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A Master Course in Fashion Design: How to Make the Best Clothes

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Title :  A Master Course in Fashion Design: How to Make the Best Clothes
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Description A Master Course in Fashion Design: How to Make the Best Clothes

Comments A Master Course in Fashion Design: How to Make the Best Clothes

I am currently studying a science degree (genetics and chemistry) and I am very passionate about fashion ! I am day by day, expanding my knowledge on fashion, and hearing/seeing how some components of my degree (enzymes, weighing dye to achieve a specific shade of colour, the analytical part of science etc) can contribute significantly to making such an iconic collection, really warms my heart and is inspiring !
Comment from : @ntuthukomntungwa2357

Comment from : @vonBRS

Every art piece starts with a story!❤
Comment from : @Mashavedjma

I love this deep dive into the line The plate vest had me on edge like what if she falls on the runway and it cuts her, would be a real life horror story
Comment from : @nahoooli

Wow, it's really nice It's really attractive
Comment from : @NechaOjibway

I learned a lot… omg this is real fashion this opened up my mind now I understand what I was searching for this truly gave me directions I understand the creation part thank you very much
Comment from : @RoshanKumar-lv6rw

i learned how each garment is important i need to be able to express myself through my fashions im going to start with maxi dresses ok thanks for such a great detailed fashion video
Comment from : @melindamullins9272

Amazing video I learned about the integrity of distressing hand how it must be done with care further more I learned about the detail that must be put in every garment thanks for the information 🙏🏽🤎
Comment from : @winstondouah1623

I never realized how specific and purposeful storytelling is in fashion I am an upcycler and I will take to heart what he says at the end about being technically strict with yourself
Comment from : @brookefescenmeyer908

Galliano is King!!
Comment from : @molostyworksville6265

this was a gorgeous gorgeous video thank you so much
Comment from : @rafailzintro929

Hey Bliss! I think it would be awesome if you start posting these episodes on Spotify
Comment from : @Cat_thinks

As with the top , All these squares add to the whole complete of Delfts Blauw Delfts Blauw is originally often portrayed in square tiles , which gives an extra layer of depth to this wonderful garment ( Coming from a Dutch )
Comment from : @dimdevries

Anyone looking for tailor? Send me
Comment from : @mosemose583

I think I learned that I need to get my indigo vat back up and running 👀brbrBut really, this was an interesting little epiphany I'm a recovering perfectionist, learning what the difference is between "perfection" and **excellence**brbrAnd damn, does this sound like I'm only halfway therebr(BtwbrThat sweater is so gorgeous, my poor knitting needles *could never* I do have some pretty delft china I'm expecting in inheritance, so I'll have plenty of motifs to practice with 😂😂😂)
Comment from : @Nebulouslystarlight

It's insane that Margiela SENT you these pieces for this video They're all so gorgeous and listening to your insight was truly valuable Not an aspiring designer, just a nerd, but this video has highlighted the importance of technique for me I will carry this with me moving forward
Comment from : @natashasauvage

thank you for another amazing, intelligent videobryou & Daniella are so brilliant
Comment from : @4evergogo

Did not take notes but as always you’ve been very helpful to my thought process and creative process, considering taking a break from creating garments but the only way to came out with this examples of clothing is just experimenting and creating, thank you bliss, hope to see you more of the analysis
Comment from : @cherry_head9994

Would you consider a series about crafts such as Orpus Anglicanum, Irish crochet and the near death of tatting impacts on our modern fashion world today? Old world skills that are dying, but made our current art culturally relevant Since there are a lot of designers interested in fiber arts who watch this channel, it be a cool way to introduce old skills, so more experimentation and cooler garments could be made
Comment from : @Michellerosecusack

Comment from : @malihaqureshi2457

I’m in animation and found this inspiring ✌️
Comment from : @jfrancis6191

What bothered me is that this story just seems so blah? from a literature perspective
Comment from : @h3091

story telling case study be critical boom
Comment from : @mrwhitemustache9035

Work on a distressed T-Shirt with the mindset of working on a suit
Comment from : @aria5003

great video this reminded me to tell a story in each creation I'd love to bring this kind of thought and direction to everyday clothing (minus the painstaking science it took to get the results, I dont got bread for that lol)
Comment from : @BobbyRabbit

omg that was so interesting thank you
Comment from : @Quli3n

this was truly a great Video Definitely helped me understand how to make a story through fashion, as well as understanding storytelling in other collections more!! Your insight is amazing, THANK YOU ❤
Comment from : @voellemngt5535

