Title | : | The Iraq War in 60 Seconds or Less #shorts |
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Lemme explain in simple words:brbrIsrael and its PM fed America the bs of WMD America bending over for everything and anything Israel commands them to do, goes out and starts a war against Iraq Not finding anything and destroying everything in Iraq (lives, animals, infrastructure, etc) and comes back after 8 years brbrIn the eyes of global and western media, people from Iraq and middle east in general are “arabs” and therefore are terrorist If you know anything about whats going on in Palestine and Israel, you will know the mindset of IDF soldiers is the same brbrWho won? Israel did and bunch of oil we waged the war for 😉 brWho lost? Iraq lost everything Middle east is still viewed as terrorist brYoung US soldiers lost lives and limbs We lost trillions of our tax dollars The old man who were running US dont care and are still breathing without consequences brbrThe end For over self proclaimed privileged Americans who feel that terrorist comes only from Middle East, think again They come in all shape or form Comment from : @delaware12pwner |
No body questions France for Libya Comment from : @dibyajyotidas5239 |
I didn't know oil was a weapon of mass destruction Comment from : @Adam-kr1bb |
But didn't Saddam use chemical weapons on the Kurds in the Anfal Genocide? Comment from : @negligentdata8307 |
Hehehehehe your writers are starting to show their true colors Comment from : @SIRKHEEM |
We talk about terrorists but we do not talk about why they became terrorists Comment from : @TaskiaNasrin-ks7bh |
War crime Comment from : @adnvlog5984 |
How can you say official reason ? If there was no weapons found Comment from : @aminenew1254 |
USA a war criminal Comment from : @talha839 |
the US NEVER took oil from iraq🤣lmfao all these bums got lied to it was about taking out a crazy dictator that not that much earlier SAID HE HAD WMD in a speech his lie killed him Comment from : @caden5532 |
You forgot the people arguing it was a lie to topple a country they’d already said they wanted to topple Comment from : @jeffreyrook8073 |
USA is real just the bad guy in this world Comment from : @demaanmaybe8192 |
And they say that Russia is horrible but yet they did the same thing fyi I don't think Russia isn't horrible what I man is that america was as bad as them Comment from : @Soonthereshallbeaname |
Americans have blood on their hands Savages Comment from : @bubblegum7489 |
Iraq war was no mistake It was an intentional systematic criminal abuse of power by the west I mean this was not the first or last So scrap that obvious lie of a mistake and face the reality of things Comment from : @jambeats2306 |
WMD's can be moved you know Ie to Iran Comment from : @carltonbanks194 |
I think Us have to pay for this someday Comment from : @shosuke3822 |
So funny they take the views of oppressor and gave them a tribute, what about those innocent oppressed people who did nothing and got invaded, tortured and killed for protecting their homeland/family😢Neverever will Allah forgive them brI pray to Allah to give them Highest level of punishment in Hell, AmeenbrAnd there are people who tell why is hell and heaven in Islam Comment from : @aanifshabir8009 |
Bush lied Comment from : @VarunRamamurthy_DrDude |
Russia invades Ukraine: evil and inhumanebrUSA invades Iraq: definitely a mistake Comment from : @us-yr8vc |
Who created Isis , who destroyed Iraq ,who destroyed Syria ,who destroyed iran ,who destroyed Somalia ,who destroyed afghanistan well i dont have to name everybody knows 😂 Comment from : @singhharjinder6316 |
Bush and his entire administration should have been hauled off to Gitmo for war crimes, Comment from : @MrGravylegs |
US didnt wanted to invade iraq for nuclear,they got cocky in oil whoch kurds and kuwaitis promised to get 80 of oil but US got so cocky about oil they even wanted KSA oil and u know KSA has so much oil but again as i said,got COCKY Comment from : @SamDietznuts |
And this war caused more violence in the middle east good job, Bush Comment from : @BSIHRI |
Why don't they destroy North Korea Comment from : @TheAadityaJha |
Does't Us also posses WMDs Comment from : @SkipiePan |
Actually is the us fall us is the bad person nearly every countries suffer from us😢 Comment from : @VinWin_1 |
Even saddam having WMDs wasn't a threat to the world, it was only a threat to israels expansionist policies, so the israel lobby and neo-cons of mostly jewish descendants dragged US into war and butchered millions, and not to forget iraqs oil was sucked up by israel Comment from : @NafeesUnnisaBegum-ut3ht |
