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The Death Penalty Needs to Die

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Title :  The Death Penalty Needs to Die
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Comments The Death Penalty Needs to Die

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind This is a deeply disheartening issue
Comment from : @MultiGregschannel

An Ohio State study says even if the justice system gets it right 999, we're still sending 10,000 innocent people to prison every year
Comment from : @BufordDuckworth

You forgot to mention the court system has been weaponized by the Democrats
Comment from : @jeffnoble9757

Comment from : @Wolf5150

All your points are on the money And the old "eye for an eye" is wrong for any Christian also, Jesus says so in Matthew I have no problem with life in prison, but if someone is wrongly jailed it can be reversed We owe our fellow citizens that
Comment from : @charlesrichardson8635

If you can listen to the BTK killer talk about how he killed that sweet little child and you are still anti-death, you make me sick Love the channel but once people become anti-religion they swing far left I did the same but never felt sick twisted murders need compassion
Comment from : @rockpadstudios

We can't allow the government power over life and death, at least it doesn't exist in my country
Comment from : @melvinmokayamagori7743

Thin the herd
Comment from : @JamesWolfe-h7c

The book says, an eye for an eye!
Comment from : @stevenpeterson2994

The death penalty for treason?
Comment from : @thedevilsadvocate3577

Supporting the death penalty is agreeing to let your government kills its citizens How does that jibe with other views regarding government of the pro-death penalty crowd? Taxes, corporate regulation, environmental protection? "No way" But, killing citizens biis/i/b on the table
Comment from : @Hexon66

What exactly does the death penalty resolve?
Comment from : @thecrowpit24

Death Penalty is boring It just endsbrPrison, 30 years locked up That a REAL punishment
Comment from : @Liqtor

I could go into my own statement on the death penalty, but I think you have said pretty much the same thing I would
Comment from : @mobiusd9885

I've been wrestling with this myself since the verdict came down for Chad Daybell Yes, he's guilty of the deaths of three people, two of which were children because of his absurd religious beliefs Now he's facing the death penalty for his crimes brbrPunishment is intended to be a deterrent against future crime and a means of penalizing the perpetrator, but is the death penalty justice brbrI have to wonder though, would putting Chad to death deter future religious extremists from committing the same crime I doubt it brbrThe cold hearted murders were evil but so was his religious beliefs that birthed it brbrI do think he needs to be removed from society He has a high probability of committing more murders because of his deeply held religious beliefs, therefore he's not safe to be around Perhaps spending the rest of his life locked down 24 hours a day in a prison is the best remedy, idk brbrThis is indeed a heavy weight to weigh out in our minds I agree that this seems more about vengeance, from our perspective, and I wish we could rise above it But we also have to consider the wishes of the victims families If they want the death penalty, and I think they did, shouldn't we honor their request After all, they are also his victims in this terrible event who will live every day they have left with the reality Chad created My heart breaks for them brbrWould Chads death be justice or retribution It feels like retribution to me and maybe that is justice as a double edge sword It cuts both ways but still justicebrbr I don't have to like or agree with the death penalty or be happy about it for it to still be justice It's justice for the victims and in the end, it's the point
Comment from : @TheBansheeRose

Not to mention the bold hypocrisy of “pro-lifers” who are also pro-death penalty
Comment from : @Stevo_Drums

Unfortunately, it’s not only theists who support the death penalty in the US (though it is mostly theists) However, this is the hypocrisy of the faithful:brThey claim that no one is beyond getting saved and going to heaven, even those who have committed the most horrific and atrocious crimes And in the same breath they insist that some criminals are beyond rehabilitation
Comment from : @breadfan7433

Don't think you mentioned nearly 200 people have been exonerated from death row That alone should tell you the death penalty is flawed How many innocent people have died for our vengeance? Even 1 innocent person is too much
Comment from : @mattmsty

The United States has a penal system That means that punishment and revenge are the core of our sentencing guidelines
Comment from : @patrickthebutcher

If you kill a felon, they learn nothing
Comment from : @internationalicon

More, not less
Comment from : @richardphysician5640

Too many innocent people (mostly people of colour) have been executed, by the USA It’s barbaric and it must stop
Comment from : @wendycanuck1019

Comment from : @kelliv2995

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