donations go to their intended recipients, to call people selfish who gave away money that would've otherwise been spent on a better car or nicer clothes is an abuse of our language, and I am shocked you would even waste time on this slandering of kindness Shame on you
Comment from : @thomassnider6691

I get anxiety even when I have to tip I can not imagine myself giving to charity
Comment from : @andre_bella

It also doesn't help that alot of charities spend 75 of what is donated
Comment from : @gamingshortz101

Thank you for mentioning Bono He will always be "number 2" in my heart ;)
Comment from : @languagesource355

Than, I imagine, cocaine would just tell me, "was it justified?" :D
Comment from : @csatimaci

"I, too, am extraordinarily humble"
Comment from : @Stolenvalor420

Whilst this may be true to a large degree, it's not true 100 99 of the Charities I give to are animal charities And it's simply because I realize that they have an operating budget to take care of these animals that are in need I'm never going to get to see these smiling animals, though I do see profiles of individual animals I just know the great work that these people do to help the animals requires funding While I feel good contributing to that, I also feel horrible knowing that they need so much more and I don't have it to offer Animal Charities get less than 10 of all charitable endeavors while humans get the rest I'm not saying that human Charities do not deserve funding, only that animal charities barely get anything so the donkey example is a poor one I contribute to the welfare of animals and other aspects such as I will always adopt and not shop and I am also vegan, so their well-being isn't just a financial contribution on my part I feel nothing but joy when I get to see animals that live their best life because I have adopted them or animals at a sanctuary that are able to live out their lives due to my contributions and the contributions of others that care It's simply with their welfare in mind that I do these things because they are the ultimate beneficiaries
Comment from : @snowj720

Look at this videos thumbnail from an extreme angle from the bottom Lmao Looks like a shaved muff or someone's butt
Comment from : @jrsgarage7623

I love how this is discussed in Madoka Magica
Comment from : @Dani-ps3oh

Nope or at least rare Gave some homeless guys my breakfast a few times since I knew I wouldn't eat it, but those damn registers make me feel shitty to round up
Comment from : @timeofthenick

I’m sorry, but the study that concluded giving to charity extends your life that reminds me of how Nicolas cage films cause people to drowned I mean go look it up the facts are there lol I mean there’s very strong statistics and data lol
Comment from : @Narutojaden

Timmy: b*Gets bajillions of donations*/bbrMillions of people suffering: b*Gets nothing*/b :)
Comment from : @LopsideMakes

4:41 Not why I wouldn't pick the cancer research I wouldn't pick it because there is no way they would ever allow a cure for cancer out, and they probably already have one More money has been sunk into that than any other medical research I WOULD however donate money to organizations who specifically purchase things for adults or children with cancer
Comment from : @TheExigency

The currency in the thumbnail is the South African Rand I did not expect that
Comment from : @Noor_Jacobs03

I give homeless people money sometimes and it doesn’t give me joy, makes me a bit sad actually
Comment from : @basedkaren51

Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !" brBasil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam" brMrs Richards: "It's not good enough!" brBasil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?" brMrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!" brBasil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky" brMrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied But I shall stay But I expect a reduction" brBasil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?
Comment from : @fredflintstoner596

I'm Grateful that I am able to Give Back without thinking & without feeling Good afterwards 🙏🙏
Comment from : @DanielLopez-lz1bm

Mrbeast 👁👄👁
Comment from : @Nobody-ug5nv

Me who gives money because I'm aware of the situation of my own study, hence tipping 20 on all deliveries gas money is a necessity for you guys <3
Comment from : @ironbloodxiii

You used a South African coin on your thumbnail 🇿🇦 😄
Comment from : @fanelemtshali8847

Why should I donate to help the poor when my tax dollars go to funding welfare?
Comment from : @godzilla964

Isn’t there some sort of medical condition related to excessive altruism?
Comment from : @sirturd2954

Come to South Africa and you will see this to its fullest extend grants and charities that were meant to raise people out of poverty has just become another scapegoat to syphon away millions from taxpayers But with that said, our government is so incompetent and corrupt that more than half of that doesn't even reach those who it was meant for The whole fucking system is broken to its core
Comment from : @jacosteenkamp8748

I donate my time and energy in helping people move for selfish It helps me feel better about myself That feeling is a reward in itself
Comment from : @oniminikui

“When was the last time you donated to charity?” brMe: 5 years ago-
Comment from : @breadbonz5234

Thoughty is South African?
Comment from : @josedirks3973

Great factual info, can't fault you there A bit cynical tho even for you Not unsubscribing anytime soon tho 😉
Comment from : @VokeVideo

but the reason is actually that humans are social being, of course we enjoy giving
Comment from : @sayeh313

go donkeys
Comment from : @Ler106

i love how his channel is dedicated to makeing me feel bad about good things
Comment from : @Grumps51


