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How Banks Create Money out of Thin Air

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Title :  How Banks Create Money out of Thin Air
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Comments How Banks Create Money out of Thin Air

Comment from : @idovlogs4415

I hate the Antichrist
Comment from : @Briggattonii

What will happen when we move to a paperless system?
Comment from : @LightBeingsBE

They predicted the 2008 collapse and the birth of bitcoin
Comment from : @hugoperezoso

Great video If anyone is looking to get gold, I can help
Comment from : @toriedavis4403

I’m astonished
Comment from : @invisibletriangles9735

The most important and fundamental issue concerning banks and our system of money issuance is how it is possible for a bank to create new money simply by booking a loan As a former banking officer who wrote the accounting manual for a residential mortgage program, I am baffled by this notion And yet, a 2014 paper by staff of the Bank of England stated without reservation that individual banks -- and not just a nation's central bank -- can make a loan to someone without having the cash on hand, or without converting other assets into cash I would love someone who knows to point me to the law that grants this power (essentially the power to engage in fraud) to commercial (and savings?) banks
Comment from : @nthperson

Jamie Dimon voted thumbs down 77x
Comment from : @roypiper581

Comment from : @GospodinJean

The goldsmith's story needs to be required for study by all students
Comment from : @thehalvening8942

Constitution is outdated piece of paper Instead of protect people's liberty against corporate-government partnership, it gives them right to kill themself with guns
Comment from : @GrzesVJ

a brilliant video
Comment from : @anthonytroia1

How can we endorse or claim the credit application, inorder for the credit that they lend us be used to settle the obligation?
Comment from : @rasel9836

If a bank can just create money from thin air, what would stop them from just lending as much money as possible? Every loan they make means another income stream from a borrower Like buying a bond, but without having to put up any money If I could buy a bond without having money I would buy $100 billion worth of bonds and, at 1, receive $1 billion dollars per year in interest I would not care if I ever got paid back, as long as the borrowers kept paying the interestbrbrWhat for dirty liberal hippy thought of this scheme?brbrHow long has this been going on?!!!
Comment from : @ModernRelic69

Whats the answers to those four questions mentioned in the video
Comment from : @KP-fy5bf

I suck at banking and stuff can someone explain the mins 3 to 8 to me like I'm a fucking 10 year old please? :s
Comment from : @aha8887

those who need money today are set off by people who have paid off today the money they have borrowed in the past When this is in balance we have a healthy monetary system Money backed by the product of any and all enterprise is much more reliable and enduring than money backed by any single or even group of commodity/commodities
Comment from : @kaushikvsmaniyan

Too bad the Federal Reserve isn't as transparent at the Bank of England The Bank of England admits that commercial banks create money out thin in air their publication "Money Creation in the Modern Economy" wwwbankofenglandcouk/publications/Documents/quarterlybulletin/2014/qb14q1prereleasemoneycreationpdf
Comment from : @WVIEWC

Bottlecaps is the best versatile and solvent currency I know of 250 years from now
Comment from : @Agent1W

Look at the amount of views vs the population on YT People don't want to hear they are slaves They'd rather watch cat videos
Comment from : @michaelwilliams7404

Is there not a better quality version of this? Even 1080p is terrible
Comment from : @biggingeryeti

Modern time slavery Mass slavery
Comment from : @sbellaharris

Best eye-opener as regards the Euro debt crisis and the tragedy of Greece thanks for uploading
Comment from : @IslandForestPlains

no wonder bitcoin is taking over and governments hate it
Comment from : @scizenscizen

That representation called a credit aka loan aka debt is what is created out of thin air
Comment from : @aljawisa

You're getting confused because of the side by side nature of deposits and loans  A credit of or representation of the deposit is loaned out, not the actual deposit in the electronic vault
Comment from : @aljawisa

This so called HD is ridiculous!!!!
Comment from : @veebee3837

why don;t we create our own ecomey?
Comment from : @justingovak3632

Great videoworth watching all the way through I like the part about the goldsmithsor bankers
Comment from : @1realestatehomes

this idea that a loan is just money out of thin air is not true when a loan or mortgage is advanced, the bank pays the money to the home seller or car dealer etc up front  it is that money that is repaid with interest by the borrower
Comment from : @RedroomStudios

