Title | : | Tipping Culture Is Completely Broken |
Lasting | : | 1.03.01 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 179 rb |
Thank you for this I might actually write that graphic novel based on my restaurant experiences I finally left for many the reasons listed It wasn't me, I'm a great employee, it's that the industry and how it's allowed to be terrible I do miss my regular families and watching the kiddos grow up and be a part of their routine But i couldn't go back even if i wanted to, restaurants ruined my hips and back 😢 Comment from : @CatloafCreative |
The last time I took a shuttle bus at an airport there was a sign asking that we tip the driver because most of their income comes from tips That didn't come as a surprise, unfortunately, but I was dismayed that no one in the full shuttle tipped besides my dad and me We both gave the driver extra because of the eight or so other people that didn't tip I was sad that the driver looked shocked when we handed him the money and wondered how little he was being payed and regularly collecting in tips He had to drive a pretty long way back and forth from the hotels to the airport, all day; he and his fellow drivers deserve a fair wage that's not reliant on the generosity of hyper focused, stressed people in a hurry Comment from : @MB2910PH |
As someone who works for a big coffee chain, the company definitely cuts back our hours because we are making cash and credit card tips They are one hundred percent making the customer tip because they refuse to pay a livable wage Comment from : @samanthalyon441 |
13:33 Please try to resist the temptation to make this a race or gender issue That's one of the things that is killing us at the polls right now This is a class issue and we should be willing to treat it as such We need white working class men on our side in this fight, and excluding them from every class issue for being white and male just drives them into the comforting arms of Trump and his cronies Comment from : @cyanmanta |
nieces nephews whether friends of your kids or kids of your friends or actual relatives Comment from : @clement2780 |
how about no service tips? Comment from : @clement2780 |
what was too far for me was when my massage therapist asked for a tip like youre a doctor making more than me i just paid 75$ for 30 mins what Comment from : @christinacauz1474 |
Not sure if this is the right place to tip you given the topic of the video, but I've benefited and learnt from your advice and insights a lot over the past few months just wanted to say thank you! Comment from : @olamic5434 |
I find it super weird it's a percentage instead of a flat amount Comment from : @LightPink |
The easiest way to discriminate against people is thru tips Comment from : @chrisbowman9578 |
I don’t know how you guys budget anything If I had to workout the tip and the tax on my purchases every time I left the house I’d never go out Comment from : @sjwashere |
Thank you! You have a great perspective ❤ Comment from : @msmacmac1000 |
I usually don't mind tipping, but I do think we need to move towards paying workers a decent wage instead Comment from : @silliepixie |
Back in the day atip was a bribe to waiter for good cut of meat and fast service Comment from : @JosephEovine |
I want to a self service gas station As I paid for the gas that I was going pump myself They had a tip jar Comment from : @JosephEovine |
I love the subway chats Comment from : @freshfreshfreshfresh |
One of the things that is crazy to me is that really comparable places will either have the prompting for tips or forbid employees from taking tips, places like Chipotle, crisp and green, Jersey, Mike's, and noodles& company are pretty similar in their structure However, two of these forbid the employees from taking tips Comment from : @SunflowerKidAugust |
I was getting paid $10 an hour at a cafe, under the guise that after the 90 day "trial period" they would decide if they want to keep me around They actively sabotaged my shifts, overloading me with tasks and understaffed us during peak fall season- not to mention I was cleaning up mouse poop and roaches at close every day while keeping my mouth shut about these things My tips we abysmal, and when "slow season" January rolled around, they let me go because I would take too long closingyeah because y'all had pests and you weren't taking care of it That local cafe should not have existed They also owned a thrift store across the street They should not have been a business if they couldn't pay their employees a decent wage This is in a very affluent neighborhood in Chicago sometimes I think about reporting them Comment from : @bridgetbilbo8972 |
I'm surprised my car repair shop has a tip option brI'm happy to tip in customary places but not for car repair! Comment from : @LeePNLB |
