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Warren Buffett: Why Real Estate Is a LOUSY Investment?

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Title :  Warren Buffett: Why Real Estate Is a LOUSY Investment?
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Frames Warren Buffett: Why Real Estate Is a LOUSY Investment?

Description Warren Buffett: Why Real Estate Is a LOUSY Investment?

Comments Warren Buffett: Why Real Estate Is a LOUSY Investment?

real estate has lot to do with location I"m in NYC and real estate is super competitive I see ppl bought in the 90s and made 7 x times and collecting rent along the way Icing on the cake tax deduction king against your income is FTW
Comment from : @Brandon88nyc

I’m closing in on my retirement and I’d like to move from Minnesota to a warmer climate, but the prices on homes are stupidly ridiculous and Mortgage prices has been skyrocketing on a roll(currently over 7) do I just invest my spare cash into stock and wait for a housing crash or should I go ahead to buy a home anyways
Comment from : @viviancarolgioao

I still don’t understand how real estate is a bad investment because when you purchase real estate you’re owning a piece of whatever state you live in If real Estate so much a lousy investment than how come millionaires and billionaires still invest in rental properties, buying land and build housing on these properties, tearing down buildings and selling the land for new construction of buildings whether commercial or residential This is how millionaires and billionaires made their money Warren Buffet isn’t living on the streets, he have an mansion or whatever and he bought it to live in , whether he bought the land and had build on it he invested in that piece of real estate, people are searching for homes to rent or buy everyday but, he want us to believe that real estate is a bad investment 🤔
Comment from : @ChristopherFassett

The honesty of these two will stand the test of time Berkshire Hathaway runs a real estate agency Thank God
Comment from : @EvanHodge-t8m

He's a crank By all means stay out of real estate More opportunities for the rest of us!
Comment from : @fneeley8125

Im the only ir decency so I see it❤❤
Comment from : @shankarbalakrishnan2360

Marriage and women are lousy investments also They are all institutions tied at the hip
Comment from : @fraudsarentfriends4717

Asking a real estate agent whether you should buy a home right now is like to asking an alcoholic whether they think you should have a drink lol Homes in my neighborhood that cost around $450k in sales in 2019 are now going for $800 to $950k Every seller in my neighborhood is currently making a $350k profit Simply unreal In all honesty, deflation is what we require The only other option is for many people to go bankrupt, which would also be bad for the economy That is the only way to return to normal
Comment from : @Peterl4290

Back in 2007, during my time working in real estate, I witnessed people purchasing newly built homes from builders with the plan to sell them before the closing of escrow to another buyer for a profit The crash hit hard and fast, and I vividly recall many of these units ending up foreclosed upon, with the builder's plastic still covering the carpets
Comment from : @Rogerederer-b2r

How can I make good profit as a beginner starting with €6,000
Comment from : @walkerRobinson-d4h

Warren Buffett has mastered what patience looks like He has stuck to the markets, having a long term view on the markets This is what I'm struggling to do, trying to learn how to not react to market news about inflation and all I have currently set aside about $553k to put in the market now that prices are down Any ideas?
Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497

When the pandemic struck, Buffet was also selling It was a terrific time to buy equities overall and a great entry point for those in my generation, who were in their 30s and 40s Do you believe this would be a good time to sell some stocks as well? I'm wondering what the best ways are to rebalance my $2 million holdings
Comment from : @kortyEdna825

The video content is very interesting! I am a little confused: someone sent me a usdt and I have the recovery phrase pride pole obtain together second when future mask review nature potato bulb How do I extract them?
Comment from : @DorothyJohnson-r9j

Berkshire Hathaway owns real estate companies
Comment from : @bobreesjr9501

instead he buys trailer parks and charges extreme rents in the slums
Comment from : @Koushi82

"Never do X" , says the person that does X 😂😂😂
Comment from : @OriginalKarasu

They're talking about large corporations have tax liabilities when attempting to engage in real estate He's not talking about an individual normal person
Comment from : @desertezz

This is so fake AI generated audio
Comment from : @Libretad-cw4cb

Based on the comments it’s sounds like no one knows what they’re doing since no one is referring to what was ACTUALLY mentioned in the video 😂
Comment from : @aforautistic8635

If your making millions Buff is a great source for tips and advice, if your not take what he says with a grain of salt brbrBuying a home is a solid investment for most people, for millionaire like buff their is simply another tier of assets that makes sense
Comment from : @chrissoto7187

A key factor often overlooked is that over 25 of new homes are being acquired by investors, rather than individuals seeking primary residences Even if Baby Boomers decide to offload their properties or more housing stock enters the market, it won’t alleviate the underlying issue Wealthy investors will continue to absorb the available inventory, which will keep home prices elevated
Comment from : @Daaannn-g6k

stock? many companies will be bankrupts and you will loose you stock money
Comment from : @julija5564

never invest if you live near war zone or country
Comment from : @julija5564

Buying raw land is a great investment I made more money buying and selling land than I ever did in the stock marketMaybe I’m a bad stock picker
Comment from : @DanielDeichmiller

