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How hard is French to learn? | An honest guide for English speakers

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Information How hard is French to learn? | An honest guide for English speakers

Title :  How hard is French to learn? | An honest guide for English speakers
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Frames How hard is French to learn? | An honest guide for English speakers

Description How hard is French to learn? | An honest guide for English speakers

Comments How hard is French to learn? | An honest guide for English speakers

🚀 Watch next: How to learn French with stories: youtube/dPqWN2dlsBg
Comment from : @storylearning

English should listen and focus on quebecer dialesct more because the younger quebecers use frenchglish and their english pronunciation is better overall
Comment from : @Siphakid

Really enjoyed your content, I am 62 and my wife 55, we are looking to start a new life in France moving from the UK We both have a basic knowledge of French but are frustrated by our slowness to learn We have a friend who is fluent in French, German and Spanish, do you think that certain people are ‘wired’ to be multi-lingual in the way that others can paint or play a musical instrument or are language skills entirely ‘learnable’ for want of a better word?
Comment from : @jackryan1962

As an Italian coming from a romance language, learning french comprends 2 different levels: 1)the formal 2) the informal one Mastering the 2 of them is a real challenge, not even mentioning the pronunciation rules behind EVERY WORD that could potentially change their meaning You'll struggle even pronouncing numbers, at the beginning Good luck!
Comment from : @unveilingems

I think ChatGPT4 can be helpful too I get it to write short stories in French, but also include the translation of each word It's a simple way to learn, besides pronunciation, but I just copy/paste words into Google translate I'll try Duolingo too 😊
Comment from : @Freemelon07

I can read and write but listening to native speakers give me a headache I can’t understand 😭😭
Comment from : @MonaLizzo818

8 languages is crazy
Comment from : @benjaminStackin

La Passion
Comment from : @VergilEdits

Writing, reading and even speaking french is alright but trying to decipher what french people are saying is hell on earthbrbrI reached like B1ish level in French and moved onto Italian, its so much more satisfying Though I'll prolly return to French after a while
Comment from : @thebateman761

How about for Spanish speakers?
Comment from : @AuroraMedina

Speaking French 😎brWriting French 💀br( In French what you say and write is different, silent words are headache)
Comment from : @vedantkonde19

Ahem Le subjonctif Arghhh
Comment from : @rominiyi1385

Wow you did not make this easy at all😂😂😂
Comment from : @ifyouweremeforreal

j'ai rien pigé à ce qu'il jacte !
Comment from : @loursduvercors5694

I would love it if you made a dutch course Will you add any more languages?
Comment from : @DaRealSlimDavie

Beautiful video! Many thanks to the author of the channel for the recommendations! The problem with many people is that they want to take a "magic pill" or get "secret knowledge" and immediately have skills and abilities However, the truth of life is that knowledge, skills, and abilities do not come by themselves You can't learn a foreign language without doing anything, without wasting your time and effort, just like you can't learn to ride a bike lying on a comfy couch, listening to lectures and watching videos about "modern methods of learning" on a bike To really learn something, you have to really practice every day You're going to fall down while you're learning, and you're going to get bumps - that's normal! The ups and downs of learning are an integral part of our lives Motivation from success and depression from failure will always be your study companions However, every student has problems in his or her studies that he or she lacks the knowledge to solve It can be: poor memorization of words; no progress in language learning; the student can speak, but does not understand speech by ear; misunderstanding of grammar; incorrect pronunciation, etc Agree that a problem you don't know how to solve is very demotivating In order to find the answer to our question we have to spend a lot of time to read videos, articles and books by polyglots In today's world, we have to solve problems as quickly as possible I don't have time to study and analyze a huge amount of information My goal is to master the basic knowledge of a foreign language as quickly as possible and already start earning money effectively in the international arena I settled on the practical guide by Yuriy Ivantsiv " Polyglot Notes: practical tips for learning foreign language" This book is always in my bag If I have a problem while learning a language, I quickly find the answer in this book There are many different techniques and tips for learning a foreign language in Polyglot Notes I have made my own individual schedule and plan for language learning Now I know what I am going to study, how I am going to study, when I am going to study and what results I am going to achieve No problem could stop me! With an effective language learning plan my professional skills are more and more in demand internationally every day Friends, don't stop there! Everyone has talents that millions of people around the world need! Learn the language and make your ideas and dreams come true! Thanks to the author of the channel for the informative and useful video! Your videos motivate me
Comment from : @matildawolfram4687

