Title | : | Why is Avatar SO Successful? |
Lasting | : | 5.23 |
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So it's just the visuals Comment from : @gurugulaabgaming5080 |
People aren't looking for anything new They're looking for something GOOD Comment from : @enigmawstudios4130 |
I was concerned this would devolve into another Avatar-bashing video that seemed uninterested in genuinely examining why this film is a good experience and I'm very glad I was wrong Comment from : @KhalilSiddeeq |
What can i say about Avatar 2, hello look at those breathtaking CGI or Visual Effects & the story is simply about a father whose going to do everything just to protect his family for me that's simply great Comment from : @sephmanatac8569 |
New Channel, new subscriber Great vid Keep them coming Comment from : @donnellboykin3779 |
"Why is Avatar SO Successful?"brIt is spectacular Comment from : @thomasmaughan4798 |
Most recent hero movie to blow me away in my seat was Alita: Battle Angel That movie had a world as unique and clever as Avatar Hope we get a sequel soon Marvel and DC have fallen off from their prime (The batman was good tho) Comment from : @larryhouse3776 |
They did re release it in theaters It was in theaters last month before the new one came out It's a shame you didn't know that It was a great experience to see in the theater Comment from : @Thomk121 |
I think your whole video essay is built on a false premise People are just looking for well made films and not necessary a new franchise Comment from : @donna25871 |
overrated meh of a movie imo both parts the tech is impressive but its still quite obviously CGI if u look for it the story is meh in both parts Comment from : @yvs6663 |
Cameron formula is simple make a big budget movie with a simple storywhich engage audience in visuals rather in story Comment from : @kunalandshorya |
For me, it is just such perfect escapism The world and the characters are so captivating The musical score and the world make you want to be there For those few hours in the theatre, you are transported to a whole new world Especially if you may not have the most exciting life lol, it is wonderful escapism for those that need it It makes me want to be a na'vi on Pandora LOL Comment from : @mantisbg3 |
I genuinely believe we are witnessing a revolution in cinema, with films like Avatar, Top Gun, even John Wick theaters won't survive on popcorn flicks They need real films again Awesome video! Comment from : @justafan5179 |
I dont think every movie needs to have a lasting cultural impact or presence to be mega hits Avatar and avatar 2 probably made tons of movie because people wanted to go watch a movie that doesn't require you to have watched a 6 other movies and tv shows to understand whats happening Comment from : @Jerico195 |
Saying, "We need more people who care about the movies they make" is great and everything -- it's no big secret -- but how are corporations supposed to produce artistic drive? brYou're asking them to acquire the very thing that their job is designed to eliminate: novelty and risk Comment from : @amanofnoreputation2164 |
2009 - I was 10 when I saw Avatar in cinema for the first time br2022/2023 - Saw Avatar 2 already four times in cinema 3D and 4DX! brI have never thought so much and so often about a film!brWhat beautiful movie I can't get enough, I'm deep down the Avatar rabbithole 💙 Comment from : @Bit2bi |
AVATAR is not "one-note" or "simple" Just because you don't get LOST in the story and plot (two different things) doesn't mean that the story is "simple" It means that the storyTELLING is masterful Every character, whether in just the first film or so far across both films, is nuanced and complex, while also being grounded in their own backgrounds In other words, characters don't magically change their motivations or jump to unfounded conclusions just to serve the plot The entire fabric of the AVATAR stories moves every element forward intentionally Please rewatch DANCES WITH WOLVES, FERNGULLY, and POCAHONTAS to reacquaint yourselves with how flat, one-dimensional, those stories (and plots) are Not to mention how Cameron is combining male and female myths in his larger and new ecological myth, he is expanding on the themes he's established from the beginning The successes of the AVATAR franchise are not solely due to the spectacle or the loving care of the filmmakers given to the viewers VISUAL experience It's due to the whole thing being a complete and persuasive package, and that began with the scripts and the themes If I'm not mistaken, by the end of the 5 films, I think the over-arching theme will be "How do we humans relate correctly to the planet on which we live?" This is not about Na'vi It's about HUMANS Comment from : @MeltonECartes |
Reason why: you get to go to a better world than here Comment from : @zzzzzz69 |
I can write a 500 page essay on why James Cameron is a master filmmaker Simply put, James Cameron understand the fundamental of story telling, traditions that has been passed down for for more than a thousand generations He doesn't use cheap gimmicks, such as lens flares, fast-editing or slick dialogue (JJ Abram cough cough) He doesn't gamble on subverting traditions (Ryan Johnson cough cough) Comment from : @feonjun |
Cause people can relate world wide Comment from : @moood47 |
We first world countries demand too much expectations in movies because we've gotten so used to it, but you forget that the majority of the world wants something simple but visually mesmerizing That's Cameron's main target audience, simplicity in storytelling but dazzling in visual effects And it works Comment from : @Martin-117 |
Anyone Noticed There is no Use of AI Bots or software to communicate, only humans and machine, not a correct friction world Comment from : @wesas2344 |
The way of water was better in every single thing possible than the 1st film, yeah avatar 1 was good but 2nd was very good 👍 Comment from : @hemangkorane1797 |
Avatar 2 is magnificently beautiful It's awe-inspiring However, that's it The story sucked, the acting is horrifically bad The bad guys motivation makes zero sense The word bro was used more in this one movie than I have ever heard in my entire life I have seen both movies only once This is my own experience If people love this, if people constantly go to see it, that's nothing but a great thing for theaters Comment from : @jacotromp59581 |
