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3 FAFSA secrets to help you get the most financial aid

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Information 3 FAFSA secrets to help you get the most financial aid

Title :  3 FAFSA secrets to help you get the most financial aid
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Frames 3 FAFSA secrets to help you get the most financial aid

Description 3 FAFSA secrets to help you get the most financial aid

Comments 3 FAFSA secrets to help you get the most financial aid

Hi, I m interested in your in learn how to receive scholarships!!
Comment from : @KM_TwinCities

I am 18 years old, I am a senior in high school, and as of today it is 2/24/25 Am I too late on Fasfa, like I'm still going to do it but am I too late? This is mostly bc I never had info on this until October this year and I procrastinated, but I know I still have like 6-7 months until my term at the college I'm going to is going to start Also, I live in Idaho but are there any scholarships that I can get that are nationwide? The college i want to go to is TVCC in Ontario, Oregon and i want to see if I can go there for a minimum price (roughly 7k per year) Thank you, and i love the video, just found the channel
Comment from : @braeden_carson

I have 2 kids (2 years apart) who's already in college for 2 yrs and the other one is about to college this year However, the first one has SAI '0' and the second one just received SAI '6184' Why would they have a different SAI?
Comment from : @johnnyoon1227

Hi I have a question please how can I contact u I have twins going to college 2025 in Fl
Comment from : @gigi323100

Do i have to make the aplication including all the house hold or do you recomend only her aplying but she dosent work
Comment from : @lil_neongucci9678

Just started this process and I’m lost please help
Comment from : @suzanne12271

My daughter is a senior undergrad and graduating this Spring 2025 She is an early child teacher Should she still need to fill FAFSA if she decides to go for graduate school?
Comment from : @lk6015

🌹💙 I have a unique situation: I’m a much older adult who will be starting college in the middle of the academic year My question: Is it okay and permissible to file two FAFSA’s in one calendar year? (The October date falls in the middle of the year after I’ve applied to college) TY for any insight 🙏
Comment from : @MojaveDaemonWitch

Hey! Very recently I’ve got my heart set on a career and decided to look into schooling, I graduated hs a few years ago and never thought about schooling or anything like that so I have had no clue about all this stuff I recently got married so I am no longer living or depending on my parents and am worried about funding all on my own, I’ve never had any sort of debt before The school I’m looking at said I could apply and get into classes for their spring quarter (3 months away) so I have time to figure out finances before that I know fasfa is the first step but I have no clue how it all works with deadlines, would it be possible in any way to get some financial aid, if I qualify, in time for those classes?
Comment from : @ashlynnewhitlock5591

This is great to mention that everybody should be completing the FAFSA! Every family qualifies for something, even if it is just unsubsidized loans At least they still have cheaper interest rates than many private loans
Comment from : @debtfreedegrees

It is my understanding that when applying to graduate school you are consider independent, meaning the school can not ask for your parents information
Comment from : @susanam528

can it be used for international students
Comment from : @handurdy

we have been raising our grandson since he was 10 mths old we do have legal guardianship is there anything we need to do for this when filling out the FASFA
Comment from : @LindaMolisee

My grandson lives with me I am retired an do not filebr taxes What do I do?
Comment from : @BrendaJohnson-co8wh

Hello, is there any help once you have exhausted your financial aid?
Comment from : @whoiseli5532

My spouse is a totally permanent USAF disabled veteran who gets the post 911 gi bill, however we only get 80 not 100 is there any tips on how to maximize his aid or any scholarships etc? Also, our son is 20 he always gets less qualifying under us how can he file independent?
Comment from : @crystalkinler8285

Great content Thank you I do have one question Can you find out what aid you are getting from a school prior to applying? Thank you in advance
Comment from : @33fivers

My nephew has lived with me the last 3 yrs however he was never legally mine I did claim him on my taxes however his parents (neither of which work) are still financially responsible for him Now his mom will not complete the FAFSA forms for him Not sure how to proceed
Comment from : @Auntdidder

Helpful Thanks
Comment from : @backflipjeffery

Is it better if my kids apply alone or I place my info instead (one of my daughters didn’t work but I also didn’t work much I don’t know) I have three kids, I placed it under me and two of my kids still had to get a small loans and I stilll had a balance to pay it killed me
Comment from : @moneciamenifee3603