I have tried learning Spanish 20 years ago but I have very low perseverance As a result I haven't got far at all I am attempting to learn French now and I hope to be able to achieve this before returning to Spanish One thing I discover is this - I can read and pronounce almost any Spanish words perfectly although I don't quite understand them but French is a completely different animal The hardest of all for me - an Asian - is the letter "R" This is incredibly difficult as it's from the back of your throat and not rolling the tongue I still can't do it
Comment from : @std882

Great video my brother 💪🤠
Comment from : @LearnEnglishWithMatta

Some comedian once said "french is so hard that even the french forget how to speak it That's why they are always saying 'ooooooo', 'aaahhhhh', 'mmmmmmmmmm'"
Comment from : @davidtracy223

your french pronunciation ain't that great
Comment from : @BernardProfitendieu

My daughter learnes French and she has one of you books titled " short stories in French "
Comment from : @shravaniobbineni6586

As a native French speaker, I have no problem speaking la langue de Molière 🗿
Comment from : @skarma9673

Il dit la vérité, c'est ce que je fais tous les jours et je m'améliore toujours J'ai étudié le français jusqu'à en développer une passion, je l'aime maintenant encore plus que ma langue maternelle qui est l'anglais
Comment from : @FreeEagle-zh7js

How hard are French conjugations? Most people in France can't conjugate for shit Let alone spell or construct a proper French sentence The more you read and hear them the less well you'll speak French I learned French as a native speaker from my mom, books and movies When I arrived in France after only a couple of years my French was already down hill
Comment from : @alxmtncstudio2066

Just got an ad of a french learning app
Comment from : @2005VolksWagenbeetle

Speaking of grammatical gender, even as a native speaker, since grammatical gender is so natural to me, I had NO idea that there are actual charts to determine (with high accuracy), based on how it ends, if a noun is masculine or feminine brbrExamples: Most nouns ending with "té" will be feminine (bonté, équité) (with exceptions like "soluté"), just like most nouns ending with "sion/tion" (action, version) brwhile most nouns ending with "age" are masculine (nuage, adage) (with exceptions like "image"), just like most nouns ending with "oir" (miroir, dépotoir)brbrFrench sounds complicated, but there are A LOT of tricks to learn words and grammar more easily (word construction, thanks to the many word families, is often very logical and makes it easy to "predict" new words because of the families)
Comment from : @azumetapraline

easy tbh half our words are already french bruh im learning it now and find it very easy
Comment from : @jacobl5488

Merci beaucoup
Comment from : @victormusoga4136

Completely disregarded french sentence formatting and grammar
Comment from : @ziett

The actual question is how cringe is French to learn
Comment from : @wenterinfaer1656

As someone who speaks Spanish and European Portuguese, I find French easy
Comment from : @lostinaroom5551

About 50 of the Swedish language comes from Latin, with a few percent French loan wordsbrIf I "frenchify" the pronunciation of what I already have, I must be half way there, right?
Comment from : @ingela_injeela

Something that can help is to know that maison is also feminine in Spanish that’s why if you know English and a Romance language French can be very easy
Comment from : @martingamez2488

I think the main thing that makes it hard is trying to learn it in a country that doesn’t speak it, like UK or US I sometimes consider learning it but it seems pointless without the immersion of living there
Comment from : @Penpaper

Sure, you should prononouce "éro" for "héros", only you should say "un 'éro" and NOT "un-n-éro" (no 'liaison' here) Its worse in the plural : if you mark the liaison in "des-z-éros", everybody will understand "des zéros", when you wanted to say "des héros"
Comment from : @Serendip98

