Title | : | How Senior Programmers ACTUALLY Write Code |
Lasting | : | 13.37 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 1,7 jt |
"Never expose refactoring": so true! Comment from : @drearmind |
One should aim to have self documenting code Comment from : |
1337 Comment from : @radicant7283 |
The root note changes in the second half of the measure, the changing slide down the A, sounds off When you change off of E3 to D4, and start with A5 to A3 for the last half of the measure, try using Open A to E1 👍😎 Comment from : @jasoncravens1124 |
I started refactoring some messy code to no one's delight and wound up fixing the bug by adding an extra condition to some check Comment from : @duhdeedee |
Good code is “going to be much more valuable to your company” brbrThey just want lines of code, fast nowadays 😂 Comment from : @sunnnier |
I like that the length of this video was 1337 Comment from : @dosmaen5312 |
I don't disagree with what you're saying nor do I think you're suggesting to be reactive But I think what's missing and you aren't really mentioning is a governance model A new pattern is established in an ADR(architecture decision record) and no one can introduce some deviation without going through this process You mentioned a document but dont suggest that document should be approvedbrbrAlso you mention nothing of testing That is frankly bizarre Comment from : @danielmartin8271 |
This is a great list of items to keep in mind, thanks Comment from : @Lamssatti1891 |
As a project manager, I do require the team to add tickets / technical stories for any refactoring or technical debt that is left after the MVP / initial story works Unit tests are not allowed to be left out, ever, and neither is documentation But sometimes there are technical requirements like framework upgrades or merges or duplicate code issue etc, and this kind of cleaning up can be done later by a BAU team or once the actual features work and earn money because yes they run and work for business Time is money 😀 and especially in a business environment it’s not about beautiful code but all about delivery and the business making money with the product Comment from : @prank-o-mat |
9:28 -- thoughts on getting buy in from management to prioritize refactoring? It seems to me the professional and senior thing to do is to get management on board with the technical and business importance of refactoring Comment from : @redemption543 |
Your last two points were spot on Comment from : @MikeFuryTech |
Simple: tell the junior progs to write it Take their code and polish it turn that in take all the credit and the end-of-year bonus Comment from : @JustinKais |
"How senior programmers actually write code":br- Let people know that you're a "senior" programmer It's very important that you be considered "senior"br- Don't actually discuss code Maybe show clips playing guitar, but definitely don't provide any specific coding examplesbr- Never provide specific examples, just speak in generalities Think of yourself as more of a politician, you don't want to commit to anything concrete and risk not being considered "senior"br- Give the impression that you're all about code quality You're not sure what that means, but you know everyone wants it: namely "senior" programmers want it You wanna be senior, don't you? Comment from : @efo0l |
4 made me laugh way too hard Comment from : @kelcamer |
I'm making a career change studying web development haven't really understand some technical words but I guess I will be clear once I am done with my bootcamp but this sounds like a huge pressure Question pls: How long do companies spend to teach these skills to junior devs? Cheers Comment from : @Moemeen-q2b |
This video should be called “How to survive in a micromanaged scrum environment” Comment from : @ryanalafountain |
Test code is a great place for lots of comments Comment from : @19E37-e3i |
Great video, I took notes on the whole video! New sub and liked Comment from : @haciendadad |
1:50 - I dunno about rewriting, but if someone refactors my code I don't find it frustrating but the opportunity to learn something Comment from : @loam |
9:48 many managers will really hate you if they found out youre doing that this is a problem thats been discussed in many other circles project "doghouse" anyone!? unless you talk to them beforehand and make them understand these things it just wont work out Comment from : @LoneWolf-wp9dn |
Mostly agree with this Though I think #2 isn't all that important as long as the code doesn't get messy Forcing an arbitrary, rigid standard on everyone can be counterproductive Also more times than I can count this has lead to style documents that were way too long and specific and developers nit-picking others when every little rule was wasn't exactly followed Comment from : @Me__Myself__and__I |
