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How to learn a language in 2025

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Comments How to learn a language in 2025

i will never stop using "he or she" as opposed to "they"
Comment from : @poppetx

11:30 meh If we see to the strategies of memory champions, those that take memorisation by itself as a sport, naughtyness does not help Heck, it might even reduce your effectiveness
Comment from : @Pompomatic

Comment from : @souadbauer164

Algorithm algorithm give Dr Jones money
Comment from : @stockhooks

This is the first video I’ve found of yours and I am EXUBERANTLY THRILLED
Comment from : @HannahHelenKing

Yes to the spaced repetition vid
Comment from : @brettgoldstein1515

I want to understand the German industrial bands i listen to
Comment from : @Cyberzombie23

a language channel and yet you only have auto generated subtitles this video would be way more accessible with good subtitles
Comment from : @A1zero9

I am busy with my 2nd year of Mandarin and 1st year Korean 🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : @Nadine24773

Interesting I must say, I've tried massive input and although enjoyable, I never remembered or could produce the language I really need to actively recall information for it to stick
Comment from : @davidrawson7625

anki videooooooooooooooo
Comment from : @riskydissonance

Yep, this video right now made me realize I'm learning french for all the wrong reasons A couple of years ago I was actually really into french, specially bc I had just started getting really interested in french culture, like some movies What happened was of course that I was a silly teenager and didn't apply myself at all to actually learn the language, but I've trying over and over because "I should have learned by now, I've been studying it for years!!", so yeah, thanks for this
Comment from : @pettyella6607

@languagejones I wish lingoda had cebuano
Comment from : @tomtin0222

Comment from : @therealgoodhurt

I’m learning Spanish because I teach at a majority Spanish school in Texas :) I want to be able to talk to all my kids
Comment from : @fZM0OY

Im learning Korean this year, hopefully I can get to a b2, but even c2 would be good Also is pimsleur a good resource I definitely related to the part about people with adhd switching languages frequently, new languages just really hit the spot Great video😁
Comment from : @ElijahChino-hu3bz

Wait Shit Was I supposed to greet shopkeepers in Spain too?
Comment from : @mbsimpson

Did you ever do a “Here’s me speaking Spanish after three months” follow-up vid?
Comment from : @CassTyson

I would really like a video on spaced repetition—maybe explaining Anki a little more too! (I can totally figure out Anki on my own too, but love your videos and how you present things in a digestible way)
Comment from : @thekaytastrophe

So hang on what am I meant to do again?
Comment from : @mitchtupelo76

How to Learn a Language:br- Download 10,000 flashcards, because 10,000 words is generally considered fluentbr- Swipe through all them at once, nodding and saying "got it" every timebr- Watch 15 hours of YouTube videos about language learning, nodding and saying "got it" the whole timebr- Go to r/languages and ask the same question every day for a yearbr- Watch TV for four decades and let your life pass by, but keep the flashcards on your phone because "you'll get back to it"
Comment from : @javen9693

I'm leaving a comment about Anki and spaced repetition and how to do it right Like you mentioned in the video to do
Comment from : @clintmilner2365

'Preciate the inclusion of how this renders for those of non-dominant neurotypes Overwhelmingly, I find that content is segregated: either narrowly about the autistic, ADHD, iet cetera/i aspect of the topic or entirely exclusive of it Nice to find it integrated
Comment from : @y9tw0t

Does anybody know a good flashcard application for learning the phonetics/phonology of a language?
Comment from : @ricapp798

I was on the dreaded plateau last year and tried Lingoda while I was stuck at home with a knee injury, so pretty much love it My question though is can rapid progress be made in this way? Not really talking about Lingoda here, just the idea of cramming
Comment from : @Earlofmar1

In my case I need to learn German, and to force myself, I already booked an A1 exam because in a month because I need it for my residence permet And I am really bad at learning language So thanks for your video, I need to start making some kind of habit out of it
Comment from : @MahdiPandragon

How do you know about ADHD?
Comment from : @KevFrost

Make me a video on doing memorisation and feeding algorithms
Comment from : @KevFrost

Does it make sense to try and learn how to read Chinese without necessarily learning how to speak it? See, that's the idea I've been toying with lately
Comment from : @gagisha74

I'm simply devastated :( after wanting to learn a new language for like 5 years, going at it on and off, now you say all I knew about learning a language like a baby is wrong?brI'm both happy and sad that I found you this morning
Comment from : @SoroushNaghizadeh_K

Anki video please, lez gooooooo
Comment from : @samrobin233

Gainz in da brainz I’m a bodybuilder and I legit David Letterman laughed
Comment from : @briegookin2112

My goals this year are to finally take an in-person Italian class and start a conversation group
Comment from : @spiralarchitect84

learn polish You will have a lot of fun
Comment from : @Raczyna

I am learning german, and my long term goals is to study and work in Switzerland, and my short term goal is to get a2 by the end of the year
Comment from : @jamestoman9276