Do you take classes for TCF?
Comment from : @mrhasib5569

I bet this guy's ancestors came from France 🇫🇷 he looks very French not British
Comment from : @soimoi535

I'm French and I think that the French language is complex mainly because of all the rules and exceptions A lot of French people can't even write (and speak) French properly
Comment from : @stormz4040

French is probably one of the easiest languages to learn if your native language is English
Comment from : @EzraB123

Is Freha Nchrd to learn?
Comment from : @lhouwie08

French isn't hard, learning Czech right now, this is hard
Comment from : @squaretriangle9208

Yoga is hindi and sanskrit not french or english
Comment from : @Sketchbook_Stories11

I disagree with the part that it really doesn’t matter much if one mispronounced a french word Well in Quebec, most Quebecois are rude They think they’re the real french lol
Comment from : @earthwaterwind

French teacher : you must pronounce ë, ê, é and è differentlybrbrSouthern french accent : nah, don't worry about it ! Just pronounce everything é and you're fine !
Comment from : @GuitarZeroPlus

The language is for me not so easy how I first thought as I studied it as a bilangual correspondence But I love Sound of the language and I' ll Master this languages ❤
Comment from : @Natsu_der_Fairy_Tail_magier

As an individual who endured traumatic scholarship experiences with French, for a breif duration of my life time I genuinely felt sorrow about the defeat of the Third Reich since they had already secured the extinction of the language after defeating France
Comment from : @AmethystNoir-Official

I think it's just as hard as German )
Comment from : @IndigoPhoenix-wc9lh

Le belle maison
Comment from : @Awakened_sandy

il mange en Ramadan
Comment from : @Awakened_sandy

Make more such videos to learn FrenchbrImportant things brDo's and Don'tsbrImportant things to keep in mind while learning, bridentifying letter in conversation like that plz
Comment from : @mohdayub5753

What a fantastic speaker brCurrently learning French and this video has affirmed my motivation to continue Thank you
Comment from : @JamesBermingham

Well I learned french in my 5th semester in the university but don't remember it much now I like English more than french
Comment from : @Manish_Kohad

:chuckles: I felt personally attacked with the remark about actually studying rather than just thinking about it! I have this curse of enough discipline to sit down with the materials and spend the time but bnot/b drive enough to get on with really doing it!
Comment from : @dallassukerkin6878

I’m learning english, I always watch your videos to improve my listening, thank you so much for your videos Saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱
Comment from : @rodolfotroncosofaesch3907

Uhhhhmmm, I'd say that speaking french is pretty easy (like english), but writting is a whole other story (it's a hell of a mess)
Comment from : @emberdragons8244

I learn through poetry - similar to how you learn
Comment from : @sobanosilva8585

In my experience, French is not as hard as German or Spanish for me who knows English and Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin and another dialect)
Comment from : @dng2000

Native speakers of English complaing about French irregular spelling is just wrong
Comment from : @rc1982

I wanna gaslight people into think I’m saying romantic things when I’m actually saying stuff like “your hair is so dumb” “I’m gunna hit you with a dog” or something els dumb I can’t wait 🤣
Comment from : @avaemberrose

I'm half french-canadian and my favorite part is that french people pronounce half the consonants and none of the vowels French is impenetrable I've learned it all my life and it's horrible
Comment from : @lukejolley8354

Great video always! Did you find French to be harder to learn than Spanish and Portuguese?
Comment from : @Themindofreyrey

2:57 Wrong: pretty sloppy 😁
Comment from : @b213videoz

60 of French is English
Comment from : @freemind9734

33 of algeria people speak french and read french
Comment from : @Toufik1618

French language is hard because it has a big number of small phrases which can't be translated literally
Comment from : @natukitenatako

The best tip top begin language learening, is getting familiar with the sounds If you get the sounds, you can memorize words, and get a sense of grammar
Comment from : @allthe1

