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? Why Trump u0026 America Will Dominate the Global Trade War

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Comments ? Why Trump u0026 America Will Dominate the Global Trade War

I kind of honestly find it funny to listen to you because of someone who says Canadas acting like a big boy always remember who burned down your White House you're tariffs aren't gonna do shit I'll be laughing as the north of your country lose 40,000,000 houses worth of electricity in response to your silly tariffs
Comment from : @spiro4723

🤡s 😂😂😂
Comment from : @PaulyTheGimp

I made it to the 5:45 time on the video 93 less border crossings?brThat is also because many are no longer wanting to spend their money in the USbrReading comments on here before watching again, can’t watch againbrbrThis show and it’s followers are a jokebrNo ability for critical thinkingbrbrI’m also not a lefty Just can’t stand the morons on the right
Comment from : @Jeff-f2h-i5q

Keep in mind that Canada has the GDP equivalent to around half of California It is fairly small potatoes
Comment from : @nafnaf0

I know a fake man when i see him, Crowder is so This is propaganda
Comment from : @hanslund308

Crowder and his crew never read "The Art of the Deal" by Trump Trump used a business tactic to freak the other side out and it worked i agree about the border situation but that dude with the glasses suddenly got tough with his words on other nations i remember when everyone would just cut him off like he was this nobody
Comment from : @EXPLISITemcee

😂time 4 som tariffs😂
Comment from : @keithlindsay8720

Perfect intro song
Comment from : @keithlindsay8720

I understand tariffs on China and Mexico but why is he stupid enough to use tariffs against the EU? You have a trade deficit of 100 billion $ a year with a continent of 50 countries and 750 million people You are 1 country of 350 million people that do not make any physical goods that we who live in Europe want Your food is toxic and your "cars" are death machines that are to large to drive on our roads and use 3-4 times as much gas as our cars
Comment from : @Vegeta900X

"You wont see gringos laying concrete"brLol, my brother in law literally owns his own concrete business, and has "gringos" working Also, dont disrespect the people whos job you steal by calling us "gringos" Not in our own country least of all
Comment from : @thunder9236

The problem is Trump would have to arrest and deport 20,000 people a day for his entire term in order to make a dent in the number of illegal immigrants that came over just under Biden
Comment from : @TXODM

Comment from : @CharlesJohnson-dp4vn

"He's doing things that are not a surprise to anybody"brNo, actually, the left are still surprised
Comment from : @tzuyd

I got thrown out of a job corp style school in Oceanside CA because I was the only white guy in class and couldnt speak spanish
Comment from : @nikkolaus91

Just received my mug club cup :)
Comment from : @Bewefau

You're more with Mexican culture, that means you did not assimilategone
Comment from : @corryburton9834

American dairy doesn't meet basic Canadian standards that's the issue
Comment from : @MustardTigerFan42

Stolen land huhh? Yea right
Comment from : @RolondoH

Stolen land huhh? Yea right
Comment from : @RolondoH

Way to go Trump
Comment from : @RolondoH

I agree that it won't be the 51st state States get votes, it will be a territory
Comment from : @bryantw2160

Love the intro music 🎶💕💕
Comment from : @akashazza9994

Comment from : @shawnabelle2824

I always thought and expressed china did it on purpose The timing was just too perfect
Comment from : @rokavelli

I refuse to believe that a female president got legitimately voted into in mexico Hispanic culture is very machista
Comment from : @rokavelli

How many times as "a human being" was I (as a child) at a friend's house for hours, playing ,baseball, football, video games, but at around 6:30 the parents said, "ok, it's dinner time, it's time for you to go home", and do you know what I did? I went home If I wasn't invited to dinner specifically, I understood and respected boundaries (borders) The parents didn't inhumanely torture me or kill me, they just simply stated that it was time to go home
Comment from : @14yeartwitch14

No, not immigrants, illegals, and illegals keep wages down for everyone I'm a brit and that muppet is awful
Comment from : @cashkitty3472

My gf is a Mexican, and she clueless on politics so her white man tells her what’s best 😂
Comment from : @r7iver

After that coffee commercial, I have to get me some!!
Comment from : @Mike-u4v1s

I'm curious are there any other countries in the world that don't require some sort of legal entry identification fees all that kind of stuff is there any country that just allows you to walk in and live there?
Comment from : @intheredcold9216

Ppl protesting that they might lose their cheap labor gardener, housekeeper
Comment from : @reginamoody7720

"youre not going to see a gringo doing construction" And you wont see a beaner with a valid social security number Boom, roasted
Comment from : @nhastings1131

