Title | : | Cara Saya Menghemat 40% Tagihan Makanan Saya (Tips Hemat Uang) |
Lasting | : | 8.13 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 413 rb |
I discovered that at our fresh food market has Sunday afternoon boxes of produce for 1/2 price Comment from : @tmanning6829 |
Would love to know which meal calendar you speak of at around 2:20 Comment from : @AlKalain |
I checked the ingredients on Hershey's chocolate syrup vs generic chocolate syrup and they were identical Comment from : @zqxzqxzqx1 |
28 seems like bullshit Some things only went up a little, but others doubled or trippled Comment from : @baileydonohoo7139 |
Buy what you use when it is on sale, whether you need it or not Also, the smaller the packaging, the high the cost per unit Plus whatever processing they do jacks up the price exponentially (presliced, cubed, cut up) Comment from : @Angel-nu7fm |
NEVER shop without a list, best way to save😊😊 Comment from : @susiq58 |
Ordering on-line and get your groceries delivered to your home Saves impulsive purchases if you are physically in the store Comment from : @bevanbuckwheatshea5520 |
I saw that pink and white checkered floor and knew instantly it was Market Basket! Comment from : @thequeensbudget |
How do you have a kitchen that nice but an electric coil stove? Those are a crime against humanity Comment from : @realimbored668 |
I always hit up Sharp Shopper in my area first I used to be a snob and refuse to shop there, but it’s about the only way I can afford to feed my three kids now You just have to make sure you check the dates on certain things Comment from : @justineharper3346 |
Buy the ingredients for 3 meals, and this reduces waste Comment from : @lorrainemarsh8130 |
there's no need to overcomplicate this you get a circular every week - if it ain't in the ad, you don't need itbri regularly save more than i spend just by shopping the ad Comment from : @Straight0uttaCrofton |
How to be saved youtube/aTYy5hXOC68 Comment from : @lionandthelamb9379 |
Check out the clearance items if your supermarket has it You can find some good buys there if you want to treat yourselfbrAlso check if your supermarket deli sells "ends" Those chunks of meat/cheese that can't go in the slicer anymore They're cheap and you can find some interesting things there Comment from : @Alverant |
How to save money Get both generic and brand name to taste test 🙄 Comment from : @iloveyouamberappel |
Meal planning has definitely worked for me! Otherwise a lot of the food in my fridge goes bad because I had no exact plans for it Comment from : @GroceryGaze |
If people stop eating meat/fish/eggs and pre-cooked ultra processed food that is very harmful for you, became whole food vegan, do 18-20 intermittent fasting each day and stopped being darn lazy and cook from scratch, they save huge $$$ on their shopping bill and live longer, not stay obese and be more healthier 😮 the solution is simple as nothing in life is easy yall 😢 Comment from : @sonnysingh2617 |
Buy 40 less thats a big savings right there Comment from : @jeffreyjeziorski1480 |
I love making a meal out of random shit in the fridge and pantry, but my wife calls it “clusterfuck soup” Comment from : @dudeman71213 |
Humble brag about the chickens in the back! 😎 Comment from : @kevinmott9046 |
Pop your own popcorn! And make your own yogurt Comment from : @llamaspitstudios8302 |
I like shopping the loss leaders as well I'll visit a few stores and stock up Comment from : @theropesofrenovation |
Most of these rules are either contradictory or just terrible Comment from : @goleft4088 |
choose a store that marks down meats for quick sales Comment from : @rb239rtr |
I can not handle Aldi’s I don't care how cheap it is There oatmeal is so dang chewy I bought 3 boxes because the price was right and my dog wouldn't even eat it Ice cream! Terrible Tasteless canned veggies Rotting produce Comment from : @stardustmelody2709 |
In last 4 years…Biden’s government really Blinken’s government Comment from : @Sammy-hi4jy |
Use a calculator! $$$ ÷ UNIT Comment from : @JustineWiniker |
Get an Instant Pot (pressure cooker) It makes creating your own stews, porridge, apple sauce and much more very easy and faster Also invest in tight containers for cleaner storage so that food lasts longer I use mine so often that I bought another It can do many things besides pressure cook Comment from : @lindaabraham8715 |
As far as generics, they are often the exact same product with a different label My dad drove over the road after retiring from the army He told me about one of the warehouses he would visit This particular one made canned goods They all rolled off the same belt and separated at the end to be labeled They were all name brand and store brand labels, the only brand that was not there was Del Monte Comment from : @JGDD7190 |
