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Interactive CD-ROMs: A Lost Art

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Title :  Interactive CD-ROMs: A Lost Art
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Description Interactive CD-ROMs: A Lost Art

Comments Interactive CD-ROMs: A Lost Art

I'm back! And with something a bit different than the usual crypto-slop brbrThis time, I've brought out 3 of the most obscure pieces of multimedia entertainment I've discovered over the years Whether you were born in the 90s or not, you're probably more than familiar with the unique artistic style of CD-ROM games, and by extension, Interactive CD-ROMs While they're nothing exactly "groundbreaking", they certainly pushed the envelope, and the definition of what is and isn't a "video game"brbrHope you enjoy!
Comment from : @jauwn

The Residents aren’t obscure they’re just old They were a big deal for a long time
Comment from : @VHStapeworms

I’m absolutely floored Midway is the game I’ve been trying to find since 1999 Somehow, someway in the middle of Satanic Panic, with no Halloween and no Pokémon allowed, I was playing bthis/b when I was 6 or so, a sibling must have brought it home And I doubted it entirely until Jackie/Jocko, which are the names of an imaginary friend I had that my sister passed down to me Oh my god What a tripbrbrThank youbrbrI don’t know what I could have typed to have found this, or what I should have asked that I didn’t Maybe it’s because it’s an art piece- which isn’t pretentious- but video game nerds are about what can be called a game This game shaped my taste in art heavily, and of course for a young girl I was fascinated with the butterflies monologue
Comment from : @nempne

Even if the disc is “outdated”, at least if you have the disc you always have a reliable way to listen to music, watch movies, or play games
Comment from : @asneakylawngnome5792

"I can't really describe this one" bFACEBOOK AD/b 😂😆
Comment from : @bradye21playsIndieHorror

Shouldn't it be "Prince (The artist now known as 'The Artist Formerly Known as Prince')"?
Comment from : @bradye21playsIndieHorror

I don’t get YouTube it will show me all the videos i have watched already yet apparently I don’t want to watch this
Comment from : @Scorchcore

This is something LGR would cover
Comment from : @hrr597

Great video!! Thanks so much for bringing these old forgotten pieces of art back to light with such a genuine appreciation for avant guarde art side of them This is such an interesting time of transition between digital and physical art that will never happen again, and its so cool to see what people did with it I vaguely remember CDs like this as a kid but mainly just being confused by what the point of them were, its really neat to see them again as an adult and from a different approach
Comment from : @ollielat

very very good and cool video fuck it up king
Comment from : @angelfatboyseal

Huge rez fan desde que era niño Dude, no me esperaba bad day on the midway, jaja Lo descargue en un compilado de los residents hace mucho y me encantaba lo terrorifico del mismo
Comment from : @angelgutierrez9909

I don't know but late 90s and early 00s seems like such a experimental age I remember trying so many CDs on my computer with weird shitbrbrIt was wacky, but it was all genuine Like the inverse of today
Comment from : @duhsbo

I can't believe my first exposure to Bad Day on the Midway was because of Jerma
Comment from : @Spikedude101

Thank you for this jawnbrbrInteractive CD-ROMs were a huge part of me growing up
Comment from : @zs7992

I clicked on this video kinda expecting a boring subject The first 10 minutes have drastically proven me wrong! :D
Comment from : @WolfmanDude

I almost forgot to watch this video since the initial upload but I can easily say this is my favorite non-crypto Jauwn video so far
Comment from : @BedTimeNapGaming

I hate how YouTube didn't tell me anything and I had to check for this
Comment from : @andrearossi6564

Eastern Mind has been one of my favourite things ever since I played it as a teenager, I’m an adult now and I can say that not many things have had such a deep impact on me as a person, I literally still think about the characters and overall experience a lot Also I’m a huge Osaka Sato fan because of it and helped out a little with the recovery of his other game, Roly Poly’s ❤brThe whole aesthetic of CD-ROMs is something I miss a lot, I grew up with them, I played a lot of “obscure” ones as a teenager because of emulation being available, and now as an adult I collect a lot of avant-garde media (vinyl, books, CD-ROMs, cassettes) because of these things I grew up with, I still adore this format of short audio loops and compressed images, you never get stuff like this now, even if someone tried really hard to mimic it, it’s never the same
Comment from : @dumbbirdwayne

I came to your channel a long time ago for NFT slop, but stayed for your extremely creative presentation and rare reviews of obscure videogames like this I actually heard of interactive CDs and even had one or two back in my childhood, but parents never let me touch them for some reason, even though they had cool looking pictures on the cover Now, seeing your video, I can understand why XD
Comment from : @kurenokojima4997

I've been waiting for something like this ever since I saw Jauwn's reply to someone asking about his SFM work The Kais Maalej video is one of my favorites on YouTube, and it was also a non-crypto Jauwn video, delving mostly into his storybrbrOn the note of interactive CDs, we still have a couple I don't have the ability to look at them anymore because I don't have a CD drive, but they are among the collection of hundreds in our CD storage The ones I actually looked at were usually educational, because I was around that agebrbrAwesome video :3
Comment from : @Yairaph

