Title | : | How to Recover a Valley/Dynamo Coin Operated Pool Table (Step-by-step Tutorial) |
Lasting | : | 54.28 |
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Views | : | 72 rb |
Great video, THANK YOU One question that I have is regarding the old glue on the table Do you attempt to take as much of that off as you could? My table has layers and layers Please let me know, I am planning to do my table some time next week Thanks!! Comment from : @3579523 |
Having problems with the side pockets 😢 Comment from : @artichoke890 |
you make it look easy !!!! beautiful !!!! Comment from : @clintezell3298 |
Was there any adhesion left on that old felt glue? It looked like it pulled off easy Comment from : @artichoke890 |
Not a bad video! I think putting the glue in front of the pocket isn't a good call tho, that will surly impact slow moving shots into the pockets, no? Comment from : @iMaTurkeyBoi |
I used your method to recover an old Dynamo I bought for myself and had perfect results, and after seeing it a friend of mine who owns a bar with 2 tables asked me to do his tables as well Great results on all 3 tables, thank you for the video and sharing your tricksbrI have one question: Sometimes, when I am rolling and folding over the "elephant ear" on the end of the rail I end up with a horrible wrinkle that I simply cannot work out I need to either start over, or accept an ugly fold on the pocket facingbrI am being careful to keep the rail cloth straight on the first long stretch, and it all appears straight as I'm stapling up the rails but just sometimes I get a really bad wrinkle Most times, it works perfectly as in your video and everything is tight and straight Do you know what I might be doing wrong? Is the cloth just crooked and I don't know it? Maybe I need to make a few little reference marks on the back side of the cloth before I stretch it? Comment from : @seanzie24 |
So glad I found this! I just bought a used bar pool table, in need of some serious love this video is the BEST thing I've found so far! Can't wait to get started on my new project! Comment from : @thephalkon6140 |
WOW IMPERIAL BLUE cushions 😂 EVERY set of BLUE (and RED) on my route was retired at least 15-20 years ago because they were ROCK HARD Comment from : @hightttech |
I have a question about gluing the rubber to the wood in the rails What glue is the best ? I have a dynamo bar table Comment from : @roberthubanks4755 |
Does this process work for simonis cloth? I have the same table, but want to use simonis 860 Comment from : @Benonpool |
This was a facinating watch Now I know what I am going to be paying for Excellent craftmenship I hated the brown, but at the end I was like, It is pretty good I prefer red actually, but seem to be in the minority You made the weight of the slate look too easy Comment from : @watsomd |
thanks to you, I did my pooltable yesterday Thank you very much for this! 🙂 Comment from : @maxheadroom0815 |
Everyone with half a brain or better knows you are a fantastic teacher as well not greedy or selfishI struggle to question any part of this, however I found a question for you they're might not be a such thing as a stupid question but they're are some that ought not b ask Hope this isn't one of those Q: if the errant glue happens upon the good portion of the cloth, wud speeding up the glue dry time help with a fan of sorts; cardboard, hat or what have youI know n trust with your glue ur way is best so I'm asking for a friend thanks n again enjoyed watching a video I had no reason use or rhyme to even watchur that good my man Comment from : @cuthroatbiker |
Perfect vid & instructions so I could recover my Dynamo table Comment from : @poolhub8-9 |
Kudos to you for taking the time to make such a detailed video of your procedure There are parts of it that I would fundamentally disagree with such as allowing glue on the playing surface and/or wrapping cloth underneath the slate ( which you didnt do but didn't condemn either) Those practises would never be acceptable to a pro level table in my world Comment from : @baizecr1 |
Will one can of 3M spray glue be enough to do one table? Just don't want to run out before the end of the job Comment from : @MrChevyron |
I love the corner cardboard trick, I just use a brush with Contact cement Ya sold me on that idea Comment from : @douglasmichel6361 |
One thing you do I'd never doPut a glue can or whatever on the finished cloth Comment from : @douglasmichel6361 |
Ever use Carpet Blades? SCARY sharp but I love using um with a handle of coarse Comment from : @douglasmichel6361 |
You not do a stretch index test? Comment from : @tmangan327 |
What works the best for you when you remove all the old glue off of the slate ? Comment from : @tmangan327 |
Do you recommend gluing or stapling your rails Felt ? Which to you is better method Comment from : @tmangan327 |
Thanks for the info in the emails I'm gonna give it a try with the laminate and refelting your instructions arebr awsome!br@45:20 did he pull a cell phone out of the table Comment from : @tmangan327 |
Hi! brI have a ¼" metal strip between the rail and thetable side I think this will come off with the rail Anything I dhould watch for?brThanks,brBill S Comment from : @billsalter8990 |