True And of the money they make for their investors, about 30 goes into real estate Mostly luxury properties as a lifestyle purchase, store of value and money parking Funny he forgot to mention that
Comment from : @costafilh0

I didn't even listen to W I'm like you're a billionaire but I've been saving and waiting for a possible crash and you're not going to ruin my plans 😅
Comment from : @Matakui2011

you are lucky, One of the most brillian investing advice i have ever gotten on youtube came from watching an interview with Julianne Iwersen Niemann Indeed, A solid investment strategy is like a well-planted tree—it can withstand storms and still grow strong
Comment from : @susannicky

I got out of the real estate investing market about a year ago I think its time to get into the stock market for a while whats the best strategy to invest around 200K in this current market
Comment from : @philipfletch

The biggest holder of property is…… Guess who?
Comment from : @jerrysmith715

I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying it’s ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $200k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point
Comment from : @StalinUndav

Good thing I'm not a C corp
Comment from : @Zegeebwah

Wow, younger Warren wasn’t too articulate was he?
Comment from : @Singularityv616

He said it very clearly, real estate is a lousy investment for people with HIS TAX STRUCTURE That doesn't mean that it is a lousy investment for individuals when done correctly
Comment from : @yoshkebenstadapandora1181

The efficient market hypothesis is true in efficient markets such as the US brbrEmerging economies are VERY INEFFICIENT markets, the efficient market hypothesis is false a lot of times, and the best things in life happen when the efficient market hypothesis is false
Comment from : @MrVargasesteban

For those of you who don't understand, big money is made when you buy not when you sell, Both Soros and Warren are traders, but not day traders, they cash in and out in about 3-5 years period, for the real investments Warren is right when he said it's not mispriced most of the times, even Soros bought real estate investments during 1960s and 2008 because of the of the boom-burst pattern that the real estate market showed, but during most of the normal times the real estate market is efficient But if you are physically moving around buying properties from one city to another I think your chanses might be very high of finding mispriced investments Or if you are a person who doesn't care you can buy high and collect little rentals which will make you wait long periods for your initial capital to come out
Comment from : @clementlungu5992

they basically just said we dont give a f about RE because it does not benefit our tax structure - real estate is one of the best investments and berkshire hathaway has 28 billion under managment wtf is this video
Comment from : @paulchase451

It’s hard to nail down specific predictions for the housing market because it’s not yet clear how quickly or how much the Federal Reserve can bring down inflation and borrowing costs without tanking buyer demand for everything from homes to cars
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

Comment from : @jerryl6634

They said a c corp should not invest in real estate Not that is a lousy investment In fact they said its a good investment for others situations So I don't get the catch statement
Comment from : @tmac9208

I remember that in one review which Mr Buffett presented about his practice, he stressed the importance of knowing the effective meaning of "Statement of Cash Flows" The Balance Sheet is one, the P & L's/Income statement is one; and the Statement of Cash Flows is one Possibly for him, the Statement of Cash Flows is the decision motivator I would continue to think here as to whether he is predisposed to avoid Capital Intensive difficulties in any prospective decision; as Real Estate may be generally Land Rich and Cash Poor
Comment from : @hindubodhkongpala

You wouldn't do a C-Corp structure to purchase large amounts of realty You'd create a foundation with multiple LLCs underneath it and employee yourself under the foundation and pay 0 tax on your salary
Comment from : @JudgeDredd_

The stock market is a racket
Comment from : @jerryjones7293

Before you start investing, it's crucial to understand the basics of investing, different asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc), and the associated risks are you investing for retirement, buying a home, or building an emergency fund? Your goals will help shape your investment strategy
Comment from : @leondonald

Shalom Mr Warren Buffett Tell me if Real Estate Is a LOUSY Investment than why are Bill Gates and BR going wild over it?
Comment from : @שלמהשלייפר

Well, they are talking from the point of view of just buy now and sell later If you want to buy, live in the house, and keep long term, it's a good investment
Comment from : @RichardsWorld

never believe this guy
Comment from : @Shuoshihua8

One lesson I've learned from millionaires is to always put your money to work, no matter how small Even investing €200 per month can compound to tremendous wealth over decades The key is to keep going!
Comment from : @TinaMyles

It is crucial to thoroughly understand the investment potential before investing in it
Comment from : @ClayneBanks

Bot chat city
Comment from : @librapower7810

Homes don't appreciate like stock, but neither do they crash like that Also, you can live in them
Comment from : @abhinavdeepsinha3036

Rental properties were my path to prosperity
Comment from : @paulmoore7064

Asking a billionaire trying to own everything if you should compete with them is pretty stupid Imagine if he was honest 😂 bad business
Comment from : @klein2252

Im no Warren buffet but I’m worth 23 million and make over 2 doing nothing but collecting rent on industrial, commercial and residential
Comment from : @Mobev1

Read any thing that Bob Schiller writes on real estate……
Comment from : @darbyheavey406