" you need to be as ruthless with yourself about the results of that kind of work as you would if you were making a bespoke suit You will find your voice in fashion design thru a lot of experimentation, a lot of iterations and holding yourself to a very high technical standard That's the only way" That was not only a profound statement about fashion design, but to much of creative work across the board Well stated
Comment from : @GraphicDesignNY

You lucky son of a biscuit eater! brbrI have been enamored by the tile sweater since I saw the folk horror video for the artisanal collection It’s a thing of beauty brbrMy great grandmother Moore made beautiful quilts and it reminds me of that aspect of story telling/story quilts, toobrbrI am familiar with delftware and love the color brbrI picked up a rubber pair of boots in that shade of blue a few years ago and I look forward to pulling them out when it rains They make me smile brbrI appreciated so many aspects of this collection, start to finish brbrMy generation did distress their own clothes quite often That’s how various types of jeans with holes became popular We played, we did bleach washes, we cut/punctured/shot and washed a billion times *Yes, it’s always better to start out oversized/in a much larger size (in denim and other fabrics) because after you dry them several times to perfect the fray they will shrink quite a bit brbrIt would be so fun to play with enzyme washes brbrThe details/cuts in linings reminded me of different types of paper art brbrThere was so much wonderful detail involved
Comment from : @pollysshore2539

Your passion is infectious
Comment from : @DoriterEater

Pov: you've watched celebrity 😀
Comment from : @bunnyyy6011

9:33 Sorry so pedantic, but that's embroidery :)
Comment from : @simmyjester

Your videos have inspired me to continue working to make couture garments from thrifted clothes that would otherwise be discarded and end up in land fills
Comment from : @perfumesofthebible

Rob Ryan gif went hard Bliss
Comment from : @BSANDY

bYOU WILL LIKE THIS/b I have been boiling, shrinking, ironing, boiling, shrinking, ironing, boiling, shrinking, ironing bLINING/b fabric today so it looks like vintage lining in a linen suitbrbrAND that it is shrunk to its final size for the garment EDIT: what he says about perfectionism in your work and repetition until its perfect and you KNOW the technique until it becomes muscle memory is SO important I just spend a whole day hand-washing lining fabric and drying it in the sun! [also - keep a note book of what works - cos you wont remember in 6 month]
Comment from : @piccalillipit9211

bOH MY GOD/b I put so much time into choosing and creating my linings - I want them to be so understated, so low key that they leave a void in your expectationsbrbrThat void is [hopefully] filled by the realization anyone who has the confidence to fit such an understated lining must be REALLY proud of their work
Comment from : @piccalillipit9211

As a beginner designer I definitely learned about the importance of creativity I'm this field I love it here💚
Comment from : @_eldritchh0rrors_

The amount of knowledge I get through your videos is literally mind blowing
Comment from : @enricopopp493

I love this video so much I had the ideas and you put them into words so blissfully (npi) I struggle with attaching meaning to clothes I make but this has given me so many ideas!! Thank you :)
Comment from : @luana5551

I learned that other people have had the same ideas I have, and that maybe I’m not crazy but also I should have acted sooner 👍
Comment from : @fancyfree8228

so cool to understand how these top tier designers put their efforts to say something through clothes
Comment from : @rachelcut

I never thought to look deeper into my clothing than the color or the comfort of a garment This video opened a new dimension in my mind for clothing I learned to be more open with my designs and more experimental with them
Comment from : @piairprce2244

They make the best creative clothes
Comment from : @leemary4833

i think the last statement you said was the most important Fashion designers need to put more consideration and technicality into their craft even if their garments or definition of fashion isn't the same as the big fashion houses You actually have to be even more technical and aware of your craft, so your ideals and creativity sends a powerful message
Comment from : @tagmaster301

my mind is blown by how much attention to detail goes in both the aesthetics and technical side
Comment from : @Svv4gg0t

