Title | : | What to do if you lose your job and have no savings |
Lasting | : | 10.34 |
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Views | : | 27 rb |
What of I have a part time can i get uunploment? Comment from : @jennipennyhernandez7006 |
Been at the same job for 20 years, past couple months they been pushing me to my breaking point I know they are trying to find a way to get me out the door, I see the looks, I feel the difference in the conversations etc I am feeling very hurt Comment from : @Pinkkermit17 |
can i sue my ex for making me quit my job because of her clingyness Comment from : @x-destinygunblade3683 |
Thank you!!! Most of these videos only talk about the stupid emotional shit I need information on how to pay the bills after u get fired Comment from : @CometGarcia-y1c |
How can i appy for unemployment? Comment from : @michelleoconnor1624 |
You seem like a very kind lady Comment from : @scolson18 |
Unfortunately if you’re married they won’t give assistance from snap if your spouse makes any kind of money Comment from : @shaunaleessnackidies |
Made redundant today brIve been over payed for 15 years and I have no qualifications Comment from : @someone7481 |
thank you so much for this Comment from : @tfs77 |
I lost my job no family to help just move to Virginia Comment from : @kaysmith6810 |
Thank you luv 😔 Comment from : @Dequa21 |
streetcorner Comment from : @sigrdrifa0 |
Just listening to this on 10-14-21 Still a great message Comment from : @aleshiawheeler9590 |
I’ve worked at Walmart (Sporting Goods) before, and although it was definitely something I FELT embarrassed about, I was treated well and was able to work the hours I needed #worthit Comment from : @MissAllaCinderella |
I just found your videosI’m sitting here in NY binge watchingI am one of those grateful ppl who still have a joband I feel I had a decent emergency fundbut it always seems like a bill is always come up And with everything going on I feel having an emergency fund regardless if a person can afford it or not is essential Imagine not being able to make ends meet and u have job Now imagine losing that jobemergency funds are important Comment from : @suukie24 |
Thank you ! Comment from : @tarapatrick532 |
Shirt looks pretty on you Comment from : @danielleandrade9856 |
I love how honest and sweet you are 💕♥️💕 Comment from : @RachelGLive |
Thanks for your video, Lydia My partner and I fulfilled a move 5 years-in-the-making, from the top of the north island of New Zealand to the bottom of the south island earlier this year It just so happened that our country went into lockdown just 3 weeks later, and I have now been out of work for 5 months We're so lucky in that my partner was able to find a job a couple of months ago and we can now meet our monthly outgoings (barely) but our savings have been depleted and it's extremely stressful knowing we have nothing to fall back on if things go south again It's nice to know that we're not alone (although it saddens me that there are so many in the same boat and others who are a lot worse off) Good luck out there, everyone Keep smiling, the only way from here is up! Comment from : @Kiwicanuck3000 |
Ahhh you forgot FORCE MAJEURE, this is a legal concept that can get you out of debt and obligations due to an Act of God or disaster Please look it up for yourself I am not a lawyer but from the information I had researched it will be very helpful for you in negotiations with your landlord and/or debtors If they are smart they will give you a reasonable offer rather risk going to court and having the case dismissed offhand due to the overwhelming case load due to this Please look it up and play it smart as another option for you Comment from : @drstrangelove5708 |
I love your personalityyou keep it real, and in a auntie type of way Not harsh, but real quality advice Comment from : @brittanyr8357 |
Lydia what does it mean when you refinance your home? 🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🙋🏻 Comment from : @susanvelez6534 |
Thank you for this helpful advice This time reminds me of past seasons in my life when financial stress was ever present Although our family is now well in terms of finances and health, it has not always been this way for us I have a lot of compassion for others who are coping with great hardship and a lot of uncertainty Comfort can be found in knowing that this time will pass Comment from : @lizziemcdougall2767 |
I like your new office It looks so nice :) Comment from : @HarrisInkwell |
I live in Alabama too and cannot find a good enough rate to refinance Any suggestions? Comment from : @elizabethmowjee2402 |
Please make a video about your refi! Would love to learn more about it and hear about your experience Comment from : @franciscampbell7932 |
Good morning 😊❤❤☕☕ Comment from : @helenbaysinger411 |
I like the color of the wall, thank you for the video Comment from : @thelmaespinel8558 |
Great video!brbrAs an aside, you’ve mentioned before you homeschool and do a co op We are seriously investigating Classical Conversations It’s kind of a chunk of change, which I wouldn’t mind in normal days, but am wondering if it’s worth it with not knowing if they’ll be able to meet in person or not (And also worrying about health with being there- just being honest) Curious if you’re involved in that one or just generally what your thoughts are in co ops this fall General line I’ve heard is no one knows Of course But with a brand new to school kid I’m trying to see what veteran moms are thinking Comment from : @kb8990 |
your hair looks good I am waiting for my hairdresser to call me for an appointment Comment from : @jo-annmacneill6454 |
A tip for claiming unemployment: make sure to check the schedule for when it’s your turn to claim every week because it keeps changing every week Comment from : @aracelisruiz5626 |
People need all kinds of encouragement these days Lydia Thanks for providing that Stay safe! Comment from : @rainbowphoenix8168 |
My hubby was collecting unemployment and he went back to work and he was making more money on unemployment but it was the right thing to do Today he found out that an employee had been working even tho he had covid-19 😱 so now he might be out of a job, if they close the job down Comment from : @roxyjinks9643 |