Look at this zio Simon saying it's complex, but when it comes to his race getting butchered it's obviously evil, and when arabs get murdered it's complex, iraqs genocide was done for the sake of israel, because saddam Hussain was a threat to israels expansion Comment from : @NafeesUnnisaBegum-ut3ht |
This war is like all the wars created by governments criminal No need for wars but governments can't steal without killing I'll be glad when the whole system is 6 feet under Comment from : @annapurdy757 |
They just still debate but what about iraq they lost all the facilities & infrastructure and lives of people Comment from : @vadi2437 |
Not a mistake!! Sadam had already occupied kuait and hand plans and had said Saudi was next!! Had he not been stopped we would All be paying 20$ a gallon for gasits funny how liberals convincly forget the facts so you can run your mouths about shit you know nothing aboutLIES!!! Comment from : @tomrose6292 |
My neice was in the USAF She was stationed in Saudi Arabia turning the Iraq war They had tags that would show that they had been exposed to chemical weapons of mass destruction She told me that after Sud missile attacks that she emerged from the shelter and see that the tags of people in protective gear had change color to black indicating exposure to chemical weapons Ps The oil field fires in Iraq had poison gas fixed into the smoke, hence Gulf War Syndrome Comment from : @jameswoodbury2806 |
The simple truth is that the sh*t president who invaded iraq wanted to steal gold of the country there were nothing that threatens the global security of iraq and all must pay for their war crimes george bush is a war criminal and everyone who helped in that war start Comment from : @leongaming544 |
America was state of terorist Comment from : @alepahlevy6816 |
Iraq The start of the end of the west Comment from : @SaLphate |
a mistake ??? hahahahaha it was A CRIME Comment from : @manar_belaid_007 |
I think you mean hundreds of thousands of lives… Based on fabricated evidence…brbrTony Blair and bush are war criminals… And ultimately killed more people than d’Adam ever could have… Let’s not forget we also abandoned the Iraqis after the first war that I also remember well 😢brbrAt least we learnt our lesson 😅😅😅 (heavy sarcasme) Comment from : @sturmstorm |
There never were any WMD's and we knew that going in The only reason we went was for oil profits, and so The Shrub could prove he had a bigger d*ck than his daddy Oh, and let's not forget the trillions of dollars in profits it caused for the MIC Comment from : @MommieDammit |
It wasn't a mistake It was calculated tyranny Comment from : @1994mrmysteryman |
The official reason is because W is a pos Comment from : @at1970 |
But im supposed to believe that Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to America Comment from : @davidrehn7909 |
The Bush Family and the GOP are never to be forgotten for this lie Comment from : @robertmiller2173 |
We should hand Bush over to the International court for war crimes! We should've gone after N Korea Comment from : @israelarana5283 |
Wait, thousands of casualties? You mean hundreds of thousand Comment from : @HW0029 |
Actually there were WMDs/Chemical weapons found It's amazing that this lie is still told 20 years later Comment from : @Drumlinespartan |
But look at Iraq today It’s a stable democracy, meanwhile look at Afghanistan… It’s kind of funny really, and yes Iraq was already tested, they fought Isis and held their own and eventually winning unlike the Afghan Army cowards, many of which probably worked with the Taliban Comment from : @mar3869 |
I don't understand why are you talkin about this like it's like news Comment from : @BOSANCERO-ARBIH |
bush and blair should be facing war crimes Comment from : @metalmyron |
It started in 1991 actually Comment from : @all3ykat79 |
We did it for greed We do it all for greedbrGreed is the god of America Comment from : @DukeOnkled |
US: Well, we didn't find those WMDs, but we found all these barrels of oil Comment from : @CCCPRusRus |
I'm stiil dont understand how the war started in 2003 and Bush got re-elected with the lame excuse of keep fighting the "war on terror" Comment from : @guilhermecesar9185 |
The body count of innocent lives lost is over two million souls from both Iraq and Afghanistan Comment from : @NikoBellaKhouf2 |
George W Bush and his administration are war criminals and should be sued Comment from : @sanniran |
#usa #warcrime Comment from : @DV_Laurin |
I dont know why no one mentions but iraq now is safe and actually there are alot of volgs in it so please say ut next time with some good photos of it Comment from : @Twitch-Ez |
It was a lie Comment from : @brianhowse9075 |
The CIA doing what it does best Comment from : @A-Z__124 |
I'm glad we did it Comment from : @MrSabram07 |
