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Revisiting Deductibles, Coinsurance, and Max out of Pocket...And COPAYS

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Title :  Revisiting Deductibles, Coinsurance, and Max out of Pocket...And COPAYS
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Description Revisiting Deductibles, Coinsurance, and Max out of Pocket...And COPAYS

Comments Revisiting Deductibles, Coinsurance, and Max out of Pocket...And COPAYS

Very helpful, thank you
Comment from : @PBSviaPNW

I know this is a dumb question but i have to ask, so once you reach the MaxOOP $8550, you said the insurance will pay for it all after that Now my question is, does the insurance give you the $8550 back or thats for your to pay out of your personal pocket? brbrThank you for making this video by the way, I was so confused about how insurance work Now I feel like I fully know it all by watching this video So thank you
Comment from : @pokert9401

Biggest American scam in history!
Comment from : @NatureConnection-zn4jw

"Building wealth is like climbing a mountain; investing is the steady ascent, retirement is the summit"
Comment from : @BarbaraMarks7s

Excellent video thank you so much
Comment from : @yunyun1142

My plan is 575 deductible, 3350 out of pocket, 25 coinsurance I’ve used 0 of it So I basically have to pay all the deductible and out of pocket 3925 before insurance covers everything in full?
Comment from : @Kingjay420_

Comment from : @rackyshak

I’m still confused
Comment from : @growingwiththewades8093

In consultation case if the plan say 50 deductible and 30 co insurance what does that mean brThanks in advance
Comment from : @MahmoudAli-fj8xx

So if not all members met the individual but the family deductible is met does that mean coinsurance kicks in for everyone? Or just those who met individual and family is met?
Comment from : @heatherreynolds5023

Explained like a boss, thank you 🙏
Comment from : @Omar123ABC

What does non-network deductible $0 of $750 mean??
Comment from : @RelaxjocelinEnjoy

Detail explanation ❤️
Comment from : @ashokbuggapally9288

This video is why I got blue cross blue shield blue essentials silver 14$1010 max out the pocket
Comment from : @danielthompson3119

Thank you so much! this helped alot! Theres no one to ask for help with these kind of things and insurance is so stressful!
Comment from : @michaelbarkley6213

If someone meets their out of pocket max do the pt owes a copay?
Comment from : @paz8179

Would I have to satisfy the deductible before I start paying the copay?
Comment from : @parkedcarhitme

Comment from : @hugofrutos9692

Once I pay the max out of pocket amount for my family insurance Is every cent after that amount for the rest of that year paid 100 by the insurance company?
Comment from : @ericrobison4560

Yes, but what if it is something that is not covered? Like, can they say no to a serious procedure?
Comment from : @thefoxentrepreneur4934

How is it possible to meet out of pocket max but not deductible? I've met my max but still owe $7669 deductible Now for a procedure I'm told I have to pay the $7669
Comment from : @BradBrock-r6j

Your system is just broken No other words to discribe that 😢
Comment from : @Simbamon_der_echte

So once you pay the deductible is it done for the year or is it every time you go to the hospital ??
Comment from : @Mustlehard

So essentially you want a low deductible and a low OOP correct?
Comment from : @iRul3TheSky1995

So I have 750 Duductible and 2250 OOP However, on my plan, it says ER visit will be $100 Copay (wave if admitted) and 10 of the charges after the deductible (For both In and Out of network) Which means doesn't matter if in or out of Network provider, I will only pay 10 after I've meet my dudctible So in the case of 6000 bill (including Ambulance) How much would I pay? Also, is this a good insurance? I only pay $43 a month and it says my employer pays $383 a month
Comment from : @iRul3TheSky1995

Hey im in illinois and I have this crazy question on the exam which asks ' A guy is in a police chase, gets injured, meanwhile the two cops die in a crash during the chase, guy gets convicted on manslaughter, what will the insurance MOST likely do w regard to his ADnD'? Cancel his plan amd refund premiums? Or just simply keep his policy in force while obviously not pay the benefit? Surely no benefit as he was injured while commiting a crime
Comment from : @autophagi

If insurance denies a procedure/code, does it count toward out of pocket max?
Comment from : @olgaolgaolga

Hello I am currently in the Medical Billing part of my online Medical Coding Course Learning who pays first when multiple agencies invilved Trying to understand why all don't charge the same and pay the same
Comment from : @bernfran1313

Comment from : @eastbayivxx510

I appreciate this video, I just started my first job as an RN and will have to choose a plan and I feel lost
Comment from : @Arwa2school4cool

thank you
Comment from : @disciplerhinehart

I need help For the past 5 years my husband and I have been on a HDHP plan with HSA(employer gives a monthly contribution of $50) we pay $156/month (deductible of 3,000/fam and 9,000/fam for out of pocket) Within these 5 years my husband had a kidney transplant and has medication that he’ll be on for life as well as regular Dr visits and specialist visits Lately we’ve been thinking about having a child and whether or not we should switch to an PPO The PPO would cost us $216 per month (2,400 deductible/fam and 12,400 out of pocket/fam)brbrCan you help me decide or what should I be focusing on I’m so lost and scared of change but the PPO would be about$35 for copay at Dr so it sounds like it might be better bu
Comment from : @veznha

