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How a Driving Instructor can make a Learner Worse

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Title :  How a Driving Instructor can make a Learner Worse
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Comments How a Driving Instructor can make a Learner Worse

This was like my first instructor He just wanted to teach people who he knew would pass quickly, and since I wasn't one of those, after like 20 hours of driving lessons with him, he told me I would need to go onto an automatic and that he wouldn't teach me anymore - this clearly knocked my confidence and made my anxiety while driving a lot worse After a few months, I felt confident again and got a new instructor, she's so much nicer and easy to talk to, every lesson involves a good laugh I had my first test a month ago and failed, but she made me know that it isn't the end of the world and that if I practice more, I will pass next time I know my old instructor would not have the same way of thinking
Comment from : @enhypenobsessed4332

Don't know why I'm still watching these, I passed my test first try, thank god
Comment from : @slimessiful

I'm sorry this is actually hilarious i am in bits because it's sooo realistic and true This is brilliant and so constructive but also just so funny Someone commented about making some kinda skit series and I agreei needed this 👍 😆 🤣
Comment from : @antandmajable

Comment from : @Reelshortsvideos888

Trust me your the best
Comment from : @Zaha_zaha

The worst thing is when they get frustrated when they explain something for the first time because they just assume they already told you it multiple times Most of them have no clue what they already taught you and what not
Comment from : @ayrton56612

I really just want to share this video with my 2nd instructor She made me really nervous a few days ago and didn’t even give me enough time to make any independent driving decisions She prompted me every second, asking me to do things that I would have done anywaybrI think constructive feedback is really helpful but constant interruption can make anyone nervousbrEdit: My 1st instructor would run errands, go for shopping, schedule her parcel delivery, etc during my lessons and never gave me that time back That was an utter waste of time
Comment from : @Luxeglam6

I had no luck with good instructor Thank you for the clips
Comment from : @nickpaulie

Mine was shouting me, He did not get in the theory and rules, neither prepare the route in advance to allow me prepare mentally, I ignored the routes etc never drove in the UK One friend of mine she want take motorway lessons she has years driving in town She changed 2 instructors due they put her confidence down, she still out of motorway No one of them prepare her before to the motorway" 'Example how to match the speed in the slip road and merge etc etc and so on" and one of the instructor asked to park in the hard shoulder of motorway only to later drive off again "Unsafe" Apart we did not have enough instructors a lot of them are very bad teacher Another friend, she changed 5 instructors
Comment from : @DGQ1Q2

The first situation is so recognizable Even worse when you are still approaching the roundabout and they want you to drive on immediately instead of stopping For some instructors 'better safe than sorry' does not exsist Just teaching you to rush
Comment from : @ayrton56612

On the first 5 sessions its overwhelming, if you have got a difficult lazy shouting guy sitting beside you scolding you for doing something wrong you are doing for the very first time
Comment from : @Clarityinlife335

I'm on my 5th driving instructor, would you believe I was really unlucky with my previous driving instructors 1st one had a potty mouth and swore at other drivers (not at me, but I still found it unprofessional) Second instructor was quite lazy and he was most likely the reason I failed my first attempt at the practical test Third instructor just didn't seem to like me and gave up teaching me after 3 lessons Fourth instructor had a car that seemed like it wasn't road-worthy at all What an embarrassmentbrbrHere's to hope instructor #5 is my man I think he is so far!
Comment from : @catguy4996

My biggest problem with most instructors is they have no patience and make you feel guilty when stalling etc luckily after my last instructor who wouldn't even let me drive and completely destroyed my confidence with so much criticism I have finally found a brilliant guy now who thinks after only 3 lessons with him that I'm a decent driver and just need to tweek some things before my test
Comment from : @heydrich39

exactly how my dad is
Comment from : @H786

The first scenario is exactly what’s happening to me 😭😭😭
Comment from : @creativemeblue645

