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Why are my teacher certification tests so hard?

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Title :  Why are my teacher certification tests so hard?
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Comments Why are my teacher certification tests so hard?

Thanks for watching this video What are your thoughts, are Certification Exams too hard? Leave us a comment Thanks and have a great rest of your day
Comment from : @TheLearningLiaisons

Do you help with Florida ESOL certification?
Comment from : @mkejames7509

Part of the reason is because teacher candidates are forced to take credit hours upon credit hours of meaningless courses that sort of fries their brains In addition, the test writers seem to be too dogmatic I just looked as a practice Florida writing certification test, and I disagreed with more than half the answers they provided For example, one sentence was considered incorrect because the passive voice was used This is a stupid knee-jerk reaction All voices and moods make for good writing Another question expects you to know the spelling of a certain word, although it does not state the authority The AP and various other academic stylebooks can differ on spelling certain words Perhaps the math section would be more standardized, although I am not hopeful
Comment from : @jaybrodell1959

NYS tests for elementary ed and ed all students??? can I find help for these
Comment from : @susancaico8911

What is wrong with providing a specific study guide for a specific exam? Even the DMV can do this when one wants to obtain a learners’ permit In a state/country that touts a teacher shortage, you think something would change, or maybe this is by design The system stinks!!
Comment from : @kml7587

Comment from : @E37Entertainment

Regards, Im in Florida Public School I already took EPI program Courses and I apply for the Professional Eduactor Test Waiver approved in Florida in July 2023 to qulify I must do professional eduaction competency program specified in Section101256(6)(f) FS to be eligible to WAIVER the Professional Education test I cant find which courses these are since they tell me that they( I mean the BUREAU of EDUCATION) what are they are the same ones that I took in the EPI program but that the EPI program is not useful for me to request the WAIVER What courses I should take? I don't understand,
Comment from : @yadiramolina-yk8dq

Do you have anything to help with the Michigan Teacher Certification Test
Comment from : @HomelessRelief

Do you help with Florida ESE certification?
Comment from : @Coachcharlie44

They need to make them tricky and deceptive with the phrases to use because that’s literally what they get paid for Is you taking the tests so they’re going to keep high standards so people keep failing them the only reason education perpetuates itself is because it keeps pumping money back into itself
Comment from : @believingintheblood8540

In MA (MTEL) once I get my license, is there any recertification (testing) requirements?
Comment from : @danielpais7306

State of California my wife has finish master 3 years teaching , cant or not ablet to pass Eurica sate Exam Now she has anxiety taking it after 4 attempts If dont pass by June next year cant teach no more I wish i know how to help her to pass it
Comment from : @milaandcurachannel2337

Hello Dr Rey, I am looking for information regarding the EAS in New York State 201 Do you offer any classes about this specific test? , and if you do, how I can communicate with you? Thank you!
Comment from : @AlexandraRebolledo-g6i

Test takers with strong reading ability rarely fail these tests Education students at the universities, on average, are the lowest students on campus This is unfortunate but it is reality
Comment from : @robertweatherwax

I have found teachers that have difficulty passing these tests in the state of Texas usually are not great readers
Comment from : @robertweatherwax

The exams aren't hard The "teachers" are just stupid and poorly educated
Comment from : @DH-sw6vg

hello I am not sending anything on special NT601 exam
Comment from : @dorothyross8333

The thing is my alt programs told me to use Quizlet It's sad they don't tell you thiz
Comment from : @carlosgarciaiv6484

I graduated my undergraduate and graduate degree on honor roll, but can not pass the dang math test… it’s so bad And why is it so expensive?????
Comment from : @cindypb30

I don’t get upset, I am glad you said I was studying the wrong way I am going through an Alt program for the teXes exam and this will be my third attempt I wish the alt program certification program told me this It's bad when you pass a practice Exam and they pretty much Guarantee you that you're going to pass the exam Good thing I am only doing the concrete sections
Comment from : @carlosgarciaiv6484

The problem with the math exams is that they require both content knowledge AND engineering-problem solving skills from the subject with widest range of topics than all other content areas ie history, special ed, or ESL, which are all pretty much set Additionally, the math exam questions are enhanced, college-level questions But worst, the exam must be taken under the same conditions for all persons pursing the math endorsement like a 22 y/o math-major teaching candidate vs a 40 y/o special ed teacher pursing the math endorsement in order to avoid being laid off Most content area exams require literacy thinking skills, which all teachers possess, but the math one requires engineering problem solving skills and abstract visualization, which not every teacher is capable of or capable to the expected level especially at an older age Yes, teachers should be qualified for STEM endorsements, but there are no accommodations for older teachers with generally cognitive decline or less exercise of quantitative problem skills who must earn STEM endorsements for their schools esp in inner cities
Comment from : @mattf2535

I failed my ESOL test This is tough I have studied like crazy I do focus on repetition And memorizing material, but understanding the test is hard
Comment from : @jacobsoto7228

