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6 Conditions That Will Not Be Approved For Disability

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Information 6 Conditions That Will Not Be Approved For Disability

Title :  6 Conditions That Will Not Be Approved For Disability
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Frames 6 Conditions That Will Not Be Approved For Disability

Description 6 Conditions That Will Not Be Approved For Disability

Comments 6 Conditions That Will Not Be Approved For Disability

What about stage 4 TDs it's going to be on the DMS 5 isn't it
Comment from : @wednesday6127

I can’t work or even drive myself to work if I could but I’m still struggling to get approved for disability
Comment from : @purgatorysplayground7501

I was very doubtful, but I had been trying for 3 days with this I got thru in 30 min
Comment from : @terrycabrera6319

I have lupus SLE! I’m on chemotherapy! I also have fibromyalgia! I also have MGD and Sjogren’s disease! You’re not capable of telling anybody how they feel or what their limitations are if you don’t have all these things Thank you for the video and thank you for your candidness But I hope you never have to deal with disability board I appreciate your video Thank you
Comment from : @suzanneladue5828

Thanks this is so helpful
Comment from : @normalboringhuman

Comment from : @sistabigbone5822

I have cardiac Amyloidosis is that approved
Comment from : @dongreene2089

What about Dementia?
Comment from : @Bella-zq6nb

I have lumbar spondylothesis with neurogenic claudication narrowing of spinal canal degenerative disk disease arthritis sciatica a heart arythmeia lumbar spondylosis small buldging disk in my neck hurt from top of my head down to my feet numbness in left small toes I can’t stand in one spot I do go to wash a few dishes can’t turn my neck JUS PAIN PAIN PAIN FOR 20 years now
Comment from : @melisaross2468

Every scammer is taking notes on how to receive SSDI along with the honest taxpayers who need assistance
Comment from : @susancarter9351

I wish denied for Tourette’s My tics got so bad I have to quit my career in the medical field Not only from the tics preventing me from providing patient care, but also the secondary issues that come from the strenuous tics all day like these awful pressure headaches, blurry vision, nausea, and acid reflux so bad it stops me in my tracks I have thought of every job, even working from home, but there is nothing I can do because I never know what days will be good or bad and when I’ll have paralyzing nausea or be ticking so frequently I can’t even hold a conversation, which makes me completely unreliable It really sucks that people who can work get approved for disability over things like anger issues, personality disorders, anxiety (the ppl who fake it at least), and are young, like 19 years old! And those who get disability for their kids?!? How?? I mean my God, my mom had 3 back surgeries and they denied her 2 times before she finally got SUPPLEMENTAL SS which was a whopping $600/month for years Smh So frustrating
Comment from : @gendoll5006

I had an acoustic neuroma/ brain tumor removed in April I’m left with partial facial paralysis, imbalance issues, and lost all hearing on one side These things all make my job as a teacher quite difficult Would I qualify for disability?
Comment from : @juliecaldwell5719

I certainly hope this is wrong
Comment from : @tammylorcher5169

This makes sense
Comment from : @rhiannon-bv9rk

I was diagnosed with an acute heart condition My disability is terminal It took close to a year to get the approval and I was convinced they were waiting for me to drop dead I hope I still qualify!
Comment from : @jvdixie

When you get denied and really have a problem and in pain you have a new problem like PTSD remember that ! Thank so much soc security for nothing !
Comment from : @debbiespinelli1

You're very good at what you do as a doctor and I appreciate your podcast or your video on what you just said is it's very very good to help people out there like you do and I appreciate it and continue it
Comment from : @thebibleandthebermudatrian9492

I see a lot of people in the comments saying theyve been denied i just want to say dont give up i have 2 sons applied for both to get on disability one was approved and one was denied(both on first try) they have the same rare autoimmune disorder and same treatment same symptoms just keep trying yall
Comment from : @kaelyntrigg3912

I have been diagnosed with Sjogrens Disease by two different Rheumatologists, would I qualify for disability???brThank you for your replybrMiss Monique 🙂🙏🌷💗
Comment from : @moniquelemaire5333

