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"How To Make Millions In A Market Crash" — Peter Lynch

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Title :  "How To Make Millions In A Market Crash" — Peter Lynch
Lasting :   10.09
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Frames "How To Make Millions In A Market Crash" — Peter Lynch

Description "How To Make Millions In A Market Crash" — Peter Lynch

Comments "How To Make Millions In A Market Crash" — Peter Lynch

Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies
Comment from : @tatianastarcic

I have $320,000 in debt, which has been straining my income I recently received a $102,000 insurance payout from a work injury and want to grow the money through stocks to help pay off my debt Would you recommend these stocks?
Comment from : @CohenBergeron4

So many bots in the comment section and youtube chooses to shadowban me 😁
Comment from : @LammaDrama

Never use Stoploss
Comment from : @antarshakti3093

During a bear market, professionals typically move to cash early, short the downtrend, and wait to pick up great companies at bargain prices Amateurs, on the other hand, often hold on stubbornly, hoping each rally signals an end to the downturn, and eventually sell when losses become unbearable
Comment from : @BrewerVera

That’s it…… Tomorrow morning I’m going to wake up, flip a coin , go for a walk and thank my lucky stars that I read the book PL wrote, “One Up on Wall Street” , back in 1990 😊
Comment from : @warrenrobinson1525

The math doesn't add up, if he for 13 years in a row had 29 on average per year, 18 million would be 493 million, not 14 billion
Comment from : @harryvanderveen773

No need for distracting musicbrI'm here for information not music
Comment from : @pobinr

All these bot conversation comments about financial advisors are really annoying
Comment from : @NLDefinition

of course what a moronic advise crash is buying opportunity
Comment from : @ChrisMCP2

I don't give a rip what he says I'm 64 and sick of the market volatility; I'm getting out of the market completely I have a net worth of about 700K, and that's enough With interest on my CDs, SS and pension, I have a guaranteed annual income of at least 60K with ZERO risk for the rest of my life
Comment from : @HiHaven8

Asking if we should do anything to control volatility is like asking if we should stop driving because someone might run onto the road and get hit by a car
Comment from : @mareksogars2954

I got out of the market I got this
Comment from : @meowmeow5662

All fools money Make money spend money All troubles IRS on ur ass😂
Comment from : @tonytoloczko5243

Basically pick four companies with good books the market goes down buy cheap and sell high
Comment from : @MarioLuigi-vb3rp

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing below the $100k mark and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $234,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest a huge percentage of my profit and it got more interesting! For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home at the beginning of summer
Comment from : @TerriVess

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing below the $100k mark and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $234,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest a huge percentage of my profit and it got more interesting! For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home at the beginning of summer
Comment from : @SandraGunther-o2t

There are many differing viewpoints regarding equities and their projections for the next years; I strive for short-term substantial returns from market corrections, and I'd surely get on the boat if I knew anything about day-trading I'm just searching for the appropriate moves to increase and protect my $490k reserve from inflation
Comment from : @DavidLucas-so8rr

People believe their currency has the worth it does because they have no other option Even in a hyper-inflationary environment, individuals must continue to use their hyper inflationary currency since they likely have minimal access to other currencies or gold/silver coins
Comment from : @Rogerederer-b2r

Comment from : @jettdad4507

I did not understand what does he mean by saying what do you do if share drips from 16$ to 10 to 9 to 8,7,6 even 3 $ what does one do? Sell it?
Comment from : @mystickal6342

Two years ago people were saying "That's what they say before the crash, pull out" Look at the last 2 years I personally feel the S&P is a bit high atm, but I am still buying because frankly I'm probably wrong, and if I'm right its still just a matter of time till the next big bull
Comment from : @avocadoarmadillo7031

complete speech link plz
Comment from : @syedburhanofficial

Anybody mentioning some mysterious magical CFA is a scam bot
Comment from : @RobCLynch

Hit 109k last week, lost 17k today 💔
Comment from : @JeanleyCanuto

Do dollar cost averaging Buy an S & P 500 index fund & forget it The S&P beats the vast majority of fund managersbrInvesting for dummies 101
Comment from : @robertblaney5033

He speaks like a true wolf of Wall Street Disgusting
Comment from : @bryanaustin8362

Man’s got charisma!
Comment from : @bluelagoon5

Although there are many differing views regarding equities and their outlook for the upcoming years, I strive for short-term, steady gains from market corrections, and if I understood a little bit about day trading, I would surely hop on the boat All I want to do is find the best ways to increase and protect my $390k stagnating reserve from inflation
Comment from : @DesireeJames-q1z