I have taken the English 6 - 12 for Florida I keep failing it! I am considered a "highly effective teacher" at the school I am teaching at I am about to take this test AGAIN this Tuesday!!!! Can you please give me so help with getting ready for this test?????
Comment from : @cherylkeel711

I am doing the T/A Teacher Assistant exam for Lake County FL Aug 24th
Comment from : @therrienmichael08

Hello, I hope someone sees this I don't know how I get a reply back so email me please shaysplayplace@gmailcom I have a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood education I have owned a preschool for 5 years, I have terrible test anxiety and i am going to be a teacher in fall 2022 for 1st grade in MI I need to pass the 103 teacher exam in MI Can someone give me some tips on this??? I have terrible test anxiety I know the information but when I go in to the test every thing is gone in my brain and its a do or die situation Also every little noise makes me crazy I feel like a paper test would be better for me but every test is online now I need help to relax know what I am doing and be able to pass the test
Comment from : @shayjobson8372

I am thisclose to giving up I passed my written portion of the English 6-12 I have to retake the multiple choice and now the Professional exams
Comment from : @mswiseone12

I need help Testing strategy on the questions
Comment from : @kerrispahn3813

I need help…
Comment from : @kerrispahn3813

Im retaking my NYS Social Studies 7-12th grade content exam for the fourth time… in defeated at this point and don’t know what I’m doing wrong Would this program be helpful for me?
Comment from : @nicolecostantino2754

thank you for this!
Comment from : @theestitchedition

You bring up a good point most of us are taught to take exams by practicing but not really thinking and the problem is most people aren't taught to think
Comment from : @daveforgot127

So basically memorisation isn't enough, you need broader conceptual understanding and be able to apply it That took 10 seconds to type you took 15 mins Tip - direct clear and concise
Comment from : @gordonfreeman5261

PSI tests are Ridiculous Ut has nothing to do with my licensing at all
Comment from : @laschell59

I have MTLE's here in Minnesota I graduated with honors, did exceptional on my high stakes written Ed TPA student teaching document, and received exemplary grades from my university supervisor and participating teacher I taught my first year in the pandemic, under a 1 year exception, and worked my tail off evenings and weekends just to face licensing issues because of one timed content area test I have not been able to pass I love my job and my students, but I'm almost ready to go drive truck again 😞
Comment from : @whitetailpoet4243

i need help, from pittsburgh, i am studing k to 12 special ed
Comment from : @staceyheyward409

I'm studying and still debating on switching my major I wanted to be a teacher but after failing so many times it can be hard to pick yourself back up
Comment from : @ashleysleepyy

I am ready to understand and apply your strategies and concepts I have failed to memorize from the study guide and what I have learned in college I used my knowledge, yet The test was worded differently from what I learned in college texts I graduated with my Master's degree in Early Childhood Education as an Honor student Can you help me to pass the Michigan Elementary Teacher certification test, AKA, MTTC test
Comment from : @marylynn-hall6874

Im super nervous! I have my NY Content Specialty Test tomorrow for Biology and I just wanna pass and be done I already took the Praxis II for Biology in Connecticut but I am looking to be NY certified as well I just really am nervous bc you never know what they are going to ask or how hard they are going to make the questions I am praying it isn't hard!
Comment from : @HeyItsMeeTee

Do you have one for Biology 6-12 subject area that I could use?
Comment from : @eddiewiggins5651

Yes they are hard!! About 25 of what I studied in school was on the test It is ridiculous other professions are geared towards information that was studied
Comment from : @mspisces2u483

These test are nothing more than money makers for the businesses that provide them I challenge any state to present its pass/fail rate of these exams just to show you how hard and worthless they really are They’re nothing more than a fleecing that’s costing hard working teachers precious time, lots of money and energy and all this after they have proven they have what it takes to stay in the classroom I say get rid of them altogether and replace them with certification classes The cost could be $250-300 for 3 months of which afterwards, a teacher earns their certification The test prove nothing One could still pass and possess no ability to relate to students
Comment from : @DannyHawk19

I just "not passed " my PECT pre k to 4 test😭
Comment from : @genifur9398

I need help in math!!!
Comment from : @chanelbag2500

I know my issue is that I cannot take the content and concepts into a different scenarios! OAE assessment of professional Knowledge Multi-Age PK-12
Comment from : @hopebullard460

I love to hear that you have walked the walk I will be emailing you :)
Comment from : @MaryBethBrennan

I think I need this program
Comment from : @caraharris2744

Thank you for sharing your knowledge
Comment from : @PanamanianChula1

Well, I have spent thousands, like many others on trying to pass these exams What can I say, am a horrible test taker, and I am horrible at math I am one of those that has fallen into the trap of a textbook writer whom claim they " worked for Pearson"
Comment from : @PixieSuds

Because everything is about making a dollar!!!
Comment from : @michellebatista7324

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