A home a house is supposed to be a necessity, not for profit It is a basic essential ! brGovernment and banks should of stopped this decades ago ! brDestroying civilisation and community People and families are literally dieing and going into a downward spiral because of this and the knock on effects
Comment from : @radleytube

Good info as always!
Comment from : @michaelpoczynek

Real Estate will crashMany will go bankruptLet them buy like idiots
Comment from : @RedEyeification

over illustration is the most annoying!
Comment from : @ety1221

A C Corporation shouldn't buy real estate They would personally if they could defer taxes using the 1031 exchange rules
Comment from : @shadoren

Low down payments Depreciation and a source of monthly income vs huge stock market swings and fees and commissions to an advisor Tough choice
Comment from : @calr4459

Utter nonsense, I've made a killing on properties I've bought and sold in Vancouver
Comment from : @ryanmuir6338

Warren thinks real estate is a bad deal, yet he owns Berkshire Hathaway Home Services - a real estate company
Comment from : @freedivemd9366

Got the opposite problem rn Real estate is greatly over priced and ready to crash
Comment from : @philswaim392

It's much better if you don't own assets and instead let the likes of Mr Buffett and investment funds own them You'll be able to rent them and ensure the wealth division is fully maintained
Comment from : @satnav0961

I paid $91k for a foreclosure in Nashville, Tennessee, during the 2008 crash The top price so far $421k But those opportunities are not normal 😊
Comment from : @chiefcarterphillipines

I'm eagerly looking forward to a potential housing crisis to make affordable purchases after selling some properties in 2025 I'm also considering investing in stocks as a backup plan Any advice on the best timing for these investments? I've seen significant trading profits, but there are concerns about the market's instability and the chance of a dead cat bounce Could you explain why this market phenomenon occurs?
Comment from : @TeresaLiam-z1o

I garuntee if you see something in real estate there are 10 people with more connections and wealth that have figured it out
Comment from : @bensheard3969

Yes, never buy properties, land, or gold Only buy the stock market LMAO No thanks I'll stick with real assets
Comment from : @AmericanBulldogFit

Glad I was able to get into multifamily with very little down
Comment from : @passiveincomeac

The effects of the downturn are beginning to sink in People are being impacted by the long-term decline in property prices and the housing market I recently sold my house in the Sacramento area, and I want to invest my lump-sum profit in the stock market before prices start to rise again Is now the right moment to buy or not?
Comment from : @FrankPatrick-no8zo

I think it's time to make it more appealing for potential buyers Real estate can be quite the rollercoaster! the stress and uncertainty are getting to me I think I'll cut rents to attract potential buyers and exit the market, but i'm at crossroads if to allocate the entire $680k liquidity value to my stock portfolio?
Comment from : @BrewerVera

Thanks for the forecast! Could you help me with something unrelated: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay) How can I transfer them to Binance?
Comment from : @lizzyfeeback

I think it's time to make it more appealing for potential buyers Real estate can be quite the rollercoaster! the stress and uncertainty are getting to me I think I'll cut rents to attract potential buyers and exit the market, but i'm at crossroads if to allocate the entire $680k liquidity value to my stock portfolio?
Comment from : @micheal_mills

That was why my wife and I sold our house in Florida to move to Texas I invested some of the money from the sale in the stock market The portfolio is up 300k this year I guess she knows the investment is making profit, but we've never really spoken openly about it It's one of the best choices I made
Comment from : @albacus2400BC

it used to be good but now not so much but neither is the market ,nasty surprize coming for the market
Comment from : @TC-ok4ng

Blackrock doesn’t think so : p
Comment from : @milemilitinovic3724

(NYSE:ARR) is a high-yield mortgage REIT paying monthly dividends The stock has a dividend yield of about 14, as of August 14 If the stock has increased sharply because the business is performing exceptionally well, it could still be a bargain I'm still looking for companies to make additions to my $350K portfolio, to boost performance Here for ideas
Comment from : @annajosorio

Its worse here, our economy is like a flailing fish, fighting for its life The normal state of the US economy is actually very bad Because of this it goes into convulsive spasms fighting to grow any way it can out of desperation Tricks, gimmicks, rule changes try to stimulate the economy and prevent it from falling but they only bring temporary relief to people since, when you factor in inflation we are declining
Comment from : @Daneilchirs2

Who among all the people u have met is the best❤❤🎉🎉 me
Comment from : @shankarbalakrishnan2360

Don’t buy real estate so Blackrock can buy it all
Comment from : @terryklender4209

Interesting that he said don't invest in real estate
Comment from : @JenniferMultifamily

Comment from : @SheShaved

Comment from : @TiagoRamosVideos

Comment from : @eduardopolack3247

With all do respect, you don't ask a stock guy how to play the real estate game Comparing apples to oranges 😏
Comment from : @ronniehigginson323

He owns real estate though 🤷🏿‍♂️
Comment from : @stanmoney8470

Muslin $$$ hongkong
Comment from : @hanoitowerpriest7457

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