Great job and Thank-you 🥰 Loved it Comment from : @johnhalcroft7283 |
I don't meal plan very strictly, but all my meals have a formula: carbs, protein, fiber So that could be rice, tofu, mango and cilantro and soybeans in a bowl Or it could be homemade pizza with chicken and spinach Or pasta with shrimp and broccoli It's a formula that means I can make a meal with anything that's in my fridge and pantry without a lot of thought or planning Comment from : @GetOfflineGetGood |
No way! That burrito place is nearby! Comment from : @penny50533 |
We have a CA burrito but it’s NOT cheap Comment from : @melissanicole4357 |
Double check that sales are actually sales Here in New Zealand, sometimes things have a big yellow “sale” sticker but the price isn’t different It only happens rarely but it’s always worth checkingbrbrRecently it made national news that some supermarket chains were charging more than advertised (unknown if it was deliberate) Checking receipts is too laborious, so it’s a genius way to screw people over But thankfully they got held accountable Comment from : @Feejakka |
I’ve been making my own meals straight for a while I come in with a set grocery list Because it’s mainly just me, a couple recipes will last me a week or more because of leftovers I may spend $50-$60 at the grocery store some weeks, but that lasts me around two weeks, averaging $20-$30 per week My latest lasted me 2 1/2 weeks, with spending $60-$70 after everything, so I definitely made out well I don’t buy any prepackaged meals, I only really have to worry about dinners with the occasional lunches, and I keep basic staples around like milk, bread, eggs, and oatmeal for any breakfasts Not only have I saved money by not eating out nearly as often, but I’ve been eating a lot healthier without relative ease 😊 Comment from : @helston27 |
Good video Thank goodness I only have to worry about me With these Trump tariffs about to kick in I'm so glad I don't have to support a family 💰 Comment from : @gm7304 |
I try not to use more than 3-5 different items in a meal other than spices Comment from : @1slickprankster |
Another protip to add onto the first tip (for choosing grocery stores) food that are imported are generally cheaper at their closest (geographically and cuturally, not necessarily the same) cultural stores brFor example, chocolate imported from the EU are cheaper at Lidl Rice imported from Thailand or Vietnam are much cheaper at Korean markets (or asian market, or chinese market, etc) in comparison to walmart Albeit you might have to buy stuff in bulk sometimes Happy saving ^^ Comment from : @laziecatus7233 |
This is a good video for a lot of people, but I knew a lot of this info already because I grew up poor and my mom/grandma/the internet taught me most of these I didn't know the 6-1 rule though, but we get a decent amount of stuff from the outside aisles anyways I think the things I need to work on more are buying less prepackaged foods and meal prepping more It's difficult to meal prep when my family all have different preferences, dietary needs, and restrictions like missing teeth I live with my parents and some adult siblings and we take turns cooking One person is diabetic Another is lactose intolerant (but I love to use dairy products like cheese) and doesn't like when I experiment with cooking Another person is missing teeth and is picky on how things are cooked (partially because they have digestion issues) The other person is generally fine with my cooking, but occasionally can be picky I think I could meal prep if it were just me or I had people who generally liked the same things/were more adventurous Comment from : @davidwilliama7296 |
Bro you got sick hair Comment from : @awelsh7737 |
I like to use chat gpt to create my meal plans and shopping list for Trader Joe’s Vegan, 5 days, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner under my budget preference It makes planning so easy! Comment from : @Jamie-CityOnAHill |
I’m a young adult so I’m trying to be more aware of the things I do I always go shopping with my parents, separate or together, and we only get what we need but we never really meal plan unless we’re craving something specific My mom cooks the most, I help out and I try to cook recipes that I’ve found but I have no confidence in myself when it comes to cooking I wanna start meal planning consistently, I have no idea how to, could you give me some tips? Comment from : @TyrantOfNerds |
Reduce your refrigerator's storage capacity by keeping empty containers near the back; consumables won't get lost or go to waste as easily Comment from : @o0jny0Oo |
