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How Banks literally Make Money

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Title :  How Banks literally Make Money
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Comments How Banks literally Make Money

Mmmmm, yeah So by ending the fractional system, 90 of all money in existence literally disappears How much in hospitals and transport can a country make with 90 of money evaporating? Enjoy!
Comment from : @roypiper581

" IfI could run the money system (Gold), I could control kings beyond the Thorne of England"brFounder of Rothschild banking dysnaty brMayer Rothschild
Comment from : @TheMramon81

This could be a lie but his accent makes me blv him😝
Comment from : @CEOinthemaking

economy is fked
Comment from : @Mo_Mo-lp6zl

103 bank owners disliked this
Comment from : @canweget1subscriber275

Oh please bs and out of context this is This is meant to mislead the young and gullible However, I will add it is fun to watch Thank you for the entertaining/ pseudo-educational video
Comment from : @richardgonzalezlcsw9935

The video is accurate and as we see below many people just can't believe it, understandable after the mental mangling delivered by the social management system, schools and media Knee jerk responses abound here Sure more facts would be good, some imagine that banks would no longer be able to lend money if they weren't allowed to create it but they don't know how real banking works apparently since we've had the current system all their lives Under a public or sovereign money system, banks would lend existing money help in time deposits at their bank and would, unlike today, really compete for depositors The myth is that they do that already but its not true I don't recall them teaching fractional reserve banking in my high school but that was long ago Schooling is designed to limit the range of dialogue to approved areas of thought so those who below scream the loudest are those who swallowed that crap Of course banks don't print money, they simply create it by entering it on their ledger, done electronically today of course The printing of the cash, 3 in the US as well as in the UK, is done by government except in the US we sell it to the banks for cost of production, a few cents per note regardless of the denomination Coins are the only money issued by US government for which WTP get the seiniorage when we sell them to the banks at face value For those who want to learn more go to monetaryorg, or positivemoneyorg, or sovereignmoneyeu don't remain an idiot, that is something you can do something about
Comment from : @earthandstraw

Comment from : @lovely1190

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Comment from : @champcashonlineincomesachi2129

This is so false, for one, investment banks caused the financial crisis, they don't lend money 2 Why would banks give money to things that won't turn a profit? No businessman would do that
Comment from : @JyoungPvP

This begs a serious question: are paperless transactions really good for an economy? The advance economies like UK have mostly digital money, which in turn favors the private banks and might have caused an economic crisis Now, India, despite being mostly a cash-based third world economy, tried to move towards digital money with demonetization Maybe an Indian version of Lehmann Brothers is just around the corner
Comment from : @shobharoy2033

Blame the government They are the ones who give them this crap
Comment from : @desertdude8274

the fear of dept and the terror of police taking things away and therefore need to work for MONEY is what makes it possible to do that, money and banks is the replacement of the society today which once had slaves today we have debt and salary slaves oh and tax slaves, if people would stop beeing afraid of debt and just lend money and consume sooner or later no one would work anymore, that is why banks need violence and wars, like the islamic state and its currency might be a creation of the banks
Comment from : @KingScorpio84

seeking and having "power" is fine, but only when used in a way that……………
Comment from : @jacobcooley8052

Blind faith in our 'leaders' will get us killed !brStop financial slavery UBUNTU wwwubuntupartyorgza/
Comment from : @TheTrainer001

Watch the video ´The Inside Job¨it is pretty well documented
Comment from : @carfran53

Love the background music etherially creepily familiar is it taken from something, what is it, thank you!
Comment from : @aryanprivilege9651

Same story in the USA too
Comment from : @computergeek4444

Do people really believe this bullshit conspiracy video?
Comment from : @SomeonessChannel

wow I'm happy I discovered this
Comment from : @jayti2234

This is not wrong, but not accurate Maybe some information is better than none But banks don't have an unlimited amount of money they can lend, they can only give some amount more than they have, and are expected to calculate risk and future revenues in a way that ensures this will become profit Sometimes funding a hospital can be profitable, but it's not often the case, just like most public endeavors – it benefits us as a whole but isn't translated back to funds to cover the "printed money"brIt is similar to the way a country prints money or a federal reserve, I agree, however those are limited by a different governing body and with different rationale And a country is not required to make sure the money it spends will turn into value We just assume it will, or maybe we won't elect the corrupt politicianbrMany enterprises and small business would not rise without this "digital money", and there are many other damages that aren't covered here I do, however, agree that there are many dangers, like people abusing the power they have and evaluating risk incorrectly, causing issues like the sub-prime crisis It's just a little over the top to decide this means all money has to be loaned only when ownedbrUnlike the fake check example someone mentioned here, this is like me saying I will get you the money in 30 days, and you agree to work with me based on that promise Maybe I have it, maybe I will need to loan it later, maybe I am planning on earning it with the materials you give me That's still a contract I will have to respect and pay in 30 daysbrSimilarly, if everyone would pull their money out of the bank, they won't be able to lend anything
Comment from : @LeonorSarmientoCamperos

