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Is Stock Photography Worth It? I Submitted 1,200 Photos to Find Out...

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Title :  Is Stock Photography Worth It? I Submitted 1,200 Photos to Find Out...
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Comments Is Stock Photography Worth It? I Submitted 1,200 Photos to Find Out...

Thank you so much for your effort in this video, this gave me a better understanding and saved A lot of us time 💯🙏🏽
Comment from : @RILLRECKLESS

Great video! Thank you!
Comment from : @juliamars5980

the effects of video slow speed are irritating
Comment from : @MukhtiarHussain-e5w

I unknowingly signed a renewed yearly subscription on Shutterstock I only used the service once and was charged for nearly 10 years before I found it I have not used the service since the first time and gave Shutterstock the opportunity to refund my money They refused Be aware that your subscription is likely a recurring charge and like me, the notices will go to your spam folder I downloaded an image 10 years ago and have been charged nearly $300
Comment from : @victoriabell4436

I’m not sure what’s going on but shutter stock takes 5-7 days to review thanks for your video
Comment from : @gorgeousbeauty6723

If you need this isa a passive earning side job so you can do earn but if you do a testimony so its not for you
Comment from : @Fevrockms

Only cents LOL, waste of time I gues lol
Comment from : @cryptoBlockchainDev

This vid and the comments are absolutely 🔥 keep up the great work So helpful ❤
Comment from : @reggiemath

It has been a year since you uploaded this video How much have you made from these uploads until today?
Comment from : @joydeepvasudeva

This needs a professional approach not an amateur "this blurred image looks artsy" attitude Holiday photos rarely get much success It isn't easy, nobody should try it thinking it's cash-for-junk! Look at Dreamstime and research their stocks, they do show how many time images have been downloaded, which is a very helpful facility
Comment from : @mike-js2510

40 cents for a week of work is pretty good but I think I if you flip burgers you might earn a bit more
Comment from : @robford3211

Can we submit photos by one plus nord 4 camera
Comment from : @sacarchy

Tbh, you might make more selling prints than on stock photography I tried submitting to Shutterstock and Alamy Shutterstock’s approval process is a grating experience, and some of your best shots (the shots that get the best feedback from peers and casual viewers) will be rejected by Shutterstock for the smallest reasons And while Alamy does accept more shots, getting any sales on there is such a waiting game I give credit to a lot of stock photographers who can somehow make a passive income from those sites, because they have more patience and consistency than the average person could possibly afford And as for stock video, invest in a drone for video Aerial footage of wilderness and cityscapes seem to be in high demand
Comment from : @Diggy22

Hello brother, I have about 1,300 images in my portfolio on the Adobe Stock website I started on this site a month ago, but with all of these images I only got five downloads Should I continue on this site because I spend a lot of time and I don’t see any benefit from it yet?
Comment from : @maa-v5m

I used to work at a film studio that would pump out hundreds of (stock videos) a day and my whole job was to keyword the clips and upload them to shutterstock I wonder how much they would make off of it
Comment from : @AustinForbes-ij9oh

Hi, as many other partners commented, the stock is not fast passive incomeyou may need at least 1 year and much more portfolio to have a real income in any case, great work!
Comment from : @dronemetrics5853

Questiok for author of this video Did you upload more photos after this test? And did you earn something finally after long period of Time?brbrI love bird photography but it doesnt sellbrWe live in commercial World were you must promote thibgs People buy stuff which cobtains industrial etc not naturebrThats sad because i like to shot photos but mine point of view doesnt pay back And the hobby is expensive
Comment from : @ShortMediaSzalk

This is very helpful Thank you
Comment from : @janahr8550

Wouldn't your description be what kind of search terms a customer might use to find what they need? If so, "shoes" or "shoe display" might have been a better description Not sure anyone would search the location or that it's a vacation photo
Comment from : @KaraZiasapiens

Adobe Stock is generally better for me than Shutterstock Also, Adobe does provide feedback on the photos, check under the rejected tab
Comment from : @emiloprisa

I wonder how its going with that stock many months later, very curious how this standing now
Comment from : @tommicrazy

Dude, it takes a whole lot more than a couple months
Comment from : @alessandrachavesphotograph3857

I think the visible logo at 06:13 is probably the brand name on the back of the flash umbrella That could be clone stamped out surely?
Comment from : @neeway1620