This video SHOULD NOT hav bombed, it was really good and I thought being one of those ppl who watch a day after it dropped would help Damn
Comment from : @dimitriwilson1037

I got the Gorillaz DVD set with an interactive CD rom of their lair Next to worthless stuff, but it was there Love the work, you know to post whatever you like even if it gets lower views
Comment from : @Braxtongotballz

Oh my god I adore eastern minds, played it to the end multiple times, streamed it to aome friends once, though I could never beat the sequel chu teng It's one of my favorite things ever
Comment from : @amimm7776

"so this is what the neurolink does to the brain"brbrDed
Comment from : @KILLKRYPTOOfficial

Bit late because it was on DVD, but man you can tell something like this inspired Buckethead's Secret Recipe DVD
Comment from : @justherefortalking

Oh my, just hearing “Microsoft Encarta” is a time warp I literally haven’t thought about that in nearly 30 years, but it was so cool when I was little Tell your parents “look, you can learn things on here!”
Comment from : @terig5584

Dinosaur Hunter was indeed both fascinating and traumatizing to four-year-old me I could never find the last Triceratops bone to bring it to life and I was so mad since that's my favorite dino
Comment from : @Chaosrunepownage

If you are looking for an obscure CD ROM to cover Redknex the cotton eye Joe band have a game It's bizarre of course
Comment from : @sedder16

This is a fun one I already knew about Tong-Nou from another YouTuber I follow, Dungeon Chill, who did a video on it and its follow-up, but the other two are new to me Bad Day on the Midway in particular seems cool; the creepy carnival vibe reminds me of the old arcade shooter CarnEvil, which is intended as a flattering comparisonbrbrThe mixed media presentation of the characters reminds me a lot of the original Siren on PS2 The characters were 3D models, but the developers did a primitive form of facial capture on the actors by recording them reading their lines and imposing that footage onto the faces of the models, which gave them a deeply unsettling, uncanny look that really added to the creepy atmosphere of that game It looks like it has a similar effect here
Comment from : @nessdragon

i cant describe how interesting this stuff is to me, i love odd late 90s software so much
Comment from : @elijah5573

Its always a blast seeing you cover something that doesn’t drain your soul and your gpu
Comment from : @ucantstoptheflopp4387

Still have StarCraft 1, Diablo 1 and WarCraft 1 in CD Good times
Comment from : @CorvoPuc

33:30 This video-to-texture for the face of a 3D model was used by the game series Forbidden Siren in the PS2 too, it looks pretty cool and unsettling
Comment from : @mschulmeister6519

I would always be disappointed when I found out one of the "games" I bought was actually an interactive CD-Rom because they would be mixed in with actual games That being said, I did enjoy them I think they shaped a lot of point and click flash experiances that weren't true games
Comment from : @VoltXProductions

I can't believe I actually knew about eastern mind! I've heard the music before!
Comment from : @SmallAngryNerd

I lvoe this stuff I dont know why it gives me a surreal uneasy feeling when watching or playing this kind of media
Comment from : @ditto56789

That is the most residence thing I have ever seen
Comment from : @2teepeepictures382

I really loved how much of a deep dive you did on Midway, it was so refreshing hearing someone actually care about the art The Residents make without just watering down to "It's weird lol" like most people do Also so cool you brought up how David Lynch wanted to make it into a show shortly after he finished Twin Peaks
Comment from : @theskoolmustard00

Jauwn the based Residents enjoyer?? Let's fucking go
Comment from : @sunnyletom

This video explains so much about you and your intros lol
Comment from : @aeircrown7994

i found a new crypto slop game, Le Zoo
Comment from : @Guntfarm

The Residents combined narrative adventure games and roguelikes and I'm shocked no one's picked up the ball and run with that idea
Comment from : @jackdearman5880

This video made me really happy… I’m overjoyed to see stock hausen and Walkman and the residents discussed in the same video… I’m also kinda crazy about the cdrom so this is a dream come true
Comment from : @TheEnigmaticFoe

I really enjoyed this deep-dive into a few of these obscure bits of art! I'd love to see a video on The Residents and exploring them more in depth! They sound like an interesting group
Comment from : @angelofmusic997

5:38 stock hausen and fan here! That drum loop also appears in “to the clitoris and step on it” from their album “hairballs (coughed up) I’ve looked at some footage of the game online and it seems like some areas reuse samples/sounds often used in the group’s songs
Comment from : @TheEnigmaticFoe

This was a really, really good video Please do that Warlock one too sometime
Comment from : @EMiVelociraptor

I got the "game" badday on the midway when i was a kid probably 11 years old I have alot of nostalgia for it but never really understood it much at the time It is very weird
Comment from : @priscillaquinn9505

This slaps Thank you jauwn
Comment from : @goiflin5056

Absolutely incredible video, i'm incredibly disappointed with youtube for not recommending me this video, had to go into your channel to find it
Comment from : @turlough2