33:56 Well hold on there, if you're qualified to work at one coffee chain, you're qualified for all of them, and I promise there is at least one other coffee chain within 15 minutes I know it sucks, but if your giant coffee chain decides to do that to you, QUIT You don't need THAT job, you need A job Comment from : @Little_Lepus |
11:18 stunned that no one mentioned that slavery was actually added to the constitution in the 13th amendment It wasn't abolished it was transformed from open plantations to prisons, and we're about to see slavery on a mass scale again with these executive orders punishing non-citizens with life in prison Comment from : @marissablaszko |
"If you can't afford to tip don't go out " equals to me saying to a waiter "if you don't want low wages don't be a waiter " Comment from : @Frifgjsuhdjhd |
There’s a local grocery store by me and the employees are very snooty about tips I always tip but all they do is ring out Comment from : @AMn-t6f |
tipping should be exception not the rule Comment from : @catcreme |
Theres just no downside to someone or a business asking for tips Whats the worst that can happen? You not being a customer anymore? Well that gets offset by people who do tip Comment from : @engerlandt |
As a Canadian, service industry businesses have to pay minimum wage Yet, at Starbucks, you are still prompted to tip 15, 18 or 20 Comment from : @RTAbram |
I've moved to an almost exclusively cash model in the past year, and not having the pressure of the tipping screen? *chef's kiss* (Yes, I still tip for counter service and 20 at sit down restaurants) Comment from : @Lise-in-the-Streets |
Now we r expected to tip to pick up food Like what r we doing? Comment from : @Gan2ya |
I am from Malaysia , we are third world country , developing contry - we pay people wages , they have their fixed salary - no tippings , if we small country , why cant the USA do it ? Comment from : @akasiakasya6351 |
I quite simply don't tip at starbucks when the coffee is already $6 and extremely overpriced LOL Comment from : @cammuy7994 |
A lot of places keep the tips! Thats right, people i know working at pizza shops etc telling me the owner keeps the tips! Comment from : @robbB39 |
Do you apply the same logic to your participation in the financial market?brEvery dollar you make through your investments should be going to the workers who actually created the value, but are now in your investment account Comment from : @-of7mb |
Also, I am guilty of being bad at math If the server could just tell me how much 20 is :D Comment from : @rakastellar8955 |
My second job is doing takeout and hostessing at a restaurant Theoretically I get tipped, the slips still have a spot for tipping but its very normal for about half my customers to not tip anything The minimum wage in my state recently went up and I was getting paid the previous minimum wage I did not get the pay increase because "you will make over $5 in tips in a 5 hour shift" Comment from : @lavenderlemonade |
The thing he says at the end about the skilled labor versus unskilled labor is so true When my step dad was sick and dying, I still had to go in to my work (commission based, but still customer service), and act like everything was fine and focus on the customer and their needs I didn't get a break from sales targets because my whole job was meeting them, and you don't get to come in and not work but just get paid to be there without trying to do anything I don't think my manager would have been too upset if I didn't do well on my targets, but I still had to show up and try to work Comment from : @janewaysmom |
Prisoners are paid a living wage It’s called room and board Maybe if more criminals did manual labor there would be less crime Comment from : @faithli2131 |
Pizza delivery drivers in Ohio in 2025 get paid $6/hr while they’re on the road and only $1075 while they’re in the store They are absolutely reliant on tips to make a livable wage, and many are using their own vehicles and paying out of pocket for gas and maintenance Comment from : @shamara8888 |
AAAAANNDDDDD of course it also links back to slavery 😭😭😭 America definitely doesn’t teach this kind of stuff in school Comment from : @jorgegriffith5328 |
I don't tip male wait staff Get ur ass to the oil patch Comment from : @Username47948 |
As a tourist in the US, I cannot leave tips For example, if I stay 4 days I have 200usd for restaurants, I am planning to eat 8 times on 25usd each That is the money I have, period To tip 15-25 would mean that 1 day I cannot eat I feel sorry but I cannot Comment from : @Pompinflompis |