The video I didn't know I needed! Thank you so much! I have adhd and have been learning Korean for two years and really struggled to find any kind of routine or method to learn outside of my tutoring sessions I want to be someone who has a study plan and uses notion, but I'm just not So, my overall goal is to become conversational in preparation for a trip to South Korea next year brbrFor the next three months I want to do two things: 1) Review and practice all the material in a beginner grammar book and a beginner vocabulary book 2) I want to establish a spaced repetition practice with vocabulary primarily, but also grammar patterns, with physical flashcards (they worked better for me that digital so far) I find that i recognize a lot of vocabulary and grammar patterns but can't recall the meaning I am relieved to hear that is a step in the learning process so thank you for mentioning that as well, I felt truly like I was doing something wrong when that happened so often Looking forward to your other videos!
Comment from : @alyss8213

Does your friend have math or math heavy degree?
Comment from : @radivojevasiljevic3145

Учење језика је добро за вас Можете научити све врсте језика Можете учити као Балкански језик пуно!
Comment from : @tomislavciganovic1244

You mentioned the possibility of doing a video on optimising spaced repetition and Anki - I think we'd all love it if you did! Thanks for your hard work!
Comment from : @DirtBlockGames

I tried to apply the nau'g'h'ty idea into learning of grammatical gender It didn't last long I can't handle so much of na'ug'hty stuff It gets embarrassing
Comment from : @marianavytvytska6998

Anyone know which specific "Anki" app he's suggesting? Searching for that in the app store brings up quite a few different apps by different developers all with very similar titles and claims
Comment from : @mattahlschlager7117

Would love a video about your best Anki / SRS practices
Comment from : @HellYeah223

What a useless video talking a bunch of nonsense about science and blah blah blah How about you show us how to take notes and use Excel to log grammar and all of that actually useful stuff
Comment from : @chloewright9561

Thanks for addressing neurodivergence I appreciate that
Comment from : @enigmatic_eight

Please share with us how you use Anki!!
Comment from : @James-gp3nf

2:50 ghosts?brbr Exactly what no one needed in any language
Comment from : @joeyjojojunior1794

Commenting not only for the spaced repetition video, but for in-depth videos on how to do everything in this video the right waybrbrLanguage goal: I'm a grad student in Elementary Education nearing the end of my degree program Next fall semester I will be student teaching I want to learn enough conversational Spanish to communicate with elementary grade level English Language Learners, so that I can help them in the classroom and so that they don't feel left out Even if the Spanish is bad, and I can only speak in the present tense, I want them to understand me and I need to be able to understand them so they can get some value out of school
Comment from : @PolarBearBlue

Idk but i agree everything you say, sir
Comment from : @TríThạch-f3d

My target language is Korean and my language learning goal is to be able to understand media (k-dramas, variety shows and music) without subtitles/translations I’ve been learning the Korean language for almost a year now and I’m currently feeling stuck on making any progress 🥲
Comment from : @layah7089

"If you're watching my channel, the most likely neurodivergence is ADHD and autism" My guy Why do you call me out like that brbrReally though My goal is to learn Italian at a basic conversational level I don't have any current plans, but my dream is to go to Italy one day Right now, I'm just using DuoLingo, which I know isn't the best But I am hoping to habit stack to more effective tools (I just started at the end of November)
Comment from : @jax426nd

i like that these are broad guidelines and advice, a lot of people get too specific and their advice completely does not work for things like signed languages remembering the reason for learning and what my goal for using the language is have been particularly helpful for mebrbri am also thankful that you bring up neurodivergence but i find conversation about it in language spaces to be lacking as someone with autism and other learning differences i find that people focus on high-functioning people who mostly struggle with things like attention, focus, social cues etc i wish i could find more resources for people like me who struggle with learning, memory, and being much slower traditional language classes are very hard for me because i learn langages slower than most people and get left behind (despite the stereotype of autistic people being super-geniuses in their interests) especially because my disabilities affect language use like reading and writing, but i feel that shouldnt block me from the joy of language learning because i love language so muchbrbrsadly i dont have much expectation because many folks see language learning as an advanced thing or as a privelege so people like me dont get the help we deserve to participate in the joy or language learning i would love to be part of something to help bring language learning to learning disabled folks because we deserve it
Comment from : @4sealsinacoat697

ADHD Portuguese learner here… after 3 years of learning, I am still barely conversational 😢 The only app that kept me going was Duolingo bc of its playfulness and I got through quickly, but now there are no new lessons brTried Babbel, Memrise, Lingopie but I could not stick to anything Am now with Italki and should learn the new words that I discover in every session but my brain is not able to study vocabulary so I am stuck at the level I am 🤷🏼‍♀️ Freaking neurospicyness 😣
Comment from : @lisakommik7323

