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The History of Global Banking: A Broken System?

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Title :  The History of Global Banking: A Broken System?
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Comments The History of Global Banking: A Broken System?

Bullshit propaganda Banking is thievery, fraud and deceit of the people
Comment from : @moilers

We fought the wrong enemy (Patton)
Comment from : @roman_mathew

Do you have a video about commercial banks also being investment banks (universal banks) ?
Comment from : @starcadium

17:30 tell that to the African warlords who, thanks to cheap credit, has been waging wars nonstop in the third world for control over rare earth minerals
Comment from : @KonStarStudio

Guys, learn economic system from an Islamic perspective, to see this world in a better vision
Comment from : @MrSongib

If the banking system is so ligit as described why is there NO transparency concerning the board meetings of the central banks and the BIS? If banks like HSBC were not criminals why did they have to pay billions in punishment? This video is a very smooth propaganda piece, like they are all criminals and the system is rigged, but there is nothing to worry about The US dollar will find its demise in hyperinflation and there is nothing the population can do about By the way, it was a banker who said "We will have world government, whether by conquest or consent" (Paul Warburg)
Comment from : @michaelvoigtlander9721

It is not broken for the likes of Rothschilds and their friends behind the curtains
Comment from : @GWAYGWAY1

This guy said its not inherently evil Sure bro Screwing the entire world for your benifit is perfectly normal Ever heard of mark of the beast? How do you think that prophecy is going to be fulfilled? You have eyes but cant see
Comment from : @mrl2091

Usury Lending of money on interest The borrower is always subject to the lender
Comment from : @mrl2091

4:00 Negative interest rates on deposits sound like a robbery to me They should pay you for using your money not the other way around
Comment from : @godlikelaw

Professor Richard Werner for President, or even better first chairman of the FED!
Comment from : @markytwain6026

So big (central) banks have accumulated massive power and money out of thin air through loans, but you're saying the system can actually be fine??brWhy should the average Joe work 50 years to pay off his mortgage, while banks can just print that money without having to do anything for it????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!brbrThat is telling the ordinary people on a subconscious level: 'You're worth little to nothing, and we own everything!'brOr in the coronpandemic: 'Wear your mask eventhough it's not working!'brSame as with money: 'Use it eventhough it's corrupt!'
Comment from : @Hello2u3582mypincode

100 nefarious chews run the worlds money supply Some day
Comment from : @clovergrass9439

man i cant keep up with this australian accent
Comment from : @saki66y

So we all going to ignore the fact that Runescape gold was shown at 6:09?
Comment from : @HomoHominiLupus0101

One point not explained at all is the merging of investment and commercial banks in the 1990’s that allowed the newly formed large entities to use people’s money to speculate The system would be much more stable if the split would be reinstated!!!
Comment from : @larouedorllc3735

This Video brought to you by the Family of Mayor Rothschild,Jp Morgan co and the fellow Bankers
Comment from : @yakovmatityahu

Yet another explanation of the MSM iron law that states that people never have gathered, are not are not currently gathering, and never will gather in private session in order to make plans to gain power over those not in the room People could never engage in such a practice, and anyone who has evidence of such should go to the nearest police constable who will see to it that things are put right
Comment from : @edwardmclaughlin7935

Why can't countries just print money and not have interest owed on the money they wanted to create?
Comment from : @Thomas-sv6jr

It’s not broken, it’s designed with holes in it so some of the goodies falls thru the cracks to feed the parasites
Comment from : @bw2442

The business outcome is incorrect Debt to income in Australia is sky high and to prevent bank runs they are pushing a cashless society Push it into business instead and noone will be able to afford a roof over the heads Think about it - unbridled ability to lend
Comment from : @soundsoffire5960

A video like this is the complete lecture of an hour on central banking thanks for this love from 🇮🇳
Comment from : @yuvrajcharan5387

After the United States went off of the gold standard, the Federal Reserve was given three responsibilities and one of them is job creation That's not a conspiracy theory that's documented fact even though it's b*******
Comment from : @drewstead316