Can I borrow 20 cents?
Comment from : @bluestaar100

Hi; I'm a stock photographer / videographer, and I'm not agree with the vision you're sharing about stock photography brThe first point is that your work isn't commercial; they are just photos in your hard drive that you want to monetise If you want to make a business from that, you have to shoot more commercial assets, learn composition, lighting, editingbrI upload images constantly to more than eight agencies, and Adobe makes me the 60 of income, and rarely have rejectionsbrIn the beginning you have to take rejections as a learning process; what is more, the fact that Shutterstock accepted more assets doesn't mean that they're going to be soldbrStep by step, you can learn how this industry works, but it's a long term tripbrBy the way, when you keep years on that, you see logos and brands in a second before uploading, as I could see the brand of the umbrella in the distance while you were saying that haven't seen anybrI don't want you or any other person here to take this comment as hater, but as a constructive criticism
Comment from : @EgoitzBengoetxea

Is there a way to upload images in PNG format on Shutterstock? I am suffering a lot from this issuebrIt accepts my jpg images and show (unsupported) for the png ones🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Comment from : @ML-ed7ln

Your comments about Adobe photo stock are accurate It's very frustrating I'm gonna try Shutterstock
Comment from : @joedc8169

youtube/jBvx63eZZ2g - I would lean towards the photographer and his Lighting stand possibly Manfroto or the likes, could of triggered copyrighted design/logo
Comment from : @lazy_dayz1

It was amazing i am also working on both sites and trying to do something unique!! Thanks for sharing this Video
Comment from : @MUHAMMADHUSSAIN-kv5ds

Many people think that travel photos are suitable materials for stock photos for it's artistic value However, stock photos are marketing material It's more on the function than the art You need to think if the pictures will fit any brochures or adsbrYou need to do some research before you upload, search the keyword of your photos and see what comes out Those are the photos that sell Don't blindly upload photos from your vacation
Comment from : @cleper1412

6:12 is the brand name or logo on the top yellow bar? that pinky coloured thing?
Comment from : @NicholasThorntonOfficial

thank you great video this is so helpful I didn't even know what I didn't know thanks for your time :D
Comment from : @nopsketchbook

Interesting! Thank you for sharing! How's it going now with the income some months later?
Comment from : @ETBrothers

You can generate AI imagea and sell them too, be it realistic photo like imges or illustrations Even more, the job made easy with Midjourney image generation automation tool like ImageNxt What you need is quality prompts and rest of the activities are automatic !!
Comment from : @user-fj9tm1lw7m

In the tejected warehouse photo, there was a poster on the wall possibly for workplace hazards That may have triggered the rejection
Comment from : @jallen418

At 6:11 maybe it's that lavender cylindrical machine, center of image, past the red foreground machine It has embossed letters that could be a brand name If that's not it, I have no idea what they're seeing as a trademark
Comment from : @DrunkenUFOPilot

This came up in my recommendations I’d be curious how your photos have fared in the 9 months since you posted this brYou could literally do a stock shoot in your house, or walk around a city Find political topics, concept photos, medical issues (injuries you may have etc) Upload many of those as editorials (you don’t need model/property releases if you use that format) As you already mentioned - the real money lies in video these days, not photos brIt’s also a numbers game and the real results of your work may not show for a while For example, there are a few videos I uploaded that made $0 in their first month, but have made over a thousand over the course of let’s say 3 yearsbrAll the best to you!
Comment from : @NicoleGlass

thank u! gonna give it a go 😊
Comment from : @DawningWisdom

Hello Frankie Thanks a lot for taking the time to make trials and share your results, insights, and recommendations It's great to have valuable people like you in the world! I subscribed, liked, shared, and commented today after watching your video! You deserve the very best!
Comment from : @luzcortes3946

You can't bulk upload vacation photos and hope to make money in a month man
Comment from : @jacoblamb2131

Good luck in NewYear Frankie Nice channel! I have one illustration that earned me over 2000$ You wouldn't guess That's it From over 800 illustrations
Comment from : @ArtDesignHobby

Honest video!! Add your metadata in Photoshop and Premiere ONCE and be done! Except video, SS and Depositphotos does not read video metadata Adobe is the best and if you can reach editorial status the money really rolls in However, filming editorial comes with extreme risks, I have been thrown out of places, I deal with cops on a regular basis too I have right at 40K assets and have been going at it for 4 years now There is some money but not what you may think I have right at 12K videos and 20K images on Pond 5 alone, 28K on Dreamstime, 12k on SS, 8K on adobe and the same on the rest I reach payout every week on Adobe There really is no worst or best site, it all depends on what you upload There are many many avenues to go here, I do it all even AI art Push hard but if you are looking to replace your job DON'T DO IT!!! Even with 40K assets I only make around $1300 a month on average I have 1400 assets on Wirestock and I make about $15 a month on that 900 exclusive on DT and a handful on Blackbox I spend about 9 hours a day on average doing it I use GoPro's and my iPhone I stopped using my Cannon a long time ago, it's pointless tbh and I have always done better with my iPhone 12 Still do! 4k 30FPS, same for gopro, why? Because I sell the screenshots from the footage also, but you have to film 4k 30fps for the images to be accepted Avoid rejections, I rarely get them as the trick is to back off the saturation, it adds noise, vibrance too I almost NEVER edit my iPhone images, I upload as is Once you understand what these assets are used for you will get it If they wanted high Rez images, they would buy a high end camera themselves but often they are just making a simple story and need a simple image Hope that helps someone
Comment from : @downlowmusic

