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Is There an Inheritance Tax in Canada?

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Title :  Is There an Inheritance Tax in Canada?
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Comments Is There an Inheritance Tax in Canada?

I won my house for 40 year the first 5 years I rent it, does my son have to pay capital gains when he inhearets the house
Comment from : @kostasg8475

My Mother Passed at 55 her Property was mortgaged to the hilt but she purchased Insurance to Pay off her Property in the event of her Death It was not taxable I did split the money My Sister/My Son/ My Brother/and his Son
Comment from : @garymonson

Thanks It's now clear, especially the explanation about tax exemption for primary residences as opposed to a second property that could be a subject to a capital gain tax
Comment from : @New_Life_In_Canada

Great advice! But, how would inheritance tax work if a spouse passes away?
Comment from : @BennyC-qg6rd

What if you inherited a house and 2/3 of the house was rented out brOther 1/3 was main residence of parent
Comment from : @brett7294

Hey Mark! Carmen Lishman here, cool to see you here on YouTube I really appreciated this video and may reach out with further questions Take care! 🙂
Comment from : @carmenlishman

Thanks for making this video Does a Canadian citizen get taxed for any property inherited outside of Canada?
Comment from : @thinkingstraight2309

Thanks for providing such important info!
Comment from : @Mrcheckh4

what if before you die, you add your son who has been living with you at the same house since you bought, to the title ? is there any probate and/or tax?
Comment from : @fredhooshi4294

Excellent video, easy & simple to understand 👍
Comment from : @mahmudazuberi5735

In your examples, you mentioned if the parents owned a cottage Would it make any difference if it was a chalet?brbr(cough)
Comment from : @DrFiero

There is a claw back of OAS for the year of death if you have income over a certain level Especially if you own land or cabin or business
Comment from : @dianetownsend9813

Very well explainedbrYou talked about a cottage having capital gains associated with the inheritance but my question is regarding a bare trust In my situation, my name is on the ownership but it is my son and his family who are the principal residents I tried to get answers from the CRA last year when I was completing the T3 form for this property My son has lived in this house since it was purchased He has been resposible for all maintenance and he has paid all the bills and mortgage I just helped to get his mortgage because he had no credit rating at the time We have a lawyer who has suggested we set up a bare trust agreement but I cannot get a clear answer about when I die, will my son be able to claim Principal Residence Exemption for his house and will there be probate applicable to transfer ownership to his name?brThanks in advance Joyce
Comment from : @joycebienvenue9034

It is a huge amount for an administration fee Most single homes in Canada, even if old and falling apart are very expensive (because of the house market craziness) Adm fees should be a fixed cost
Comment from : @nadineF

What about a beneficiary who lives in the US, inheriting from deceased mothers estate in Ontario, Canada CRA wants to take 25 from my half of the inheritance Is there a way to avoid this? Also, why do I need to provide my SSN to the investment firm that is submitting the estate papers?
Comment from : @maryellennichols4524

Wonder what Michelle Rempell thinks about this?😂
Comment from : @michaelreynolds4699

Good advice I have been looking for this information
Comment from : @pacbdnabcde9203

It should be a citizenship based taxation not residential taxation so Canadians of convenience can think twice before applying for citizenship
Comment from : @goldguilder9554

It’s should be taxed at 75 percent to offset the deficit beyond $1 million dollars
Comment from : @goldguilder9554

Beautifully and understandably explained One new subscriber Thank you
Comment from : @buddyboy4x44

How can I leave my house to my disabled grandson without him having to pay taxes, he would not be able to pay the probate taxes
Comment from : @charlotteolasz6246

What about setting up a family trust before hand ?
Comment from : @billspencer8540

So if the home in your example was not their primary residence, and they initially bought it for $50,000 but sold it for $1,000,000 - based on the governments new capital gains tax rates, how much would be left over for the person selling it?
Comment from : @rangerrick8220

yes there is br its hidden under capital gains tax now
Comment from : @wandana-y5e

Probate fees is simply a tax by another name A fee is like the Alberta situation In Ontario, it is a tax like that on your income The higher the income the more the probate fees albeit at the same percentage But a percentage of a higher amount is a higher amount That is why some people inherit from their parents and can't afford to keep their inheritance because the probate fees or taxes are too high It is unconscionable
Comment from : @fazilm1

What happens to property and assets if no one comes forward to settle the estate (even the named executor)?
Comment from : @pinkyssj4

Wouldn’t it be easier to add the son’s name on the title?
Comment from : @coffeewithlinda

Are you kidding? With the Liberals spending in overdrive there will be for a 100 years to come !!!🇨🇦😂
Comment from : @RobertSkene-qw3ob

Excellent presentation, thanksbrAny politician or tax officer stealing any money from a hard working family, who have worked hard to pay off their home and leave it to whoever they want, should be charged with extortion and jail for a minimum of 20 years, lose their home and pay a fine of no less that triple what they were trying to extort!
Comment from : @stevejh69