Mummy, can we have dmt pretty please?! We have venetian deer at home
Comment from : @targuscinco

Hey if you want a game with that uncanny real faces on 3D models in the style of silent hill and if I can remember right made by the same team it’s called siren from the ps2 really good game
Comment from : @rinkler3246

Oh man, I’d love to see a similar video on DVD Menu games
Comment from : @maxaronson1017

We've gotta get these discs to Brutal Moose for Bingo98, like STAT
Comment from : @theswordidtruth

Monopoly 95, the GOAT! Best version of Monopoly hands down, so much love given by Westwood Studios to imagining what the world of Monopoly would be like!
Comment from : @Flac_the_Wave

I want a revival of weird brain dump art games like this
Comment from : @Somniostatic

This was such a fascinating video to watch Thanks for posting it
Comment from : @statistic2343

This was a super engaging video, I adore seeing deep dives into this bizarre yet engaging era of art I hope you understand how awesome this type of work is, even if YouTube doesn't pick it up well Your explorations into crusty video games/media are my favourite
Comment from : @ginam1659

We all knew the NFT well would dry up eventually, nice transition
Comment from : @sludgeypop

This was such a fun video! I really enjoyed this little history lesson and would love to see more stuff like this from you!
Comment from : @wizqevelyn

Oh All the hours I spent watching videos and playing that maze game on Encarta 95
Comment from : @sebaufiend

This was a fucking trip, please make more videos covering weird lost media, or honestly just lost media, it doesn't all have to be an acid trip
Comment from : @Gonzogonzip

bsighs wistfully/b Oh, how I miss having a CD-ROM slot on my laptop…
Comment from : @emilyofjane

This is my jam right here!
Comment from : @Niko-bb4bg

How did you get into this stuff? Through your parents/friends?
Comment from : @tomalexander4327

40:30 The rat guy has the voice of Doctor Rockso the Rock and Roll Clown lol
Comment from : @Goldfire64

Man, it's so refreshing to see something that's not NFT related again on this channel xD Not to say I don't enjoy the dunking on NFT's, but it's nice to see some classic stuff on here again
Comment from : @megamage911

I am just a tad too young for any of this, but as an art student I really appreciate it Bad Day reminds me a lot of Dave McKean comics That first game I will definitely try to get ahold of, I love the combining of music and sounds with those simple animations
Comment from : @CainXVII

I like how the video is 4:3
Comment from : @davidstaffen6783

I love clicking on everything in sight That's what I do best in games
Comment from : @CainXVII

eastern mind mentioned let's fucking goooooooo
Comment from : @polybay

I remember a CD-ROM from when I was a kid that was an interactive medical textbook of the human circulatory system Rendered in a janky 3D style I wish I could remember what it was called Never was really sure why we had it, or why I was obsessed with it when I was around 4-5
Comment from : @taylorking7750

can we have a sequel to this? as someone in cinema and having to justifiably see a lot of performative arts and such these pieces feel like a breath of fresh air (and something i would call art unlike so many performative art pieces i see while studying the subject)
Comment from : @thedoodler2179

52:44 Okay, "Kotton Klandy" is way too funny and I can't believe I've never heard it before 😂
Comment from : @Swedishmafia101MemeCorporation

This video has less views but it’s significantly more interesting to me Keep up the good work chief
Comment from : @TheSethQuest

Fantastic stuff; a great look at this fun genre As an xennial, this was one of the best paths to the surreal and avant garde before broadband internet was common
Comment from : @tajmahalfred

That right guy sounds like rock so the rock and roll clown (who does cocaine)
Comment from : @stapuft

Honestly I'm glad you're starting to do other things than NFT and Crypto games, you are a very good narrator and honestly you're wasted on Web3 "debunk" content!
Comment from : @Talking_Ed

Didn't think I'd like this video as much as your regular stuff but I'm glad I watched this :-)
Comment from : @Skooma777

In the intro you show a CDROM magazine that I cannot remember the name of It had a menu of a bald head Articles include the anime of Oromo, Bomb the Bass and The Orb I had it but I cannot remember its name Does anyone know?
Comment from : @riChchestMat

One of my design professors' first gigs was working on the packaging for Bad Day on the Midway! He didn't have much to say other than "Yeah It was weird" I love this kinda stuff, I'd love to see more
Comment from : @spencer_abrams

6:35 "bad bald die"brbrThis is a game about Jabroni Mike
Comment from : @annoyannoy

A truly lovely little documentary brbrAlso been trying to remember the name of Eastern Mind forever, god I thought that game was a fever dream for the longest time
Comment from : @realleon2328

Ah man, the mention of Spaceship Warlock is fascinating considering the same creator, Joe Sparks, later went on to make Total Distortion I honestly want to see a full history of Pop Rocket, his company Pretty cool connection between Bad Day on the Midway and Total Distortion!
Comment from : @SomeDickhead

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