Try, the crusades is one, it really started Comment from : @dionfox6090 |
Not defending the war Prior, were no-fly-zones over Iraq for years due to chemical weapons used on the Kurds Comment from : @rustyyb8450 |
It was a crime Comment from : @laopang91362 |
Question becomes:: why invade What was the actual reason for the invasion Comment from : @vincekramer4141 |
The original cause is OIL Comment from : @meditatewithme6254 |
There have been 3 separate Iraq Wars Comment from : @dabidibup |
It is a popular why that no WMDs were found Even the far right wing New York Times reported that there were indeed weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq Number one, George Bush, the Republicans greatest gift to the left in a century, took way too long to begin the invasion and allowed Iraq to either move or dispose of said weapons, and additionally, WMDs of a different sort were found than those that were advertised as the basis for the invasion To this very day, production facilities for WMDs are being discovered Comment from : @rogerpenske2411 |
"Mission accomplished"! Comment from : @jrobbins707 |
The war was fought for one reason and one reason only: to make money for big GOP donor firms (Brown & Root, Halliburton, Dynacorp, Blackwater, etc) could make billions in no-bid contracts It wasn't a "war," it was a robbery of the US treasury by RepubliCONs Comment from : @MisterMac4321 |
It served its purpose: to stop Saddam trading oil in Euro and protect the petrodollar Comment from : @martinlutherking6550 |
From what I've read from several studies, some believe the true reason the US went to war with Iraq was to show the rest of the world it still was top dog After 911, the George Bush administration believed Afghanistan wasn't a big enough target to convince the world it wasn't weak and vulnerable They chose to make example Iraq and Suddam Hussain I wonder what would have happened if George Bush fed the public that reason instead of the whole chemical weapon and yellow cake facade Comment from : @Brandazzo22 |
What f*cking mistake? That war was based on deliberate lies which were no mistake at all Comment from : @100k-Maccassete |
It wasnt a mistake, it was a warcrime, Illegal under UN law and as destructive as Ukraine war But it was against Sand People so no one cared, Ukraine is against white europeans so everyone cares As long as US keeps doign shit like that I dont give a flying fuck that ukrainians pay the price Comment from : @akigreus9424 |
you showed an angry guy stock photo when you said people didn't like the invasion brshows your agreeing to it being justified ?brit wasn't a (FAILURE IN INTELLIGENCE) as alot claim because the bush didn't wait for the inspection to be done brbecause he didn't people to know that Iraq had no weapons brimagine being a loser justifying the stupid war fought for profit Comment from : @IMP-vi6je |
How Bush made and founded ISIS: Comment from : @napoleonibonaparte7198 |
Mistake???? The USA is evil Comment from : @JamesSmith-bo3po |
#warcrime Comment from : @willclark6961 |
Do t worry they got it right in syria😮 Ut they will get it rignt in iran in china Comment from : @ravarga4631 |
Why report on something and be a pussy and not tell it like it is? Just like the attention i huess and not the cold bitter truth Comment from : @tmcorporations6131 |
This isn't about science? Comment from : @andrub792 |
"The Iraq war was bad I hate your President Thanks for watching" Comment from : @Terry12345 |
YOU ARE BRILLIANT 👌🏽 AND NICE 👍🏽 🙂😘😁 Comment from : @davidvincent8929 |
Saddam implied they had WMDs in at least one speech and in several interviews There is a CNN article about an FBI agent, George Piro, who interviewed Saddam on a daily basis for a year He said Saddam admitted to making it looked like they had WMDs, but it wasn’t posturing for the west, but to keep Iran from attacking Iraq The US couldn’t find any direct evidence of WMDs, but Saddam’s claims coupled with their nuclear material research and development meant there was a risk he might have developed them brbrIt’s easy to find evidence of WMDs when they wanted the world to think they had them, without actually having them and that was by design By the time Saddam understood an invasion was coming it was likely too late to admit he didn’t have them and he knew if he did Iran would attack them anyway Comment from : @robertp457 |
Oil Comment from : @marvelinofirmansyah1452 |
Tony blair should be in prison for this! Comment from : @jasondarby5103 |
And don't forget the George w Bush said he was going after Saddam because Saddam threatened to kill his daddy And he actually used the term daddy Comment from : @LKMNOP |
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