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Visual C# 2010: Beyond Basics. Lesson 1: Introduction to Visual Studio, Hello World

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Information Visual C# 2010: Beyond Basics. Lesson 1: Introduction to Visual Studio, Hello World

Title :  Visual C# 2010: Beyond Basics. Lesson 1: Introduction to Visual Studio, Hello World
Lasting :   15.40
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Views :   55 rb

Frames Visual C# 2010: Beyond Basics. Lesson 1: Introduction to Visual Studio, Hello World

Description Visual C# 2010: Beyond Basics. Lesson 1: Introduction to Visual Studio, Hello World

Comments Visual C# 2010: Beyond Basics. Lesson 1: Introduction to Visual Studio, Hello World

When i click f5 the console just flashes and disappears but when i click start without debugging it show the console normally why is that
Comment from : @Dani3lDuk0v

I am interested in learning programming but when I downloaded visual studio c sharp I was lost on how to use it but this video has been very helpful thank you I can't wait to check out your other videos!
Comment from : @overlordfox5215

Hello Sir,brI want to do Cuda coding using Visual StudiobrAs we see @638 we have some Templates present in here I want to download some can i do it or not ?brPeace,brHemant
Comment from : @hemz280

can you help me
Comment from : @danielmikheyev7315

Wow, you are a great teacher! Respect!
Comment from : @Hollyburi

Comment from : @9885068776

Great video
Comment from : @DonVHaley

Thanks for the video
Comment from : @RegulatorSevenZeroSeven

@xlanaxf people are not allowed to post code in the description it think
Comment from : @jspspike

thank you , i need your help can you type the code here
Comment from : @xlanaxf

very nice tut
Comment from : @chillipepper117

i remember when giving your email out was like a super no no but now its like who really cares no one uses email no more they use facebook or something and an email to verify accounts
Comment from : @chillipepper117

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