Here's what people don't understand protesting against tipping doesn't make businesses have to pay a fair wage You're still not helping the individual who helped you I will always tip high to service workers People who refuse to tip just look greedy and pathetic Even if they're not at the cashier they're still getting you your stuff It's an excuse to say you're just protesting Nope, you're being selfishbrbrIf you want to change the laws, elect politicians that will do so and protest against the businesses instead of withholding tips from the people who serve you I'm not buying into the BS You're greedy Comment from : @emilyau8023 |
European countries have sit down meals that are priced comparably to US sit down meals, the price of the meals is not why workers are paid poorly here Comment from : @nebula_rasa |
Why is it always on labor to subsidize an "entrepeneur" who wants to live out their successful business cosplay? Comment from : @esmith86 |
I’d honestly beg to differ that the increase in tip requests started with just COVID brI remember noticing it when I started frequenting coffee shops and food trucks in college around 2017 but that’s when I started buying my own stuff so it could have even been earlier Comment from : @passivelyobsessive5460 |
My nearest coffeeshop eliminated tips and I'm so thankful The cost is not markedly different from other cafes It can be done! Comment from : @AaronJShay |
Wrong: tips are moneys we “earn” Comment from : @azucena7castro |
Wow, so much of American cultural values (good and bad) come from being a place of opportunity for thise with no money to become new money - makes sense tipping would historically come from this too, though I had not pieced it together General conspicuous consumption is part of those striving to and above the middle class Being known as a country of opportunity and immigrants (though TBD on that) means there is a steady stream of strivers, either said generation or their kids, seeking to be a success story in th American Dream Comment from : @strwbryblondi07 |
Here in Michigan, USA, we just passed a law gradually increasingly minimum wage and tipped wages The chamber of commerce and republican politicians gutted the increases and lost their sh*t so hysterically its just gross Businesses should pay a LIVING WAGE FFS Even most tipped workers i talked to were so afraid of backlash to them earning more than 333$ an hour they didn't want the increase I can't The peasant mindset we have here in the us is disgusting Comment from : @katfayegarrett3872 |
I know many of you think all of us make stupendous money but also factor in that i tipout 2 to 4 people a shift Ive been stiffed on a table lost money to take care of them because i have to give a bartender 4 dollars for every hundred dollars in alcohol, other money to a host, food runner, or busser Comment from : @ZosKia523 |
Stop calling yourselves and others “consumers”, we are customers Stop with the consumer mentality If your tipped position doesn’t pay, why are you still there So somebody is not being truthful The wait staff is being paid more than what they let on or they wouldn’t do it or remain in those positions Comment from : @FreeRangeHuman30 |
When I visited the US I stayed at a 5* hotel and was tipping a lot and not small amounts either 30 dollars, 40 dollars per person and so on On the day I left I tipped one of the hotel workers I really liked 50 dollars and she started crying She was so happy That disturbed me so much to see how much people rely on tips and how huge of an effect it has on their salaries or pay For her it was really helpful but for me it was just a tip Even the self checkout machines in Wegmens's were asking for tips It was ridiculous😮 Comment from : @Tessy29k |
A major reason I refuse to travel to the US as often as possible Every bloody person wants a few dollars here and there for bdoing their job/bbrbrAlways has been broken brbrSincerely,brThe Civilized World Comment from : @Silverdragon98 |
Tipping is one of the closest things we have to a co-op/profit sharing system As a career bartender please don't take it away, please and thank you Getting rid of the server minimum is 100 needed regardless I enjoy making more money when I'm working harder but thanks to living in Oregon I am guaranteed to pay my rent even if it's slow Comment from : @thewittyusername |
This is very good topic! Comment from : @benjaminwang4790 |
This piece makes me think about how corporate companies that ask for donations for outside organizations and the write-off the money you donate SMH I always say no thanks I can get to said organizations on my own directly! Comment from : @tl5755 |
Excellent video—I was fully unaware of the history of tipping I have historically tipped 18-20 but a few months ago I decided to start tipping 25 I can afford it and generosity is important to me Ironically, my overall restaurant spend has gone down because now that I’ve committed to a higher tip, I’m less likely to go out because the experience has to now be “worth it” for me Comment from : @Rcs2018 |