Inheritance Tax is a tax on already taxed income, and thus, should be considered a violation of the Magna Carta signed by King James the what-ever-eth, 2nd maybebrbrTell them to stuff it I swore I'd never vote conservative, don't tempt me to break that
Comment from : @barney6888

Can we just add our child into title of the house and upon our leave this property won't get under category "capital gain*? Considering that child has no other residence and lived with us all the time from the beginning of owning this house
Comment from : @viktorglushkov8268

The maximum probate fee in Alberta is $525
Comment from : @youtubeviewer8531

If there isnt, just a matter of time before wacko and his thieves tax it Even rhe air is taxed Debt debt and more debt, that is khanadar’s new slogan
Comment from : @sjmusicforlife4638

Helpful video, thank you, but if the son decides to sell the house, what kind of tax does he have to pay, and if there is a way to avoid paying?
Comment from : @m27238

You can avoid those tax/fees in two ways Gift or donate the money or property in your estate before you die, OR sign the other person as a co-ownerbrThe fees and taxes only apply to the value of your estate
Comment from : @Mascotal

Jim here from NB have a couple of questions one, is pension from another country taxable in Canada, and two, is inheritance from another country taxable here? Many thanks Mark
Comment from : @intelligence-artificiale

Thank you for your video It is greatly appreciated!
Comment from : @fds6720

Mark the current communist regime in Canada that has taken over this country is saying that we don’t even own our places so I am thinking of leaving this country me and my wife very soon sell her house well we can actually get something for it before it goes full communist here I hope I turn out to be wrong but my 89 year old Dad and many many of my friends and family unfortunately agree! And when I say many I am talking 9 out of 10😢
Comment from : @Viking7771

Would an only child have to pay 50 or 67 capital gains tax on their inheritance if the value has gone up?
Comment from : @TomBalint

Sadly I am afraid this will change, there is active discussion on Canada taxing unrealized cap gains on property In the end the CRA will tax the last drop of wealth Canadians have Long live socialism!!
Comment from : @jb_makesgames2264

Greta They prpbably hadn't even thought about it, but they will now Why does anyone even want to live here anymore?
Comment from : @JohnBaker-vm1wf

Thanks very much for this important information Canadians need all the help we can get navigating our affairs brThanks Again!
Comment from : @Quimster

Just wait It's coming Whether it' the dinosaurs of the Conservative Party, or the arrogant social engineers of the Liberals and NDP, it's only a matter of time Frankly it could be a positive If the children of the boomers are required to sell Mom's house to pay inheritance taxes, it could result in tens of thousands of houses on the sale block, driving down housing prices Not a lot of downside that I see Sadly the morons we elect will be the last people to wake up to Modern Monetary Theory, which would stipulate that a currency-issuing central government does not even need the huge influx of money into their coffers that would result THE DEFICIT MYTH by Dr Stephanie Kelton [past chief-economist for the US Senate Budget Committee], should be required reading for anyone seeking federal government office
Comment from : @greglongphee2034

Thank you vmuch I am much clearer now…
Comment from : @mansuralibhai

All governments need to back off inheritance, homes paid off by hard working parents whompsss in They don’t need their wasteful greed noses in Canadian affairs when it comes to this, f’off I give cash
Comment from : @jackj3542

Thanks for simplifying this
Comment from : @CaptPike787

There is no inheritance tax in Ontario Canada, just went through it 3 yrs ago
Comment from : @adriandelaat2905

My parents bought the house for $65000 and 21for the mortgagebrNow they signed the will to me and my sister now the house value is $1000000 how much in tax we have to pay if we sell the house?
Comment from : @stevetodorovski9840

These laws need to be updated to reflect the 21st century reality that house prices are now insane, and so many people are house rich and cash poor 15 can actually be an unmanageable fee for many people given house prices versus minimum wages
Comment from : @davepubliday6410

There is another situation people should be aware of If the surviving parent owns a house but needs to be in a nursing home for few years, and keeps the house in the hope of returning back eventually, the capital gain of the house while the parent is residing in the nursing home is taxable as it is not the principal residence for that period Happened with my aunt’s succession
Comment from : @robertl6919

What happens if executor doesn’t have the 15 to submit with the application
Comment from : @Irish12345

If you had said, "The answer is no," I was going to say BS!!! There is tax; they just give it a different name We just lost our final parent two years ago Just as there is a "departure tax" when people try to leave Canada for good and move to another country, these probate/administration/capital gains taxes you speak of are charged to a person's estate when they "depart" from Canada to go to Heaven
Comment from : @kims8317

Death and taxes No way out of it
Comment from : @kellyms7230

Manitoba eliminated probate fees in Manitoba in 2020thank Goodness as I have left my principal residencemy home to them
Comment from : @davemagrel3349