I already get social security ( brain birth defects, mosly blind in right eye, mental illness) but i am curious, is ehlers danlos and sjogrens covered
Comment from : @grettagrids

I have learning disabilities and anxiety Please help me
Comment from : @RyanBenscoter-c1z

Me also took 5yrs to get it I about lost everything i had Was hungry
Comment from : @bevkern3858

I have radial dysplasia and I’m 17 I’m doing a lot of research to make sure I can get approved for disability hopefully I can
Comment from : @I_love_my_boyfriend_69

From my symptoms would I be able to qualify for disability I have a documented intellectual disability it's hard for me to learn new concepts it takes a long time to learn things I have worked at jobs before, but it was very hard to learn new things in the job which would make me do a lot of mistakes I also have issues with walking and standing for long periods of time If I carry packages and stock for a while my legs start to give out and I start having problems with walking which requires me to sit down I can't stand for long periods of time
Comment from : @Gurneeillinois2007

I have advanced arthritis in my lower back, hips, knees, ankles and shoulder I have diabetic neuropathy so bad that I can barely walk without losing my balance My legs are so weak and tired that I can't get up sometimes
Comment from : @garymorris7472

My best friend didn't get her disability until the day she died with her breast cancer for 14 years even after she was undergoing chemotherapy while working as an RN ,that cancer had gone to her liver and her brain had metastasized,so sad,so tragic, something has to change, she was a nurse so dedicated and devoted to her patients,the community, and her family
Comment from : @rinareyes3222

How about strokes that effect working abilities ?
Comment from : @psims6980

Thorazine shock treatment and quite roomsrural damages ,musle lapseand abuilty to make proper decisions and forgettingdue to tramaby reaserchyou sir should be aking lifes decisions on peopleyour byass
Comment from : @BonnieWilson-do3ng

I have low back pain have had surgerybut still can lift or stand for along period of timeand i have majior depression that is medical resistant
Comment from : @emileepatton4714

My uncle was approved a day after he passed away
Comment from : @Matt-cl2yl

When I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2009 a grade 3 malignant brain tumor I thought my Medicare was supposed to kick right on in, but it did not I had to still wait two years I lost my job I lost my Health Insurance everything while on chemo I had to pay for cobra insurance But my diagnosis is on the list for immediate Medicare so how come I didn’t get it
Comment from : @cynthiajordan3443

How come when Social Security does a medical review and they don’t receive your records they don’t notify you They were sending a request to the wrong place at the Duke Medical Center They were sending a request to the neurology department so they got no records but they never notify you of that Even if you call them and ask them And I know this because I have state retirement also and they couldn’t get the records cause they were sending the request to the wrong place so I got the records for them, but at least they notified me but the same office does it they are disability and Social Security disability
Comment from : @cynthiajordan3443

That tie should get u approved alone😂😂😂
Comment from : @Jerry-y9f3i

I will keep you posted Saint Captain America social security benefits your friend Curtis Dean Hill author autobiography book black silver blues hymnal of the spirit hum of the soul 🙏 Amen 💝🙏😇 we shall meet again 😊🎉
Comment from : @curtishill1993

If if wasn't from hope Atlanta housing program l would be homeless American citizens social security benefits of $ 77700 monthly income benefits with the reduced social security windfall retirement benefits 😢😢😢
Comment from : @curtishill1993

My social security benefits was reduced to $ 77700 monthly income from $ 1,70000 because social security office in Atlanta Georgia used to reduce windfall social security benefits, because my last job was with the city of Atlanta Georgia 😢
Comment from : @curtishill1993

is there an age limit on disablity ,does being deaf considered?
Comment from : @curtishalbert9979

Im 33 years old, born with bi lateral club feet in the 90s and went through the surgeries on both Both ankles are now fused and rods throughout my legs I now need a hip replacement on my left side from compensating walking my whole life I have dealt with pain my entire life but I am to the point of wheelchair on cold winter mornings
Comment from : @AtomicScrotus

