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MAJOR Sister Wives Update! Coyote Pass Fully Paid Off!


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Comments MAJOR Sister Wives Update! Coyote Pass Fully Paid Off!

I just wonder if Kody used the land as collateral for the new McMansion
Comment from : @ketonaturally

All lots should be divided equally No one get less than others Robyn has never worked yet she gets the largest share
Comment from : @the_voice_of_reason

Here's a thought Give Kody the damn 2 acre lot he wants with the freaking pond that isn't really a pond at all and divide the rest of the 12 acres by 4 for the wives giving each wife 3 equal acres to divide or whatever for their kiddos
Comment from : @whitneyshamblin88

Ok Been doin some research and discovered a few facts br1) The coyote pass property already has a single well on it that has tested clean br2) The property is NOT in a flood planebr3) The property does have a small section of pipeline under it but it is behind the pond and its easment will not affect the ability to buildbr4) The property remains deeded in 4, not 5 parcelsbr5) There is no septic so that must be builtbr6) The pond is a retention pond designed to house run off in the rainy season There is a nearby farm which drains into the pond which can affect water qualitybr7) The Prairie dog issue is real but greatly exaggerated Transmission of the plague to humans can occur thru a bite wound, aerosol transmission of saliva, and thru the bite of an infected flea Only 1 documented case of transmission to a human has occurred from a prairie dog in the US This man was participating in the relocation of a positive colony to another area and was bitten He was treated with doxycycline and fully recovered The risk of exposure is very rare
Comment from : @Fuzzyedgz

IF they refinanced the loan it could appear that the land or 1st loan was paid off Time will tell
Comment from : @deeregirl7356

Kody might get the itch to move again but while Aurora and Briana are at NAS, there is no way Robyn is going to move away from them I guess they all could move and the girls would just transfer to another University, but I can’t see Robyn and Kody moving and leaving her adult infants to try to fend for themselves
Comment from : @cmiller415

Anything with Kody’s name is 50 Robyns Anything Remember we heard them say if Kody died God forbid or a wife left than the other wives and kids would get a fair amount of assets no matter if the legal with were Meri or Robyn when their did their fraudulent divorce and fraudulent marriage Make this a felony again
Comment from : @kristinesharp6286

There was a date to pay it off with their creative financing
Comment from : @kristinesharp6286

Christine didn’t get 20
Comment from : @kristinesharp6286

She would always retain profits for flagstaff as he was not on property And she took her name off to not be in the middle or obstruct it or be responsible for any debt on it
Comment from : @kristinesharp6286

It’s going to cost a lot to convince the country to let them divide the lots and add in all the extra infrastructure in terms of street and sewer they will need another road and the trees just don’t have enough space for that much building
Comment from : @kristinesharp6286

The seller would have divided into 5 lots if 5 lots made sense
Comment from : @kristinesharp6286

Kody and ROBYN sitting on $2million ish of property Sickening I sure hope a good lawyer helps Meri and Jenelle force liquidation of all assets and grab their share! That includes art investments in the mcmansion!
Comment from : @maliamock7642

The value of land each person holdbrKody and sobbin Robyn 515kbrChristine before passing land to Kody 100kbrJanelle 170kbrMeri 60kbrJust proves how unscrupulous and greedy Kody and sobbin Robyn are The 3oGs have been merely used as brood mares and cash cows😢
Comment from : @ritawjoyce

I notice Kody has his name on every plot Why does Robyn end up with 2 plots while the 3 oG only have their names on one each? That means that sobbin Robyn has a share in each plot because she is the legal wife Since the 3oG earned most of the money Christine should have given her share to Janelle Note Sobbin Robyn and kody end up withfinances and sobbin earned zilch this demonstrates Kody's favouritism toward Robin Sobbing and Kody have really been coniving and scheming What a pair of greedy so and sos
Comment from : @ritawjoyce

Unfortunately because polygamy is not legal, Janell couldn't put anything in writing with a lawyer It doesn't seem to me that kody will be fair in this situation Sometimes you have to take the loss and move on
Comment from : @claudiatello2984

Wow! There are sure a lot of variables on the land ownership😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @marytesta3003

Robyn has literally robbed Janelle
Comment from : @chrishere4272

From what was told, Robyn has been removed as an owner on Coyote Pass My understanding, all lots are now owned by Janell, Kody and Meri In Arizona, a married man can SOLELY own property Fact or fiction❓❓❓ Meri owed $18000 and Janell owed $14000 Who knows who really made the final payment My guess Janell I think she made some sort of deal with Kody Janell got screwed out of her financial future before BUT NOT NOW She is the smart $$$ oneNOT KODY
Comment from : @loiserwin5991

If you take a look at google photos for the area, you will see there is a house there on Coyote Pass with a large RV in the back yard It's been there for a couple years now Perhaps Janelle has her house already and has for the last couple of years The other lots may have been sold though
Comment from : @rekabharas9904

Robyn’s name should not even be on a lot she did not contribute any thing to the land and Christine made a heck of a deal to the land when she left and as far as Kody goes I don’t think he contributed too much therefore he should not have his name on the land either, Meri and Janelle are the only 2 that should have their name on the land and if they wanted to split it up it would be up to them as to how
Comment from : @teresavandale8181