So, I tracked this video down because I thought you had mentioned apps or tools to learn languages and was looking for recommendations It gave me a lot to think about but not being much of a language learner don't really know how to turn my goals into strategies or tactics I took Spanish clashes for 5 years in high school more than 30 years ago, and say took classes and not studied for a reason Nothing retained beyond getting maybe a B But I find myself wanting to learn enough Spanish to talk to the folks working at the local Wendy's Not to be fluent or impress them with my language skills, but enough to be polite, have a conversation beyond placing an order, and pissing off the racists who are insulted people have the temerity to speak something other than English and assume I as middle aged white dude should share that bias brbrI think I might be willing to put in the time and money for something like Duolingo, ADHD will be part of my challenge, but am open to other suggestions if you or anyone have any (I will look into lingodo too to see if it would fit me, and also to support your fun and cool channel)
Comment from : @robertrodger3055

Merci beaucoup pour cette mise à jour ! (la partie sur les TDAH sera utile à ma petite amie) Bon courage pour la poursuite de l'apprentissage du Français cette année ! Il y aura des lives ? Est-ce qu'interagir avec le chat dans la langue cible, de "roleplay" le streamer français ne pourrait pas être un exercice intéressant ? Je me posais la questionbrbrAlso, having made lots of progress in language learning through playing video games, I was wondering if there is specific things to be said about the (inter)active qualities of that medium, and how it relates to memorization and learning Any thoughts or resources?
Comment from : @khelian613

20:15 hilarious 😂
Comment from : @shadowcat228

For the wrong reasons… I just want to understand the memes and comments under the memes 🥲 is that a wrong reason?brbrEdit: and maybe play my Gatcha games in the original language, but that’s super long-term
Comment from : @harmonys965

New language in 2025? What, has a new one just been invented or rediscovered?
Comment from : @davidbrisbane7206

Got to the neurospicy section of this video, and my adhd is feeling very called out 😅brbrI'm going to have to try the little treat and "just do 5 min" that hopefully runs longer method with my spanish this year
Comment from : @sydmm-ui8hm

I totally get the greivances of mnemonics because it always feels a bit ham-fisted in some cases (eg I've been trying to remember the states of Brazil and areas like 'Pernambuco' get encoded by thinking 'pair-nam-book' which feels clunky by design) but their efficacy is truly something when combined with spaced repetition software Also the instances when a mneomnic just bworks/b feels quite satisfying when the stars align
Comment from : @Lukelustre

I’ve taught English and Spanish as second languages for many years, and now I’m focusing on teacher training My degree is in Applied Linguistics, but the field is dynamic and my student populations have shifted from undergraduate/graduate students to adult newcomers to the US and refugees I’m always on the lookout for new language teaching and learning approaches, so I appreciate your content You are absolutely spot on that linguists are not often language learners! Unfortunately, academia often values the theoretical over the applied, and anti-globalization rhetoric is converging with that of anti-immigration in the US So, while language learning remains popular worldwide, language programs are being cut from US universities (case in point, my last employer, which cut the entire department of World Languages this year) On the bright side, it’s pushing many of us in the field to become more entrepreneurial So, thank you for modeling that, as well 😄
Comment from : @jocelynhardman6325

Years of high school German, the best teacher taught us drinking songs Started Duolingo Latin almost 50 days ago, keep a notebook and a vocabulary list in an alphabetical blank book Am late diagnosed autistic, with clear ADHD tendencies Thanks for your interesting videos
Comment from : @lizvanaarde2789

I got both ADHD and autism Really hard to tell whether any of them are a gift or a curse in the day to day life At least i'm very good with programming so I guess I get something out of one
Comment from : @charlesbenca5357

Great video Not only for me (learning Chinese now), but for my wife (learning English right now)
Comment from : @marcelotononBR

Thanks for the info and advice!
Comment from : @TariqueVazz

You MUST make a video about the linguistics of ASMR, I beg you!
Comment from : @festiveFurry

I want to learn Spanish This is mostly because our most common vacationing spots have spanish as the native language I currently use Duolingo, but I have started trying to read kids' books and watch Spanish sitcoms on YouTube
Comment from : @rosedavis5011

ASMR band/b ADHD content? Very excited for this Any research on body doubling and ADHDers performing tasks (like language learning) would be great because it supposedly helps to see someone doing the task you're trying to do I've had that work for me, but you kinda have to pretend the videos of people studying are specific to what you're doing rather than it already being made for language learning so it's wanting a bit I'm interested in how to turn that into language learning motivation brbrReally can't wait for anything you've got on ASMR and languages Anxiety and depression are supposedly co-morbidities w/ADHD because of the dopamine issue It's bound to impact language learning
Comment from : @KaiOpaka

Can you please do a video about conversational frames?
Comment from : @austen5543

Bonne année ! Please make a video about spaced repetition and Anki Merci d'avance Oui, je suis Français Votre chaîne est excellente, au passage 👌brPS: j'habite dans la région d'où la vidéo concernant les 'French vineyards' a été tirée Cheers ! 🍷😉
Comment from : @joeyfiuza

Loved this video! What is known about people with dyslexia learning second (and third and fourth) languages? Would love to see a video about memorizing techniques that work
Comment from : @1964may25

My langauge goal is to become conversational in French by July hopefully !
Comment from : @Transformers488

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