Title | : | My Hourly Wage as a Corporate Lawyer - The SURPRISING Truth |
Lasting | : | 10.20 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 173 rb |
@Liam Porritt can I get in touch with you sir? Comment from : @elormmorgan8678 |
You should rly do a discounted cash flow calculation for your earnings over the next 20 years 😂 Comment from : @theauditor456 |
Hi! I am LLM student in Finland At this moment 1st year associates earn about 4400 euros (3800 pounds in current rates) at bigger law firms in Helsing Associate trainees about 0,75 of that Salary/costs of living ratio are about the same as you have with your partner However, you can get mortgage soon after graduation and pay about same amount of money in monthly loan payments instead of rent with 20-25 years loan Bonuses are about 0,5 - 3 x monthly salary I was surprised how much you have to pay taxes and insurance with that salary in England Comment from : @NotSoProvocative |
Same thing for chartered accountants,, but it is all about future earnings Thanks for “brilliant” Comment from : @user-rx8qq8sk9ydv1ce5ib |
What is your hourly charge-out rate? Comment from : @markignatius7234 |
Man when its broken down hourly it really doesn't seem worth the pain Comment from : @deusvultpictures6550 |
Liam, do you know if there is a way we can find how much Cliford pays in other countries? Such as Belgium? In the website of Cliford in other countries there is no record from what i have seen Comment from : @eduardzamfir1790 |
God, and I complain about my Swiss salary as a cross-border I lived in London for 14 years and I barely survived working for a medium-sized law firm I wish I had your energy, Liam Well done Comment from : @ymest269daniel9 |
Hey dude, would you do private Prosicution for me? Comment from : @dsktv2088 |
48k ??!?!!? Yeah there is no way I am putting graft blood sweat and tears into my law degree to be earning that IM DROPPING OUT Comment from : @muneezakhan1112 |
Love your voice, very soothing♥️ Comment from : @v6812 |
00:10 "I dont know why I decided to see my hourly wage compared to others" Well The reason is is that our whole life is based on comparison with others We want to know what we are worth and what is our value and sadly we base this upon others I am worth more and so I am better than him And that is our sad life We have been taught comparison from school to uni to work To be better means I am worth more Why do we compare Because really we are nothing and so we compete to become someone and sooner or later we will realise we are just an empty shellbrbrWe also compare because we feel others are taking advantage of us The partners of Clifford Chance are taking advantage But don't worry Their lives are also insecure in bringing in the money and competing with other partners Their insecurity trickles down and becomes your insecuritybrbrGet out quick They cannot value someone who can think for themselves Hahaha Comment from : @channiedhillon |
Work life balance is ridiculous in corporate law Comment from : @MegaMoney786 |
Crap salary for London Comment from : @dac8939 |
Thank you so much for sharing with us the reality I'm also curious if a 60-80 working week (not billing hr) is normal for a trainee in big law That means a potential 10hr workload for each day 😳How about the actual billing hour for that week? Comment from : @amico5464 |
That looks like $64,000/year Is the cost of living that low in London? Because here in America, a lawyer of your status would make $220,000/year Comment from : @butters6295 |
I've got some further bad newsthere are more than 4 weeks in a month! Comment from : @petesnap1969 |
I am very happy to see that my mobile wallpaper and cover are exactly the same as yours! 👍 Comment from : @awesomeguruji3894 |
lol what I made MORE as a non skilled assistant in construction Comment from : @TheFrontyer |
Really? I would think corporate lawyers earn 100ks Comment from : @ChuckleHoneybear |
You inspire me to be a hospitality lawyer Comment from : @trinitygyimah1166 |
Ouch those hours… was hoping the pay would make up for it Comment from : @tomsmith3403 |
I was an E5 in the US Military in the early 2010s stationed near London, making around $2400/month and had my housing covered, and still felt broke in London Comment from : @mgoboski |
Not worth the hours like banking Your life is worth more Comment from : @NoName-ql1wk |
Read the book "The Apprentice", real good insight on how lawyers start I rather be software dveeloiper Comment from : @RIVALSGOOBERS |
Being a beginning lawyer is like being a beginning medical doctor In fact most nurses make more than a 1st year medical doctor, most don't realize that - at least here in the states In the US after medical school there is a 5 year residency During the residency the medical doctor is paid about $55,000 per year, £40,965 However, the earning potential post 5 years, is much greater so in the beginning it is a financial sacrifice, however it does pay off in the end Comment from : @DocPortland |
Next up, how much it costs to run a law firmbecause the fee earner gets a small proportion of fees earned A lot of law firms have huge loans and overdrafts and it is just a cash flow business ie can you service your commitments from your earn rate Comment from : @SolvelawUk |