By paying off the property they can now sell it or not, sure beats losing all the money they’ve already put into the property Whether they build or stay I’m pretty sure JAnelle has made sure she will get at least some of the money she’s laid out for lazy Robyn
Comment from : @susanjoyce8053

As of today, the first lot and third lot have Kody and Robyn as owners The second and fourth only have Kody as owner Kody and Robyn are also listed as owners of her house AND the wooded lot behind it
Comment from : @maryoneill7512

Tipsters 😂brGangsters 😂brYes
Comment from : @Crystalspanda

The sister wife's better get a good lawyer Kody and Robyn will rob them blind 🚫
Comment from : @leeeberle4322

Janelle paid the property off All of the wives no longer have owenership, even Robin, to the property The only name on all of the property is Janelle and Cody In Arizona, a married couple can own property seperate and if a divorce happens the property goes to whomever the name is on the land Janelle made the move to pay off the loan as she is the only one that really wanted it in the first place
Comment from : @kimberlygaskin604

For sale by owners sign on two lots like a month ago
Comment from : @erinlynette7323

The county Gis shows all the properties in Kody & Robyn’s names only
Comment from : @amberkeller8901

Comment from : @janspond4

Comment from : @janspond4

So the other 2 lots are just going to be lost ?? Sounds like it
Comment from : @elainegregersen3123

They did already drop a huge water tank on the property during one show
Comment from : @barbarabavier675

Comment from : @barbaraminchew-mx9sc

I rhink they'll sell Make a huge profit and split it
Comment from : @applego6533

The soil needs to be sanitized first? That would mean that they bought contaminated land So I don’t believe that BS
Comment from : @mustangsally0928

Hopefully all will do whatever they want with the property I think Kody still hopes to use coyote pass as a nest for some of the kids to come back And rentals Robin just wants what she already has Kody
Comment from : @AirJKB13

I think Meri is still giving money to Kody and Robyn
Comment from : @Glennon-g6k

I remember that Meri said last season that she didn’t think that she would do anything on the property
Comment from : @Glennon-g6k

Not surprised that Robyn didn’t pay or do anything for the property
Comment from : @Glennon-g6k

Janelle didn't want a default on her background She's already been ripped off enough Now they can sell it and she can financially walk away clean
Comment from : @LIFE_is_G20OD

Jenelle is not the financial wizard that most people imply as she has made huge financial blunders throughout this polygamist reality series…
Comment from : @dancingqueen880

Meri didn’t get screwed as her massive $5,000 a month rental was paid out of the family financial fund She also always had the same $ amount monthly from the same family fund even when it was just her no children living at home, always demanded same square footage home or larger for herself…
Comment from : @dancingqueen880

If Janelle paid them off she would be in debt for them I think they will have to be sold and she only did it to get some of her money back I think it saved her from losing the equity she had
Comment from : @nelliekenny9630

Hi Sarah, when is the baby coming ? Boy or girl? Name? ❤❤❤ have a good day Sarah
Comment from : @LoveTheresa

I just hope this works out for Janelle in the end For someone who’s described as the financial planner of the family, she has done some things that are not smart at all Like taking the money out of her retirement account and from the sale of her LV home to give to Kody and Robyn for the McMansion and Coyote Pass, while she had to rent They should’ve bought smaller homes so everyone who wanted one could get one Like Christine did, the house was in her name exclusively, giving her the ability to make a clean break from Kotex Also, idk about 🇺🇸 laws but in 🇳🇱 you can’t sue to get back the money if it was a gift Even if she and Kotex had been legally married You can only sue if it was a loan
Comment from : @X3N14

WACB Reported that after this payoff on June 2 that Robins name does not appear on any of the deeds for any of the properties anymoreCan you verify?
Comment from : @lorimorrisey7957

I think you all are giving Janelle too much credit It’s difficult to know what’s happening- as the show is filmed and shown so far behindbrJanelle had been a true believer in their faith Don’t forget, she was perfectly fine with the big house idea Easily convinced to move her family to flagstaff, causing her kids all kinds of headaches Bought the RV - when there was NO water or septic on Coyote Pass Janelle doesn’t think things through Maybe that pink drink, kills brain cells?
Comment from : @beckylee0000

I think Janelle is going to build her casita She has the plans already and loves life in the woods I don’t know about Kody He’s been ranting on cameo that he doesn’t have a wife Robin I don’t know, nor do I care
Comment from : @talenarebelskey1911

Janelle needs to get Cody’s name off hers
Comment from : @paulacosby4575

They need water and electric Pretty expensive to do
Comment from : @paulacosby4575

Janelle, imo, is looking to recoup her investment She'd be better off selling the entire money pit that is Coyote Pass and buying land that is ready to build on
Comment from : @dianerose8316

I think Janelle really wants to live out there so she will do what it takes, even if it means being Kody and Robyn’s neighbour
Comment from : @KadeandBek

Janelle probably was going to take him to the cleaners if he didnt give her most of the land They owed her massive money for the mc mansion
Comment from : @SandyKNOWS

now they paid it offf, they ggonna have to pay to clean that prarie dog plaque dust thats all over Coyote Pass
Comment from : @junejunejuniejune