Market performance is never determined by fundamentals Even when it is, the performance is skewed depending upon how the 1 control it They can exaggerate gains or control it as they wish Making profits in the stock market is a game of chance for the common investor
Comment from : @bawwf011

At the end of the day, common retail investors are always going to get burnt investing If they succeed, its only a matter of luck or chance because the markets are controlled by the 1 They decide when and how much the stocks go up and when they want, they can bring the market down in less than a second
Comment from : @bawwf011

Always a lot to learn from Peter and I really enjoyed his book too Just wondering, for someone with less than $50,000 to invest, how would you recommend we enter the market? I am looking study some traders and copy their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally I would like to get some takes on this approach
Comment from : @MarkJoe-e7f

I've heard some analysts talk about a 'massive' correction It makes me wonder if it's time to adjust my $2M portfolios or maybe even consider some defensive investments
Comment from : @EthanMaloney-qp4lh

My advice to new investors: Buy good companies stocks and hold them as long as they are good companies Just do this and ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely useless
Comment from : @jottinger

The average stock in my portfolio has been cut in half, and the only way to make money this year has been to either short or to trade long in very short time frames I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my dipping $117k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this market?
Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497

There are lots of mixed opinions about stocks and there projection in the next coming years, I aim for short term solid gains from market correction and I'd definitely jump on the boat if I knew a thing or two about day-trading I'm just looking for the right moves to grow and hedge my stagnant reserve of $490k from inflation
Comment from : @JoshuaKerr-m4u

Awesome breakdown! I used Loyaltypicks for DRUG, BTCT, and QUBT plays Small caps can pop hard on the right momentum
Comment from : @TonyQuintana1

Men of class from IndiabrWe meet again!
Comment from : @ExpertStoryteller

At 29 annual growth rate he would be able to grow 18 Million to 12 Billion in 13 years So there was definitely additional money invested overthe years which people are not accounting for But yes it's impressive
Comment from : @Mr-DOGA

I lost over $80k when everything started to tank Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said I'm still responsible It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly Thanks Brooke Grace Miller
Comment from : @sarapalin

Successful investing is hard work because it means disciplining your mind to do the opposite of human nature Buying during a panic, selling during euphoria, and holding on when you are bored and just craving a little action Investing is 5 intellect and 95 temperament
Comment from : @fabianmoss124

Everyone is screaming market crash and it's getting me worried How can I 50 of my 300K cash svings? I don't want to get burnt out while investing
Comment from : @clarkstephen7861

Will the Philosophies or Styles of investing followed or successful in one Country suit of Work in other countries markets?? I always had this doubt when reading as some books as well like rich dad n poor dad
Comment from : @pavankuriseti7966

I've always been fascinated by how top investors achieve millionaire status through their investments Currently, I'm sitting on $345K from a home sale and I'm torn between investing in stocks or holding out for a better opportunity?
Comment from : @hannahbrownnn

Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of life and blessings to me and my family $14,12047 weekly profit Our lord Jesus have lifted up my Life!!!🙏❤️❤️
Comment from : @ZerriJoseph

I've just begun learning about value investing, and I've found that many good stocks are undervalued despite their intrinsic value If you had $200,000 to create a strong investment portfolio, which stocks would you choose for better returns?
Comment from : @Mlanderos-t9e

I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying it’s ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $200k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point
Comment from : @IsabelConchita

oct 2024 after correction?
Comment from : @shivamsingh-vu9fp

Commonsense enough to earn money from market
Comment from : @mohannadar8u873

This video motivated me to invest in my first cryptocurrency!
Comment from : @FutureCoin2024

Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies
Comment from : @caseybills5517

Stocks will outperform mutual funds? Kind of, unless you invest in offshore drilling right before fracking started! Or polaroid before digital cameras were invented How about that fisker stock?
Comment from : @crsp76691

Very Nice Speech by Mr Lynch🙏🙏🙏✍
Comment from : @SujeetBane-cc4ii

Nice video watching the market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change Strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here Stay alert, diversify, and let's ride this unpredictable market together At the core is Shea Ardolf, whose deep understanding of crypto and traditional trading is key Her all-encompassing investment approach and staying updated on trends make her a valuable ally in this era
Comment from : @lucaspaciello866

Nice video in trading, possessing technical analysis skills is not sufficient on its own; discipline and emotional maturity play crucial roles in achieving success Embracing the mindset of "time in the market vs timing the market" proves valuable, especially during market fluctuations I attribute my growing daily earnings to Shea Ardolf's valuable insights and daily trade signals, coupled with my commitment to continuous learning, managed to grow a nest egg of around 127k to a decent 532k Kudos to the journey ahead!
Comment from : @jacnelson3423

