Title | : | The Shocking Truth About Learning Disabilities and Math |
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I did a pure maths degree at 40, I was very worried that I might have problems because I'm slightly dyslexic I got some numbers screwed up, I struggled with somethings, especially abstract algebra but I got there and in hindsight I think a lot of my anxiety was just anxiety not so much anything to do with dyslexia I still cant spell, I know when a word is wrong but I cant find the correct spelling so I know I do have a problem but it didn't affect me in the way I thought it might So really what I'm saying is you may have a disability but it may not affect you in math's the way you think so don't stop before you start you might be really surprised Comment from : @campbellmorrison8540 |
yup but there is discrimination against with those with disabilities standardized testing is a way to gatekeep rather than learn Comment from : @mimm4332 |
I’m in my 30s and can’t even do basic math It’s embarrassing and I’ve always struggled in math Comment from : @dakotawinters5062 |
I have a traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, and slow processing speed In the testing centers, they give us a private room with cameras, so they are definitely watching and listening But those private rooms and extra time are so helpful Comment from : @TheJetsons-v2w |
I’ve been learning dis ability to get bread 💯 Comment from : @HilariousOperations |
Cheating can come in less obvious forms that you may not be aware of Comment from : @RCohle452 |
ADHD and autism Some people need more time to think and have difficulty focusing br Why are people forced to answer questions in 30 seconds? Comment from : @MF-ty2zn1 |
Wondering if struggling students would benefit from extra time in the testing Center? I haven’t found the answer on my searches Comment from : @williamestep5473 |
Very true Math disabilities are real It very well could be the classroom could have been distracting for that student, OR she suffered from test anxiety That too is real I personally don't have it but my husband has this ( he's smart as a whip) and 3 out of my 4 daughters have this Just maybe her feeling like she's being timed because class time is only x number of minutes long causes her to get anxious and so therefore all she knows goes out the window if she feels she's being pressured by having a short time limit due to the stress it causes her That could explain why if she needed a 2 hr window and finished a 60 minute test in 30 minutes She didn't have that pressure to finish the test in x number of minutes brAlso, the math disability thing can very much be real, but sometimes it can be a label put on someone who didn't pick up math quickly as a child OR had very spotty education in math For me growing up I had a HUGE difficulty with math I too thought I had a math disability Come to find out when I started homeschooling my children and going through math once again , right from the beginning ( I was even counting on my fingers as an adult still) that I can now, since going through basic math all the way up to College Algebra so far understand math far better than I used to Actually, I've come to enjoy math and can do math problems that my husband isn't able to do LOL I found that when you learn how to do a concept and you teach it to another person (or persons) you actually truly learn and understand math It's crazy, but so very true So , yes, math disabilities truly are real for some people , so is poor understanding of math due to poor teaching methods, hopping schools ( different schools teach different things at different times) can also cause what I may call a lesser disability but one that can actually be overcome Comment from : @TracyR4 |
Thank you, Math Sorcerer for this video! I am a student in college with a learning disability, I have mild learning disability, I am a general studies major who started university with a math major for three years but got removed from the major due to low GPA in mathematics I am majoring in General Studies and I am still allowed to take more higher level mathematics classes and I am graduating in spring 2025 with a bachelor's degree and applying to graduate school for MEd/MA in Mathematics program instead of a MS I know in graduate school to help me learn my abstract mathematics courses I will need accomodations on tests, and some different methods to help me learn the content My higher proof based math courses I always passed the courses with C's eventhough I aimed and studied for A's and did the work People with learning disabilities are trying in every class they take and are working hard they just need more time to figure out the material and think about what they know! Comment from : @nazombie7935 |
This make me remember about Sir Roger Penrose story From a kid who did bad at school become a successful physicist and get a nobel prize He even invented his own diagram help him get over messy Algebra stuff Comment from : @trongtue8384 |
I swear youtube is spying on me Comment from : @yeshipeice8600 |
from my experience with timed tests, she might have known she wouldn't be able to pass in the time given and just cruised through the test to get it over with it's what i did put in little to no effort because it's the same outcome as putting in a lot of effort and still failing Comment from : @RegularGuy-bo7tv |
Thank you Comment from : @pega7us |
7:30 that and the stress of a smaller amount of given time Some people really struggle under pressure Comment from : @IsntPhoenix |
I spent nearly twenty years involved with adolescents and young adults with mild intellectual and learning difficulties On the rare occasion that I met pronounced dyscalculia, it was starkly evident Such a student, who might be able to pass in other areas,albeit at a lower level, could not learn to add 5 plus 5 after several months Dyscalculia is real Sometimes, no amount of extra help will change things Comment from : @haroldwood1394 |
Learning disabilities should be solved at home Too many distractions will not solve any learning disability Abuses and threats prove the limited level of thinking of the persons who do these behaviors towards people with learning disabilities It does not require rocket science to notice that if a person begins to show signs of learning disabilities, one possible solution can be to create an environment that learning can be enhanced Find out what type of learning disability is hindering Avoid the education assessors, who have become narrow minded and are quick to mention special development school Comment from : @julians9763 |
No learning disability here Comment from : @angelajohnson4666 |
I am epileptic and dyspraxic And am currently a math major My cognition is fine, but my motor coordination is poor My dyspraxia is severe enough to affect my speech, my motor skills in my hand and cause me some trouble walking brbrAlthough with enough daily practice and extra hours studying I have done decently well Your tip about studying and doing problems without notes helped a lot in that regard Comment from : @SabrinaMarquez-rw2xb |