Is FAFSA strictly for US citizen only
Comment from : @onyinyefada6483

Comment from : @danielprivate8038

I currently don’t work Should I not go back to work Would this help or hurt chances of assistance I doubt will get any assistance husband makes to much
Comment from : @eshana3457

We file tax jointly and we are married When my wife fills out the FAFSA form, why is FAFSA inviting me also to the FAFSA application I thought me and my wife need only one FAFSA account Thank you
Comment from : @romiep9557

5:45 yes you really should apply! My husband and I thought we would make too much money for our daughter to qualify for any aid and it turned out she got enough scholarship money to pay for an entire year of school, including books room and meal plan ❤
Comment from : @meedwards5

If divorced for years and I provide most financial support, am I still the parent to apply for 2025-26 year?
Comment from : @coachclaudiaweir2025

Hi, my son is finishing high school in MN and his parents (I'm mom) live in Mexico so financially we aren't able to help him Do you know if there's more programs he might be eligible for? Maybe to help with paying for dorms? He is a US citizen brThanks!!
Comment from : @JoannaLopez-i8b

Just got divorced, this will be my first year filling HH but I know FAFSA will ask for prior yr 2023 returns Any suggestions?
Comment from : @blancalorenzo5783

It is November and is not open yet!
Comment from : @maricarmen8776

Hi! In California, the only grant a master’s student can receive is the State University Grant When I apply for Fafsa and it asks me my assets, is there a limit for how many assets I can have to get the state university grant? Meaning, how much would be too much money in my banl account and would prevent me from getting the state university grant? Thank you!
Comment from : @kindree5414

Can't do October or November because they say 2025-26 not available until December 1 this year Is this really late based on past years?
Comment from : @saul_bloom

Me and my wife are divorced My sonprimarily lives with his mother When applying for aid does she supply her income information or is it mine too?
Comment from : @bp6493

Great video! Thank you
Comment from : @louiesanchez4720

Why does the calculator not ask for parent incomejust students income?
Comment from : @lainiecottrell2445

I went to the FAFSA site to start my form It's Oct 2024, and they have the form for the 24-25 year They'll have a new one in BETA starting Dec 1, by invitation, for the 25-26 school year What do you recommend? My son will be entering college for the 25-26 school year Thanks!
Comment from : @mirandaswifte

how do l get disability money in USA?
Comment from : @HannahRiggs-g2o

Why doesn't FASFA have anything for a parent that has passed away? On my son's end, one of the questions was do your parents live together? He did not know how to answer that as his father passed away Does FASFA calculate funds based on one or two parents?
Comment from : @HelaineKorba

Derick Highway
Comment from : @MaryEckel-i8f

Hi, I wanted to ask: What is the maximum I can have in my assets to receive the state university grant (the only grant I can get as a master’s student)? Meaning, how much is too much in my bank account and can prevent me from getting the state university grant? Thank you
Comment from : @kindree5414

Hi, thanks for all the videos! Do you have any tips to help save tuition costs for a 49yr old on disability going back to school?
Comment from : @pinkwheat

How can i pass the identity/statement of educational purpose on the satisfactory requirements
Comment from : @jaiz1385

If my tax preparer didn’t report my earnings and still listed me as a dependent under my parents (I’m assuming because I didn’t make much), do I still put down how much I made when asked about my 2023 earnings on the 25-26 Fafsa form even though it is not reported on taxes?
Comment from : @kindree5414

I got over 2 grand in my bank account because of this 😊
Comment from : @isaiah8488

Should you apply to colleges before FAFSA or the other way around? So confused
Comment from : @beniful9204

hi thank you for your video, my son is 23 he lived all his life in mexico, now that he is back to the US, how can he apply for fafsa? i cant co sign so he will do it on his own, please advice we dont really understand the sytem thank you for your help🙏br😊😊
Comment from : @GigiV-ij1iz

Does fafsa, look at your parents income , prior year only or 2 years back ? Example if student is attending start college September 2024 , will the look at 2023 tax returns ? Thx u
Comment from : @natusfreedom472