I had an instructor who just constantly gave instructions and wanted me to just follow as he says It is completely distracting to have someone yapping at you while you're focused on your surroundings, signs, traffic lights, etc and since you become dependent on the second by second instructions, you never develop a sense of how to drive
Comment from : @Mythopede

Thinking back to my lessons My instructor always told me what yo do so the first time i was making decisions for my self was during my driving test - which I failed😅 I had to tell him not to tell me everyting and after 4 lessons I was able to passbrMy advice is, if your instructor is doing that,tell them to let you make your decisions early on if possible
Comment from : @afiiik1

My dad has made every single mistake in this video when teaching me to drive The difference between this guy and him is that my dad 200 believes he is in the right and refuses to be told otherwise
Comment from : @moro2485

I’m teaching my son to drive and we both laughed so hard at your roundabout commentary, it’s so accurate from both points of view We don’t have dual control and whilst quiet roundabouts are easy for practice, busy roundabouts are hard to teach and drive without that extra set of brakes I did exactly what you said and my son thought exactly what you thought 😂😂😂 I had to teach him all about shields and your two step method for him to be ready to take opportunities
Comment from : @deef3433

Thanks for this video, I have a driving test coming soon My instructor has already killed my enthusiasm and confidence to drive He has already said I would fail My only consolation is that he has once told me earlier that he does not doubt my ability to control the wheel I would just go and enjoy my test and count it as part of my experience Hope it comes out well
Comment from : @Godslove535

The most accurate video I’ve ever heard, I end up feeling very overwhelmed by so much information I don’t understand, the pressure to speed up when you don’t feel comfortable is definitely a terrifying thing as well
Comment from : @itzclassic5139

It cannot be overstated how good you are at this and how much of a natural talent you have for teaching I honestly implore you to open a school for prospective driving instructors, or your own franchise model driving school so you can vet the instructors The way you teach really deserves to be spread far and wide
Comment from : @I_am_nobody999

Great video
Comment from : @tubareja3022

My first two driving instructors that I had 25 years ago, were like this Didn't really teach me the basics properly Pushed me too fast to do too much I'd sweat profusely during lessons, and be very anxious before I failed my test 25 years ago and have restarted learning recently I'm having my third lesson today I've watched countless hours of driving tutorials now and am learning mostly from YT I've told my current instructor that I refuse to do anything I'm not ready for, because he wanted to make me drive from one town to the next in lesson 3 Instead we're going to be doing bay parking which feels more appropriate brUnfortunately I think most learner drivers won't know what will be "too much for this lesson", and just think they SHOULD be capable when the instructor thinks so My previous instructors took me on dual carriageways after a handful of lessons, which was waaaay too quick for me There was no discussion about feeling ready, or understanding the road I winged it every single time and as such, never felt in control or competent brListen to your instinct If you feel anxious, take your time, never be pressured into a driving situation you don't feel ready for I'm glad I failed my test 25 years ago, I wasn't ready or safe at that time because my instructors had failed to prepare me and guide me properly brThank you for sharing this approach, Richard :)
Comment from : @kalilavalezina

Hi,are you teaching in London? I would love to have a teacher like you
Comment from : @elwiragralak

Thanks for sharing I am presently going through this My trainer has good intentions, however, the information and activities all at once is too much We keep having run ins because he thinks I shoukd be moving faster and know what to do because I travel in vehicles and should be watching those drivers Funny thing is, looking and doing it its not the same thing Inspite of the stress, I am slowly getting over being anxious and is getting better with each lesson I have shared this video with him for him to understand what I am going through
Comment from : @TaniaRhoden-e4h

The information overload one is exactly how my instructor is I've had 2 lessons and I'm frazzled and overwhelmed and don't want to learn to drive any more I wish I could find someone compassionate like you to teach me
Comment from : @BlackFiresong

I needed ro see this This is my reality and it's making me worse
Comment from : @Thenursingbrain25