Good video the one thing I do different on bar tables is that I don't put glue on the top of the slate I glue the cloth to the bottom of the slate It avoids any small buildup at the pockests that create a small lip that causes a ball to stop short of falling in on soft shots It has happened many times to good players and it is very frustrating when it can be simply avoided Comment from : @Woodworking-Pastor |
Phenomenal video Every step of the way was precise and exact Used it to refelt my valley with no prior experience at all and it turned out amazing This guy knows what’s up!!! Comment from : @connorredlich-colgan8680 |
Great instructional video! Undoubtedly the best version on YouTube Cheers Comment from : @CH-vj8sx |
i dont use the new cloth as a work benchotherwise good video Comment from : @mike22618 |
What an awesome video Just redone my Dynamo coin table Turned out perfect thanks to this video Keep it up man Many thanks from Tobermory Ontario, Canada Comment from : @GreatLakesCaptain81 |
Phenomenal demonstration and explanation! 👍🏻👏🏻 Comment from : @MikeFisherMusic |
Great video! I have never attempted to felt anything This video made me look like I knew what I was doing brThank You! Comment from : @mrctunison |
I watched a video on this process a while back getting an idea on redoing my table and couldn’t find it again The biggest difference I noticed was they had cleaned the old glue off the slate Is that not a necessary process or just maybe overkill? Why don’t you do that? No judgement just genuinely curious before I do my table Comment from : @justinfoster9492 |
The rail recovering is much harder with a worsted cloth that doesn’t stretch much Took me awhile but came out ok… Comment from : @stefan3225 |
Thank you for sharing this video Best I have found yet Only question I have is why use tape on the corners of the table? Comment from : @videogutter |
Do you have a video of redoing the rubbers on one of these tables? Comment from : @georgelewis6473 |
There is nothing like a well covered brand new cloth on a tablebrWell donebrWhat doors did David lose his fingers in ?brKeith brAn Old retired pool player It's truly a beautiful game when you have a nice table to play on I still prefer the green or the blue to play on when I used to play Comment from : @KTHKUHNKK |
I watched so many videos trying to learn this process I finally came across one that explains and shows everything I need to know in detail Thank you Comment from : @matthewalbury3622 |
What do you use to move Valley tables through a doorway? Comment from : @FargoOverFico |
Does the 3M90 end up going on pretty flat? I noticed you hit in front of the side pockets with the glue, will that hinder a ball at all, or when you push down does it flatten it down enough? Comment from : @jonahbailey5474 |
I'm right in the middle of doing my 1st table (my own) and wouldn't you know I already stretched the ends If for some reason and I don't know why after all the searching I did This video pops up I hope I don't screw up to bad I bought the felt off Ebay and it's not even marked to identify the top from the bottom of the felt but I think I figured that out Great video Comment from : @markblackburn8685 |
Thanks! Comment from : @MrJwowens1 |
I own a coin operation pool table buisness in Sydney Australiayou have changed the way in which I have been doing our tables after seeing thisthank you ONE question I have Valley and Brunswick Metro tables do you have a video on how to level a table CORRECTLY Comment from : @davidkaye-smith3144 |
how to brush pool table and how to know the run of cloth grain ? Comment from : @anthonyhaynes6118 |
I have a Valley table I just bought Simonis 860HR cloth for it I've heard spray glue doesn't hold on this type of cloth Should I use something different than the 3M90 or do you think it should work fine? Comment from : @lancebice1171 |
Which cloth did you use, looks to be Championship, but which version? Thoughts on the types, and backed vs unbacked? I tried to find it in the video but didn't, sorry if the question is answered in the video after all Thank you for the excellent video Comment from : @barefootrocker |
Well done! Thank you Comment from : @melanamchugh7694 |
Thanks for the advice it worked out well Comment from : @ChadAlanHeath |
at the rail folds you are several layers thick & 1 layer the rest of the way, Will that leave a dead spot ? Comment from : @tomchristo4472 |
Didn't you spray glue on the playing surface in front of corner pockets? Comment from : @stevenjackson5543 |
Awesome video Comment from : @stevenjackson5543 |
Great video, I was wondering after recovering a Valley 7' bar box pool table will I need to relevel the table since the slate was removed and reinstalled? brAlso do you use anything other than a shop vac to clean the inside of the pool table? Comment from : @JerryHolaway |
I’ve looked up the 3M 90 and found it in 19 oz cans How many 7’ tables will one can do? I’ve got 3 Dynamo tables I’m about to tackle I’ve moved and re-installed my 3 piece slate 10’ snooker table and felt and it ended up great but as you know, it’s not a glue down felt This will be my first glue down task Comment from : @wild7will |
is there a reason you don't try to stretch the first side that you glued Comment from : @smiley454jmw |
Thanks for the attention to detail in your narration and video Now I know Awesome stuff Comment from : @mrb865 |
Great video Thank you for showing us your work I have recovered lots of coin ops, and we always took the slate out, walked it so it sat across one side, glue, than walked slate to other side Messed up my back Comment from : @carlos916ify |