respect for holding a corp law job and doing YouTube too, that's a sub from me! Comment from : @aryamanjagdhari1292 |
Dios te bendiga y Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA! brbrPorque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eternabrS Juan 3:16 RVR1960 brbrLa paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto! brbrBusca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra! brbrQue tengas un hermoso dia!brbr❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Comment from : @lopezfam7317 |
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER! brbrFor God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting lifebrJohn 3:16 KJV brbrThe wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest! brbrSeek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth!brHave a blessed day! Comment from : @lopezfam7317 |
I don’t envious of your stressful job However I am glad you enjoy your job The corporate office environment is so overrated Comment from : @chloelee2997 |
Why is it that the same role in the US pays 4 times as much? Comment from : @gopez93 |
imagine being on a computer and getting up to get a calculator Comment from : @fromdashadows673 |
My friend earned more working in retail lmao Comment from : @krystian6470 |
You make $2750 an hour Fast food workers in the US make $20 in some places I make $57 an hour in law enforcement and I pay less per month to own a much larger house That's insane Comment from : @bryceshannenclother4657 |
hello! i got to hear that corporate lawyers in big law firms (Magic Circle ones) have little to no work/life balance, is that true? Comment from : @emzie7067 |
hunk! Comment from : @akaiser8965 |
Love you Comment from : @mohakkhin4273 |
This was super interesting because I looked up average pays between London and Seattle, USA, and Londoners are so much less compensated compared to Seattle residents adjusted for the currency differences Cheers man thanks for the video Comment from : @harveyts3 |
That’s salary isn’t that much tbh, below average for someone your age in the city Comment from : @xxlairdy1106 |
This is flawed really because you cannot account for the cost of living in london and accomodation, without recognising the increase in salary ratio You would not be on 48k as a trainee outside of london so it's a bit of a moot expense Comment from : @MsSimixx |
Is this typical of an entry-level Lawyer? Do you know if US Lawyers make more or less? I am asking because my brother is thinking about law school, and asked me to research the career opportunities To me this seems very low, even for entry level, but I am not sure if it works different in the UK versus the US Or am I wrong in my conversion? Is 48k pounds is just under 70k USD? Comment from : @brianjdyck5541 |
Ever speak to the client lol? Comment from : @danbill9165 |
Now imagine what it's like for someone trying to live in London on minimum wage Comment from : @Mrgnothing1 |
i don't understand how you make £4k a month on a 48k salary after tax brI've added up on a salary calculator and it doesn't add up Comment from : @farrahkhalid9138 |
Is the power of the pound far greater than the US dollar in society? 48k a year for your level of work should be insulting Comment from : @1Snouser |
Love the transparency with this - us brits aren’t the best about being open with money, but it’s so important to be! Comment from : @freyadavis1814 |
meanwhile -> a deliveroo driver works Comment from : @boratlovesrabbits |
Are you genuinely happy? Comment from : @llsss777 |
The pay is great but the unearthly hours aren’t justified, I’d much rather get to switch off each day at 530, not work weekends and take a slight pay cut Comment from : @TedC1603 |
As an ex Londoner now living in Canada 48K is nothing for that type of job I left England 28 years ago and i earned 30K as a low level manager for a major retailer I'm shocked but well done I subbed you Comment from : @user-ff1kd6fe5k |
Interesting! Thanks for sharing I'd love to know how you track your time at work? Comment from : @healthymelody |
wow salaries in uk sucks you are going to be making soon more money with yt Comment from : @mileicampeonmundial |
What's terrible is that the law firm charges you out at £300/hr Comment from : @towhitby1 |
Ur getting ripped off American law firms pay their first-year associates more than twice that depending on the firm Comment from : @Ack23188 |
Goshthis pay is not good Comment from : @cido6677 |
Im a student in university who works as a part time security officer in the United States and I make 18 Dollars a hr Never did I in a million years think a corporate lawyer make a 48000 salary Comment from : @isseahmed3324 |
Is 48k good? Comment from : @asteinley |
Are u working remote / hybrid / Office 100 Comment from : @aseuvella6102 |
There is a very high attrition rate amongst corporate lawyers in London Probably half the trainee lawyers at Magic Circle firms will not be in corporate law after 10 years…… Comment from : @Ccb88888 |
Quick question Do you have to fill in time sheets at the end of each week? Comment from : @gracetudreu |
Thats crazy, here in America i make 21 an hour(other job) and after tax i only take home 2200 at the end of the month Comment from : @nitijr8346 |
$205,000 per year, or 150,000 pounds, first year associate at Skadden Arps at all their US offices But hours will be longer, maybe 60 to 80 hours per week Comment from : @jakemoseley1811 |