Why do you need this annoying music??
Comment from : @dinaf1409

2:17 peter schiff😂
Comment from : @brendansmith7842

Never get out of market but hold enough cash to average downwards
Comment from : @shashwatwadhwa3111

Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies
Comment from : @Raymondcraw1967RaymondCrawley

I realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment I always tell myself you don't need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet That mindset helped me make more money investing For example last year I invested 30k in crypto and made about $246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded again and now I am rounding up close to a million
Comment from : @Willswinton4

That's not what Warren Buffet has done in 2024 Autumn
Comment from : @tanergirgin6569

Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies
Comment from : @Riggsnic_co

My success has been in averaging in over time, mainly in etf's, adding extra horsepower when there is a big correction and everything goes on sale at which time I will shovel more in That has worked very well for me
Comment from : @PeterTrauth-xf9wf

Appreciate the detailed breakdown! I need some advice: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay) How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Comment from : @EngiYagual

I recently sold some of my long-term positions and am now sitting on around $250k; do you think Nvidia is a decent buy right now, or have I missed out on a critical buying period? Any solid stock recommendations on fantastic performing stocks would be greatly appreciated
Comment from : @Bako-b8j

Overall, 51 of traders think this year would favor stocks, mutual funds, and other equity-based investments, despite Treasury yields and other safer cash-like investments paying big I’m looking for opportunities in the market that could fetch me $1m ahead of retirement by 2025
Comment from : @brianwhitehawker1756

Biggest lesson i learnt in 2023 in the stock market is that nobody knows what is going to happen next, so practice some humility and low a strategy with a long term edge
Comment from : @Davidvictor6

GoPro and Peleton investors have entered the chat
Comment from : @royshaft

I remember when I just got into crypto back in 2019 but later in 2020 I ended up selling it because I was dumb and I didn't understand it Having a mentor to guide me now I know how it works Got back into crypto early in 2024 with 10k and I’m up with 128k in a short period of time This comment serves as motivation for all those who have invested and continue to invest in cryptocurrencies with so many losses, do not give up, cryptocurrencies can change your life Do your best to connect with the right people and you will surely see changes
Comment from : @MarcelWilson200

I will be forever grateful to you, you have changed my entire life and I will continue to preach in your name for the whole world to hear that you saved me from a huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Shana Heckel
Comment from : @bellajr

Time in the market not timing the market The key to success it to make rational decisions based on the deep research like Peter did
Comment from : @mike_valueinv

what are really the best strategies to make our portfolio recession proof my wife is already panicking, so many questions! Should I shift my portfolio of around 600k to cash position?
Comment from : @CadeCowell-ft4fe

Investing and simple financial literacy is such an important topic So much wisdom to learn from Peter Lynch and if we would each apply it, it would have a tremendous impact in our financial bottom line
Comment from : @LGonz-L

Buy SOFI now It is greatly undervalued at the moment It has one of the best management teams on the planet It has never missed any beats since it has been a public company It will outperform the market and be one of the biggest market gainers in 2025 and beyond Do your own research, but SOFI is a no brainer
Comment from : @tonyprice2256

Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies
Comment from : @jameswood9772

i don't know about you , but i would rather use a crypto investment platform that offers mining machines profits
Comment from : @Rich-uf2pu

The fact that nobody talks about the book Matrix Golden Cashflow Tactics, speaks volumes why people dont earn a lot of money
Comment from : @thebestone11-r9y

Most important thing “knowledge” do not hesitate to invest in some good money books like “Matrix Golden Cashflow Tactics” that book helped me to start my first business, I have never read anything like money secrets which are in that book
Comment from : @Ziggle-ky9kv

So what happened to kaiser?
Comment from : @SaadonAksah

There appears to be lots of "traders" in the comments as opposed to buy and hold index types My vote is buy and hold stocks (mostly S and P) for 30 years and do nothing in response to the market's ups and downs All in if you can or dollar cost in if you are waiting for paychecks to invest And dollar cost out via monthly withdrawals when you start to collect You will get pretty close to the long term S and P (which is pretty darn good) and more importantly, you won't make timing mistakes that could cost you big bucks One bad timing mistake can undo years of solid investing
Comment from : @nickcordone-x2b

lol lol the strpidity is stunning
Comment from : @TC-ok4ng

Put optionslolZ
Comment from : @zardiw

When Peter Lynch retired, did he put his wealth into index fund?
Comment from : @ericchang9568

Do you really believe he tells the truth?!brI am not!
Comment from : @zbigniewbrzezinski8869

I am holding a cash position right now, of about 300k I know a dip is supposed to be the buying opportunity, so whats the best stocks to dive into, in this recession?
Comment from : @Christine-wp2bw

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