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How much $ Are You worth to the GOV via SSN, Birth Certificate, Bonds Etc. How Do Form 1522 work

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Information How much $ Are You worth to the GOV via SSN, Birth Certificate, Bonds Etc. How Do Form 1522 work

Title :  How much $ Are You worth to the GOV via SSN, Birth Certificate, Bonds Etc. How Do Form 1522 work
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Frames How much $ Are You worth to the GOV via SSN, Birth Certificate, Bonds Etc. How Do Form 1522 work

Description How much $ Are You worth to the GOV via SSN, Birth Certificate, Bonds Etc. How Do Form 1522 work

Comments How much $ Are You worth to the GOV via SSN, Birth Certificate, Bonds Etc. How Do Form 1522 work

Is this guy not disappeared yet😮😊
Comment from : @Me2-l4m

It is indeed the federal reserve the number on the back of my social belongs to The federal reserve of Atlanta
Comment from : @kingyaeboofficial

Have you heard of ucc secured party creditor?
Comment from : @noautodurk2898

Your a dumba$$ all of you are if you believe this crap
Comment from : @aymity4344

Who gets this money?
Comment from : @somebodywhocares9293

the number on the ssc has a letter at the beginning use the letter and look on the 1 dollar bill that has the same letter shows which bank made that note also its the bank that owns you next look up that bank and use that ssn and your all capital letter name first mid an last to access account never ask them theyll lie before you do this try researching how to claim your all capital letter name legally and youll be able to claim the money and alot interesting that as well you can also the the number on back of ssc including the letter in front to a stock broker to look up ITS worth never tell them its true cause you can check by yourself too on a trading site and you have 7 accounts at birth your parents unknowingly sold you as a trust fund which the fed res bank sold you on stock market and bought you back as an option you want proof look at your birth certificate on the outer edge small letters it says OFFICIAL BANK NOTE Im taking the proper steps to claim mine gook luck
Comment from : @anthonymayfield3384

Is this applicable to American citizens only?
Comment from : @Mariel-p7r

The reason were have this account is the United States Government uses us as collateral when getting loans But yes you can get this money and their are forms you can fill out
Comment from : @MichaelDarkcrow1519

Comment from : @michaelwilson-mj2rw

They said you cant you cant get the money but you can use it to pay debts Its the number on your birth certificate with a zero before it
Comment from : @annmarieonoratp

This is a gross misrepresentation of what an E series bond isHAHAHA Do not listen to the advice in this comment thread You will be laughed at on your way to prison
Comment from : @Melaninking33

United States- comercual, no goverment , nor USA
Comment from : @guermandmitriev6446

12 is governmental The numbers Jesus Used for us the devilbrAlso copied
Comment from : @Angels-of-Love77

Comment from : @bettinaramey8886

The ONLY people that can access funds ILLEGALLY, and KEEP THEM, are the 535 members of the US CONGRESS You can't do this, because you are living in an imaginary "DEMOCRACY", which you THINK is great, because your PRIEST and your IDIOT college professor told you so!!! 😆😆😆
Comment from : @electriccontrol7680

12 Banking family's that's what's its all about the letters
Comment from : @DavidAlanParsons-z8r

Houston? Patty? Is that you?? Yoo negreto sho looks like you and sho sounds like you pat
Comment from : @chrisemma777

Did you find out anything further? Any success with this? It's a deep rabbit hole and it's really hard to go through!
Comment from : @furryplantsandcoins9070

This is absolute rubbish You clearly don't know what a savings bond is The dates referenced for each different savings bond indicate when that particular Series was first issued It has nothing to do with your Social Security Card Each bond is issued a serial number; that's what the treasury website is requesting The date it asks for is the date that is printed on your savings bond, not your birth date The number on the back of your Social Security Card is the card's physical serial number because you are only allowed to get a total of 10 cards in your life For example, if you have an old Social Security Card and a replacement one, you will notice that the number on the back of each card is different It literally has zero to do with some imaginary account that the sovereign citizen movement ignorantly believes in
Comment from : @nicholasseidel2065

This is how the Rothschilds are rich
Comment from : @malikpetite1210

He has the right idea however he isn't understanding the numbers correctly but in fact one set of numbers are the reserve and the other are actually your routing number
Comment from : @RRugerrell215

what is with all these channels selling the lie that you have a secret bank account full of money, or you can discharge debt and not pay a single bill? Everyone knows this is fraud and will get you put in jail right? Why pay them for matierials, books, courses, that only teach you how to commit fraud and get charged with fraud? When times are tough, these scammers come out of the woodwork, sell you lies - literally sell you courses, materials, etc on how to commit fraud, presenting it as a way to never pay bills again - and your gonna buy it, end up out the money you spent, and on top of that catch fraud charges? Brilliant!
Comment from : @vaikjsf34a