48k is jack shit dude I made over 100k a new grad software engineer 50k and you are living in poverty in London Comment from : @Gamabunta24345 |
Yes, being a lawyer or solicitor in UK doesn’t earn you a fortune, never will If we were to make a fortune in terms of a job, running own business or being an investor will be the route My friend being a business owner for a restaurant, he works 6 days a week from 9am to 9 pm, within 5 years time, he purchased two houses in CornwallbrbrSo yes, being a solicitor is good in social status and fame In end, we work for a cause, not entirely for money, however, most of us forgot why we chose this profession or any other profession in the beginning, sadly to say 💪👍brbrSo I think it’s vital to know what you get and what you lose by what we do for work, and why as well as if it’s worth it Comment from : @Smile-kg7vb |
Hi, just wondering does 'Goldam and Co Solicitors' employ Corporate lawyers? I don't know how to figure it out and hope you do Comment from : @divinity4475 |
Dude, you are the finest and the best social media lawyer period Comment from : @shahsfitness2524 |
Hi Are you still in your trainee year Comment from : @adonismanyanga8583 |
4k more than me! Comment from : @iamaaronsmith |
Informative viewing ! I’m Graduating soon & I really hope you’re enjoying it x Comment from : @emmajayne4184 |
Did you pass the Bar to get that job? Comment from : @1ВладиславМакаров |
That's very interesting Should take it one step further and calculate billable hours and hourly rate At the end, you can determine if you want to continue working for a firm or start your own practice after training period Comment from : @meritocraticmafia9824 |
Big up T Wells 😊🙌🏻 Comment from : @samuelcole9385 |
Keep the records for the future too I have mine (written, not video) from the 1980s onwards and it is fascinating to see how things change and how things were I had a baby as a trainee without maternity leave and worked full time We spent 50 of each of our net pay in that first year on full time childcare costs and most of the rest on commuting costs (could not afford rent close to work sadly in those days) and food and housing That baby and the others were worth it, though When I moved to working for myself and in effect keeping the hourly rate it is even better Comment from : @janesmith9024 |
How on earth are you only making 48k Is your gross income around 86k? Big law starts around 190k gross, doesn't it? Comment from : @ariston111 |
💸 Comment from : @sukku8765 |
Wait? nurses in the UK get paid a only 12 pounds/hr? OMG! Thats so sad In the US (in my state) a new nurse gets paid $32/hr which is about 22 pounds/hr And this is the pay for nurse in med/surg ICU, ER, NICU get paid so much more CRNA gets paid around 130,000 pounds/yr It is so cheap being a nurse in the UK Comment from : @yunisblu3412 |
Could you please helpme by answering my query that can an Indian law graduate could apply to a london based law firms? And if yes than how Comment from : @sanskardubey3423 |
change your domicile to The caymans British income tax is brutal Comment from : @zachariah4853 |
I decided at the grand old age of 28 that I’m going to study a bachelors degree in law with the Open University in October! (I live in the west of Scotland) And I have got to say, after watching a lot of vids (good and bad) brI really still want to do it!! brbrWhen all of a sudden the passion for study comes out of genuine interest (especially when I hated it before) it’s gotta be for a reason! Haha I’m starting my journey a little later on than most but sometimes it takes a little longer to figure things out I reckon 😜 lol cheers for the video’s Liam I thought I’d share a wee bit with you since you’ve shared so much with us! brbrKeep up the good work pal 👍🏻 brbrDavid Comment from : @DStenhouse |
I just found your channel and I love it! I've completed my LLB and I'm nearly done with the LPC but with no training contract so as overwhelming it has been your channel is very refreshing and makes me feel motivated to get to work!! Comment from : @sandrachlopas8977 |
4:03 bankers as in investment bankers? Your assumption seems on the basis that starting investment bankers earn less that trainee corp lawyers even though they work longer hours I thought IBs would earn slightly bmore/b than that tho even in the beginning? Idk Comment from : @gemsx2045 |
Forgot to charge them for rental of your office space Comment from : @mongo7129 |
Could you share the link for your blue light block glasses? Comment from : @willli3436 |
Hey, thanks for doing the math Knowing that you’ll earn £100K next year must be great :D But I’ve got a question, how big is your law firm(employee wise) and are you working in big law? Comment from : @yumnax |
I was on this path some years ago, until I left law school in 2017brNo hate to this man or anyone here, but that life style is too unhealthy for me, and a lot of people Comment from : @oscarclarke2653 |
I honestly hate law - did a module in my master's in real estate finance - trying to get into private equity now, but find these money and career videos interesting One thing for sure is UK salaries suck compared to US I am currently in UK Comment from : @annajones9701 |
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