Have you ever thought that the reason you still have a job is because no program is ever really finished We are all just waiting for some user to ask for a new feature Comment from : @antiguarocks |
Hiding imperative matter from the management is an interesting thought, but it requires a team consisting of all agreeing members in that regard Thus, this rather comes out as wishful thinking Reality is a bitch Comment from : @WhiteGandalfs |
what if other devs dont wana do it? Comment from : @BanedonDeWhite |
agile scrum java u already lost Comment from : @BanedonDeWhite |
bleth bleth bleth bleth Comment from : @BanedonDeWhite |
Well said, I agree on everything except for the 5 about the refactoring I belive why some programers take 1 or 2 or month period to refactor every aspect of the code is to prevent some part of the code that is "forgotten" and not refactored So in the future this can lead to unwanted behavior Comment from : @vlatkoviamkd |
There's some terrible advice here Don't lie to the owners of the code base you're working on about refactoring efforts or efforts to reduce technical debt If you're doing quality development, every commit should be associated with a ticket in Jira or its equivalent No one wants to see changes in a commit that are unrelated to to the associated ticket No one wants to have to sneak in unrelated changes under the nose of the non-technical managers The ticketing system and related commits help give context to the work being done When you make false associations, you degrade the historical record of the work that was done and the project loses context Comment from : @davidcloutman2949 |
Two words: Allman! Comment from : @warplanner8852 |
Sometimes even i dont understand my own code 😢 Comment from : @shlok7580 |
What do you define by saying "separate item"? A task in a user story? Comment from : @nikolausmoll9201 |
These guitar interludes are awesome! Comment from : @bascostbudde7614 |
most of it is about communication Comment from : @dedoyxp |
13:37 Well played, Sir Well played Comment from : @austin99299 |
I have been able to work with someone that was a manager of developers that is now on my team he has been able to help understand how the structures work in OOLs My test class runs went from 25 MB to now just 200 KB Comment from : @johnmaynor3851 |
Let's expand from senior developer to serious Tier-1 developer teams All they expect is four things to contribute to organizational success: 1) POs meet their Definition of Ready through a rigorous kanban process that some of the devs will provide capacity to collaborate on, 2) the team meets the PO's Definition of Done for all stories in the sprint backlog, 3) the team updates some radiator that clearly shows progression to goal and the cost of that progression, along with updated forecasts for completion and cost of completion, and 4) the team will be radically transparent about everything they do Any dev team that operates at this level of practices can get rid of both their direct manager and their scrum master High performance and self-management go hand-in-hand I get managers want to keep their jobs, but now they just get in the way Comment from : @jksmithiii |
Having started as a production support personnel and forced to debug code in my mind because the test environment is non-functional, now as a technical lead of a development team I prioritize clean readable code over functional code Comment from : @VineethShankarMaller |
I learnt most of these the hard way Especially early on in the career you feel like others know what they are doing and you try to go with the flow but now I've realised that other may not know shit, i should enforce all the good practices and stand my ground whenever i feel quality of my projects is under threat Comment from : @nandans2506 |
Such good suggestions, from someone that’s never worked in a group or within a team and always solo I personally love hearing advice like this so that when I do feel confident enough start contributing to open source projects I have this in the back of my mind Thank you Comment from : @DonDikaio |
All the advice on this video is intended to make it easier to replace the developer who wrote the original code for a program that is working perfectly well Comment from : @fgkpev |
Translation: how senior programmers deal with clueless management Comment from : @edwardo737 |
so i wanted to ask ya that when i am doing work on my datascience project let me tell ya i am new at this and i know ok i should be doing here for example i should use groupby here but i forget parameters or i know yeah i need to plot a graph here but issue with me is that i feel guilty using stackoverflow or Docs to see how should i use them, should i be using docs while making projects? THANK YOU Comment from : @arshiyankhan8296 |