Autism and adhd here I feel like I do bad in a classroom setting but self study works for me I also prefer autonomy so I only do things that I want to and not what I’m supposed to do ;-; Comment from : @Meghana_Nallamilli |
I have ADHD and I can attest to this, for some reason our brains just need to marinate on a slow flame, it's a chemistry thing after all I swear I wouldn't be able to learn set theory if not for the slow cooking methods of self education I really helps to go for walks when I study and visually think and practice Little internal conversations help And what works best is a history of maths a chronicle or story to hold on to Comment from : @kevinbuenoartbywave |
I wish more people were like you I have comprehension problems sometimes when i read I know this has nothing to do with a classroom setting but people on social media, specifically Facebook can be very cruel if i dont completely understand or comprehend something right off the bat I love reading and learning but it takes me just a little longer to get material to stick in my thick brain Thank you for being a good, understanding and empathetic human being Comment from : @ApostateMike-41 |
Teaching math at a Community College, I had several students who panicked from adding time pressure to fear of math Doing math by stopwatch never appealed to me When I gave a test, I let everyone know that I would take them over to the library to finish if they needed more time It was just as secure as the classroom, with me monitoring It seemed to help some, and some expressed gratitude at being heard That last part made me sad Comment from : @BarbaraPrice-s1p |
I have adhd Couldn’t do math in school Was horrible Dropped outbrbrWent back to school brbrWent to university and got a science degreebrbrAbout to start learning math YOUTUBE IS A GAME-CHANGER Comment from : @subtlefeatures1087 |
For me, the easiest way to explain it is to imagine you are in class and the song "Popcorn" comes on every 10 minutes but you are the only person who hears it I have learning disabilities, hearing loss and tinnitus, sometimes so loud it drowns out everything but generally a constant mid volume ringing all the time Anyway, the song comes on and you try to focus while all this other stuff is going on at the same time The only thing that really saves me is that my memory is very good, which can also be extremely annoying because if I'm paying attention it is locked in forever (I know the words to so many songs) Comment from : @AMVH2012 |
I remember reading a study which looked at the difference giving extra time in exams made to those with learning disabilities and those without Those without scarcely benefited If they could not answer the questions in one hour, they could not do so in two either It was a different story for those with learning disabilities for whom extra time made a significant difference It seems a good way of finding out if students have mastered concepts in principle Comment from : @fluffurbia3501 |
It seems that girl had adhd, the neurotransmitter in charge of releasing dopamine its not well regulated in these people Comment from : @arfaxad2137 |
Iq 200 and learning disability (trauma, adhd) here I failed at univeristy math age 22 because of my missing executive function Was a philosopher and started my Manhattan Project Do well now (im rich), want to go back to university again (physics, harvard) Comment from : @ChristianHoltz-ti2pp |
So something to to say is some testing centers have more distractions than non-testing centers because they are nto setup well and have people moving in and out or other distractions Some places are really hard to book in ways that make no sense I have had teachers/professors let me stay extra time in an office or classroom (not always possible) and that can help a lot I have problem with neatness that makes anything rushed and spelling/grammar can make rushed things hard to read They are many reasons for extra time, but you may also want to think about take-home and other assignments not in class at times to bypass need for accommodations as getting them can be very hard Comment from : @gadlicht4627 |
unrelated to the video i haven't been recommended this channel lately like i used to, and clearly many aren't either why are some videos only getting a few hundred views despite 1 million subscribers? also why does the channel upload so frequently? and why are some thumbnails AI generated? the whole situation is a little strange Comment from : @keeganandre1708 |
For a person with learning disabilities, it takes twice as much time to read and write, and surely having the reassurance that you’ll have double the time helps relieve that burden of stress This allows you to think more clearly and also feel the support of the teachers Comment from : @iñigote |
I was getting really frustrated that I couldn’t grasp math I was desperately looking for a neurologist to do a CAT SCAN or something to see if there is actual damage to my brain due to childhood trauma and of course bumping my head as a kid I still want to know the health of my brain Comment from : @celeste3100 |
I don't have a learning disability but I noticed that for manual things I'm really slow, it has to do with my energy levels or that I need to train the speed, either way I'm convinced people can thrive in the right environment, and that involves accomodations of any kind Comment from : @CrisOnTheInternet |
Specific learning disability, is hard to accept But the sooner you accept the better your life gets Comment from : @anthonyp8955 |
I have PDD pervasive developmental disorder also known as autism and I’m going into computer engineering so I hope i don’t have troubles with advance math Comment from : @georgephillips2600 |
Thanks for this story Kudos to her for not just giving up but finding a way to do it That is encouraging Comment from : @hl7892 |
In the 90's, I worked as a Physics and Math Tutor at "The Learning Center" in Eugene, Oregon, which specializes in tutoring, etc for young adults with various learning disabilities
brMy clients were exclusively men with dyslexia Often I would "work myself out of a job" because the Student would "get it" Comment from : @douglasstrother6584 |
I was talking to my brother about this yesterday! He has dyslexia and needs extra time to do his very best bri was also dignosed with dyslexia and have trouble with reading as well as math Having more time and a quiet inviroment helps tremendously! Comment from : @GymCat14 |
It could just be the anxiety of worrying she might not have enough time to finish- which itself eats the time away Comment from : @BlueberryBumblebees |
1 million subscribers, wow congratulations Comment from : @Lukas-cm2b |
hey math sorcerre im 16 but have started studying discrete mathematics and it has distruebed my school so should i quit please advice me Comment from : @omP-pf1sg |
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