Thanks for sharing this I’m still pretty new as a driving instructor, so I’m always looking for ways to improve Your video has given me some new techniques to try
Comment from : @lopachilla

Thank you so much for posting this brI've been feeling my driving has been just getting worse and worse and that it's all me (going through some very stressful stuff in the rest of my life hasn't helped) but honestly just seeing that some of this is being made worse by things my instructor does has really helped today
Comment from : @hippyfriend

My driving instructor lost his patience quickly and got annoyed when I was hesitant about driving onto junctions and roundabouts I had a traumatising lesson once when he completely lost it with me and said that I was behaving stupidly when I wasn't able to restart the car correctly when it stalled, when in fact he never let me do that on my own He also screamed at a car that didn't move out of the way for me and even banged his window The worst thing was when he told me "people generally need 10 more lessons at this stage, but with you I really don't know" It has almost been 2 years and I haven't gathered the courage to book another lesson, not even at a different driving school I'm even considering switching to automatic
Comment from : @brizagella

Damn that instructor I had 1 year ago did all these things Cant believe I spent >1000 euros on her
Comment from : @frafra224

You think these stories are bad I once drove with my Dad as instructor & he started screaming that I was doing 20mph on a 40mph road Turns out he was looking at RPM meter & not MPH 😂
Comment from : @zackolmert9622

Sounds like my first driving instructor
Comment from : @scottchristie6734

I had more thn 30 lessons, after tht whn i tried to drive my husband’s car( which was different from my instructor’s), I couldn’t figure out whether i m on the right on the road or not Couldn’t move straight front and back That made me loose my confidence and stopped my lesson Thn again i gathered my courage for lesson after 4/5 month and find another instructor ( after reading good reviews), after 3 lessons 45 hrs, he cancelled rest of my lessons, msging you are not good for manual, i cannot teach you, you can go for automatic, which made me loose all rest of my confidence to drive I might be a pathetic learner but does the instructor has the right to destroy learner’s confidence?
Comment from : @tikatamanguk

Thank you for bringing this up I've had 3 instructors - all male between the ages of 40-50 All three made the exact same mistakes you mentioned and there was too much negativity, patronising and too much talking I think they had a few experiences with slow learners and so painted all their students with the same brush and the same instruction approach It's hard to tell them to calm down because their ego gets in the way and that's never a good thing Will be looking to switch to a calm instructor and hope that will work
Comment from : @androc75

I was laughing so hard at the inner monologue of the learner because how did you get in my brain 😭😭
Comment from : @adelebrown1861

Comment from : @bonbon460

This is very helpful, thanks👍
Comment from : @sbarneaionut

My teacher is shouty without patience and he keeps making fun of me and throwing irony at me and antagonizing me
Comment from : @YesDudeNoMan

The majority of driving instructors are pricks and the test instructors are even worse there just anal about everything
Comment from : @Craig8633

14:22 I almost spit out my drink
Comment from : @Boopitypoop

You are brilliant, I'm a learner with severe anxiety (and autism which affects how I understand instructions) and I had an instructer literally ask me what autism is He was dead serious Having instructions that you don't understand thrown at you faster than you can follow them doesn't teach someone how to drive It teaches them that driving is stressful and that they don't want to do itbrLearning a car is a step-by-step process My first instructor was ace On my first lesson he taught me what the clutch is and how it works with the engine, what happens to it when we press the clutch down partially, and he got to know me so he could explain things in a way i could understand, comparing it to things i was already familiar with He let me go during covid and I had to switch to an automatic car because getting manual lessons was becoming very difficult (Plus I've always been a believer in electric anyway) but he did it right No shouting, it felt more like a discussion than a lesson And that helped me massively I didn't feel like I was an idiot and he was berating me It felt closer to a friend teaching me something newbrAll instructors need to see this video in my opinion Including all parents who teach their kids how to drive
Comment from : @mitchib1440

no no and no the driver gos when they feel its safe to do so
Comment from : @davesmith4413