Can you upload the same pictures to sell on different sites?
Comment from : @green9832

adobe stock reviews editorial content in a day or two
Comment from : @ApenasUmPH

Please Go Audible next! I'd subscribe for that! brbr1 thing I'm learning is that taking stock photos / videos is a completely different process and you need a different eye and different lense and different settings for the capture than Fine Art Photos Many folks take pics that would be intermediate fine art pics, beautiful, but do not keep commercial imagery needs in mind (and unless we shoot for news sites regularly, most of us aren't taking editorials) The image requirements and standards are totally different! brbrYou could make a few thousand off pics on your actual desk of a desktop or laptop computer, a smart phone, a plain pen, and a journal or notebook than you can of some phenomenal shots of the sunlight hitting berries on the vine, a beautiful beach or waterfront pier setting or a calendar style shot of fall leaves Commercial shots want negative space for text, and simple, repetitive subjects purposefulky arranged That kind of thing They want a white background, like a scrim - it's an investment of money and patience a lot of us aren't yet willing to make
Comment from : @brightpage1020

Great video! Im not sure if you found the visible logo but I love photo hunts Lol I would guess they were referring to the logo on the equipment being set up in the background If you zoom in on the right you can see white writing on the gobo umbrella that you could possibly assume it was a certain brand
Comment from : @nicholejames6354

Cool! I certainly will 😊
Comment from : @3elemente

Maybe learn the difference between “commercial” and “editorial”
Comment from : @seanaidan4577

Audio Books and generally Audio, that could be quite funny
Comment from : @3elemente

Adobe is a great earner for me
Comment from : @joegrossinger3381

Stock photography is a long term proposition - 30 days doesn't even count !
Comment from : @johnmartin7919

Hi Frankie, I liked your video very much, it was very insightful I am a pro photographer, altho I don't do it full time I have been shooting pictures for almost 50 years, mostly as a hobby I do have a few tips that might help you: 1) You don't need expensive or fancy equipment I have a Nikon point-and-shoot camera that hits moon shots as well as or better than the majority of others on my websites that I belong to *And the "need a lot of money fallacy" also applies for shooting videos! Both my Nikon and Canon are APS-C semi-professional models that can shoot incredible photos but are not 4K! (This is important because, if I am not mistaken, Shutterstock requires 4k) Fortunately I can shoot 4k with my Android Phone and I have a video on that site that was handheld - no tripod! 2) If you DO use a tripod, turn off the anti shake setting, that setting doesn't like being on a tripod and the images don't come out as clear 3) Lastly, I believe 100 with the others who have posted here that separating yourself for the multitudes of stock photographers is as important as getting buyers to find your work! Finding the best SEO words, shooting things that most people would never think of, textures, backgrounds etc are spot on! Thanks again for a great video and Thanks to those who commented prior to me, y'all have given me some new ideas that I haven't thought of before and you've given me inspiration to get back out there with my camera and see what i can find!
Comment from : @photogra4

thanks for experimenting
Comment from : @riverfate1480

Bro… If you edit tags in Lightroom… they will appear after uploading
Comment from : @dbenedict357

Thank for your video, it was very helpful in letting me decide to not waste my time with Stock Photography
Comment from : @diogodeoliveirathedronester

Ciao volevo ringraziarti molto per questo tuoi video, ero molto scoraggiata perchè adobe stock mi aveva scartato molte foto ma dopo aver visto il tuo video ho capito che sono mlto severi Grazie mille per aver messo la tua esperienza , io carico foto da circa 1 anno sono riuscita a vendere qualche foto ma soprattutto mi ha spronato a migliorarmi Grazie ancora continua cosi Giorgia
Comment from : @giorgiag6490

Great video, thanks for sharing - Stock Photography is tough!!! 😲
Comment from : @motivational-video-org

