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Too many texts: Cellphone experiment shows impact on learning

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Title :  Too many texts: Cellphone experiment shows impact on learning
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Description Too many texts: Cellphone experiment shows impact on learning

Comments Too many texts: Cellphone experiment shows impact on learning

I hate schools partially because of this; I can say this because I’ve been working at one for 15 years, before smartphones were a thing It’s horrible I’m seeking an exit as we speak
Comment from : @thaintriguing1

Ban them
Comment from : @GlenStevenson-t7z

Kids don’t need a cell phone in class I remember when I was in school if there was a emergency the parents would callbrThe school Like what logic kids are being distracted with all the messages and text and pings that the cellbrPhone makes cellbrPhones should not be in the classroom I removed the phone came out when I left high school And high school was actually more fun with no technology I would not want to be in high school to day no thanks the bullying is probably next level no no thanks They are sending each other stupid text messages in class they aren’t Lea ing anything remember when kids would pass boys in class know it’s like they are just messaging each other … kids are learning nothing in school
Comment from : @AmanSS890

It's potentially a good idea When it comes to any child that has special medical, dietary needs, it's the parents/guardians sole responsibility to list the needs upon each level of the child's entry into school per year as it is with providing all children's medical vaccinations records per enrollment This includes eye, and dental records, as required Cell phones were not invented in the 70s nor did children have cell phones during the 80s late 90s,brChildren are carrying cell phones today as early as kindergarten, children do not have jobs, take care of household responsibilities, nor do they pay rent, or buy clothes nor pay for it's own educational expenses, therefore, why do patents f8nd it to be dire that children carry cell phones ? Did many of them have cell phones whiles, d8d their grand parents carry cell phones, this world 8s so full of children raising children to the point that some or most parents needs a foster parent to teach them who to be parents
Comment from : @debrahoward3961

Just leave the bloody phone at home
Comment from : @haannguyen4402

great idea by the teacher the perception is that it can be a problem, but that was an excellent demonstration of the reality
Comment from : @SD-fc7jn

You can use Focus function like have the focus on during school hours and turns off at the end like set focus from 9-3 I set my Focus for work and have that on in my work hours I can only listen to music I do agree with the cell phone ban btw
Comment from : @SLiPhoton

It's tough teaching these skills to university students I can only imagine the tribulations of school teachers The distraction is real, and the youth have NO clue how powerless they are over their gadgets
Comment from : @diepiriye

Give your kid a flipphone
Comment from : @JohnDought

No guns, weapons, drugs, or phones on campus
Comment from : @atomictime9410

"Since SMART PHONES are part of our world, we need to help kids better manage the technology" Is like saying, "Since DRUGS or GUNS are part of our world, we need to help kids better manage their drug and gun use"
Comment from : @Ungloo

I love it when schools take my property and make me pay money to get it back Fuckers
Comment from : @etkruger

Cell phones need to be banned if we are going to save our mental health I haven't used one in the better part of a year and my mental health and life is improving
Comment from : @themasculinismmovement

Phones in school are a distraction in school It doesn't matter what the CHILDREN want, ADULTS make the decisions, right?
Comment from : @robertlouisburns

No Kids dont need their phones in the classroom There is a phone in the room at the teacher's desk Teach the kids that there is a proper time a place for phone use, and its not in the classroom Yes, it will bother them at first, but they will get over it These kids are addicted to their phone and we, the adults, need to act like adults and tell the kids enough is enough Cell phones are the single biggest distraction in schools today In my experience, trying to integrate technology and phone use has been a complete disaster Even if we were to separate the issue of temptation and distraction by non-school related content and notifications, the kids are too reliant on their phones or their chromebook for basic tasks like order of operations, evaluating functions of y in terms of x for specified elements in the domain These are basic high school algebra problems
Comment from : @spicywater123

woah its like do not disturb mode hasn't existed for over a decade
Comment from : @aidanthird

I feel like this experiment is very skewed purely because it isn't realistic that everyone would have their notifications on, simple as just turning most if not all notifications off, maybe leave an exception for phone calls/texts from parents if at all, keep it in your pocket and presto
Comment from : @roningfroggy

Good and concise coverage, thanks!
Comment from : @modernmolten

Or (this may be controversial) brTurn on bDo Not Disturb?/b
Comment from : @crimshaw8172

Why is there such a fear of missing a possible emergency, that we need to risk a constant distraction during class Keep the phones in your locker!
Comment from : @RetroCheats

L experiment
Comment from : @nopexd7237

Comment from : @janetjohnson7279

Comment from : @iffybakker7440

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