Are the rules you mentioned all the same for all provinces of Canada?
Comment from : @Vllencia

More Lies in this Country
Comment from : @eileencremin1007

Gov should have no rights other The taxing our paycheck which is astronomical enough without sucking more blood from us those criminals' governments stay away even capital gain tax should be abolished it's criminal the they take
Comment from : @andrewlazlak8483

The answer is no What happens is that all of your assets are deemed disposed of when you die, and consequently your estate has to pay tax on any capital gains that result from that
Comment from : @Tugela60

This is more like legalized thieft, not tax eh?
Comment from : @Topaz2022

Property transfer tax will apply Justin Trudeau brought that in
Comment from : @Cacheola

After three years of probate we're still waiting on the clearance certificate Our mother had a cottage, sold her condo years before and she paid capital gains on that making the cottage her primary residence She lived half the year there and half in a retirement home We sold the cottage about a year after her passing, everything has long been divided up except an account to pay the accountant at the end Not sure why its taking so long for the certificate
Comment from : @cowanthegreat8966

Well done - clear and concisebrbrJR
Comment from : @ryzlot

You have attempted to address a rather complicated subject matter in simple terms, and have for the most part succeeded in layman terms However, you do your clients a disservice, in that the terms 'Executor' and/ or 'Executrix' are no longer applicable in the Province of Ontario The correct terminology is 'Estate Trustee' A small issue but a critical difference
Comment from : @Robert-y9m7g

An Inheritance Tax is Needed, on Estates over about 3 million Canada, does Not need a Class of Citizens that Inherit Wealth, who have No Concept of what it is to Earn a Living, like the Grifter known as Trump
Comment from : @pjimmbojimmbo1990

Good thing it doesn’t exist in Quebec
Comment from : @vbdino

It is disgusting that the government gets even a dime of money that has already been overtaxed Stop the robbing of the people
Comment from : @Katrn30

Don't give Trudeau any ideas on more taxes
Comment from : @sajanim

Thanks for the infos,brHow about the cash accounts such as saving and checking? Are any taxes to be paid? example $100,000 amount
Comment from : @KM-sr9cc

Great information and very understandable
Comment from : @isabelgomes7246

Another administration tax grab by the government to file an application A ridiculous amount
Comment from : @lesliesheppard8256

So if they paid 15,000 for their home when the parents bought it, it is now worth 1 million, how much capital gains is owing that the Son has to pay?
Comment from : @rickclooney5461

If a husband and wife team say the primary residence for the husband is the cottage and the primary residence for the wife is the main house, can they avoid capital gains?
Comment from : @joelsusser32

So, my husband built an off-grid remote cottage in the wilderness, and the land is leased from the government The cottage was not purchased The cottage itself can be sold, but not the land Would capital gains apply in this situation?br Also, we don't have a Will, would our son be the automatic executive and sole inheritor? We have RRSP/RRSP Pension fund We own our home, cottage, and vehicles
Comment from : @Pkeats817

How can I get in touch with you for questions and planning?
Comment from : @BenDover-zg7bg

Forsure there is I got a tax bill for breathing in too much air when I was out they other day trying to get enough nickels n dimes to buy a bottle of water
Comment from : @belle190

Within your scenario, what happens if the son already owns a home Would he be subject to capital gains tax?
Comment from : @gwine9087

Our government is TRASH!!!
Comment from : @deandunn-q1o

If I will my RIF to a family member, will they have to pay tax on the funds willed to them?
Comment from : @brucedyball7088

Is it necessary to apply for a Clearance Certificate when you inherit your parents primary residence after they die? If their last income tax form returned as nothing is owed?
Comment from : @chechevanwaterschoot1783

The greed from the Canadian government is seemingly never-ending
Comment from : @BibleBus

What if you put your children in your will as tenants in common ?
Comment from : @fjkennedy

My father-in-law always told mebrHe was a wise manbrIf you save your money and be a good citizen the govt will fuck you in the end and take your moneybrIf you are a loser they will give you money!
Comment from : @johnwood5387

When my x wife father died she inherited 14m but paid almost 200k in taxes
Comment from : @johnwood5387

Thank you for explaining this I want to leave my house to my daughter when I pass on and have thought about putting her on the deed as part owner but I understand that could lead to some tax difficulties for her Could you explain how that would work or if it is a viable option?
Comment from : @tericoulter4426

Thank you for this video Mark It was very clear and informative
Comment from : @StephenJStephen_Photography

Is there a probate tax in Quebec
Comment from : @goldanne100

How does one avoid probate?
Comment from : @jeannettepatten7670

My kids own their own homes if they inherited mine Wouldn't that be a second home now and fall into capital gains if they sell it?
Comment from : @Herman-b4q

it's a money grab Nothing more
Comment from : @robinstahlbaum9813

Hi Mark, How to the laws differ for Quebec if at all?
Comment from : @rcbrousseau9655

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