I actually earn more from Adobe Stock than Shutterstock now It used to be the other way around
Comment from : @ChadZuberAdventures

You're not making money with stock because your shooting for yourself You have to learn how to shoot for clients
Comment from : @terrykellyphotography6171

adobedont upload big batches a few rejected and they will reject the batch
Comment from : @rogerisold

Can you give an update? Did you make more money on shutterstock?
Comment from : @jeff-jeff-h

i can tell from own experience for about a decadenot its not worth it 0,01 cent0,05 cents in Eeyemwirestock, getty NEver sold almost nothingbrbrWIRESTOCK (Member since: Oct 2, 2019) : Earnings brTotal br$13,85 brbrDownloads brTotal br19br0,72 cents per photobrbrScopio brbr125 brTotal Downloads br4287K brTotal Views br8 brTotal SavesbrbrEarnings: YOUR EARNINGS br$1607 - which makes less than 3 centsbrbrEeyem:brbr886 PhotosbrLifetime Earnings br$ 9377 brNew Earnings br$ 026brbrlatest 0,01 cents each
Comment from : @MorningCoffeeDaily

I'm not sure I have succeeded in the microstock business, but I do have thousands of accepted images in a few agencies, and I get regular passive income from them Not as much as I would like, obviously, but some Adobe Stock does pay much more than Shutterstock but this agency is currently accepting AI illustrations and is very slow in reviewing regular photos Some of mine are still in the queue after more than 3 weeks Before putting the numerous hours required, one should learn more (from YouTubers, among other sources) on what sells, the quality, size, formats, needed in order to succeed Because it is very time-consuming and the best years for making money in microstock are behind us, so only if you have a lot of spare time and a passion for photo is it going to be worth your while
Comment from : @annerichard788

See me laughing 😂, I totally love the way you explained it all You've got a big subscriber Thanks for the enlightenment
Comment from : @SportNiche

You can earn even from stock photos, it just has to be a bit unique in my opinion, for example, i have vericose veins on my legs, i shot it sn uploaded and got like 3 dollars from it haha Plus i do abstract photography a lot, which also sells Basically, i feel like you just got a find a niche and see which sells and double down and keep taking the same stuff I feel like that is the way to go I have about 10 dollars on shutterstock and about 25 in getty So it is definitely possible to earn, i feel like you just have to be consistent with the uploads, 5 to 10 everyday, which is easier said than done, i am aware, but i guess that's what it takes, am i right? Anyways love the video, subbed!
Comment from : @harshithk415

4:30 not true Adobe tells you why photo was rejected in the Uploaded Files -> Not accepted sectionbr6:13 there is a guy setting up a softbox and you can see logo on it
Comment from : @soundtempleAU

Excellent video Subscribed Make a follow up video
Comment from : @StockFootageCollective

Audible please, thanks for great insights I have some stock photos and videos, but won't put them up because they take the piss with rewarding great content creation
Comment from : @spiralspirit7604

Ayoo! I'm from Tacoma/Puyallup Great video Very informative Definitely going to try this out!
Comment from : @OrionValencia

nice effort and thanks for sharing i've been dabbling in this space myself adobe rejects many images for totally unknown reasons (ones that get accepted and actually get sales on shutterstock) but they are only agency i know of that pays a reasonable amount (each sale is usually 3 - 4x the typical sale from shutterstock) ultimately i agree with you conclusion, it would take 1000s of hrs of effort to make more than couch cushion change from stock photography but if you like taking photos and want to get better stock is a good means to that end
Comment from : @adventures-on-planet-earth

Medium for me
Comment from : @braveville

You need to read more and learn about microstock before wasting time uploading 1200 random photos Also, you can't teach us anything because you don't even have experience in this So don't
Comment from : @mrhristv

I think your content is good, but your thumbnails are letting you down You need to show actual cash in any form on your thumbnail - especially when you are talking about income It doesn't matter if you made it or not This isn't the first time Ive told you this 😜
Comment from : @cliven1448

If it gets rejected for logos, brands, intellectual property, or people in it, you need to submit it as editorial Adobe Stock is the best and more forgiving, giving you more money for less sales Shutterstock requires more sales for less money, and their rejection rate is generally higher
Comment from : @SaraX2024

I'm your 1000th subscriber🎉 Congratulations on this milestone!
Comment from : @vadenallen4873

Audiobooks/etsy 😁
Comment from : @anablau8

Audible is my vote
Comment from : @markscott5257

Thanks so much for your efforts Frankie, this was really informative I wonder how this compares with AI generated images Next 30 day challenge maybe?
Comment from : @stuartdunc100

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