Its hard to get a c note
Comment from : @UlyssesAustin-i6f

“THINK” :br“Jupiter Ascending” 👀brIf you don’t have the proper credentials and seals in your possession,br(And possession is 9/10ths of the law)👀,you would be considered by thuh state of uh’brfares to be commiting fraud The iron’brEEEE : Fraudsters commiting fraud’u’lent dock’u’meants to pull the wool over every’body’s ( I’zzzz),and profiting thereby;but if you uh’tempt to become THE REAL LIVING MAN AND TRUSTY OF THAT ACCOUNT ONCE YOU BECOME OF AGE,without the prop’ere dock’u’meants in your (POSSESSION),br(THEY CON)’sider you to be the one commiting fraud! 👻
Comment from : @shanneuts4971

We’re calling and talking to people that are clueless to what’s really going on There money in banks that anyone with a birth certificate has coin Again, they don’t know anything about the topic Like the straw man It’s the same thing they do to people in prison sell on the stock market The ones that one that’s all that need at this time We will be taking action on this and will soon giving others the tools nessacery to do the same Without confusion Start to the point Stay up and much love
Comment from : @jeremiahbrown27

C is the Philadelphia bank
Comment from : @cindypope4238

so basicallynobody did it
Comment from : @splashgod1111

Trouble is the government is so corrupt a lie to your citizens and what's them really about we're enslaved by the birth certificate and the social security cards to your state but they'll lie their asses off but there is proof out there
Comment from : @DavidNolan-mu1rw

The number behind your ss card is the branch bank that issue the card its only 13 central banks go on line and get them because all ss cards are not given by the government it's a big lie
Comment from : @nickthegk3824

Dear lord
Comment from : @BeverlyMorris-w6z

This bond submitted with 1542 Yep …
Comment from : @BeverlyMorris-w6z

Sir brbrbrLook at it for $25 1971 Is my exact bond
Comment from : @BeverlyMorris-w6z

It’s not money it’s credit!!
Comment from : @msdillihayskitchen5164

Ur my A1, C note, I 9’s, L 12’s 🤔
Comment from : @rmarley1981

OH it seems that, those numbers, on the back of your SS card, correlate to the state you were born in ; obviously, some represent multiple states Peace !brOH just ran across 'CLient Payment Coupon UCC Laws Success Bill Paid with laws Debt Discharge Coupon vid, by CoachMT 4000- Financial Impact Lifestyle Augmenters Check it out Could be another one of those 'All Talk, yet, no Evidence of Proof' vids, or who knows brPeace !
Comment from : @skweekykleane9810

i know what my accounts are
Comment from : @HeavenGateman

But why you entering only 10,000?? In the denomination
Comment from : @timothysanchez7627

The ISSUE date of any bond is not your birthday, it’s the date the bond was created We have NO bond in the government If we do, please produce just one instance of this Has ANYONE seen ANY paperwork that backs up these theories?
Comment from : @hollarryus4235

What's up with Winston Shrout😮
Comment from : @nachman5570

The peron I know who got the money was later arrested, he followed all the step touched millions and they came and got him and took the money Idk if this was the website but the exact same information and reasoning
Comment from : @STYLESTORIESwChrissy

First thing you did wrong was call them lol you think there gonna let you know they owe millions of people moneylol
Comment from : @MufusaElBey

You are on the right track I have pulled up inmates who have had Pres Bush sign off on payment of a certificate based on the number on a birth certificate I’m going to start researching this again Do not call the government they don’t know about this!
Comment from : @Kiersten-vh8ue

There's people who ve done it and had great success at it
Comment from : @Levell-v8q

The serial numbers on the back of every social security card is connected to who we as a people belongs to meaning we are owned by either the land law or the sea law meaning every person who is validly identified as a citizen is owned by banks the proof of this the Swiss Banks and the Stock Market buys and sells every single person who ve I've mentioned everyday and there's a way to take back your own name and power to be your own bank holder owner simply by filing these papers your self with your own signature and get the black card to pay all your bills for life you cant take money off of it bur you can pay all your bills for life with this black card just look it up and see the results for yourself
Comment from : @Levell-v8q

It goes when u we’re born
Comment from : @dianaseverns7228

Mine was under the e bond
Comment from : @dianaseverns7228

I did this today it told me I had bonds but what do u do after is it illegal to try n pull it
Comment from : @dianaseverns7228

Do a wire transfer no deposit tga account
Comment from : @OtisMoore-e1g

that's your money, not the governments!
Comment from : @smokeyhigh3126

it's called your STRAWMAN account, we have all been made into corporations and bought and sold and traded on the stock market! yes, its very real! our parents signed us over when we were born! life has all been al lie, we are all salves, but not for long! trump declassed it all so we can see the truth! many wont accept the truth even when its shown to them!
Comment from : @smokeyhigh3126