Thank you bro, and the guitar is so random ❤😂 Comment from : @_marcobaez |
Refactoring without informing management potentially leads to disasters when it comes to testing or security 🎉 I know you all love testing and documenting😂 Comment from : @ilanyounanian4278 |
Video exactly 11:37 Comment from : @TheM1ndTravel3r |
Great suggestions! Would love to dive deeper on a few of things you pointed out Mainly: 1) tech dept management - specially in large orgs that you inherited code or approach from other teams or prev team that you took over 2) handling uncertainty - you mentioned about buffer time, but also uncertainty can be in other forms too Comment from : @moemoazzami |
Hi could you watch my peace of code? Is it really experienced what you have said? Comment from : @БолегенКожахметов |
The suggestion to hide refactoring is INSANE Refactoring is an inevitable and important facet of ongoing development and that needs to be understood by management Yes there is a risk they will try to take time away from it but that is why management and dev need to be in MORE communication, not less At best, you're significantly increasing risk of crunch and burnout as the workload is hidden At worst you're helping the team dig a hole that becomes inescapable because issues aren't being flagged early Comment from : @namfow |
great way to end Retired from work but not from coding :) Comment from : @ericwood1942 |
I love how most coders are also chorders (musicians)/ Comment from : @ericwood1942 |
Fkc Comment from : @fireflyinternet |
Agree, PMs need to hear the truth, no matter how much it may delay a project Comment from : @redcurrantrecords |
13:37 long is the biggest tell Comment from : @stuvius |
My problem with this beautiful monologue on this video is that it lacks grounding context brbrI suddenly have questions like: brbr- What does it mean to write code like a senior (can we have a codex for things like this) ? br- What does it mean for a codebase to be readable or familiar (cos we seem to confuse one for the other - for instance non-idiomatic code is readable but mostly unfamiliar) ?br- What areas do we need to document to completely document code and reduce interruptions and team comprehension (Documentation should never be one-dimensional but should appear in multiple fronts; the code itself, tests, necessary useful comments, readme) ?brbrThis is the same problem the "Clean Code" book by Mr Robert C Martin had brbrIt was supposed to be a book about recipes but it ended up being a book about the ingredients only (a list of ingredients - listed chapter by chapter) Some of the ingredients mention in certain chapters of the book (like Chapter 3: Functions) were just a bad ingredientbrbrIngredients alone can NEVER and would NEVER aid the cook in preparing a dish well The cook needs the recipe The recipe contains references to contextbrbrMost of the things mentioned in the video is the bare minimum It shouldn't be a discussion or an argument It should be a given!brbrIn a dysfunctional team; most of these tips would hardly ever work There's no trust and no communication so there's no common buy-in This is why i say context mattersbrbrIn a team that doesn't want to review the way it does things and improve, reviews will be almost an impossible askbrbrCode with technical debt due to incessant unreasonable deadlines is resistant to these tips Again, context mattersbrbrSo, if i don't create a ticket or story for the refactor; how do communicate and justify the time i spent doing it ? This is not even a realistic tip even for incremental refactors because management might want a feature or thing added soon as possible that is going to increase the difficulty of the refactor and change the parameters for the incremental refactor and guess what: You didn't expose the refactor as a need-to-do!brbrAssume unexpected changes: Now let's be real here for a second The project manager would expect you to explain and justify the unexpected delays or changes you're trying to addd time for This is not easy to explain What if you need a refactor before you build out the project but you didn't know ahead of time because you didn't know what the code looked like ahead of time Nobody has ever consistently gotten this right brbrThis is why i will always create/budget that refactor time using a ticket It is safer and better cos i have tried it the way you suggest in this video and that's mostly ended up making me look unprofessionalbrbrCheers 👋🏾👍🏾 Comment from : @ifeoraokechukwu1346 |
that is an illusion - if you write code that works and everyone can understand, you will automatically get new assignments that won’t happen if your code is unreadable in the long run they will avoid you Comment from : @kvagtholm |