James Cameron is Scientist making movies, that’s why he knows how to make simple, but relatable stories and characters, he studies the human psyche, and like you said, the world sucked in and you feel like are actually there, I remember stories about people being depressed because they wanted to live in pandora Comment from : @natanhaelalvarado2568 |
It's a great film Comment from : @PatHoare-dj6xd |
I honestly love both avatar movies I really do feel like movies you need to watch at the cinema Comment from : @comicbookguygamecat |
I like your energy, subbed Comment from : @theMellowMutant |
Watched avatar three times already I think you hit the nail on the head, it's the world of Pandora that keeps drawing me in Comment from : @sdmugabe |
Watched this in 3D but it gave me a headache from wearing those glasses for over 3 hours 😅 This film was like watching a Planet Earth documentary (except Pandora) The world was amazing and intriguing but it didn't have a cohesive enough story that felt interesting to me The biggest reason it makes so much money is because overseas, it's extremely popular That's not to say its not popular here in the US but it dwarfs in comparison to international ticket sales (mainly China) Speaking of which, If No Way Home had been released in China, I believe it would have ended its theatrical run at $2 billion I would definitely play an open-world Avatar game for sure (I think there is a game in development too) Anyway, great video! Comment from : @theMellowMutant |
A loyal male bonded with you for life is attractive Comment from : @jeihka1 |
I only watch Avatar in 2d Normal format, I never watch any movies in 3d bc I don't like it But I enjoyed Avatar 2 so much in cinema too in 2d ^^ my favorite movies of all, Avatar 1 and 2 Comment from : @livingonearth8976 |
You still know: it's all about money It's all about the numbers If you do 2B 10 years apart, it's sadly still less than 500M twice a year - however sh*tty those movies may bebrbrHollywood are bean counters; sorry to say thatbrbrAt least, every other century you have a decent film again :) Comment from : @arnaudgerard1971 |
Avatar is literally the impersonation of what humanity could be with its earth if only we weren't a greedy race governed by capitalism Comment from : @αυαυυι-π6μ |
James Cameron having 3 original movies cross 2 billion in 3 different decades is insane Comment from : @bighole9790 |
I love Avatar ❤ because it has Bad Ass 3D Comment from : @chicagoanonymous2406 |
Love Avatar 2 Comment from : @KamiAnimeS1 |
Eh, I don't know that people necessarily care about Avatar as a franchise If that were true, there would've been huge demand for these long awaited sequels, which there wasn't, and it's story and characters would've had a much bigger impact in the decade-plus since the original What people are responding to, I think, is both the positive depiction of a reasonably healthy family at the forefront of the story, but most especially, the fact that they feel they need to see James Cameron show us something we've never seen before on screen In other words, I think people are coming for the spectacle of seeing the technical marvel and innovation of the visuals That's all I think it is, honestly It's a novel and impressive movie on a technical and graphical level that demands to be experienced in the theaters I just don't think people would have responded to Avatar in the years since the original if people's interest in the franchise had anything to do with the story or its characters, because people starting undervaluing it as soon as other movies started doing similar and equally impressive things with its motion capture, MCU, The Hobbit, and Planet of the Apes in particular I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people are basically just going to stare at the cool CGI water and soace whales and trying to figure out what's real and what isn't To be fair, I do agree that it ultimately boils down to having "the experience" that was made to he seen in theaters Other than James Cameron, but I think only Christopher Nolan consistently understands this Comment from : @Tyler_W |
I think it comes down to plot vs character development and how Cameron gets the points across Plot, Cameron will literally just have Jake tell you through narration what they are up to But the character development and moments is all show don’t tell, and it’s done outstandingly The emotional journeys of the characters in both movies are incredible, and it’s all done through little moments and expressions Not an ounce of film time is wasted when you are thinking about what the characters are feeling Love these movies so much Comment from : @liamhodgson |
Part of it is the sheer cinema experience, which a lot of movies don't really create or capitalise on They're on a big screen, but they're not really elevated as a result Avatar is, and its one of the most (imo the most) immersive film series that exists, and virtually all aspects of it are approached fully Very, very little breaks the illusion, and having such unmatched visuals, blended with a believable world, and believable but insane action sequences, makes the movies an incredible thing to watch on the big screen Top Gun was much the same, and I honestly wish more movies would go for a bit more realism in their big set pieces One thing to consider is how well Cameron's other movies hold up over time, decades later, and it is a testament to how much work and dedication went into not only making them look good, but giving them memorable set pieces and sequences, especially compared with some other blockbuster films in recent decades Comment from : @foabmoab |
The Avatar films have done so well because they have legs, remaining in theaters for many months They invite repeated re-watching on the big screen (preferably in Imax 3D), and many MANY people have done sobrbrWhy do they have legs? Mainly (in my opinion) because of the absolutely gorgeous visuals, and the obvious care that all involved in their production have taken, going above and beyond what is normalbrbrPeter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy did the same thing, being a clear labor of love for those involved Comment from : @rescuearch7802 |
I think people also need to remember that Star Wars, Marvel, and Jurassic Parks are franchises that have been around for decadesbrbrI think Avatar will have a larger impact in a few years Comment from : @randomaccount9068 |
The reason why Avatar is SO successful is that it is SO bloody good a movie! Comment from : @st-ex8506 |
U good at editing Comment from : @somerandomkeruku193 |
Wait dis channel only has 4 subs? Comment from : @somerandomkeruku193 |
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