Thanks for your great videos! This one helped me recover my new (to me) table Repainted and made the whole thing fit my home with the new cloth Must have watched the bumper section 10 times over on my phone while recovering them Comment from : @sandleafj17 |
which model of stapler is best suited for this and what size staples? The video looks like it will help me a lot when I refelt my valley 8ft coin op in the next couple of weeks Going to try the Simonis 860HR Comment from : @davidperkins9276 |
Do you not need to scrape off any of the old glue that is on the slate previously? Comment from : @torreycollins8791 |
I have a valley coin tabl need to figure out how to get one new rail and bumper Comment from : @michaelbradshaw5003 |
Just got a valley table Can you direct me to a website that I can get pieces for the table Edging and corners (the chrome pieces) Comment from : @mikebeeman3771 |
I don't even own a pool table why the f*$k am I here??? lol great video! loved the tricks of the trade! Comment from : @rogerfarley3300 |
Thank you for the video Best one I've seen Going to try to recover now Wasn't sure until I watched Comment from : @danielburdick7010 |
Doesn't parts of the slate show around the pocket holes? It looks like a small V of slate showing after the fold-over in the pockets Is that acceptable? Comment from : @dadanomadi834 |
Just wanted to say that your video is one of the best on YouTube for explaining this process I spent hours researching how to DIY my own table (UK pool 7ft slate) and following this video to the letter enabled me to refurbish it in time for Christmas! brbrThank you for taking the time to make the video and explain your tricks of the trade Well done Comment from : @HardcoreBrendan |
Thankyou for posting the only cooper refelt I have seen yet also for beginners like me the elementry basic question which side goes up ? The answer is the side with the wrighting on the edge or the ruff side up to grip the q ball bedder I suspect also its best to not get spray glue in front of the pockets so in summery I will now after a week of prep , cleaning , cyphering and utube videos cover my table THANKYOU Comment from : @russelltullis2570 |
Great videos very easy to understand Thank you for sharing you experience Comment from : @dwainweil8992 |
What felt did you use in this video Comment from : @philnowaczyk8956 |
Hi is the same for simones clothes Comment from : @JoseEspinoza-pt2il |
Brilliant video I have been left a coin operated pool table in a will by one of my very best friends who died recently I now have the task of moving the table from his home to mine Do you have any tips on how to dismantle/reassemble one of these types of table? Would appreciate your advice Comment from : @duggiechester |
Really good video thanks for putting it out there Comment from : @ddettmering301 |
I have an American shuffle board pool table from the 50s or 60s Do you know if its one piece slate? Comment from : @TheCeedub |
Really good video Comment from : @ilarizan |
Getting ready to pick up Dynamo coin operated 9x5 I cannot lift the slate? I got the rails off are there any brackets holding this?Great video by the way thank you Comment from : @ehonda3000able |
Thanks for showing how an expert does it!! Is there any advise when stretching the felt? I imagine some felts my stretch different from others, so is there a best practice rule to go from? Comment from : @txproudproudamerican9474 |
Awesome video bro I feel much more confident about attempting to do mine after watching Comment from : @ROOFER365 |
Another wonderful job doing the table right while showing us the process! I really love the simplicity you bring to the table (pun intended)! Once you mention on another video that recovering a table was a $400 job but, after buying all the materials to do mine, I wonder if you meant labor only or included materials? I hope it is labor only otherwise you make no money!!!brThanks Doug! Comment from : @roadshowautosports |
Hey Doug haven’t seen you post any videos latelyhope everything is well and hope to see the last part of that outdoor pool table seriesbe safe brotha! Comment from : @josangcal4618 |
Why did u not clean the old glue off, I remember ripping the rails out of the sheet of cloth Comment from : @sheilamclaughlin963 |
Thanks for that, I have an early 60s US billiards bar table that I got in the 90s I've had it re covered once and am getting ready to have it done again What a cool job that must be in Nola, take care! Comment from : @wlogue |
looks almost like leather, ? what does a recovering cost on average? Comment from : @clintezell3298 |
slower more fun,,, thanx 4 ur time no need to reply! Comment from : @davidwelsh1487 |
Doug another great video is this technique for glue down the same on all tables?brAnd would you ever consider revealing your pricing? Comment from : @bruce6620 |
Can you do a video talking about when to re-felt a table? Like what are some signs on when a table would need this Comment from : @jaimemunoz5920 |
Do you cut the pockets the same way for non coin-op tables? Comment from : @shawjoe71 |
Great video Dougyou thoroughly explain the procedures in your videos They make a lot of sense keep up the good work Comment from : @josangcal4618 |
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