I want to remind people, even if you did do something to cause yourself to be unemployed Ie a firing (not a layoff) It is still something you can learn from and to realize that you can’t go back and undo it Focus on what you are going to do in the present and the future It is the same with financial debt Sometimes we are in debt because of decisions we make, other times it is circumstances that are out of our control But either way we are in the circumstances we are in and we can only move forward Comment from : @alexandra109 |
Thank you for sharing Very helpful I will also watch the other videos mentioned since I am currently as well in this situation Comment from : @GiannaCamilla |
I appreciate you Thx for reminding folks to be kind to themselves and others brA job loss in the best of times is hard enough - paralyzing Having some concrete suggestions and ideas on what to do is so helpful Thanks so much Comment from : @jacquelinemorris5206 |
I feel ya I understand how hard it can be right now to find something to say that isn't demoralizing or depressing not because you don't care you definitely do and are doing what you can It's more that even if we could help there are only so many we can help so even if you're ok, if your neighbor, your kid's sitter, your old coworkers, close friends, family, and classmates are hurting you can't help them all To watch so many in pain and have people in power who are showing our system has failed to do it's one job - take care of the people, it can he really hard I don't know if this video will help you It helped me Take care and congrats on a walled office! brbr youtube/WA_M7Eqc2H4 Comment from : @bookwyrmn |
You are so compassionate 💖 Thank you! I've was right there with you in 2008 Worse year ever! This is not as bad thanks to lessons learned! Comment from : @Clic03 |
Wooohooo! You have a desk!!! Awesome! Comment from : @sarahgirard1405 |
Your caring, nurturing heart shines through, Lydia Love and hugs from your neighbor up North Comment from : @lizamcraebishop9176 |
I remember growing up and my mom was a contractor, she would finish a contract and not always have something lined up right away She would go on unemployment and we would just survive Sometimes it was hard But every single time, we survived We also would be grateful for what we could get We also always donate to the local food shelf when we could because we wanted to be able to use it if we needed it We would donate more than just foodthings like feminine hygiene needs, baby needs We had what we needed, but not everyone can survive as well as we did Helping makes it a little easier to handle brJob loss is hard!!! My heart goes out to all of the people that won't survive this ♥️🥺 Comment from : @mrsladybird2 |
Lydia: Thank God you are prepared this time around I guess we learned from the 2007 crash I am more prepared this time around too I have my emergency fund x's 2 and I have been working from home permanently Thank you for ALL your videos! Much love to you and your family 💗💗💗💗💗 Comment from : @miamiflorida6965 |
Just curious - why are you planning to refinance your home when you were scheduled (pre-Covid) to have it paid off in approximately 25 years? With closing costs and other expenses, how will you benefit from refinancing? I am interested in your response Thanks, Lydia Comment from : @lannbarnes9970 |
You bring such hope to people God bless you for helping! Comment from : @Genie519 |
You are always so sweet 💗 Comment from : @marigarza9201 |
Another good video! Comment from : @elizabethlibero1878 |
Thank you for always addressing issues in a relatable way that is also so kind and gentle Comment from : @paulacrocker9019 |
I just became a delivery driver for a local pizza place while I'm in college to become a cpa I have no shame and take my tips with open hands I am blessed to be working in this epidemic Comment from : @graciemaybudgets7558 |
what a sweet and encouraging video, I love how peaceful you are Comment from : @CentsibleLivingWithMoneyMom |
A lot of people don’t have enough savings because they spend on stupid things such as the latest gadgets, cars they can’t afford, living in overpriced areas adopting minimalism can be a helpful tool in prioritizing what’s essential in life Comment from : @priusa8113 |
You’re a good woman, Lydia Comment from : @medical4652 |
Lydia - brTHANKS for always being SO resourceful, positive, encouraging, and understanding👍💖🌈 Comment from : @tippysgrammy3118 |
Thank you for always being so encouraging and strong Continue to share because someone will draw strength from it Comment from : @claudiafoster4254 |
We are lucky because my husband is retired military and has VA disability as well He is not high enough disabled so he is able to work But if he loses his job we have that Plus we have 4 months of income to pay all our bills and food even without the retirement We could refinance our home Comment from : @catherinebenton3637 |
Wow that was brave and hard to hear I think personally that acknowledging the situation of loss and the grieving that goes with losing a job, a way of life, a picture of what you imagined the next few years were going to look like together with the loss of control has to be named If not addressed it can lead to depression So keep an eye open for that, and speak to your family doctor Dealing with the emotional and mental impact is as important as the physical And just one more thing Lydia are so right telling people not to beat themselves up when they ask for help People really do want to help Just imagine the situation was reversed, and how you would want to help someone who needed it Anyway, I absolutely love your videos So smart and generous and addressing huge issues You are awesome! Comment from : @1012chart |
Hi Lydia, I love ur videos Your are so positive person with big heart I used to worked in Radio station and they have no money to pay us So they offered us CDs instead of salary :D I left the same day and still have 3 CD as the memory of those days Comment from : @larra07 |
I want to tell you thank you because of you my family will be one of the lucky ones Because of our emergency fund even though my job and my husband's job cut back our hours we are going to make it through this time We did exactly what you said made a new budget and turned off things we don't need right now Also in Wisconsin i was able to get unemployment even though my company still has me working a little but not full time Again thank you so much for these videos Comment from : @nicolekunknoted |
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