I can't breathe does that qualify
Comment from : @WilliamKilduff-d4i

Any info on post sepis syndrome ? Along with lack of feeling in a leg after a multi compond fracture and 190 degree rotation Requiring a hip to toe brace
Comment from : @johns9888

So i applied, i have a genetic disorder auto immune called ankylosing spondylitis I am a carrier of the specific gene in order to beable to have a disorder back when i was 18, im now almost 37 I have severe asthma, fibromyalgia, hyperthyroidism (they think its a rare one), which is also considered auto immune! It all makes me so weak and chronic fatigue everyday, pain 24/7, i could go on, i do also have a broken chest bone due to domestic issue with family over 2 yrs ago now and is still broken and very visable, hurts too I was told by my dr It def is broken but nothing they can do to help it I have suffered with ptsd, severe anxiety and panic disorder, bi polar, depression, ocd, & adhd and also get social anxiety my entire life
Comment from : @ItalianaBellaXo222

Medical records are key My decision was based on complete medical docs spanning for 3 years Boom!
Comment from : @chrissttiiee

I apply for disability and was told to take attorney, I can't afford Now i am 76 i think i should be on disability i am on weel chair
Comment from : @KryniaM

what about fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis?
Comment from : @AmigurumiKat

What about MS
Comment from : @ByGraceBeauty

I worked w grand mal seizures my whole life grow up people 🎉😢
Comment from : @tammyfitzgerald5336

I commented but after hearing you all the the way , I have constant open sores from my neurological Prurigo This is one of the most depressing aspects of my life Do I go back and keep trying ? I take pictures of these open wounds when they occur, and that is at least half of the year I am bandaged and dressed with long sleeves so I don’t visually frighten people
Comment from : @littlebettyscrafts556

I was not even allowed to speak or explain any conditions to the judge My doctors and the disability orthopedist stated that I would NOT be able to work a full forty hour work week Apparently the judge was reprimanded by her superior and had to reopen the case for a second hearing During this trial she was already irritated with me, and once again I asked to just speak…… but she did not agree I am at a loss and heading for homeless 😞
Comment from : @littlebettyscrafts556

Its alot of people that cant get disability that actually needs it And a lot of people that do have it, nothing is wrong with Smh
Comment from : @xcole1911

All while we give BILLIONS to wars that have nothing to do with us!
Comment from : @mrwoowoo8826

Healthcare is severely broken and extremely cruel This leads to Americans becoming suicidal and completely shutting down mentally Deathcare is all I see
Comment from : @CapitalismDeathSpiral

?? What happens when military medbeds come out to all public in Jan 2025 and everyone gets healed 100 and sre 30 years younger does dissability go away ???
Comment from : @DaveCook-c6u

? What happens if my friend is 66 on disability and invested a few dollars on xrp and has a large proffit did there dusability end at 66 and now doen’t have to report it????
Comment from : @DaveCook-c6u

Can you do VACTERL and ARM? What are the in's and out's of disability claims for VACTERL and ARM related anomalies High imperforate anus repair patients who are fecally incontinent and have an extensive history of hospitalizations for small bowel obstructions coupled with severe spinal anomalies, do they qualify?
Comment from : @gflong2010

Bi polar disorder,the worst kind, many of us have it, we can't function good riund people Myst try to work part time alone? I cabt even di that I gotta stay on meds, or i get very upset, there's alot of us like that, since birth Runs very heavy in alot if our offspring and families
Comment from : @Stephanie-b3q7t

My daughter has multiple scorosis and muscalar dystrophy and krones disease had for 3 yrs and she got turned down 7 times
Comment from : @KathleenDenby

I knew a guy who had heart condition He was denied for disability he was appealing the decision Two weeks later he passed away Cause of death- HEART FAILURE!! The denial letter was on his bedside table beside him when he passed This is the reason I was aggressive with my claim I was denied twice before But third time was the charm I thought of my friend as I was going through the process I only wish he had been able get approved as he did have heart failure😢
Comment from : @phyllindaiam2494