Thank you from Algeria 🇩🇿 I want to consult you on some matters related to insurance companies We in this country have a bad insurance system There is no private health insurance company I am in the process of opening a start-up company in this field and I want to understand the system well
Comment from : @imedsahraoui3060

Can you pay your deductible or maximum prior to any medical expense? If so which would be better to pay off? Suppose you know you'll have a bunch of medical expenses throughout the year, which would be the best option?
Comment from : @naddya982

hi thank you for this video can we have a sample video about cross accumulation, carry over and other terms please
Comment from : @michaeljohnfuentes4061

Idiot insurance agent hahaself depcration is always funny
Comment from : @eyetrepreneur5120

Much better video with more steady camera man hand! thanks for explaining everything
Comment from : @VisaFan81

Is COPAY count toward Deductible or Max out of pocket?
Comment from : @suem8822

Does any money spent out of pocket on doctor visits or health care accumulate towards the deductible?
Comment from : @markuzantwahn6351

This is so helpful Thank you!!!
Comment from : @Lila77722

I have a question! I'm deciding between health insurance plans now and the plans I'm looking at say "100 coinsurance" Does that mean that they pay 100 after the deductible? Or does that mean I do? One plan says $4k deductible, $4k max OOP, and 100 coinsurance, while the other plan says $2k deductible, $4k max OOP, and 100 coinsurance Does that mean that the first option is actually best because the 100 coinsurance means I'm 100 responsible until I meet the max OOP???
Comment from : @heatherbrandt8876

Comment from : @shabbirnasir

I had a baby in April Girlfriend and I are not married, but both have the same insurance (BCBS) working for the same company Deductible single is $2600, family is $5600 OOP single is $2600, family OOP $5600 I asked the hospital to put the baby under my insurance at the time of birth, hospital did not do that, so it went to the mothers (Reason was she was going to be stay at home mom) Tried to resend it back through my insurance and insurance denied it again My girlfriend already had medical complications and needed to get them checked out before birth after she had to go to the ER 6 months into pregnancy So she had already paid close to around $2000 all in all out of pocket before birth Birth comes and we are billed $16,000 and insurance only picked $7500 We are STILL fighting with BCBS and the hospital about the out out of pocket and deductible I am exhausted and have no idea what to do about it Because $1300 has already been sent to collections
Comment from : @jabutch11

Personally, I feel that as we age spending time in the hospital and under doctor care at some point is inevitable I would rather pay a little more up front, predictable expenses, than have to worry about coming up with unpredictable amounts for deductibles and copays (that might repeat themselves as the calendar clicks over to a new year) when I am sick The last question you want to have to ask your doctor when you are sick is, "How much is that going to cost?" I've been there That shouldn't be the deciding factor in your care
Comment from : @alansach8437

You made it so easy for me, thank u so much
Comment from : @nehalelsheikh97

US Healthcare costs are horrible Just disgusting What is the biggest reason why there is no more competition between hospitals/doctors? Doctor's associations limiting doctor education? Or hospitals/doctors/insurance companies cannot compete federally? Can you explain?
Comment from : @simokokko7550

Quick Question Wife had heart surgery, we paid $8500 which was her max out of the pocket for the year But we are getting bills from the surgeon ($1700) and from the pacemaker people ($250) Why are we getting bills when we meet Max OOP? And how do we handle those bills?
Comment from : @DavidL78613

My plan has individual out of pocket maximum as 5000 and family out of pocket maximum 10000 How it will work? brCoinsurance for visiting doctors is 20 So it should be applicable till out of pocket maximum is met?
Comment from : @ganadhishmehendale5993

My goodness I love you 🙏😭😩
Comment from : @jens8223

What about prescription coverage?
Comment from : @TERMIN8TOR99

I believed the coinsurance of 30 would come from the $7500 allowed amount?brShould it be that way?
Comment from : @yallseeyeah

Question Does coinsurance kick in once I meet the deductible? Or does it only activate afterwards on the next time I use Insurance?brbrAnd you said knowledgeable insurance agents can help eliminate some OOP expenses Can you get into more detail? Talk to insurance agent? Talk to hospital? Thank you
Comment from : @Aries-IX

My agent find insurance with deductible but I don't have out of pocket 0$ what is mean I have 625 deductible and $ 0 out of pocket max is good coverage This is my question And also have another question why people buy that kind of insurance with dectuble and also max of pocket why people just don't just deductible instead of buying deductible and out of pocket both why See I got insurance just deductible I don't have have out of pocket m wondering please reply
Comment from : @muradlalani9263

Could you give an example of how copay, deductibles, and co-insurance works when visiting a provider? Thank you
Comment from : @louiseannebasa7008

Thank you so much for texting me back and answering my question! Very helpful! 😊
Comment from : @AntoinetteFedillaga

I bet there are a lot of people that are needing to know this now after being hospitilized during the pandemic I learned in 2019 after multiple hospital stays and looking at your video on this topic later on Thanks for revisiting this topic!
Comment from : @NotinMyBudget

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