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Could You Actually Spend $1 Trillion Dollars?

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Title :  Could You Actually Spend $1 Trillion Dollars?
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Comments Could You Actually Spend $1 Trillion Dollars?

I no longer interested in making a billion dollar I clearly stating on my website and going to do ad campaign that I only can take 1 trillion dollar I won't take anything lower than that It will be purely for entertainment and hobby purposes
Comment from : @AlexTkachevAlenDevlin

Couldn't even spend 50k in a day lol 😂🎉 that would be live saving for me for me to not ask any money from anybody 😂🎉
Comment from : @MohamedSenior-q1u

i could I’ll be traveling and buying a house that more than 5 million and ill be buying a hyper car and super cars

fifty trillion would do me good
Comment from : @leogilbert207

Relatives) make it zero in no time
Comment from : @AlmazKojaxmet

Comment from : @raisikhtiaruddin87

I imagine myself in this 😢brAnd i get bored just spending money & no one to talk that what i havebrThe main goal of money for me is to show to society
Comment from : @Unrevaling_Bharat

Could end world hunger
Comment from : @marlonsmith7342

Thank you
Comment from : @DavidFred888

I mean I d buy many multi billion dollars yacths hotels resorts buildings real estate car dealerships airplanes and airports and expand create a new city amd invest billions in gold and give to people as well and save some tens of billions for myself for other spending and generational wealth Do like a challange like you did with the billion in 30 days to keep it
Comment from : @David_99778

Solving world hunger is not that simple There's no, read it and memorize, bNO/b way to spend money one time and solve world hunger It would be a welfare program with recurring costs, that would get more and more expensive over time What happens when people are provided for? They no longer work for that thing So more and more people would work less and less for their food, bevause theyre beijg provided for brbrThe solution to world hunger doesnt lie in providing food, it lies in solving the underlying issues brbrAddress the supply chain
Comment from : @Hunterm10101

I can
Comment from : @twalibulomy-cd4zd

There is so much poverty they can spend it on charity on one daybrThey can also helpbrEducation of poor studentsbrbrMoney on good research
Comment from : @MirzaAli-r5c

Comment from : @MirzaAli-r5c

Buy Asian Luxury Shopping Mall, Homes At Hong Kong From James Edition, Super Yachts That Should Take About 2 Weeks Or Less Depending On Your Approach
Comment from : @kentheengineer592

Request:brHow to spend $1 QUADRILLION ($1,000,000,000,000,00000)
Comment from : @warrenarchiebrion39

4x of Elon Musk's wealth
Comment from : @warrenarchiebrion39

Spot on
Comment from : @DarinJasper

Sure I could
Comment from : @DarinJasper

How's about not being selfish and helping those who can't eat Yes, it was mentioned near the end of the video around 10:40 $40 Billion a year If those people can live for 25 years, that's $1 trillion gone, so factoring inflation possibly a decade (10 years) so they can get on their feet
Comment from : @krisjacobs4549

The reward for capitalists should be the knowledge that when their business profits and pays high taxes it fuels the livlihoods of all society Today they simply hoard money and pay unreasonably low or even zero taxes after deductions and credits and loopholesbrbrYou arent going to be rich, so get with the program; we have to tax the wealthy and wealthy corporations so that even though we aren't rich, we [society] will always have shelter and Healthcare and decent quality affordable food You know, the fundamentals of existence
Comment from : @jeremyhyde23

Don't forget kids, that you will NEVER be this wealthy Most of you will be lucky if after 40 years working you have saved one million dollars Don't let your politics become driven by the false notion that you will one day be incredibly wealthybrbrIt is fun to think about, but the video is way too kind to wealthy people It also should not be forgotten that you will NEVER be this wealthybrbrThe answer to societal problems is not to allow the hoarding of extreme wealth in the hopes that they will do the right thing with it We are going to prevent people from becoming trillionaires by taxing them more and more for every new tax bracket they enter [this already exists in theory, but loopholes, etc make it useless]
Comment from : @jeremyhyde23

Didnt take how much inflation eats your money into account
Comment from : @thatundeadlegacy2985

Yeah honestly im starting to think the internet is just bad for humanity
Comment from : @thatundeadlegacy2985

Extremely simple Let the government of the USA invest it for you
Comment from : @agmjfcom

Love this beautiful content🎼
Comment from : @RomeoValentino9999

there is no amount that cant be spent
Comment from : @dariogoricki4205

Greed is insatiable and more addictive than any drug
Comment from : @Tripskull

It is astounding to think that these psychopaths can let the rest of us struggle like this ?? so either we are as a planet truly losing our home to something much more outside of our ability as a human race ?? or the end of the world is coming ?? or the bible is true and there is a battle by the Evil one and his legion of fallen Angels and that there is a battle on for our souls ?? or that this is just absolute shite and nobody could actually ever have this much wealth because it just does not make any sense for 1 person to have this much money ?? brbecause i am sure that if i had this much money myself "I would make sure that every person alive had a nice house and an eco-friendly car and we lived in a paradise and i would put an end to world hunger and wars and live in a utopia with rules of course !!
Comment from : @Jimmyh111

This is not factually accurate!!! Jacob Rothschild 4th Baron Rothschild is worth 50 trillion and owns Africa !!!brthe real rich people you never hear about and he probably owns the royal family or the royal family are probably really part of the Rothschild family and have had to hide their true identity due to Hitler or something along those lines ?? after all King Charles owns 1 quarter of the worlds land mass ?? allegedly?? bryou can google this information if you are in doubt and there is a video on YouTube called The Jewish Man Who Owns Africa !!brbrCRAZY ERR ????
Comment from : @Jimmyh111

No marbella and air's and our countries anymore not any state
Comment from : @aaronchristensen5866

You mean there are no known trillionaires, no one would want that status to be known publicly, and there are many ways to hide that wealth
Comment from : @carsongabriel1949

Great video but you forgot to mention the interest earned per day
Comment from : @matayodaviso8772

After a hundred million luxury remains the same for everyone about that level, it's the amount of influence you can exert that changes
Comment from : @rushikeshgupte5061

You provide quality content bro keep going
Comment from : @kinjalkrai105

I’d like to test this experiment out Give me a Trillion dollars 💵 to spend!! 😅😅😅😅
Comment from : @marlonelias

I wish more people would discover this channel
Comment from : @jamesmaina9125

Imma just become a trillionaire real quick
Comment from : @CrypticK1ll3r

If I became a trillionaire I would take several clues from this video it has its merits and opens your eyes as to how much money that really is and what it can do
Comment from : @timallen643

Wow I thought I had big dreams until I listened to this video Compared to what I consider living well and doing the right thing falls way short of this video
Comment from : @timallen643

I like your videos but the pacing is quite slow A lot of reptitive or pointless facts stated I think this video could be shortened to 7-10 mins long Its hard to watch till the end at times
Comment from : @michaelodetola

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