It depends on how bright your pupil is, its because nowadays people are not very bright might seem harsh but true learn to multi task
Comment from : @droneworld2312

Dont always rely on signals, sometimes peoplenput the wrong on on or dont cancel them
Comment from : @droneworld2312

My 1st instructor was like this So after 6hrs learning with her I decided to stop ☹️ and change driving school Before I end up giving up on learning driving 😢
Comment from : @jeanlivara7413

This is exactly how I feel, information overload all the time brI keep stalling at busy junctions, taking my foot off clutch too quick I've learnt to keep car in straight line thanks to Richard's staying centered video!
Comment from : @allieallyali

Is it just me or my instructor has done all of the above! What an grade A asshole! Need to change instructors!
Comment from : @crusaderqk

I wish you are my instructor, i m having text tomorrow and in today's lesson my instructor did nothing but increased my anxiety
Comment from : @angelng2005k

I've met so many people who were taught to drive by parents or siblings and were scarred by the experience Bad teachers can ruin someone's confidence and make them never want to drive againbrbrI stopped driving for almost a year after my first few experiences driving with my parents Getting an instructor made it so much easier for me At the time I thought that it wasnt that helpful because I already knew how to "drive" in that I could move the car and stay in a lane, but having an instructor really helps you get in the driving hours that you need to gain confidence He really drilled the basics into my brain, and now I'm never that guy who forgets to check his blind spot or use his signal/
Comment from : @kballwoof00

Information overload giving me PTSD 😂
Comment from : @Pvm_enthuasist

Some people are not meant to teach, my instructor though soft spoken was not very good
Comment from : @munyaradzimunodawafa7745

I actually had 2 different driving instructors (first one went on a holiday) The first was really encouraging and gentle Which really boosted my comfort level at the beginning, but he was also very lenient - which meant that I felt I was not really getting corrected when I should've beenbrThe second instructor was the polar opposite - almost screaming at every mistake and making me feel like I was not able to drive at allbut it did help me correct some of the mistakes I was making up until that point - it made me really nervous going into my exam I did pass it on my first attempt though :D Because it felt way less stressful than driving with my 2nd instructor - hahabrbrBut if I had started out with the second instructor, I would've hated driving lessons for sure
Comment from : @arthesian

Quick question I have had lessons Around 20 and bought my own car Seat Leon mk2 2l tdi n yes it expensive on insurance but its worth it Plus I am now earning no claims Is it possible to do the practical in my car and as an instructor does the pupil having there own car make the instructor more cautious?
Comment from : @born2ride149

I have such a great instructor at the moment that he can never even get my name right One of the first things he told me was to ignore the clutch bite-point and just gently let go while pressing the gas
Comment from : @4i4kov

I had instructor that rushed me almost from beggining and what ended up happening is, I started doing dangerous manoeuvers(like pulling out at junctions without properly checking and slowing down) just so that I'm not "too slow" for his liking At which point he started stressing himself because he didn't feel safe I have to add that it was fairly busy city in Europe
Comment from : @skorpius2029

yelling instructor a worldwide virus
Comment from : @nileshyalkar1764

Information overload is so relatable, and that acting was hilarious btw 🤣
Comment from : @stev5293

All your videos are amazing you are an amazing and real teacher my instructor was like that
Comment from : @wagma5120

How about an instructor who, when a little mistake is made, screams and puts their hands on the dashboard?
Comment from : @Observer_Effect

(Not from UK) Idk how you managed to describe both my instructors One has left the school (I can tell he was bored of his job cause he was always on his phone ready to breake at your first insecurities just to make fun of you or scream) and the other one is mostly stressed out because he's the only instructor left and now he has new learners and doesn't know what to do I went from loving the idea of having driving lessons to just hating the fact that I had to drive with them When I drive on my own with my father and I get less nervous and make way less mistakes even though I still don't like it because my driving instructors taught me literally 0 and I'm on youtube learning on my own
Comment from : @savio7958

