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The importance of Accents in Language Learning.

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Title :  The importance of Accents in Language Learning.
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Comments The importance of Accents in Language Learning.

I can assure you that accent does matter I know a Lithuanian, who speaks Russian, Polish and Lithuanian We all avoid speaking to him because his accent is so strong Accent isn’t just an abstraction If you don’t master key aspects of the accent, you will limit your ability to express yourself, and understand others You have mastered syllabic timing in French, and that is a key feature
Comment from : @StillAliveAndKicking_

Accent is not a problem as long as it doesn't distract you from the message If you have to keep asking people to repeat what they said constantly, that could be a problem
Comment from : @carloshbinda

So basically the spain accent is mike tyson talking
Comment from : @gamingwithpurg3anarchy157

Accent doesn't matter as long as our audience understand us Which accent is appropriate in English? American, British, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian? Within the same country, which regional accent?
Comment from : @noeltarr8834

You could have stopped at "IT DOESN'T MATTER" If you believe that I believe there is a linguistic "gift" or "ear" Inborn talent for languages It comes easily & accents are differentiated If not, it can be an uphill slog! My experience ( I'm a French Teacher ) is that French accent is VERY important! They value & cherish their language & esteem those who can speak it with accuracy, who take the time to master it as best as possible Learning the phonetic system is fundamental but rarely focused on, but it will pay off!
Comment from : @iggy-not-pop9875

Chile We use a lot of slangs 😄
Comment from : @MetalBere

"Accent doesn't matter"brThank you for reiterating that, Steve!
Comment from : @arihoyzn2781

Bonjour, Steve Pourquoi ne pas essayer de monter une séquence audio-vidéo pour vos fans français? De surcroit ce serait un bon exercice pour vous Il semble que votre chéri soit l'arabe, n'est-ce pas? Notre langue est pourtant réputée la plus belle et précise du monde avec l'italien (vous n'en parlez jamais) la plus belle des langues pour l'opéra brJe ne sais pas ce que tant de monde a avec l'espagnol beaucoup moins jolie et facile que l'italien Avec toute mon admiration Christian
Comment from : @christiandufourmentel3237

I mostly speak peninsular Spanish, but when I travel in Argentina I quickly start saying "posho" and "plasha"
Comment from : @stefanreichenberger5091

Hi Steve, I d like to know your opinion on the study of intonation in language learning Some teachers say it is very important to study theory books from David Brazil; O Connor, Cruttenden ans so on Is it possible to apply intonation only by practicing listening and not studying theory?
Comment from : @audiosystems2291

I don't know if right pronunciation is the same that some sort of a perfect  accent I think don't But what I do know is that correct pronunciation helped me very much in the process of learningchiefly regarding reading
Comment from : @dragaodeluz9546

The idea of anchored accents is an interesting one In my experience as someone who learned French intensively at a very young age and was briefly an expat in Paris, I think that how strongly your accent is anchored in your native lanuage(s) depends on how early you started properly learning a non-native tongue I know maybe ten or so people in the same boat and we all strongly mirror the accent of whoever we are talking to, even in our native tongues 
Comment from : @nykkilearnspolish1807

BTW Steve, I love your English accent 
Comment from : @DanielaSchroderTabalipa

Comment from : @luisromero9170

No wonder you dont recognize Russian accents The language sounds almost the same in most regions, TV and radio have minimized the difference People in Siberia or Far East speak exactly like people in St Petersburg In the USA you can guess by pronunciation that he or she is from Boston, LA or Ner Orleans, but in Russia most people speak the same wayThere are some accents with very slight difference not always noticed even by native speakers, and there are stronger accents spoken mostly by older people in country, like this Vologda dialect ТНТ - Я живу в Вологде - Вологодский ГоворbrBut now people in Vologda dont speak so, maybe only in small villages around the town The girls speech sounds for me like she is from 18th century, Im sure that she dont speak so in her everyday life Oh, and many people in Moscow (born and raised) have their recognizible (by natives) accent which is more about intonation, not pronunciation (as I hear it) brYou can hear strong accents from people who were growing up as bilinguasl or polylinguals, like people from Causasus (which is part of our multy ethnic country) or ex Soviet republics (Tadzhikistan, Azeyrbadzhan etc), but thats because Russian is often the second language for them, it all depends on what language was spoken in the family 
Comment from : @sergeynim586

I've trained myself to speak English with a quasi-"English" accent (Stephen Fry and most of the cast of Blackadder were my initial inspiration) chiefly, I think, because I had serious trouble pronouncing the letter R So that's another reason choosing to adopt a particular accent: relative easiness
Comment from : @TheLittleRussian2

One thing I've learned from lingq (and from Steve): I don't care about accents no more And now I feel more comfortable and happier Thaks for that
Comment from : @enle2002

Yeah, we chileans definitely chew all the words For a non-native it must be like playing spanish on hardcore mode :Dbrbrplus we're bvery/b machinegun
Comment from : @torcoAaAa

What is so important of having a "perfect" accent? Whether if you don't say perro, or Rosa or ratón right, people won't have a fit nor will they not understand you
Comment from : @supermonk3y07

wonderful vid! yeah i love the last sentence, " listen to all accents"brbrthx alot!
Comment from : @beensolongg

Non-natives with accents; don't become one It's really awkward
Comment from : @HadzirLP

Which Cantonese accent do you tend towards?
Comment from : @bluecedar7914

My favorite accents:brFrench - MontrealbrGerman - ColognebrNorwegian - West OslobrEnglish - Dublin
Comment from : @AndrewFeinberg1

Great video as usual, Steve Thanks
Comment from : @russodazonasul

Deutsch ist die schlimste wenn man über die Dialekten redet!!
Comment from : @TheMartikaa

Accents are strange; I usually don't reccommend people worry about them honestly I think if you are of course proficient in the language people will understand you Plus I think some people struggle with it greatly and some don't Like you said Steve, there are some people who live in a place forever and never gain the native accent, while some people live there a short while and sound just like a native 
Comment from : @Monarch816

OMG! I'm costarican also ^^
Comment from : @KarlaBDMetal

This is great Steve, it just so happens this week I've been posting about the various English accents in my FB group Posting your video because it will help the members greatly Thanks a lot and I love your Canadian accent :)  wwwfacebookcom/groups/ThaislearnEnglish/
Comment from : @magneticlanguagesofudon5499

After watching this video, that brought me to have another question about accents As a teacher wannabe college student in South Korea(FYI, I am a Korean), I always suppose that the biggest barrier hindering South Korean's learning English properly lies in the wrong pronunciation of Korean English teachers If students try to learn more about English on their own outside of the classroom via various helpful media for English, it doesn't really matter But, unfortunately, they really don't For some reasons, many students prior to tertiary education mainly rely on their Korean English teachers with respect to input to listen It could not as much applicable as to the present day but I am so sure that it still happens So, my question is do you also think the accent of not that advanced learners in the second language doesn't really devastate the process of someone's learning? It sounds a bit opaque but hopefully given all of the above, my focal point can fall into place Anyway, such a good video as always thanks!brbr(Just for the record, for the better understanding how awful they are, not all of them though, they even can't really smoothly converse with native speakers in that language in reality by virtue of their accent or pronunciation Mind you, I have a tons of anecdotal evidence for that)
Comment from : @episteme0507

great video请问Vancouver口音和标准英语相差大吗?
Comment from : @vain3940

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