Banks make money because of interest rates and investments Unless you provide proof of your accusations it's hard to believe them
Comment from : @edgedivide6733

Comment from : @louisgibbs3659

52 people are bankers
Comment from : @sridewahamza4182

slave is not the choice of word I would use I'm just poor like most folks
Comment from : @robinmariasmith1237

The crucial services that we "think" we need but we really don't Change of thought, attitude, and opinions are the focus to see us thru You see just like the bankers we also want to make profit off each other(change of thought) it is ludacris
Comment from : @chrisgarcia3325

well all I can say is I dont give a rat ass if thr banks make money my credit is bad and I can never borrow a dime to buy anything let alone a house
Comment from : @robinmariasmith1237

Man the concept of money is a joke I just hope it helps me translate whatever I contribute to into whatever I get
Comment from : @Blablablarandomguy

Banks are in business to make money Their lending criteria has been to easy so its a good thing we had this monetary collapse to stop such reckless lendingbrbrPeople borrow in business when they know their business plans are totally unrealistic just to persuade the bank to lendbrGet real and stop all this scare mongering
Comment from : @cjm52

What a perfect example of taking a sentence out of context Banks do print money, but they are limited in that
Comment from : @shakeinfear

this is true
Comment from : @leonjackson8335

So no more lending of money? You sure that's going to help the economy?
Comment from : @colpeir

Thank You
Comment from : @adamdavis4359

Comment from : @nikovirtanen3280

Seriously?? This video makes me sick If you're gonna criticise banks, at least use facts 
Comment from : @sebagisbert1

More facts, less red alert background
Comment from : @Ironclad404

Which software was used to create this video?
Comment from : @rizulsen2642

this really isn't how it works who makes this stuff up?
Comment from : @notonj

1Basel 123 has been introduced but still banks have found ways round it br2No, not really , some advertising here and there ,odd sponsorship here and there ,few clever marketing strategies to appease the account holders and a few more odd benefits and that's it ,commitment to society is fulfilled no 1 says anything ,banks are ruthlessbr 
Comment from : @yaseen9756

Close but no cigar!  Banks 'create money' by extending loans and lines of credit to individuals and businesses Nothing wrong with that  There are two regulatory questions however 1 How much capital should banks keep in reserve to back up the loans that don't get repaid? and  2Should they be required to loan a minimum percentage of the money they create to wealth creating businesses? 
Comment from : @fiachmaguire

I drive for a living and day-in and day-out I hear on the radio discussions and interviews with politicians about how people are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet and what they're going to do about it Never is this issue raised as the problem, which infuriates the hell out of me!
Comment from : @itsonelouder1

Just about real estate, i think it s the only way of making profit in our "developed country" for the people, i mean the average categorybecause of the borrowing system of banks ; this is the best way for them to create money, when u borrow to buy your flat or to invest in real estate
Comment from : @ugobtba6017

He is ONLY telling the truth Even to hate them he has this rights,couse they act criminal
Comment from : @theknowlidgeful

This guy hates money makers, it sounds as if he wants people to remain broke
Comment from : @abujameel98

I personally find being able to borrow from banks very useful Many make a fortune out of doing so through real-estate or whatever There are many positives in being able to do so However, yes, fluctuations such as interest rates going out of control can be a real pain in the ahole Restrictions should be applied to the amount of power banks have yet your average person needs more education on how to use money Something we don't seem to have in schools
Comment from : @6shnuggle6

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Comment from : @mdsaifuljsr2

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Comment from : @rukmangatkoirala2753

Cool video, & a different method to make money Me and my mum have been making money online using Online Cash Affix In fact, we earned $500 today :) Search google for the phrase Online Cash Affix to discover how you can to
Comment from : @asmadhakal1989

Austrian B/C theory -so far- is the best explanation for the effects of artificial manipulation of interest rates and money supply
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