So many recieve it because they're lazy
Comment from : @starrlehner1881

I have back pain to the point I'm missing 8-16 hours of work a month and tremors so bad I can't write anymore and have trouble even holding a cup of coffee (as an example) I have 10 work days or more a month I literally cannot do more than participate in meetings I mention this to my boss and she got me some workplace reasonable accommodations that have made it possible for me to continue working Always ask about reasonable accommodations first You might be surprised what your employer is willing to do
Comment from : @nco_gets_it

Had chronic pancreatitis, diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis My legs a mess and my back is a mess brbrWas told to apply Applied Got told I was too intelligent to be disabled
Comment from : @Gravesworn433

Had a really good friends brother that had got hit by a car at the age of 13 and had seizures a lot and they filed for disability for years and after a decade the week he got his approval is when he diedSad that he suffered all those years with no help
Comment from : @PW1316

Our government wants us to be sick so we'll die before ever having tapped into the social security that is owed to us
Comment from : @northshorelight35

You forgot the people with severe conditions who are actively working and still pulling in ‘decent’ incomes Those people are automatically denied before a doctor will even look at their cases In 2024 if you are earning over $1550 from active work and are applying for disability, don’t even bother That amount goes up every year, but as soon as the first income queries are pulled the denial letter will be sent Don’t blame the guy sending the letter, blame your lawmaker (I used to be the guy sending the letter)
Comment from : @dereklucero5785

staugustine FL?
Comment from : @jonathanalexander1517

Epilepsy! It is so frustrating seeing people with Epilepsy get denied They can't drive due to seizures, can't work bc employers don't want the risk and they can't get disability Make it make sense
Comment from : @brittanyg6570

I fought like you wouldn't believe to get my daughter on SSID She has epilepsy ( on we never know when she'll have another seizure) plus she also has anxiety and depression Her medications aren't cheep either I'm blessed that those are taken care of She could never afford them And also seeing her psychologist, psychitrist, neurologist is expensive too I tell anyone trying to get on SSID is to fight, fight, and fight Don't ever give up
Comment from : @gwenkeno9436

The hardest damn doctor to get approved in the damn world!
Comment from : @africadoll7547

Doctor I've lost both my arms and legs, well tell me how that limits your ability to work? Ah ah ah doctor idk you tell me?
Comment from : @southernboy37

You're the dick that's gets everyone denied
Comment from : @southernboy37

Oh but they will give it to illegals for any reason
Comment from : @frankfields2071

ask this question i have a rare heart condition and artis in my upper and lower back and been denied my social security
Comment from : @jasonburks5911

What about if you have fibromyalgia
Comment from : @ceciliagher

I once had a neighbor that collected SSI for anxiety He consistently worked under the table for reduced rent to do maintenance for my landlord for the apartment complex I lived in Mowing lawns, shoveling walkways, repairing crumbling sidewalks by resetting regarding and pouring cement, and other manual labor What a POS
Comment from : @yolandahebert2350

How about systematic lupus acquired by the cov*d shot while active duty military…
Comment from : @roxannerobertson554

So no mention of vaccine side effects Reprehensible This guy seems like a real POS
Comment from : @Superrehroy

How about brain damage from long term and excessive alcohol use?
Comment from : @River_rat17

@abovellLove523, are you upset about lazy people? Why are you concerned if they don't help you pay your bills each month?
Comment from : @michaelthompson6860

Comment from : @laneng5799

Comment from : @laneng5799

Comment from : @laneng5799

Comment from : @laneng5799

Comment from : @laneng5799

Thank you for Sharing
Comment from : @Danyah-e6f

May I share a Prayer?brRomans 10:9-13 As We know WW3! Is Coming Tribulation will follow
Comment from : @Danyah-e6f

I’m a social worker over an advocacy unit that helps people get social security disability The biggest reason our clients get denied are because of no medical history, only er visits People have to have continued medical care with a primary physician for a chronic illness
Comment from : @renatal1972

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