This is your best video yet!br(although I think I’ve said this on a few other videos, as well)
Comment from : @LadyShanghai-wj1kh

The importance of effective and creative storytelling in designing timeless pieces
Comment from : @Andilenm

Definitely inspired me, ig I never actually considered story telling thru clothing This gave me (what I think are) some really good ideas THANK YOU
Comment from : @Jeulemonger

I don't know if it was already mentioned, but the fabric of the coat is called herringbone fabric
Comment from : @0ldschoolway

This video taught me the importance of detailing and searching within It also thought me how simple questions in creating can form major detailing in and awareness of a garment
Comment from : @esinusspace

The blurry view brought into focus was 👌 i see u 🔥💯
Comment from : @baltazarbarros6740

Thanks for this very interesting video I re-purpose a lot of thrifted garments, even though a lot of my friends (none of whom sew!) can be a bit snooty about this I spend as much time on the design and fit of these garments as I do when using new, expensive fabric and it mostly works out pretty well So, thank you for your endorsement of this approach I feel vindicated - perhaps even a little smug!
Comment from : @bethduffus4598

I've watched many of your videos, watching this one has made me question, what does it mean to be a designer?
Comment from : @retnuh3144

I love you
Comment from : @ArchiveAaron

Did the plate vest have Julian Schnabel's work as an inspiration? Or is the similarity just coincidental?
Comment from : @mikeletaurus4728

AwesomeI hate doing linings but they make the garment look professional and clean
Comment from : @nikiagravesdesignsurbancou2222

wow your videos are great cant believe its taken so long to find you, I doubt youll see this but im currently doing a fellowship program thats helping me to foster my brand and id love to sit down and just talk to you about the story/ narrative that im trying to tellbrbrjust to hear you critique my ideas would be so interesting
Comment from : @seanseams6308

Rewatching this because this a next level video
Comment from : @nathanael_wiebe

I learned what I felt intuitively that there is a connection between fashion design and fine-art sculpture especially when I saw the br"plate vest" using broken plate shards I use broken studio ceramics in my fine-art sculpture Fashion has historically and still does influences sculpture
Comment from : @ramekon

am i the only one here because there making a fashion designer oc
Comment from : @ShowTheater

It almost looks like Maison Margiela is channeling the work of HP Lovecraft, the horror writer Lovecraft is famous for his twisted fishing village Innsmouth Margiela dressing cthulhu and other monsters would be amazing The best thing to wear when playing Eldritch Horror Cooperative game that makes you that explorer playing against a game that is fighting back
Comment from : @asandyfoundation

Tailoring and textiles are very important but I love the fibers ! 🥰🤟🏻❤️💋
Comment from : @tishsmiddy71

Did they tell about bloody slavery in Indonesia ?
Comment from : @febrikriss1781

I'm only 1 minute in but I have to comment now (this is going to be a long one) Contextualising fashion as "storytelling" completely revolutionised the concept to me My entire life I have thought of fashion as either clothes on my body or nonsense that has nothing to do with me It wasn't until two weeks ago when my home was destroyed in a flood, and along with it my entire $300 collection of yarn and crocheted items I was selling, that I decided to get back into sewing Over the past two weeks, I've watched videos on what sewing tools are used for what, how to tailor bodices from shells, what a how to make a skater skirt, how to start sewing, the history of fashion, how to start an ethical and sustainable fashion brand - and it wasn't until this comment that I realised I had stepped into a world that until now was completely foreign to mebrbrI am a storyteller I have written novels, poems, speeches, short stories, a thesis, countless assignments, scripts, plays - you name it I have this channel so I can comment on gay and trans happenings, but I'm always keeping storytelling in my mind The stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell each other, the stories other people tell us How we talk about the world frames how we see it and vice versa And until the first minute of this video, fashion was an incomprehensible text written in a dead language and read only by rich people who would rather run me over in their Bentley than allow me to access welfare Even that is a story - the rich think poor people deserve to be poor because we're too stupid and lazy to be rich That is how I thought of the fashion world: people who think I'm too stupid, fat and lazy to be able to wear their clothes or exist in their world, another storybrbrThe first minute of this video has lit a fire in me I've recently worked out a style that suits me, after hunting through Depop for clothes that make me look like a cake I want to create a fashion brand for full figure femmes that is long lasting quality, accessible, and looks delicious I want everyone who wears my clothes to feel decadent and satiated Good enough to eat, as it were And that's a story The world you have presented to me in one minute is one I want to fall into face first and swim around in like a chocolate fountainbrbrSo thank you, really I can't wait to watch the rest of this video
Comment from : @blackmirrorprisoners