I think they are planning to sell the lots I don't EVER see them actually building there
Comment from : @Itsjustash04

It sounds like they're in a big mess All their money is tied up in undeveloped land with probably nothing left over for Janelle which really is so unfair!! The only fair equitable decision to make is for Cody and Robin to sell their mansion, and give Janelle, and meri their fair share They don't need that huge home - all the other sister wife's adult children don't live at home
Comment from : @sleeplessannie

Jenelle has to be playing Kody in someway to get her name on these properties I sure hope she is not considering getting back with him I hope it’s a power move on her part in some form or fashion
Comment from : @katrinaDS

I still don’t understand why it’s in Kody and Janelle’s name I would not want my name on a property with him
Comment from : @katrinaDS

I thought Jenelle said when she was wanting money from the family that she had already paid her lot off This was before they separated So now I’m really confused on what’s going on
Comment from : @katrinaDS

I feel bad for Janelle as she was a true believer There isn’t enough hell on earth to pile on those two thieves, kootie and robbing And that goes for the two simps Gwen and Mykelti I wish this family would go away
Comment from : @sherimarshall762

Janelle is playing chess The lots can’t sell without her consent Janelle is the smartest financially out of all of them She cashes out when the properties are sold Robyn doesn’t get anything The land is more valuable than the house
Comment from : @LMBynum

Didn’t Kody and Robyn take out two home equity loans 2 years ago? $300k? I’m going out on a limb 🙄 and guessing that those weren’t paid back yet and also- they wreck your credit How can they afford this new purchase? Another loan or mortgage on robyn’s ugly house? These are the dumbest and most wasteful people!
Comment from : @luciadance

Kotex wants to be Jim Jones but failed
Comment from : @mesmor

Title paid off June 2nd We all knew that the had to be paid off in June so lots of people were checking on the property records Too correct Kodyhe and Robyn did not give Christine any money The money came from family account After Christine closed on her home in Vegas she put that money back into the family account…so she did not get money from Kody and RobynbrbrKodys name wasn’t on Christine’s house so she didn’t need to hand the land overshe was being kind, and just wanted out brbrI think the land was paid off so they could sell it Good for Janelle getting Robyn’s name off her lot Too bad she didn’t get Kodys name off as well Meri needs to get Robyn’s name off her land as well so she can sell it
Comment from : @kirish43

i dont know alot about these kind of things but i do know that in michigan a lot has to be paid off before you can build on it i i have friends that had lots and that was the story
Comment from : @christinefrench7530

Janelle said repeatedly that she wanted to build on coyote pass, also she wants to leave some property or real estate for her children Kody knows his best choice is to compromise with Janelle so that she can bail him out Robyn is the legal wife, so she gets something from Kody anyway if they do split the assets, and she gets to keep the mansion Robyn doesn't contribute to the family financially anyway and I don't think she would be silly enough to prevent this and result in Kody and her bankruptcy So I would say this scenario is the best for all three
Comment from : @nagatomutsu844

I think Janelle could have sued Kody and I believe they reached an agreement in regards to Coyote Pass THese two have never been legally married so different rules apply
Comment from : @siberangel

Meri saw the writing on the wall when she purchase the B&B and left the rest of the family out She knew what was going on
Comment from : @siberangel

I think TLC paid off the land
Comment from : @babigirl39

division of assets Robyn has the house, Janelle has a share of Coyote Pass
Comment from : @mySydan

I haven't been paying attention to the goings on of this family for awhile, but was curious to see whta this is about I've lost interest in the show, largely because there is FAR too much time between seasons
Comment from : @fledge1234

Janelle is a better woman than Robyn imo
Comment from : @Soul4RealTarot

I don’t understand why they’d buy the land with the prairie dog issue
Comment from : @NyxyNoo

Robyn's name shouldn't be on any lots She contributed zero $$$ She should kick rocks
Comment from : @TheMom2three

I cannot stand Kody and Robin 😡
Comment from : @birdenthusiast2095

I do think the lots were paid off to be re-sold for profit by Kody and Janelle They won't build It is too expensive to get it ready and also just to build, and Kody and Janelle don't have that kind of money
Comment from : @deniselewis8581

I’m confused as to what Janell is thinking WACB reporting that she had no Robin name taken off the two lots before she paid them off if not she’s a very foolish woman who is probably still throwing her money in the family pot for K n R to live high on the Hog off of while she’s in the trailer 😢
Comment from : @lucytowns6971

I sincerely hope Janelle Did not help Robin and Kody in any way It might sound cold, but if the roles were reversed Those two would not lift a finger for her or her children What have they ever done to support Janelle in any way
Comment from : @colleen1219

My opinion is that Janelle knows exactly what she’s doing People should watch out for the quiet ones I hope hope hope she gets all the goodness she deserves Screw you, Kotex
Comment from : @EmilyPlein

I think Janelle wants to build her house
Comment from : @mariebuttram3385

Was it Janelle or Janelle and cody pay it off
Comment from : @mariebuttram3385

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