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How Money is Created - and Destroyed

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Title :  How Money is Created - and Destroyed
Lasting :   19.53
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Comments How Money is Created - and Destroyed

Wait a minute As rates went up I took money OUT of my bank account and used it to buy US Treasuries well the I bond program Now, that is 1 year treasury, as far as I know that does not count in the money supply So if I am correct, if, that means that when people like me move money from banks to Treasury, that reduced the money supply Is that not correct? In addition the FED has been doing the same thing with the REPO market which as far as I know has been draining slowly which causes the banks to move their cash from REPO in to Treasuries Which I wonder if that also impacts the money supply That perhaps could explain the fall in money supply The money was not spent just moved OUT of the scope of M2 Money supply But I am not sure if that is correct, just my question
Comment from : @drscopeify

And wait to see the effects this roller coster money system has on the economy side
Comment from : @DistributistHound

So fractional reserve banking is fraud and when people call it out things go south
Comment from : @kerwinbrown4180

Subbed! 🔥 channel
Comment from : @yomommaissofat1745

I have spent so much time studying the monetary system, and you explain it better than anyone I have seen on YouTube Great job!
Comment from : @Austin1990

Everybody I knowmy Parents, My siblings, Coworkers have been taking money out of the Bank and Buying CDs Is a lot of money in my circleI keep hearing about getting 45 or so w No riskas opposed to Stock market investments If everybody is buying CDs isn't that taking money out of circulation too?
Comment from : @stanbanks7289

I disagree that the Fed buying a treasury "injects conjured money into the economy" That "new money" is created as bank reserves As I understand it, bank reserves have narrow uses within the banking system They just sit there, not being loaned out to anybody
Comment from : @chrism9017

Thankyou I don't think I've heard Milton Friedman explain it so clearly
Comment from : @BB-cf9gx

Money supply contraction always has a strong effect because most money supplied is debt!
Comment from : @youngone1985

Clear and concise👍
Comment from : @jerryburg6564

Simple, money is created from thin air, and disappear when market collapses to suck too much money out of the system
Comment from : @janemadrid2845

Thank you very much
Comment from : @jmcmob608

Brilliant work as usual Joe !!!! 😉
Comment from : @nightfury6836

You are a d onkey when it comes to inflation
Comment from : @moneymaker2024

Today banks use US Treasuries as the "gold in the vault" One problem with this is that the Federal Reserve can arbitrarily expand or contract the money supply and interest change interest rates, affecting the value of the bonds
Comment from : @bkm83442

It goes to money heaven
Comment from : @xokelis0015

you deserve more subs
Comment from : @user-rs2zg8cq4g

The money goes to the coffers of the Small Hats
Comment from : @haroldcruz8550


Comment from : @haroldcruz8550

Thank you Joe for your great explanation I love the way you make difficult concepts easier to understand
Comment from : @laurak3668

the roundest dome I've ever seen
Comment from : @jarfrobinksss

Oh man that's bad luck, exactly the same thing happened to me: lost my metals in a tragic boating accident :(
Comment from : @Schneiw

This is good for explaining how money is created and destroyed How is the interest accounted for Isn't this just an extension on money creation?
Comment from : @Rich-rd1ge

If you ever have a "Greatest of Heresy Financial," this is it
Comment from : @scottlink4399

Comment from : @anshumantripathi3663

Money on hand (money available in the US economy) has decreased, but that does not mean the total money supply of US Dollars globally has decreased In fact, it is increasing and has been increasing like crazy
Comment from : @thatchinaboi1

The total money supply has NEVER decreased The M2 money supply DOES NOT represent the total money supply
Comment from : @thatchinaboi1

Fun fact - when colonial Spain was bringing good back from the New World literally by the boatload, there was massive inflation More proof that gold is not in and of the itself value but just money and that increasing the money supply creates inflation
Comment from : @robertmiller6444

What about all the funds dumped as stocks are sold What about the rising rate of retirement funds being used for every day living expenses
Comment from : @paulpease1788

Phenomenal video You've earned every dollar of Youtube revenue here 👏👏
Comment from : @videogarage9221

Great video man Really loved the info you provided ❤
Comment from : @shaunmoorefinance

And than the Banksters Stole all the Gold !
Comment from : @jimmyhvy2277

Anyone remember what video Joe explains how the US uses violence to enforce value of dollar?
Comment from : @Reaperkd

So give it two years before they recall the bank notes and issue new currency with fewer zeroes on it?
Comment from : @JinKee

After all the record breaking money printing and inflation, the money supply is going down? Smh Money has to be going offshore like crazy
Comment from : @maxhunter3574

So this means if I haven't gotten a home yet It's about to get even harder to get one? Can win for losing man This is so frustrating I'm soooo close so dang close
Comment from : @FragoutDesign

How is the money supply growing at a slower rate when the government is bailing out everyone at the defaulting banks? It seems to me the Fed is going to be printing up several more trillions of dollars to keep everything solvent
Comment from : @louisdiedricks7110

The system needs to crash more and harder
Comment from : @criSOME1

After a long time some good content by your channel ortherwise you always give the usual known knowledge
Comment from : @dineshmanna4485

No wonder they are giving Ukraine billionsbrbrPerhaps they can send some to me too
Comment from : @singaporeghostclub

Man I've been following your content for over a year and you taught me alottt!brI already understand your language but it would be great improvement if you would visualize it with graphs or a video That would help many people more!
Comment from : @zvithalerable

This is why they want to push us into a recession if people are fired from their jobs due to businesses being squeezed you have no money to pay your main expenses, let alone continue racking up debt if you're already maxed out which will create less demand for supply
Comment from : @iamauguosto

wonderful video - thank you
Comment from : @jasondziak5537

The fugazzi goes back into the either from whence it came The federal reserve, communist criminals charging taxpayers interest on fake money they conjured up out of the thin air since 1913
Comment from : @ryanwhitley9789

For every 2 that causes a depression, there will be a 25 increase to negate the effects
Comment from : @taylorkaplan2614

Thank goodness so much money was moved to Ukraine!
Comment from : @bunberrier

Congress is calling for vlose to another 750,000,000,000, for defence
Comment from : @michaeldillard1408

Bank failures causing money supply shrinkage
Comment from : @cheaplaughkennedy2318

All the multi billion dollar funds in the wall street wealth racket! Off shorepublic pensionschinese hedge fundsetc
Comment from : @bettylane1984

Comment from : @iGotaNickel

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