I have to say that I learned something here  I knew that the money was lent out for the bank to make money, but this clear up a lot of other questions that I had running around in my head   Thank you for posting and educating some of the rest of us 
Comment from : @perryjaialai

Forgiving and forgetting are two different things Steph Forgetting is not remembering X has happened Forgiving is going over trauma and remembering it in a new way
Comment from : @TheKiosk94

y its in comedy category, to me its scary and not funny
Comment from : @devendersarangdevot1

Question:brLets assume that we are all waking up to logic and we want to debunk this corrupt system Two things I can think of:brbr1) Go declare bankruptcy and do not pay your debt! If we all do this does the system collapse?brbr2) Go to the bank and ask for your money Not a bank account but the actual paper moneybrbrI still do not see that how you can debunk the system Even if we all claim bankruptcy because they can create infinite amount of money they can create this money and pay all the creditors and the system would still not collapse They would do this through debt insuring companies for examplebrbrWhen it comes to number 2 this would stress them for only a few day They would go and print the money, eat the ink and paper cost and they are still fine!brbrIn my opinion the only way for us to debunk this system is NOT SPENDING THE MONEY WE DONT HAVE!brDo not get a mortgage, do not use loans, do not use credit cardsbrbrLet me know what you guys think please, I really want this system to go away, it is sucking the life out of generations NOT FAIR! 
Comment from : @220830lock

2 minutes in and absolutely NOTHING Stopped watching, bored now
Comment from : @FBtheHunter

Couple this clip with "Inside Job" by Charles H Ferguson and you might understand why the US and other industrialized countries are slowly going bankrupt Banks and corporations reap in the profits when things go right, and let society pay the bills when things go wrong
Comment from : @tengnbiiga

Mikedd56, your example about the car insurance working fine unless too may people claim too fast, forcing them to go bankrupt and screwing people over that's EXACTLY what happened with real estate bankuptcy insurance which led to the financial crash in 2008 in the US!!! Have you not watched "Inside Job" by Charles H Ferguson? You have a choice to step out of ignorance here
Comment from : @tengnbiiga

17:09 The bank's initial central bank reserve of $111112 allows it to ulitmately collect interest on up to $100,000 it never had Banks loan money they do not have
Comment from : @tengnbiiga

If EVERY PERSON went to the bank right now to take out whatever is in their account, they would see with their own eyes that the money isn`t really there, and riots would erupt all over the world If you believe that the number you see on a receipt or on a screen equals actual existing assets, you`re only fooling yourself
Comment from : @tengnbiiga

you can never understand anything with that kind of mindset
Comment from : @geratoutoune6207

fuck the system, join an MLM :D
Comment from : @NathenEadie

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Comment from : @imranhossainsakib7033

it aint jewels is it?
Comment from : @francisgiamanis8037

we eat pork when we get a girlfriend but not as a childyour talking about "Jewish" ish people
Comment from : @francisgiamanis8037

im a jew ! I love money and wars and business if that's what they is I love to escape the orgy here also
Comment from : @francisgiamanis8037

are you saying that the USA is the wealthiest country in the world because it has the highest debt ? n those countries with least debt are the poorest?
Comment from : @Onlyme2015

Comment from : @hermanlinny3919

I agree
Comment from : @Onlyme2015

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Comment from : @OmarFaruqueBD

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Comment from : @josephclementi7177

The last idea on the gov't completely controlling the supply of money has holes in its logic A system that is pretty much based on internal spending with infrastructure as the 'value' as well as the gov't completely controlling the flow of money isn't any better than the utopian view of communism which isn't really utopian Doesn't account other countries, trade, or obvious corruption from that system
Comment from : @Swordsman629