If Im not sitting down for a meal, im not tipping Comment from : @Jose-ht2lw |
I hate the stranglehold of tipping culture brI want a living wage for allbrAlong with strategies that include not giving enough hours etc so that employees have to rely on assistance from the state in order to live They box employees into poverty so that the workers are forced to apply for government assistance the employers can force these workers into getting money from the government, and so the public pay for the service/goods, and have to give part of the public purse to deliberately under employed and underpaid workers Comment from : @laurakirwan999 |
All of these upcharges (-based tips, -based service charges) also make it incredibly unclear for the customer how much you will actually be paying With tax, tips and service charges not included in US menu pricing, you truly are in for a surprise when the bill comesbrAnd I don't understand how US Americans are okay with that, honestly 😅 Comment from : @MissNoechen |
Doesn't she mean illegal aliens? Comment from : @marcnichols8934 |
I am really sensitive to this issue I won’t tip unless I’m spending time with a series worker waiter etc if there is a 3 second interaction I’m not tipping Let the business owner pay their own employees It’s not my responsibility to cover every employees livable wage A cashier is not a server Comment from : @quil10it |
I have a question how does people feel about tipping for botox or cosmetic procedures? Comment from : @mariaschaab4042 |
Idk whats so special about servers? All they do is take your order and carry plates The ones who actually deserve money is the chefs and cleaners?? Glad to be European, keep your bullshit out of this continent Comment from : @Femfemio |
these conversations around tipping tend to devolve into a devaluation of service & hospitality as an industry as if servers have no agency in their work; as if no one enjoys working in the industry there are people working in service who genuinely enjoy, value, and excel in this work & a good server or bartender absolutely understands the power they hold in controlling a customer’s experience i’m not even pro or anti tipping, i just am tired of the industry and its professionals being talked about or at instead of talked with Comment from : @pinkcowprint |
these conversations around tipping tend to devolve into a devaluation of service & hospitality as an industry as if servers have no agency in their work; as if no one enjoys working in the industry there are people working in service who genuinely enjoy, value, and excel in this work & a good server or bartender absolutely understands the power they hold in controlling a customer’s experience i’m not even pro or anti tipping, i just am tired of the industry and its professionals being talked about or at instead of talked with Comment from : @pinkcowprint |
The people counting their money on social media are so cringe Okay, like, count all the days that you got cut in one hour for an empty lunch shift They're like gamblers that show off only their winnings and not their substantial losses Comment from : @vilmariehernandez1189 |
As a consumer, how is one to know what restaurants/services are using the tipped -minimum wage model? I am in agreement with prioritizing tips there, but how to identify them? Comment from : @eisneral |
I think a lot of people are realizing things are only cheap in america because we exploit workers Comment from : @praetoria_ |
I stopped tipping in 2020 Honestly it always felt wrong and I only wish I stopped sooner Comment from : @gingerhalo123 |
Tipping expectation keeps me away as a consumer I cut my own hair, do my own nails, and get takeout I feel icky being in a position to tip Comment from : @ojyochan |
Can one of you please ever, just even once, mention these new POS systems programmed to show a tip screen You can hit no thanks just like you wouldn't write in a tip in the way older systems Outside of salons and dine in servers, none of those people expect to be tipped Again outside of servers, this is almost entirely a self inflicted problem in all other arenas Comment from : @tybooskie |
I really don't understand why tip percentage keeps increasing The whole point of a percentage is so the amount increases as the cost of the meal increases Comment from : @carolynb8816 |
The origins of tipping are classist and racist Presently, in addition to minority individuals being more likely to work service jobs, on average, they receive less in tips than white service workers Can we please just pay service workers a living wage and get rid of tipping culture?! Comment from : @tm6408 |
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