Comment from : @angelrodman07

I know this is a lil late for this but 1 You can not Obtain the money yourself 2 You utilize the US Treasurary as they are the "Trustee" on your accounts to pay bills or discharge debt there are no way to get the money yourself as I am aware of w/o getting yourself into trouble for fraud The TreasuraryDirect website, tool he/you are using is only the Estimation tool that is 'IF" there was a bond that was to exist Thats the value the site itself gives you At first I looked at this video a few years ago, Great Video by the way, but need to be weary of videos like this and scrutinize the information as I have Key is 'Know without any doubts what you are doing before jumping"
Comment from : @mikeford3421

It's definitely a scam Just like the rest of the United States government !!!
Comment from : @chrissaucier9386

show me proof of anyone getting the cash from thier birth certificate account - any video!
Comment from : @daviddoten-c3i

We have a state federal and international account's
Comment from : @Bobby-k8q

This is true and i know people using it it only works making online transactions only everyone
Comment from : @Bobby-k8q

We're you able to get the information you were looking for?
Comment from : @ericajohnson3649

It’s all a scam EVERYONE who “teaches” sells something They are not only scamming but taking advantage of vulnerable people It’s sad af
Comment from : @PastorJustinWade

Check out Jordan Maxwell maritime law
Comment from : @terryluellen3806

The elite across the pond on you That's the numbers they keep track of you on the New York stock exchange you're roughly worth about $6 million a person
Comment from : @terryluellen3806

For one it not at Treasury direct It's a cuspit number call fidelity security
Comment from : @BrettWallace-r3g

I think two people got arrest for trying to get the $$$$
Comment from : @cjacob9875

Look up Brian Williams he has done it
Comment from : @DustinUhrig

You can you pay your federal taxes and state taxes with a 1040 v farm as credit
Comment from : @DustinUhrig

You don't get the money but you can use it for credit and buy whatever you want
Comment from : @DustinUhrig

Wow just wow
Comment from : @N-frost1

That number on the back of your Social Security card is called a CUSIP NUMBER
Comment from : @celmer6

Comment from : @sabrinaaugustine6690

The Story brThis story is a variation of the older Bogus Sight Drafts/Bills of Exchange Drawn on the Treasury brscam brThe common tale offered in this scam states: When the United States went off the gold standard in br1933, the federal government somehow went bankrupt With the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, brthe government became a corporation (sometimes called ”Government Franchise”) and converted the brbodies of its citizens into capital value, supposedly by trading the birth certificates of US citizens on brthe open market and making each citizen a corporate asset (sometimes referred to as a “Strawman”) brwhose value is controlled by the government brScams vary in methods for citizens to gain control of their alleged assets, such as: brfiling a UCC-1 Financial Statement, bractivating a TreasuryDirect Account (TDA), or brcreating bonds by using the Savings Bond Calculator brThese blogs and videos promise that your birth certificate bond will be able to wipe out all your debt or brhelp you collect monies/securities Some internet sites even offer to sell videos, webinars, and brcoaching on how to do this No one has profited from the Treasury Department by using these brtactics But, the scammers intend to profit from this story by selling their bogus wares br12/1/24, 2:59 PM Birth Certificate Bonds — TreasuryDirect
Comment from : @janicefreeman1614

Now the last part is dangerous & can really get someone in trouble of not knowing how to use it or abusing it cause its others lifes damages gold & silver & that is filing paper work for unsecured creditor only amount that is in the 30 year federal bank reserve note birth certificate account ,, remember that also can be discharge to govt hospitals & clinics etc cause its under health& human services vital statistics/ birth ,,remember if work if filed wrong or lie most of time there is no one that helps for these services cuase they can end up incarcerated as well
Comment from : @AA-zm4ow

So if you say the wrong thing in court or so the wrong thing in court they can reject or place under arrest ,all it is that your a human being born united states ,& want to discharge the account owe to the courts ,but first you must plea guilty if your guilty,, depending if you cause damages the persons in damage have to be paid by going to federal arbitration,,,don't know what loan agency or bank you can process paper work jp Morgan chase & federal bank reserve the one marked on birth certificate,,
Comment from : @AA-zm4ow

It's a note stock bond 30 year that's why it has that so is social security it is were your born , I will tell you how ,just so you know that it can you in trouble in the law ,,your parents can get it credited faster than who ever or at 30 & after it has vested ,,,, bond stock talk ,,,understand if you max it out or someone will , secret service n other federal enforcements n get you or make you pay or max it out ,,
Comment from : @AA-zm4ow

🎉🎉😢 party poopers better pay ups
Comment from : @Karl-t7v

89801 is mot cooperating with you ❤ but maybe you could drop it in the door
Comment from : @Karl-t7v

Trust funds 😊
Comment from : @deborahzink

There is no bond it's been debunked many of times
Comment from : @Hoppedupondope

I did this years ago and at the age of 27 i had to file bankruptcy, sell my new jeep, and accumulated over 100k of more debtforeclosed my houseyeah lost everything
Comment from : @moneymel3756

Look into promissory notes I think this links to that maybe anyway 🤷‍♀️
Comment from : @Freesoulofmyland

Blessings and love to you and family 🙏
Comment from : @Freesoulofmyland

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