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Thousands with autism and learning disabilities stuck in mental health hospitals

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Title :  Thousands with autism and learning disabilities stuck in mental health hospitals
Lasting :   5.10
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Views :   9,6 rb

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Description Thousands with autism and learning disabilities stuck in mental health hospitals

Comments Thousands with autism and learning disabilities stuck in mental health hospitals

I have non verbal autistic son and son with ADHD I get so scared for my sons future as I got fibromyalgia and my health is getting worse it's getting hard as he is turning 8 and getting stronger and big in size everyday and it's cold and cruel world for austistic and learning disabilities child
Comment from : @safiaosman1717

Collapsing country Absolutely awful😢😢😢😢
Comment from : @blueamenaa749

"The staff don't have autism-specific training," needs to be said, but surely that isn't what's causing staff to be violent They're hateful people in an authoritarian organization If you don't know what you're doing, human decency would still do better than this
Comment from : @vickisnemeth7474

This is absolutely appalling Please don't stop covering this particular case and all the cases of people who A do not have mental ill-health but are kept in psychiatric hospitals and B anyone who is mistreated to such a disturbing degree whilst being in any hospital/care facility Thank you to Nicholas for bravely sharing his story and highlighting this atrocity
Comment from : @jpc3603

Comment from : @wuisquil

This is very sad for me cause i'm a young adult with autism and i have a passion for drawing anime and writing stories The world is a cruel place and we'll get through this everyone God help us
Comment from : @KyloZach

No doctor I ever talked to ever asked me a question that wasnt a tick box They are not trying to understand, they are trying to make money by not understanding
Comment from : @bog6106

On the Day, Rishi Sunak choose not to have a Minister for disability The forgotten in society
Comment from : @Setinmywaysalways

If a judge in any court of law can have absolute immunity in court by being the only one who can recuse themself in a hearing, imagine how much power/immunity the ICC has The ICC being theInternational Criminal Court
Comment from : @Night-k1g

This is a crime This is negligence Why has this man not been taken to a correct placement?
Comment from : @URFUTUREUK

It’s pretty weird that their symbol is literally three swords
Comment from : @henryhargraves4184

Thank you for this journalism
Comment from : @D_o_n_k_e

Maybe try Rwanda, I am told it is nice there
Comment from : @simontemplar404

So sad Could do better
Comment from : @MrUniverseVlogs

"He's an autistic man with learning disabilities" brbrAlsobrbr"No diagnosed mental health problem"brbr😂 Which one is it? It can't be both brbrI can completely see how this might happen in a general ward or a mental health ward It isn't that the staff don't understand, it's that this isn't their job To give a non-healthcare analogy people might understand, it's like putting him on a plane and wondering why the flight attendants can't spend all of their time caring for him brbrThe story shouldn't be about which public funded body should have to pay to look after Nicholas The question should be, why can't and why aren't his family looking after him and taking on that financial burden? The brother says he never imagined having to look after his brother, why not? He's not the responsibility of strangers, he's the responsibility of his family He's going through all of these things because his family aren't fulfilling their obligations
Comment from : @tjmarx

This is so sad Since people who have mental health are still on waiting lists for these evil places
Comment from : @nomsi4263

15 unacceptable placements in a decade suggests the problem is not with the care, but the individual
Comment from : @martinwyke

Both my parents and step parents threatened me going to a mental health hospital I got human rights I could sell my story to the sun newspaper 😊
Comment from : @Corporal-cain

Honestly, guys, the situation in mental healthcare is not one most people understand The science is still behind many other branches of medicine and there's a real lack of reliable diagnostic techniques Burn-out is somewhat common in the mental health professions Medications often involve trial and error There's also the implicit bias and stigma against the mentality ill or disabled which does affect people in health care professions too brbrAt some point, someone will make a huge advancement in the science of the brain, mental, developmental and personality disorders But it's a complicated organ and a psychiatrist doesn't have the same kind of refined tools that, say, a cardiologist does Not yet brbrComplaints from patients about inadequate treatment are common It's not always clear if it's a reasonable complaint or if patients expect more than present-day psychiatry has to offer
Comment from : @Robespierre-lI

this is a disgrace & I am appalled I would expected this in a Third World country not like a country the UK I hope change come soon
Comment from : @kevinwilliams1768

Tory Britain they hate the disabled So does its voters
Comment from : @nifty3000

Comment from : @JH-uz5xn

Yum yum Very delicious Signed: The NHS
Comment from : @guff9567

Makes me sick to my stomach The true test of the character of a society is how they treat their most weakest and vulnerable and we as a society have failed Nicholas and others like him who do not have a voice
Comment from : @TheBigBadWolf346

Comment from : @user-qw2kr8xz7z

Brits have national health care at the expense of their taxpayers 😂 So increase taxes and increase salaries of the caregivers and everything will be fine 😂
Comment from : @davidcerullo7976

This video is only showing part of the story Many of these autistic people are very irrational and violent Some of them should be in jail 😂 That's my take 😂
Comment from : @davidcerullo7976

Disgusting , these are people who should come first before any financial considerations if we can’t look after disabled people we should be ashamed as a country that we have failed to get our priorities right
Comment from : @ardentizzy7720


Comment from : @AbdihakiinMukhtar

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