This was very helpful
Comment from : @cjjohnson7801

Hi I am new here with my husband I am eligible for fafsa but me and my husband doesn't have any tax history yet So can I apply fafsa?
Comment from : @tasnubatabassum4466

Awesome video thank you
Comment from : @thebossman60

Hello, so my daughter decided she wanted to attend college and was accepted they sent her the email to fill out for FAFSA but they asking for information about 2022 tax returns I haven’t filed taxes for about 7/8 years what do you recommend?
Comment from : @wishingonatrackstar2034

My question is, my son is full time semester one, but feels like he needs to go part time semester two because he has a busier work schedule
Comment from : @tracimeyer-x2z

Hi my parents do not work currently I was trying to apply for FAFSA do they look at past year income and decide or this year
Comment from : @Rohaworld452

My son applied for FASFA Our income was determined by past year tax returns But we’ve divorced since that return and my income has been drastically reduced, and he lives with me What can we do to show that reduction in income?
Comment from : @BridgetSzymanski

I need help getting my daughter in to college She wants to live on campus and she was awarded fasfa it doesn't pay out until oct But classes start next week, how do we get her into housing when shes using financial aid to pay for it??
Comment from : @Angela4D

Quick question what it the difference between regular financial aide and the Pell grant? Is it additional on top of regular financial aide? My reason for asking is because what if a person would have received more the regular financial vs just receiving the amount of the Pell grant? If you know what I mean? Just curious! Thanks, answering this question would help a lot!
Comment from : @AniyahJohnson-g9q

My son is a US citizen and grew up in India We moved back when he was 3 years old Will he qualify for fafsa scholarship
Comment from : @suroy76

Can I still apply for the FAFSA this October even though I'm done with high school
Comment from : @DarlineKrystel

I have an account as a parent for my daughter and she has a separate log in account Are they the same or should we just use hers?
Comment from : @loriegrove2531

the financial aid department was scheduled to give me my financial the other week but oncall you guys and spoke to someone the same day i sent you the email you just responded to My issue is that the financial aid department is keeping some of my refund when i meet the guidelines at the time of disbursement but i was only given partial financial aid because an error from the school system Now as time went by and the error is fixed the financial aid department refuse to give me the partial financial aid they withheld from me because I'm now under the required units but i suppose to receive my financial aid August 2nd 2024 in its entirety but didn't only got partial due to an error from the school so my question who can i call on because the school not giving me my partial financial aid that's owed to me? ly got partial due to an error on the school behalf they had me attending 2023 fall semester when i only taken the summer 2024 semester my professor dropped me without no notice or communication ever and now under the units requirements now but keep in mind i meet the requirements when they gave me the partial financial aid disbursement financial aid department know i had all requirements at the time they did the first disbursement but financial aid department the dean nobody not trying to help and the reason i got dropped from one class i went to the emergency room and got doctor's note but still nobody cares need someone help
Comment from : @chucknelson333

My daughter live with her dad full time he taking care of her , her dad and me never married is her Fafsa application she should put my tax information? brThank you
Comment from : @ariabook6786

If a parent has to file for bankruptcy does that impact the child’s FAFSA outcome
Comment from : @stephaniecook7080

I want apply for semster january and i want to know when i can apply for fafsa and also i have other question i live at state and i want to apply for college at other state is problemfor fafsa thanks
Comment from : @ayouboubari8328

What about aged part time workers or jobless people trying to enhance their professional expertise by going into professional certification courses from universities of 3 /6/12 months courses wich run from $2500-$8000 and education institutes do not have grants or loans for thes
Comment from : @JUDGEMENTDAY66

Something I learned with the fafsa system is that I have to keep appealingbrbrAppeal brAppeal brAppealbrbrFor 2023/2024 application FAFSA used my w2 from my active military duty in 2021 I was honorably discharged in 2023 and remained unemployed because I committed myself to college full time Along with the GI bill FAFSA said I made too much money with an annual salary of 28k in the marine corps (yes you heard that right, 28k is apparently too much money for FAFSA) and received 0$ for 2023/2024 aid, bummer I did appeal and appeal providing my DD214 and termination paperwork which lowered my EFC This year of 2024/2025 I’m going to get the full maximum student aid package after months of appealing to the Financial aid office They made this a pain in the ass because of the EFC system they have in play
Comment from : @AnitaHanjob69758

