Title | : | Jesus was not crucified: the evidence with Dr. Ali Ataie |
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Jesus was crucified the rulers of this world told you why it happened if they would've known they would've never done it Now you know they confessed Comment from : @glennalphonse9711 |
Christ was certainly the savior , Muhammad was not the representative of God or the messenger, but rather a military leader who conquered areas in the Arabian peninsula, copying messages from the Jewish and Christian Bible and calling it his own Comment from : @JohnDunne-t2d |
almost childishly superficial Comment from : @armandozzz1 |
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life ― “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life No one comes to the Father except through Me’” (John 14:6) Comment from : @robertconway2266 |
إِذْ قَالَتِ الْمَلائِكَةُ يَا مَرْيَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُبَشِّرُكِ بِكَلِمَةٍ مِنْهُ اسْمُهُ الْمَسِيحُ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ وَجِيهًا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ وَمِنَ الْمُقَرَّبِينَ وَيُكَلِّمُ النَّاسَ فِي الْمَهْدِ وَكَهْلًا وَمِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ
brQuraan 3:45-46 (Remember) when the Angels said: "O Maryam! Verily, Allaah gives you the glad tidings of a Word from Him, his NAME will be AL-MASSEEHU EESSA IBNU MARYAM, held in honor in this world and in the Hereafter, and will be one of those who are brought to a vicinity of Allaah" He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous"
br- Allaah named his prophet and Messenger "Eessa" not Jesus Believers in Allaah may not contradict Allaah by having a choice against that of Allaah
br- The person whom people call "Jesus" know him as God or the son of God or one of the three persons in trinity Allaah does not forgive calling associates with him Comment from : @mohammaddoofesh4963 |
The person who died on the cross was Judas
brJesus is nobody but Judasbr------------------------------------------------------------------------
brAllaah cursed the Jews for their breaking the covenant, their disbelief in the signs of Allaah, and their killing of prophets of Allaah without right
brIn Luke 22:48 Judas is seen betraying the Son of Man with a kiss
brIt is at this (kiss) moment that Allaah cast the resemblance of Al-Masseehu Eessa ibnu Maryam on Judas Now Judas is taken to be crucified, mistaken for the real man
brIn Luke 22:67 Judas was asked: Art thou the Christ? tell us! And he said unto them, If I tell you (ie that I am Judas, not Jesus), you will not believe
brAnd about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Ie: My God, my God, why did you leave me? (Matthew 46:27) The one who shouted was Judas hanging on the cross Judas was calling his Lord "Jehovah" It is not reasonable that the one shouting is the Lord Jesus And in the Quraan, Al-Masseehu Eessa Ibnu Maryam, was not crucified, but Allaah raised him up to him, so he is not the one who shouted Eessa has no objection against Allaah, of whom he always said, "My Lord and your Lord" is Allaah
brAllaah raised Al-Masseeha Eessa Ibna Maryam to Himself Soon Eessa will descend by the white minaret in east Damascus, wearing two lightly saffron-dyed garments, and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels
brAs Judas was missing in the aftermath of crucifixion, the Jews realized that Judas was the one who died on the cross The Jews retrieved the body of the crucified Jew (Judas) to hide their failure in their plotting and enmity towards Allaah Judas was found hanging on a tree 4 days after Crucifixion
brNow the question is: If you were witness at the kiss scene, and you got to know that Judas was kissing Prophet Eessa by way of betraying him, would you not want to see the traitor being crucified for his crime rather than the blessed person? Allaah’s justice ensured that punishment should be inflicted on the criminal to the best interest of the victim Judas, who betrayed Prophet Eessa was punished, while Prophet Eessa was saved by the will of Allaah against the hatred of the Jews who conspired against him Comment from : @mohammaddoofesh4963 |
After all Islam the greatest LIE on earthbrDon't take Islamic arguments seriously😅 Comment from : @TrueGodBeliever |
Another islamofascist lie Comment from : @franegrancic7679 |
Heresy Comment from : @cshepard09 |
Comment from : @AlasseMeneldur |
Jesus was not crucified by Romans, he was hanged by the Jewish priests Comment from : @paulmarcion |
That's why u never believe everything some one tells u Comment from : @julialander9192 |
Balony Comment from : @mikekennedy8501 |
The Roman's even wrote down the Jesus was crucified Comment from : @johnrich2633 |
Yes but Quaran also calls to kill the infidels , so you can have many virgins after life Comment from : @dagmarleininger7437 |
Jesus Krist is Lord and SaviorAmento many evidencesory Comment from : @Issara-x3q |
Kus omak paul williams with your advertising Comment from : @Uhshyu |
Are you elder than Saint Paul ?br Philippians 2:8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross Comment from : @jaykumar8956 |
Are you elder than Saint Paul He says in the Biblebr 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, Comment from : @jaykumar8956 |
Yeah, that's a legend Comment from : @ounkwon6442 |
Invite Sam Shamnoun onto your show and find out why Islam is false! Comment from : @brendanhansby2903 |
Wrong wrong wrong! Comment from : @brendanhansby2903 |