as a beginner (i only know html, css, js, react and nextjs but i’ve been in tutorial hell until now) seeing so many experienced people all in one comment section is lowkey intimidating 😅 Comment from : @jeremywinst |
Great insight into the real-world coding process of senior programmers! This video highlights how experience shapes decision-making, debugging, and problem-solving, showing that writing clean, efficient code goes beyond just syntax knowledge Comment from : @CodeCraft_Chronicles19 |
This is a verbose way to say that most code is of poor quality and that programming is largely a slob's game, because demand beyond supply always pulls in the dregs and the incompetent Comment from : @usernamename2978 |
Nice From an old mainframe coder with higher level code and basic assembler Comment from : @LarryRowe-pc5qi |
Wow, different field so some of the details are different but so many fake senior programmers out there so I was coming in expecting the worst But this is very informative I hear the same things from the programmers I respect in my own work Comment from : @KamiKomplex504 |
Hey can you explain the third part I didn't understand what you mean by pattern Comment from : @gtsmeg3474 |
If you don't want to finish it, the minimum you should do is put s comment in saying this is wrong with it and needs doing Also I find refactoring my old code so it is a littler neater is a good way to understand it It's more a case of make th style consistent with the rest Comment from : @Andrew-rc3vh |
Starts playing guitar Me delcloses video/del Comment from : @Roshi_IsHereTV |
i love the Guitar cuts in between Comment from : @LuckyGpMaker |
All of this is theoretical Many times the business runs back to us with "oh I need you to add this one more thing and I need you to do it as fast as possible" this more than often forces you to abandon best practices at various points in the interest of time and just get the job done Comment from : @thetruereality2 |
A truly senior programmer would probably be old Comment from : @rayniac211 |
Good content! 50 years in software development here, various languages, expert in IBM Assembler and COBOL (various dialects) 25 years consulting / contracting in Chicago One form of weak management I saw, in addition to rushing new systems into production, was allowing some programmers to make a career out of maintaining a few programs (or one huge complex program) Not prioritizing or rewarding well-written, understandable code And not just lazy 9 - 5 employees played that game, but other contractors as well, who had been there for years I thought of writing a book (non-technical) for top IT management, but in shopping the idea I came to believe that no one would read it ie things like The Downside of Giving Bonuses for Hitting (Arbitrary) Completion Dates Comment from : @mikeofallon |
Nice guitar arpeggios, man SysAdmin/wannabe developer here Comment from : @renichbon |
Why would I care about the shelf life of my code? Already got paid for it lmao Comment from : @hadesflames |
Man those things are so common but I'm going to cry Because it's just I cannot anymore They would not let finish anything, not let do anything the right way, and you have to find ways around just to do you work the right way so that THEY would have a good project I know this is what professionals do but I'm just so tired Comment from : @iliyaisd |
Seniority isn't only about being good at a programming language or a technology - of course that's important brbrSeniority is being familiar with the company tools, company clients, list of people to ask/they know something, etc brI joined a company and although I had a great experience with software development I knew nothing on how to help clients, connect into their stations, retrieve information, etc brbrDomain specific knowledge is much more valuable to a company than just being really good at documenting code Comment from : @TNothingFree |
Can you give example what you mean document patterns used? Meaning libraries used for particular task, or patterns like decorator used for particular task? Comment from : @zoober2217 |
Thing number 5 - a bit cheeky, but very clever! Comment from : @eiliannoyes5212 |
I'm not quite sure if hiding your effort on refactor and cleanup is a good idea Often times developers in a team come with different skill level, and if you can't trust the code that other members write, you often end up being the only one who's upholding the quality You get respects from your teammates, but your output would look similar to the others on the sprint board Comment from : @hisentertainments8580 |
A video length of 13:37 is peak Comment from : @ericmyrs |
Fix it while you are there Comment from : @jpretorius5155 |
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