John oliver is white trevor noah
Comment from : @Trolldroppin

I dont care what kind of euphemisms they use for the illegals They could call them kindergarten teachers They could call them soup kitchen volunteers Idc Deport all kindergarten teachers and soup kitchen volunteers They use these euphemisms to manipulate the ppl who aren't paying attention to current events
Comment from : @TheTruth_StraightNoChase

I don’t know if you check comments, but let DJT Jr know that his father should look into waving the flag of another country while burning the American flag I feel like that should count as allegiance to another country which is against the naturalization process Send every person at those marches regardless of race to Mexico and if Mexico doesn’t want them they can send them to the next country that isn’t ours Be unhappy with the country, he unhappy with the president but if you clearly don’t want to be a citizen you got to go
Comment from : @johnstewart1502

How did so many ILLEGALS get jobs so fast? They took over the work force Englishman keeps saying immigrants, they are not immigrants
Comment from : @nanachamps

The better argument against the “they do jobs Americans won’t” point is that it’s not right to exploit people, it’s disgusting to justify illegal immigration by advocating for taking advantage of disenfranchised illegals without the protections citizens enjoy Democrats hate when you try and take their slaves though
Comment from : @center5150

It's becoming quite obvious that Trump never intended to start a real trade war with their neighbors He's just using threats of tariffs as leverage to negotiatebrbrStill, the fact that he feels the need to use threats like this to get what is wants is quite pathetic He doesn't need to threaten their #1 closest ally lol He could just ask nicely and we would probably do what he wants So it's pointless animosity And regardless of the outcome, Canadians will never forget Trump's disgraceful attack and threat on all canadian families and businesses He lost major Canadian supportbrbrI can tell you, even many conservatives in canada saw this as an act of war Even if Trump backs off completely from tariffs, the damage has been done to our relations, many businesses are now actively refusing to sell american products out of spite
Comment from : @vulcanh254

As a 1st generation born, I do not care
Comment from : @denisebatalha3552

They're actually thinking about redesigning the knife in the UK Kitchenware should not have a point You do not need to stab create your chicken to cut it 😂😂
Comment from : @joncarroll5965

The CORRUPT GOVERNMENT wants SLAVES Brown instead of black this time
Comment from : @cindysimpson6428

Comment from : @aliblr-v3o

Trump is the best president of my lifetime
Comment from : @_merican_missile_22

So fucking great they sent the whitest, palest dude down there to that protest Love it
Comment from : @perrottarober

Contractors hiring undocumented means they get to charge less than those who hire American workers so we have lower prices and barely break even because of this it’s not fair!
Comment from : @mackensybarlow3563

Anyone think Crowder is at least doing TRT? Gains see to be coming pretty quick
Comment from : @perrottarober

We did not steal shit we fought for America! All land was fought for
Comment from : @keithmason5334

If you owe someone a million dollars it's his problem If someone owes you a million dollars it's your problem Same thing with trade deficits and tariffs
Comment from : @glennmitchell9107

Let's go
Comment from : @srcochran101

Guys br7 years listener herebrThe clip you ran on Pierre Palvier in this video was not FAIR He admired our friendship with stay He did say any country loving leader would do what trump would do and he said weak Justin Trudeau (a lefty ) did Canada wrongbrYet you guys chopped off his video and assembled a CNN style videobrMany Canadian love your program but please do better
Comment from : @andyk2334

The US should just completely withdraw from NATO; financially, militarily, all of it Watch them all squirm
Comment from : @thecaneater

How many illegal immigrants were seen on “Dirty Jobs” Mike RowebrbrIt’s not the dirty jobs Americans don’t want They can’t afford to pay American bills will slave labour wages Duh brbrIt’s not the job, it’s the pay And illegals will take way less than a tax paying American
Comment from : @Bob-sk6xq

AUTOMATION, but not that AI stuff That is some terminator end game stuff Not a fan
Comment from : @AmericanNorse

You think China and the covid bunk was accidental? I think is was MALICIOUS
Comment from : @AmericanNorse

Why is this Limey telling Americans how to live their lives
Comment from : @noodlehat3250

Wish Trump would conduct interviews OFF THE TARMAC! brYelling over jet engines makes him sound like hes YELLING!!! brJust like their favorite WW2 tyrant!!brThis is deliberate!
Comment from : @Bradwick1

This guy beat his pregnant wife but gives lectures on morals
Comment from : @BValt123

Protests ripe for false flag attack to blame their favorite WW2 tyrant
Comment from : @Bradwick1