Comment from : @rainbowchan4736

You’re delving into moral philosophy and I’m for it
Comment from : @donnyd7206

Today I learned that to cure cancer, research labs need to front as donkey charities
Comment from : @dimitardobrev3296

This was a truth, people were not ready for 🤣
Comment from : @gavinnaicker6393

my gf gifted me some stuff and got really mad at me for not saying thank you, she said i made her feel like shitbri tought about explaining to her that, thats really selfish behaviour to gift somehting expecting some reaction for it to make yourself feel betterbrif i gift some1 i just do it because i want to, not to feel better about myself or get somehting in return
Comment from : @lolleonlolable

My first thought when they have a celebrity involved is why don't they donate? You don't need three houses
Comment from : @protosonic17

Schopenhauer c'mon mention him
Comment from : @thothtahuti5509

My mother and I never gave to charity Since you may never know how they use the moneyInstead, we give the people who are in need of money around us She pays some students in her high school their yearly lunch money or we help a uni students financially so they can study We also give emotional support and physical help like buying their market necessities or helping them go to doctor for elderly And I know all of these are selfish because I want to feel better about myself but at least it is a positive thing
Comment from : @exosproudmamabear558

Given the NHS and many schools are increasingly reliant on charity, these days, to make up for ukgov spending cuts, you may find many people feel angry after donating to them - but they do it anyway, because of the critical nature of these resources
Comment from : @BrianJ1962

Wow people who have donated millions to charity are the worst there sooooo selfish
Comment from : @makoshen7088

What if it's a scam
Comment from : @dallasrussell3884

Thethe only thing Facebook is useful for is for taking bonuses in games for logging in with it
Comment from : @Razno0

Comment from : @Obadiah_Thompson

self aggrandising
Comment from : @Obadiah_Thompson

let's be honest most people do it to feel good and get a wright off on their taxes The real hero's are the ones that actually get their hand dirty and donate their time to work at food banks and shelters
Comment from : @BlameItOnYourFriend

Maybe you do it because it makes you feel good I have supported a rabbit shelter in the past for no reason other than they needed financial help and I wanted to enable their work There was no self gratification, it was purely to help them operatebrbrI have given to charity that I didn't have a lot of passion about, and in those cases it could have been self gratifying, but the example above was not thatbrbrBTW, I get a call about ever 3 years from some police charity, and when I refuse to donate they say things like, "We'll be sure to remember that next time you call us" It's probably a scam I hope it's a scam, not because I fear retribution from the police like slow response times, but because I really hope police would not be engaging in that sort of coercion
Comment from : @Carnyx_1

This is pretty much a weird way of saying that I might have a problembrInstead of gaining the "glow" I've actually helped people who're in needbrNot that I get the nice experience I've thought that if I help them, maybe someone would help me as well
Comment from : @Danksix

Actually the true charity one can do is to come up with ideas to fix such problems OR go there and do something about it yourself Sure throwing money to something seems to be helpfull, but you have no control over wether it reaches it's destiny or not
Comment from : @wu1ming9shi

The thumbnail is a South African 2 rand coin
Comment from : @Terminator-or6mo

I only feel more broke and like I was still cheap and irritated that now I am more broke? Maybe my selfish is just stronger than most lol
Comment from : @jamaicasherouse3492

i dotn donate to charity because about 90-ish of the existing charities are a scam and really ahrd to find out if they are real or not so i just dont donatebesides, im poor, i cant afford to give away money if i want to eat
Comment from : @mairaineplayzgames2205

Oh dam was that a R2 coin 😱😂 probably not worth a copper penny these days
Comment from : @dieafrikaansbear8995

You nailed it
Comment from : @diegocanale1124

The truth is every act is a selfish act
Comment from : @typ3998

South African Two Rand isn't something I expected to see on one of your thumbnails
Comment from : @WispKeeper69

I gave away money only once, and I feel guilty to this day
Comment from : @shinybearevidra

All so-called selfless behaviour has instrinsic reward This is how mother nature motivates us to perform behaviours that may not be extrinsically self serving in itself but would in fact benefit us as a collective/species
Comment from : @TmHudsonArt

I will donate if i want to and have money to sparebrbrI don’t want to be shamed into and have ads play with my emotions just to get me to donate money brbrIn fact this makes me not want to donate because i get annoyed by the ads that do this sort of stuff
Comment from : @goofballjim6167

there's still real heroes tho when see global war, peep getting slaughtered, sells everything and went to the warzone,mostly ex army
Comment from : @sakada3291

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