Flavious Josephious a Roman non-christian historian and author who wrote about Jesus 4 years after his death confirmed that Jesus was indeed crucified Comment from : @brendanhansby2903 |
"Who's Christian history are we using"brbrWe are using the earliest most reliable manuscriptslike what ar you even talking about Comment from : @icebough4191 |
22:40brbrAxiomatic quality to the crucifixionsbrbrbrMakes perfect sense Comment from : @corneliuswonder |
Quran 3:54: "Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu waAllahu khayru almakireena" The literal translation is "And they cheated/deceived and God cheated/deceived, and God (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers""brbr"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" Chizayon (Revelation) 12:9 את Cepher brbr"Yahusha said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me" Yochanon (John) 14:6 את Cepher Comment from : @wrpage |
There is a theory that christ died from a psychedelic mixture used by priest to talk to god because he couldn't take the antidote because he was captured by the romans Comment from : @wodifpv644 |
Muhamad is full of lust and a liar not a prophet of god but satan Only demon possed people believe in him Comment from : @pepito8685 |
I believe from my studies that the cross was a sign in the sky Constantine saw and that Christ would of been crucifixion on just a straight pole Comment from : @wodifpv644 |
May Allah have mercy on humanity 😢 Comment from : @RicciC_TWNP |
The fact that 2 verses of the Quran says Jesus died Surah 19:33-34 and Quran 3:55 and only 1 verse says he didn't 4:157 It is not only a contradiction among many which disproves the Quran according to the Quran 4:82 But because 2 verses say he did die and only 1 says he didn't that means even though it's a contradiction anyways the majority opinion of the Quran is that Jesus died Comment from : @jimjohnson9622 |
Is it posible that the Roman's fabricated Paul? Comment from : @mariomorales6663 |
Wether you like it or not ,the dedication of mister alu to explain for 3 hours is wow Comment from : @AyaBakloul |
Your arguments was just poorly attacking Dr Bart Ehrman but not the Evidence If you ever try to Debate Rev Anthony Roger He will make your argument look like a 5th grader Comment from : @edwinlofen7942 |
OMG how did I miss this!! Ah well! I’m now watching one of my favourite scholars and channel ❤ Comment from : @Shabs2456 |
Dr Ali needs to write this book! Amazing analysis Comment from : @weanaa |
❤❤ Comment from : @GulshanaraBegum-c4d |
Again - utter BOLLOCKS! Comment from : @terencehurst8636 |
It's a reasonable hypothesis since it would also mitigate against the need for belief in literal miracles So not literally walking on water, but another, metaphorical meaning Comment from : @prestonbacchus4204 |
Jesus was crucified Comment from : @johngee4583 |
Read Isaiah 53 and Psalm 110 that will prove that Jesus is Lord Comment from : @DudeWithLife11 |
Jesus was most definitely crucified, the evidence is overwhelming and no fake, violent religion that still executes people today in the 21st century, will not convince me otherwise Comment from : @anthonycharnock6560 |
TBF, reading Islamic history is also only hearing one side of a telephone conversation What would Abu Jahl or Abu Lahab have said, if they had written something? Comment from : @bigjoegoesnowhere |
Most probable doesn't mean its true so we will watch hours of prattling about something that you should take on faith People who talk about God the most are atheists Comment from : @zedMen-f3r |
Did you know that Mahomet was a pedophile? His wife was nine year old kid when he consumed his marriage Talk about that Comment from : @zedMen-f3r |
@12:47 - this is utter nonsense! The High Priest had jurisdiction over all Israelites living in the Levant during the Roman Empire (and this includes Damascus!!) Comment from : @User58747 |
The crucifixion is not a point of dispute between anyone The crucfixion is a fact, it happened! Islam has no say in the matter Whoever the Jesus of the Quran is, he is not the Jesus of the Gospels No Islamist propaganda can override that truth Comment from : @anthonycharnock6560 |
Paul even said that he is like a chameleon Comment from : @imadfaruq8007 |
Can you please enable all types of comments to be posted Comment from : @akilahmed7865 |
I offer this prayer for Paul, this channel, and the protection of all who visit it: "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls Amen" Comment from : @stevemartin6267 |
The father of lies is Satan, this is why Islam is considered a Satanic religion Comment from : @bwhennes |
Senselessly semantic The devil would say that @OktavianAbel Comment from : @GaetanoCostanza |
The source, the Torah, should also been examined carefully by Dr Ali The storytelling about Moses started in the 4th century BC in the vibrant Alexandria The conclusion will be it is all fabricated to educate people in hateful misogyny behavior, ready for warfare Time for to end this stupidity! Comment from : @annettemuller-davidi932 |
I'm sorry to tell you, Jesus never existed! Nor did anyone in the Bible, the Bible is and always will be a book of methodology! Designed to indoctrinate the masses! Wake up people and stop reading those books! We are divine beings in our own right! We did not come here seeking a saviour or God! You've been lied too! Comment from : @carlcarter4084 |
Enlil is Satan ,Yahweh, Jehova, Allah, mistaken as Jesus in KJV bible Mathew 1:21, 1:25, Satan in Isaiah 45:7, Jeĥova Exodus 6:13 Comment from : @rvsc2277 |