Heard/appreciate what was stated herebHowever I will have to disagree Thank you for sharing! 😉👍
Comment from : @EddieLeal

Good vid but nah bro, there is definitely a concerted effort towards globalization being pushed explicitly by Fed reserve, Bank of a international settlements, IMF and world bank
Comment from : @OrthodoxAlex

I question the assumption that not enough money exists to pay all outstanding debt First you have to consider the difference between debt owed to banks from other forms of debt The payment of bank debt does extinguish a certain amount of money That's not necessarily true of other forms of debt Second, the payment of other forms of debt simply transfers money from one party to the other I think a lot more data is required to determine the accuracy of the statement that the quantity of money would fall to zero if all debts were paid
Comment from : @MengerMania

Real content love from Nepal
Comment from : @arbindlahera5620

Should've been titled: Rothschild on Banking
Comment from : @chadkline4268

So basically, money doesn't have value but we better act as if it does otherwise a group of people will "punish" us? The fact people like you just gloss over that point is a big part of the problem
Comment from : @ScarzChosenspokesmen

Yea dont worry about this banking thing over here guys I got it Its suuuper boring Im basically a middle man You wouldnt wanna do it Oh no ill still be a billionaire who controls the interest rate of the entire economy buuut its just boring banker stuff Super necessary super above board I mean why conspire? Im just a boring banker man
Comment from : @user-jm7se9cf3u

Bla bla bla bla , i don't trust any bank anymore , they are corrupt
Comment from : @babakgholian3467

Doesn’t the banking system low key sound like a giant pyramid scheme?
Comment from : @felixvega5175

Sorry, I'm not concentrate, why it broken
Comment from : @abgzulkifli

You left out all the Bankers Wars …seems very naive presentation
Comment from : @Heathercoupey

Explain esg if they aren’t evil lol
Comment from : @CrowdKillerSN95

"The banks are boring Yup! Nothing to see here! And certainly no conspiracies afoot!"brWhat a relief😅! (they got to him)
Comment from : @anonimanonim2710

So basically no one cared that no one was ever worth trusting… and we said this is fine
Comment from : @sayserloks

Viu ? Eu sou o neo, vocês tentam fazer mal pra mim e eu vou programando o futuro deles 70x7 , dentro do próprio script, eu não fico preso na roda do karma por isso , eu deixo o mal se destruir sozinho
Comment from : @Joao-ql7df

Viu ? Eu sou o neo, vocês tentam fazer mal pra mim e eu vou programando o futuro deles 70x7 , dentro do próprio script, eu não fico preso na roda do karma por isso , eu deixo o mal se destruir sozinho
Comment from : @Joao-ql7df

Imagina cara tem quase mil pessoas , vai invadir a casa dele eu avisei , o cara se matou , eu avisei !!!
Comment from : @Joao-ql7df

Chora machão chora kkkkkkk olha lá véi coitado desse cara , tem quase mil pessoas correndo atrás dele
Comment from : @Joao-ql7df

Vocês são machões agora , eu quero ver os machão chorar 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @Joao-ql7df

Infelizmente vocês que bateram de frente comigo , eu já coloquei vocês dentro de um filme de terror , e tá quase batendo meia noite 😂😂😂♣️♥️♠️♦️
Comment from : @Joao-ql7df

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” Henry Ford
Comment from : @elliottharris9015

Correct me if I'm wrong but central banks can cause crises by changing interest rates and buy propertys etc while its cheapbrAlso they can just make money out of thin air which benefits the rich because they get loans and is bad for the poor because it increases inflation
Comment from : @Rootsman417

Comment from : @DJ-co8qn

This besides religion is a war crime of humanitarian blood drowning that n the sea of choking mouths… I will die for this effort
Comment from : @NicolasPrince-j8k

Kinds glossed over the fact that creating receipts for gold you dont have is basic fraud any one of us would be in front of a judge if we tried it Just the fact rhat governments are indebted to the banks in the first place allows them to get away with it Central banks was just a bigger con to monopolise the banking system
Comment from : @funster73mcr2