So happy to find your channel! working in breakdown, ageing and dying…its the best job ever
Comment from : @cherylladd24

I think i often get caught up in fashion for the sake of fashion, and this reminded me of the importance of using fashion as a means of processing and expression Margiela seems so aware and intentional about how its articles are situated within a cultural and chronological context, and as someone who mainly deals with thrift/fast fashion, i don’t often notice that intention
Comment from : @anandatalia16

Comment from : @WhimzyInteractive

Thank you so much for your video, I watched this today with my fashion students and they loved that you explained the back story in such depth and they were wondering how you did your research They realised that story telling doesnt have to be so litteral and that there is a true beauty in letting peple find out the story on their own They found the concept of symbolism being on the lining and therefore closer to the person and that this has more meaning The knitted patchwork top inspired students on how a story can move from one collection to the next and tell a story in doing so, the inspiration for this piece was also very intresting
Comment from : @kerriereeves794

Do all the items of clothing incorporate the story?
Comment from : @kagisela9664

Please, please, fashion designers!!! Leave the thrift stores to we, the poor people! You are ruining it for those of us who can barely afford clothing! Just do your thing and leave the thrift stores alone!
Comment from : @karynwith-a-y6686

ok liked this after the first 5 secs! thank you! exactly what I needed! <3
Comment from : @angelicalisa

Great presentation 💜💜💜
Comment from : @purplescarlettopaz6754

I'm not a fashion designer, but a painter and your lines about repetitious work to achieve a high standard ring true regardless of the difference in disciplines A great reminder of how the incorporation of a persistent narrative helps art solidify it's place in time I think your dissection is a true gem of inspiration
Comment from : @cucumberwhale

i learned that i should make my ideas come through faster and make it known to the world Thank you! God bless you Jesus Christ loves you
Comment from : @henno_h

I can't believe you critiqued the coat without mentioning the main fabric used is a Herringbone Tweed! You told the story but missed the middle chapters of the bookcheeky you 🧐
Comment from : @jacks2222

Keep on learning ✌🏼
Comment from : @amornratsudwiset5758

I learned that the Maison was making movies! I feel like that idea really cemented the “design with a specific person in mind” thing Having a true story with all of these relevant details, along with characters to dress makes that point feel much more understandable Makes all the sense in the world now
Comment from : @BabelofaTaurus

Why did i cry watching this video? Guys i think ive finally rediscovered myself A soulful moment y'all
Comment from : @joxpeaches2504

i love how you break down a topic into details , storytelling is a very powerful weapon , as if we looked closely we will find all the great fashion designers had their stories and things that were meaningful to them in their work as a story and everyone had his own way to express that one of the great story tellers in his work is alexander mq , the more you are grounded with stories the more you can give and tell in your work the more every fashion piece have a personality reflected from the designer and gets stronger just by expressing stories , that was great , plz continue sharing and maybe even create a hole series about story telling because you will find alot in this subject in movies and theater and how custom designs really affects the visual identity , most recently in cruella by jeany b
Comment from : @sarazahran551

I absolutely loved how you have given such clarity to designing concept from inspiration to final product! I teach Parsons School of Fashion and the complexity and purity of creativity is wonderful Just so great
Comment from : @ElizaEnsueno

Clever made movie! 👏Love the details It reminds me of my student life at London College of Fashion What camera did you use?
Comment from : @creamberry

Wonderful video! Thank you for sharing this
Comment from : @paolabueso

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