ICE should fly in on helicopters blaring " Ice, Ice baby" Ride of the Valkyries style!😂
Comment from : @joshsetzer8786

I notice Now MSNBC is saying some things in the same way CNN have about 6 years ago Trump claims things about deportation So the Layken Riley act is not about crime?
Comment from : @leodennewman3440

Love how the states had an open border for 4 years and now act like Canada needs to do their part
Comment from : @Ty-ye6ny

Can we make the UK the 52nd state??? Just saying
Comment from : @jameslewis4773

Who listens to this Oliver guy? Lots of passionate stupidity Guess he thinks the English accent sounds intelligent His spiels are a vast load of s**t
Comment from : @mesisson

Maple syrup and avocados
Comment from : @jakedowney1706

Canadians have been ripping off America on grossly overpriced maple syrup and premium bacon for many years Want to tariff American beer and juice? Have at it Good luck defending Canadian territories without US Armed Forces, and keeping economy going without American dollars and aid 😅😋🇺🇸💪
Comment from : @guptacorp

Great! People coming out to silly "protests", especially waving Mexican flags with Mexican pride? Phenomenal! Let's help send them back to Mexico or country of origin 😃👍 Legal Americans only 🇺🇸
Comment from : @guptacorp

Hey Jude 🏔️🏔️⛰️🏔️ Good Commercial 🐭🐸 buy Pedro a'a High Altitude Mule 💚❤️ brLearn Two Relax ☮️
Comment from : @ashentmariner

why are we ok for work visas for someone who does roofing we do not need people to come into this country and roof houses all work visas should be examined and non essential or specialized jobs visas should be revoked
Comment from : @learn905

Non-citizen or Automation how about teenagers? Fast food used to be a starter job for American youth how about we try that again?
Comment from : @Sebecean

It’s fine if our homeland gets taken over by hordes of foreigners as long as those hordes came LEGALLY 🤡
Comment from : @mrmayhem9724

I am a Canadian that says thank you, President Trump We love you We want Trudeau gone
Comment from : @patrick575

I'm canadian I have to agree, I believe everything should be fair regardless of dollar value I want to say to all Americans I'm sorry our leadership has failed us, as well as Americans
Comment from : @jamesjohnson-kw5ww

So the Canadian skit was just too much for YT to handleI can respect that
Comment from : @ziplockcreations2313

I do construction in the California Shertrock usually Mexicans Whites you see as electricians usually Plumbing insee alot of mexicans Window glassi seen asians but im ignorant to what ethnicity exactly Blacks i see alot as elevator operator But i could be wrong but i do work all over California But there are jobs i feel certain oeople ignore
Comment from : @spikehimura2066

I can acknowledge that in my 41 years, I have never seen any president keep all his promises ( that he had control over) and do it so quicklybrHe truly has delivered on everything he could do in his powerbrAnd i know doubt believe more is to come
Comment from : @ericdacunha1255

Before Latinos we didn't build or grow anything allegedly
Comment from : @Sluggen7n7

I iknow 4 guys who own their own concrete companies All white With white employees
Comment from : @webymcduck

Steven, you're a real douchebag for editing Pierre's speech like that! A time like this the least you could do is throw your conservative canadian supporters a bone! brbrA Last time America fucked around with canada they found out! 1812!brbrB Canada could invade alaska a hell of a lot easier than America could invade canadabrbrC How about we take alaska back and invite Puttin for dinner! I am sure puttin would love to buy are oil for the same discounted price as we stupidly sell it to America! Only difference is he would show some respect and honor instead of winning like an ungrateful bitch It would be a 50-mile pipeline, and we could supply the entire world with our high-quality clean fuels!brbr😊have a nice day there bud!
Comment from : @DRcar4103

Comment from : @CRKING90

You said "End of Week" It was end of day😆😆
Comment from : @Burnzalott

I had to go back and listen to the intro song again That was a fookin masterpiece !
Comment from : @CRKING90

Dems literally foaming at the mouth
Comment from : @MaxiKookookachoo

Well they build Dr Horton houses that are double wide of houses I wouldn't let them build me a shed I locate buried utilities and they throw these junk houses up in about 2 months start to finish Windows not level, doorways crooked, siding on every house in neighborhood are trash
Comment from : @dustinmitchell4628

So let's have low paying slaves basically
Comment from : @Flannman22

They get legal? Through cheating? You mean not breaking the law? This dude is, literally, living in opposite world
Comment from : @cobrathecobra3398

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