It really isn't Right suggests more reactionairy thinking, leaning towards religion, tradition, principles, personal gain, and normally suggestingf a system that benefits the few at the top Whilst a left view is more likely to be progressive, leaning towards secularism or even atheism, based on ulility and actuality of physical resources, and designed with the gain of the wider populace in mind The only illusion created by politicians, is that an actual left is embodied by them
Comment from : @Smadlin01

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Comment from : @bradleyjeremyl6487

Awesome footage There is a lot of ways to make money online Fast Finance Hub is making my mum just under $1,750 every week for the last 2 years Find out exactly how you can too Search Google for Fast Finance Hub :)
Comment from : @rajivkumarpandit3747

That's why the US uses te FED to raise their Deb ceiling, they know they are never gonna pay that shit, they just take advantage of it to spend money in whatever they want :D
Comment from : @samuelstroh8631

Comment from : @CommercialAtrophy

Nevermind this is socialism
Comment from : @02nissansentracs

It has a socialist touch now that you mention it
Comment from : @02nissansentracs

Use your own reason and logic to decide if you agree or disagree, don't let political ideologies make that decision for you
Comment from : @loomit100

Use your own reason and logic to decide if you agree or disagree, don't let political ideologies make that decision for you
Comment from : @loomit100

look up Rockefellers quote about his conviction to his cause and how if hes being charged with it he said proudly he stood guilty as charged, imagine how much courage that takes, could a man stand up boldly and say: YES I WANT TO RAPE YOUR CHILDREN, or is it more likely that the grinches heart is bigger than we thought as he could proudly state: YES I WANT TO CONTROL THE WORLDS MONEY SO WERE ALL FABULAOUSLY RICH
Comment from : @jetlee6915

ok so lets take into consideration that the NWO might think its trying its best to come to a greater outcome for the future, they just don't yet know themselves how to do that and are trying to figure it out, perhaps instead of trying to kill these people, im lookin at you Rockefeller, perhaps we should level with these people and come to an agreement peacefully that will mutually benefit the whole world??? vs WORLD WAR 3? how about it?
Comment from : @jetlee6915

I've been reading that a reserve ratio applies to a depositor's money That is, a certain fraction of a deposit must be put into reserve I can't find information that says a new bank can loan 9x its start-up capital given a ratio of 9:1 According to that info, the 'new bank's' investors would have had to have $11,11112 in the vault in order to make a $10,000 loan; not $1,11112 Can someone clarify?
Comment from : @KippBrewer

Nice video, shame I can't hear the audio properly! I have been earning money online after studying Crib Cash Generator (search for it on Google) I generated $765 in the last 6 hours lol
Comment from : @gtomsau

Yea, like capitalism?
Comment from : @LFSPharaoh

Well, how would we for example determine how much gold is worth how much silver, you need some sort of measuring tool, money is just this
Comment from : @arthurstemmer8462

Very good start to the video However when the speaker goes on about his proposed solutions he really screws up! Conflating currency and money Money is something of real value, a readily tradable good that has utility in its own right Currency is the promise to redeem for a real money The solution to the problem is fully private and competing banking, which would lead to regular redemption of promisory notes out of distrust Government creates problems it does not solve them!
Comment from : @benderrodriquez

why cant you just agree to agree why does left-right have to matter? dont put a label on yourself and rip away the label off of everything in sight
Comment from : @boxiNBooger31

If I get it right the solution proposed was that we exchange the bankers by politics to control credit?? Really?? A leader is just an info broker The captain of the ship doesnt tell u how to control the ship so u need him to do it 4 u But with the info tech we got today, we dont need this control anymore The objective decisions of society can be eletronicaly cauculated instead of opiniated The subjective ones by every one of us Gov is obsolete A resource based economy 4 a better future
Comment from : @mrhoustonn

explains why they are being targeted
Comment from : @hollowzounds

At approximately minutes of 30, it is said Usury is prohibited by major religion It is true It has been firmly prohibited by Islam
Comment from : @abuavi

Great video, shame about the low quality
Comment from : @asgloki

the conjured part is your "plus interest" dumbass
Comment from : @kpod777

very good video
Comment from : @JesusBeatlejuice

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