My first driving instructor was awful He made me feel like an utter idiot and treated me like I should have just magically known everything He was terrible teacher Thankfully he seemed to realise how rubbish he was and quit and my second driving instructor was amazing He was calm, built up my confidence and, most importantly, taught me what to do; he didn't expect me to know what to do He let me do things in my own time Thanks to him, I passed first time!
Comment from : @catalex485

This is exactly what I’m going through with my instructor, she makes me so anxious and nervous, her instructions aren’t always clear as well, feel like I’ve wasted £1600, today I wanted to go home an hour into my 4 hour lesson, when I’m out with my friend though doing private practice I’m totally fine 😞
Comment from : @paulcericola4016

"i hate this gas pedal" literally me trying to drive our Golf Plus for the first time 😂 like literally word for word what i said lol
Comment from : @jakedrake3660

Great video! tone of voice and how you approach the lesson really make all the difference My Instructor also used the - ask questions technique (are we going at a good speed? do you think we need a different lane? when would you think would be a safe time to enter this roundabout?) He would also make mistakes less of a big deal so that instead of just feeling awful about it I would learn from them I felt comfortable enough with him that once I passed my test I did more lessons with him on the "Pass Plus" course to gain confidence driving in different road conditions and on motorways (this was before learner drivers were allowed to drive on motorways)
Comment from : @hannahbarrick2547

Man, I've been driving for years but you are so entertaining! Nice job with those reenactments, they are hilarious! 😂👍
Comment from : @justsomethingtosay8887

I was laughing so hard at the information overload part as I remember when I was learning on my first few lessons 2 years ago I always found it so hard to do all the peddles and the handbrake, not stall and do all the blindspots Doing all the blindspot checks I think is probably too much on a first lesson You always had to start all the blindspot checks again from the beginning because you either stalled or missed your chance to go
Comment from : @cameronleehorace

I’ve been driving 13 years as an international in the Uk My instructor absolutely gets me anxious
Comment from : @parttime-zx7ct

😄 here in Denmark 🇩🇰 is war with driving treacher
Comment from : @EmpressYeah

I am having the same experience My exam is in the first week of September and my instructor is always shouting and yelling at me when i feel its not safe to enter roundabout or junction Being in the car with him makes me uncomfortable and tensed when i drive
Comment from : @abhishekkutty

My first instructor was this: faster, faster, slower, indicate, turn, more,less Just an hour of being told what I was doing was wrong, but not why Also would put his hand on mine on the gearstick 🤮
Comment from : @DrAshynGw2

The instructor i am going to now is like this I was very excited for drive and now i don’t want to go to lessons, because of how anxious i get I don’t have a lot of lessons left, but i have a breakdown every time i have to go Should I change my instructor at this point or should I just suck it up?
Comment from : @gab4eto-t7y

I've been learning to drive for nearly a year now, 4 different instructors pissed me about My 4th one just ditched me and I'm glad he did as he made me feel extremely anxious and on edge in lessons, making me feel like a twat for doing something wrong or making a mistake! He's only been instructing for a year and his teaching methods were shocking!! He also slammed the brakes really hard aswell, and grabbed the wheel a lot, sometimes unnecessarily Now with my 5th instructor who has 20 years of experience, and I feel so calm around him, he's so lovely aswell! Got my theory test tomorrow, so pretty close to my practical Onwards and upwards ❤
Comment from : @StormWatch991

I have been watching your videos for a while now and I am doing my first lessons in 2 months and I feel I have already learnt alot
Comment from : @joshlia6469

My driving instructor literaly told me "U know in the seventies they made an experiment on apes and indoctrinated them with electroshocks so they would behave in some way I think i also have to indoctrinate you" lmaobrPretty rude guy and always on his phone but i passed on my first try and i only got desinterested in driving for some weeks so i dont complain much
Comment from : @Tapped-o9k

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