Absolute 🗑 Comment from : @GoodCitizen1 |
Is it possible that Paul really believe that he so Jesus in a vision but it was in reality Satan appearing as angel of light Comment from : @kamiingtv |
What a "coincidence" it is called the Crucifixion, ie bCruci-Fiction/b Comment from : @gioc1908 |
No one can even prove Jesus existed, so this is not even an issue Comment from : @DocReasonable |
SubhanAllah May Allah bless the Dr Ali and Blogging theology for presenting this awarenessbrWish I had the youth and eloquence to do Dawah …brI will share …brThank you Comment from : @deanmiah4186 |
SubhanAllah May Allah bless the Dr Ali and Blogging theology for presenting this awarenessbrWish I had the youth and eloquence to do Dawah …brI will share …brThank you Comment from : @deanmiah4186 |
This is really just a re-hash of dr Shabir Ali about 13 years ago…nothing really new here… Comment from : @salpatalano2306 |
Commercials every minute Comment from : @januddin8068 |
Hey Rick: this one is for you @The_Last_Rick Enjoy Comment from : @RC-ol9kq |
Masterclass 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Comment from : @IslamIsTruth-v3w |
Baloney my bible says he did brAnd srcular history supports it Comment from : @mikekennedy8501 |
I’ve prolly watched this 50 times already Comment from : @emekonen |
Why does the Quran mention Jesus' resurrection?brbrSurah Maryam 19:33 "Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Comment from : @13desertflower |
Believe in the lord krishnaHe lift up the mountain ⛰️ with one finger During the heavy rainfall he saved the human and the animals Many people had viewed the this miracle Come in Iskcon society Thank you Comment from : @s77dokz70 |
Both Josephus and Tacticus both early Roman historians document that Jesus was crucified These are artifacts outside the bible Comment from : @brucekliewer2623 |
The historical evidence for the crucifixion of Jesus is a complex issue that has been debated for centuries While there is no single, definitive piece of archaeological evidence linking Jesus directly to the crucifixion, a combination of historical and archaeological findings supports the traditional Christian narrative Roman historians like Tacitus and Josephus provide contemporary accounts of a Christian sect emerging in the first century CE These accounts mention the execution of Christians under Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of JudeabrbrArchaeological discoveries have also shed light on the practice of crucifixion in the Roman Empire Excavations in Israel have uncovered ossuaries (bone boxes) and other artifacts that provide evidence for the physical realities of crucifixion Additionally, the discovery of a crucified man in a necropolis near Jerusalem in 1968 has offered a tangible example of this form of execution While it is impossible to definitively link this individual to Jesus, it does demonstrate that crucifixion was a common form of punishment in the region during the first century CEbrbrIt is important to note that the historical evidence for the crucifixion of Jesus is often interpreted through the lens of faith Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus plays a significant role in how this event is understood and remembered Nevertheless, the combination of historical and archaeological evidence provides a strong foundation for the belief that Jesus was crucified in the first century CE As new discoveries are made and new interpretations emerge, our understanding of this pivotal event in human history will continue to evolve Comment from : @akmaluddinsaid4104 |
Quran you Mean the book that clearly states that Mohammed was a pedo 😅 that book which does mention a lot of immoral things 🤔 cheez I don't trust that book or the person who wrote it I have no religious views however I know right from wrong and I know who to trust and who not to😅 Comment from : @sharathSizZle |
The shister is back 👹👿Salam bokhore too saret doroogh gooye Arab with that smirk up to no good Comment from : @Thelightoftheking |
And who might these critics be ? And the overuse of the word plausible leads one to think someone didn’t do their homework and is just guessing of course this is assuming I was your professor of theology 😂 Comment from : @PressHBCA |
Jesus the Son of God Comment from : @andreassavva2772 |
This was a good presentation, but entirely unnecessary There is a fatal flaw with Islam, believing that Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, was not crucified brbrAs in Christianity, Islam believes Jesus to be sinless he is the only man to be sinless in Islam Even Mohammad required the Jinn to remove the black stones from his body before he could recite the QuranbrbrIf Jesus was not crucified and remained alive, he has perpetrated one of the greatest lies in all of history in order for Jesus, not to have been crucified he would have to go along with a deception of the grandest scale brbrCan someone explain to me how a sinless man could lie to begin with? Even if some small lies are permitted, how could such a hoax be perpetrated by someone who is considered the most upstanding to ever exist?brbrThink of all the souls that could’ve been saved and wars prevented if Jesus just told the truth, that he was never crucified A sinless man would not do this by definition brbrThis should not be possible, and is the major reason why I never converted to Islam and refound my faith in Christianity brbrChrist’s Peace to All Comment from : @cianobrien2379 |
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