Banks are ‘boring middlemen’ NOT police Why do we have them acting as police? Bc police suck at police work Let’s let banks be banks
Comment from : @bkidd942

I just love watching smoke twirling around the mirrors
Comment from : @TheManFrayBentos

Another naive apology for the global Ponzi scheme END THE FED
Comment from : @charliepiston3169

6:28 is when thing went wrong Banks are just a legitimate scam Thats what need to change
Comment from : @Lancelotxxx

You need to do a simpler version This one makes banking seem like just so much magical thinking
Comment from : @edjohnson5840

Comment from : @TheMrNoobChannel

banks and bankers are evil, period
Comment from : @TheL0wner

It's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ which drives the world
Comment from : @parttimetourist

Bruh did you get all your info from that old money MASTERS documentary floating around YouTube????
Comment from : @sheeptards097

Income tax introduced as the FED created and there's no way it's coincidence
Comment from : @chrisasi_romeo

I do like your videos, but your continual simpping to capitalism and pretending it is the end all be all is getting tiresome
Comment from : @mtlanglo1

More bullshit about the economics
Comment from : @jessed0308

When I watched the Scam Video of HSBC, I wanted to be a client of them
Comment from : @cinemaipswich4636

deptpool - a new Marvel superhero
Comment from : @pavelb7036

here, the banking system is killing the whole country from inside
Comment from : @Onion_Knights

You can't save this broken system, stop thinking central banking and inflation is a force for good
Comment from : @nixielee

Read "A history of international banking and the enslavement of mankind"
Comment from : @The_noticer-u2b

How much did the banks pay you to describe their ponzi scheme as a harmless convenience ?
Comment from : @gauharsingh7015

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed Creating currency is the same idea, it's an abomination of reality There will be consequences for trying to implement you're own rules into reality it may be temporarily perceived as a good thing, but the system will balance itself It probably won't be good either
Comment from : @patrickpaquette1029

Someone please tell me: When a bank prints money to loan it to someone, isn't it effectively diluting the wealth of everyone who who holds that money without their consent? How is that not theft? I can't believe you call this "mundane" Just because it's the current state of things doesn't make it okay!
Comment from : @nac341

Most lucrative to banksters is war In history and still today they finance both sides in a conflict not care who wins or lose After the big money loan to those countries in conflict the banks colect collateral by recources, sovereignty or on its people The debt these countries have at these private own banks keeps them in a chokehold and will never get out of this debt These banks print money at will Making markets go up or down by financing or widraw money The fact that we go from crisis into crisis to a new crisis is that this system has to go Banks are more powerfull than our leaders and they dictate the covernment
Comment from : @Stopcanceling

If this is all mundane and honest stuff, why they dont teach this history in school? And why searching "fractional reserve" in youtube gives me old videos and videos by questionable characters like kiyosaki?
Comment from : @andrejkt2631

Banking system is the biggest fraud in the human history, this institution support money hoarding, otherwise nobody would be able to hord the amount of money now they have
Comment from : @anonymousanonymous5675

IbrF someone had lots of money does the central bank have a record it
Comment from : @sandraconkle4008

16:43 shout out to The Utah State Capital Building
Comment from : @SkylerBaird

The fact that banks make profits off of money that doesn’t exist Is why we don’t trust them and believe in the conspiracies that surround the banking industry
Comment from : @jeremywoessner8136

Comment from : @CadolfWasHere

It's theft simple
Comment from : @dw9646

Comment from : @-xl7ep1se3i

SO instead of making better banking services and PR to reduce bank runs they cheese the system for more central control Gotcha
Comment from : @bpuppin


Comment from : @PreetamRtd

money used to be backed by precious metals and now they are backed with threats of violence against anyone who doesn’t willingly allow the government to steal from them in the current currency
Comment from : @donaldstevens272

It's beyond alchemy because alchemists only claimed to conjure gold from base metals not from nothing
Comment from : @MisterTutor2010

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