The only characteristic of money that is fundamental is that is it the facilitator of trade With that characteristic, it becomes the commodity which all other economic goods are priced in reference to it ($10 for a lb of apples, $30,000 for a car - car and apples reference money (dollar) for their price) That's all Rai stones are money in Polynesia - huge, unmovable stones - many sitting under water and offshore Why are they money? What physics makes them so?
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

The Fed has a resource to make money, called a computer Your monetary theory is flawed or incomplete It does not matter the molecules Money has had molecules of gold, rock, gems, pearls, wood, beads, water, dirt, grain, salt but the molecules did not make it money There are certain molecules that make it a "better" money, (ie: doesn't rot) but that doesn't MAKE it money
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

well, fed somehow has to have a reliable ressource to make money, just as gm has to build cars out of its need real goods i understand what money is, but it is a good and it was always naturally chosen to be gold because of its real physics so what physics does the fed have inspite of being privately owned by a bank cartell, legitimized by the will of government politics? what do you say to austrian business cycle theory?
Comment from : @eKoush

Fed: Look up what the Federal Reserve's mission: - it is NOT to fund the government conducting the nation's monetary policy by influencing the monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

No, it does not print money on credit It just prints money The Reserve is held in 12 US banks, the largest - the Federal Reserve of New York It is, in itself, a real good Do you believe if I gave you a $million, you'd say "Nah, its not real" or would you cheer "I'm rich!"? Money, like cars, is manufactured Does GM "makes cars out of thin air" when you see a bunch of stuff go in one side of a building and out the others side comes a car - which looks nothing like the other stuff?
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

i dont know the matter i just want to understand it i would want to hear what you say on both ;)
Comment from : @eKoush

And what the government does or does not do has what to do with coherent monetary theory??? What the Fed does as a POLICY does not make money "out of thin air" The consequences of spendthrift governments are huge - but you've seem to convoluted a monetary theory with government action Which one are you trying to discuss?
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

your brain is behind you
Comment from : @eKoush

Why do you believe the disasters of monopoly held by private hands will be relieved if such monopoly is held by government hands? Why do you believe that all the ills of monopolies suddenly disappear if government becomes the monopolist?
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

what cruciality do they miss?
Comment from : @eKoush

I don't understand why the bank of england is still privately owned Wasn't it nationalized after WW2?
Comment from : @Gary500

Nonsense MMM presents a concept in lay terms that many - like you - confuse to be proof of "money out of thin air" But if you have even a shred of a critical mind, ask these questions: Do you believe the whole world, made up of many very smart people, would be so fooled by this? Or is it more likely that your idea is bizarre and wrong? Do you understand the 3 fundamental requirements of debt? Do you understand the fundamental quality of money? If not, I suggest you find out
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

Exactly! People who hold that banks "create money out of thin air" merely parrot crackpot monetary theory and have no root understanding of money, banking or economics
Comment from : @BlackFlag2012a

I strongly recommend researching both zeitgeist as well as Jaque Fresco
Comment from : @123Derkaoris

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Comment from : @zoltrixound

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Comment from : @abdulmalik-hl5oh

Pretty awesome video man! My dad has been making just over $10,000 a week using Easy Income Monster (google it) It really is the most awesome way of making cash from home! So take a look Search Google for the words Easy Income Monster
Comment from : @TheShamim626

Unfortunately this is accurate All banking systems run on doctrine created in the early 20s? Google Modern Money Mechanics this is fact not fiction!! The biggest scam is that "they" add interest !!
Comment from : @spinbaldak

did u really have to add music? really? very subjective stuff, dont know if i should trust anything from this video
Comment from : @liberator328

It kind of looks like a time consuming way to make money from home though do you not think lol? Effortless Money Builder is very different, and its really easy Google the term Effortless Money Builder and you'll see for yourself
Comment from : @reyanshmishra1727

This is interesting, but I hate the anti-semitic comments
Comment from : @boofex1

Zionist Jews are behind all of this!
Comment from : @Onlyme2015

Screw separation of Church and State we need separation of Bank and State
Comment from : @drshlotzkin

Its just really hard for people to believe that the money floating around is "fake" money
Comment from : @Eferg021

ATM Home Earner everyones seen it right? If you haven't just search for it on Google It's HUGE right now, and its making people a lot of money
Comment from : @emrans9672

It really is fascinating how the banks can take deposits and create additional money from those accounts
Comment from : @InstTaxSolutionsLLC

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