Yes French is f*b***/b hard I speak 7 languages, 8 if you count morse code (lol), but French is probably the hardest one I learned
Comment from : @Just4FC

Think in the langage you speak Do not creat sentence in your langue and translate
Comment from : @frederikamr7500

French is hard for us French people, nobody can pretend he speak a perfect French And it's fine 😁
Comment from : @melaniezette886

Supermarket french is not so tough but it is the pronunciation The difficulty is understanding what is said The golden rule about pronunciation is to keep all syllable short and equal A very few words have stress and written French tell you
Comment from : @dbaytug

Hehe, i am a romantic language speaker So
Comment from : @0LeonardoGoulart

🌹💙 I have a serious question: I’m an older adult returning to finish my degree in Philosophy but need four semesters of a foreign language (intermediate level); I’m torn between French and Latin Latin would compliment Philosophy in many ways, but French is more practical especially in everyday situations, and I’m concerned some grad schools (should I go that far) may not accept Latin, as it’s not considered a modern foreign language Also, should it come down to personal preference, which of the two languages is easier to learn? Thanks 🙏 PS I see you offer assistance with both 👍
Comment from : @MojaveDaemonWitch

Le petit accent anglais 😂
Comment from : @Cobraforce1

Le petit accent anglais 😂
Comment from : @Cobraforce1

French must be easy, even the little children speak itbrJoke You have good explanations The best method is - you have to likebrthe language you learn, the rest will follow apparently
Comment from : @hiob3970

3:25 Yeah, I remember playing a video game as a kid and thinking "machine" was pronounced "match-eyen" Definitely not how it's spelled
Comment from : @amorphousblob

Never ask at a French market if the gâteau has preservative in it
Comment from : @jamescollier2370

Get rid of the subjunctive tenses and French would be only half as hard to learn
Comment from : @jamescollier2370

I wanna learn french but the pronunciation 👦🔫
Comment from : @scabbersss

I know this is about French but I was wondering if there are similar types of learning for Hungarian learners It's a very difficult language to find graded readers forbrbrFrench is so easy compared to Hungarian that I will read some of your French short stories when I'm frustrated with learning Hungarian
Comment from : @twoheadedboy6941

As an ulster Scot, I can confirm that French is easybrOne of my fav lines is - Chaque année en juillet, j'ai mis le feu à la voiture de mon voisin C'est glorieux
Comment from : @peadarbradaigh8612

Actuellement, le francais est tres facil pour les gens qui parlent anglais Parce que, en anglais- 26 des mots viennent de francais et 26 des mots de Latin, qui le pere de la langue francaisebrLes conjugason est plus dificil que espagnol ou portugais, mais il y a un system pour les troisieme groupe verbes Il prend presque 1 mois pour parfaiter ca
Comment from : @mrbhoobaun821

Not very hard but as my son said to me, 'what's the point?'
Comment from : @harrynewiss4630

Oui! Je le understand le french le very good and le speak it le very fluently! Le some les people say le me sounds le very native
Comment from : @ilyakoni6887

Comment from : @bharath2508

When you describe a language based on the consistency on their letters pronounced as they are written, you use the word Phonemic, not phonetic Phonetic means in terms of sounds Phonemic means in terms of the relationship between words and how they sound So English and French are not very Phonemic languages, but all languages have their phonetic aspects
Comment from : @wotsup9oo

All Latin languages are difficult, for English speakers Congugation, alone, is a real challenge
Comment from : @gwine9087

So whenever came up with the idea to throw so many silent letters in French is just a sick bastard 😂😂 like WHY 😂
Comment from : @tylerricker230

No English Person in their right mind should learn to speak French It's Treasonous to do so🤣👍🇬🇧
Comment from : @iamgod6464

Monsieur lafayette est dans le jardin We all learnt this in british schools in the 80s
Comment from : @MargaretSwift

French is not hard but sounds effeminate
Comment from : @Spacchio

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