Do you have to create an FSA ID account before filing out FAFSA?
Comment from : @shelissasmith6485

My daughter's SAI/EFC is said to be $4890 In Michigan we have the Michigan Achievement Scholarship if your EFC is <$25,000 We didn't get it Am I missing something? WHat can I do to reduce the costs?
Comment from : @taraconrad510

Thank you for the information 😊
Comment from : @shalomshalom1000

FAFSA is a bad joke
Comment from : @vonkanon3091

Do I need to have really low financial income in order to qualify?
Comment from : @analyortiz8907

I plan on returning to school as a non-traditional student; but I want to start at a community college and none of those schools in my home state are up to my personal standards of professionalism But I have found a college in a neighboring state that I approve of Can I apply for FAFSA in one state with the plan of using it in another state? And how long must I reside in a state before taking advantage of in-state tuition?
Comment from : @witchplease77

I was a 32-year-old homeless US Army veteran, and they wanted my parent's income information in graduate school I'd never been asked for that at my undergraduate school It reduced my student aide so severely that I could never afford housing and lived in my car through my entire MS degree
Comment from : @craigwilcox2264

Does this work for high school?
Comment from : @fame2394

I haven't seen fafsa ask for income, but only student assets which seems backwards to me It would reward irresponsible financial behaviors that way
Comment from : @aperkins07

What about if you are online student Can you still apply for this kind of financial aid?
Comment from : @ndayembidi6781

thank you for the video, I loved it very much, and I want to know if a green card holder can fill out FAFSA? he's a person who just arrived in the US, he never filled out taxes, and already has a master's degree in chemistry in his home country, but wants to study MLT in a community college full-time he's living with his cousin and has one income of about $2000 per month so is he eligible and will he be able to get a grant to cover his studies??
Comment from : @HoudaBeautyOfficielle

Hey I applied and received a response from my school, but when I applied I didn’t think I’d live on campus How do I change that? Or is that even possible to revise?
Comment from : @anastasiaclaude6217

My daughter was accepted in UCLA, USC , Berkeley , my husband and I we made 140k ( not her dad ) FAFSA told her us not elegible for any help it breaks my ❤ see her crying
Comment from : @lorenaperez9807

Can you fill out FAFSA earlier? We would like to start applying for scholarships this Summer and many require FAFSA forms
Comment from : @jay5729

Can we apply now, but what are the chances to get any help from the government for the 2024 -2025 school year?
Comment from : @abelalfaro5101

Good evening,brbrOur son graduated in 2020 during the PANDEMIC He graduated with 32 GPA and did not continue with the university Now, he wants to continue with his education Now, it is April 16 2024, should we wait until October to apply for FATSA for 2025 - 2026 fall year? He wants to start with a community college 2 years and universitybrbrWhat do you suggest?brbrThank you
Comment from : @abelalfaro5101

Hi…im applying for fafsa soon but didn’t file for some reason my 2021 tax returns What do I do???? Do I have to file for fafsa? I have to mail in the returns which is gonna put me past my deadline
Comment from : @tonyjordan8583

This is my second year applying to FAFSA, (my kids are a sophomore and Junior transfer) This year I don't have access to update my total cash, savings and checking account, current net worth or my ex husbands information Is this part of the new system? Also, my last name is spelled wrong and when I go to correct it it states this action will temporarily disable my application Thank you for your help
Comment from : @StephanieFrey-db3yb

Are foreign students from Africa qualified for this process?
Comment from : @amarakanneh3840

Can my cousin living in California be the legal guardian so my daughter can apply in financial aid in California?
Comment from : @joyss1042

HiibrI am unable to access 2023-24 fafsa form whenever, i am trying to access form, the website shows that the form is not available we are working on the issue do you have any idea? what's going on with website and why i am not able to access the form?
Comment from : @AncientOlives

I retired in Oct of 2022 and my husband was already retired We both have pension would this change our fafas form?
Comment from : @berniceginyard7339

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