Always left an extra in your budget for sale items, you never know when you’re going to see that 30 off again Comment from : @TheStardustConspiracy |
Cool 😎 Comment from : @j9_njoroge |
If you view the center of the store as all "soylent green", it helps lol I mean, no, it's not made of people but it IS all made of corn products Just remixed in a factory into various items that are generally bad for your health if consumed on a regular basis I think it's something Michael Pollan points out Comment from : @milliealderman9796 |
Living from my car no power at home code enforcement standoff since 9/11/24 So its taco beĺl circle k for the void I'm getting tired of the burritos $250 a day but beans cheese rice isn't unhealthy to consume I take supplements to make up for the void of quality food Comment from : @GEAUXFRUGAL |
Very interesting and useful, thanks Comment from : @SofiaWilson-w3s |
Ask the department manager what the best deal is Comment from : @jpjordan3357 |
Use beans and lentils, great low cost protein and fiber Comment from : @suzan4012 |
I’ve found the per unit price when purchasing online is often wrong, especially when it’s a multi-pack but sometimes even when not, plus the units on one brand ma be different than another, like one is by the pound and one is in ounces It’s useful to pull out the calculator and figure it out for yourselfbrbrAlso, if buying any groceries online you can use the camelizer to track prices and see if your item is often cheaper and you can even set an alert for the price you want I’ve found it especially useful for some bulk teas Comment from : @1bearinarea |
I check the leaflets online at the beginning of the week - check specials on food that I usually use (always check the PRICE/Kilo) brI verify my errands and try to do all in one shot I will buy and stock I also go to the openair market in Italy and I buy the fresh veggies for everyday NOT MORE!! NO LEFT OVERS!! Comment from : @sophialuypaert-vediclife4ever |
3 and 4 sound fancy meal planning first means you're likely gonna pay full price for most of the stuff you want You have to meal plan based on what's on sale If you cook with simple ingredients it's very easy to understand how much you're going to need for the weekbrAlso, stock up on shelf stable food when it's on sale, that way you can add it to the fresh produce on your weekly meal plan AFTER buying what's convenient Comment from : @NoraLynn82 |
Do one better As a single person, i just buy one of each category and skip the “fun” thing It’s more “fun” to have more money in the bank I use a $5 weekly meal plan that happens to last me at least 2-3 weeks Comment from : @elohtibbarehtnwod |
Wish you would do one of these for the carnivore diet through keto - mainly meat Comment from : @jazzk4072 |
I appreciate what you are trying to do here, and the way you communicate the ideas you do address brbrLike basically every single other video like this though, it lacks the base-level fundamental knowledge needed to make almost any of this work I wish someone would start from scratch - imagine talking to someone who has only ever cooked microwaveable food Only Ever This imaginary person doesn't even understand that food can be made in any other way Advice videos need to start there Comment from : @retropulse03 |
Always always always love the "save the gas money" thoughtline brHow much gas do people think it costs to go down the street? brIt's a fuckload less than the 3$ it costs for an ENTIRE GALLON of gas brCertainly less than the 5$ upcharge for grocery delivery and the 5$ tipbr(pay extra tip if you made them carry bulk-package water, you cheap dicks)brIt's in the CENTS range when you factor in cost to drive down the block Comment from : @retropulse03 |
I like to take a step further and only buy food that is on sale and price match You need to be open to new foods and able to pivot recipes Lastly, during the winter when fresh veggies are at a peak price, I typically buy frozen until fresh prices go down Two words whole foods! whole foods! Comment from : @triciaco2499 |
My brain explodes whenever I hear someone argue that processed foods are cheaper than whole foodsbrSure, maybe your bill is 20 cheaper if you buy a frozen meal vs buying the ingredients, but you’re getting 50-70 MORE FOOD from Whole Foods It’s just an excuse to be lazy or avoid learning to cook for yourself Comment from : @DFalco-nz5tl |
cook your vegetables with the skin on (such as potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, etc) You keep the vitamins and eat more of the food Comment from : @ghostl1124 |
Well done Comment from : @eigleenalegri2664 |
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