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Elon Musk’s Incredible Speech on the Education System | Eye Opening Video on Education

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Information Elon Musk’s Incredible Speech on the Education System | Eye Opening Video on Education

Title :  Elon Musk’s Incredible Speech on the Education System | Eye Opening Video on Education
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Frames Elon Musk’s Incredible Speech on the Education System | Eye Opening Video on Education

Description Elon Musk’s Incredible Speech on the Education System | Eye Opening Video on Education

Comments Elon Musk’s Incredible Speech on the Education System | Eye Opening Video on Education

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Comment from : @myidolelon1673

Unfortunately most of us are employees and still a diploma to get hired
Comment from : @thomasng1816

Want a school that groups kids by ability not age? We've been doing this for years!
Comment from : @ChsonlineOrgUkinternetschool

Because the education system runs under criminal racists zionist
Comment from : @mohammadsareh4732

Curious… Do the people leading Musk’s projects have degrees?
Comment from : @kellyjacobs4114

Tell them, Sir Elon! Now, with the advent AI, we should be able to earn our credentials through the Internet on our own precious timetables! Way to Go!
Comment from : @SpartacanWisdom-ym6wm

I HATE ELON MUSK The biggest con man ever
Comment from : @josephpullen1153

I am a teacher in Canada, certainly there are things we need to improve in education This video shows clearly that Elon Musk does not understand how to educate an entire society
Comment from : @sigmoide672

How do we standardize this type of education, and how we do we avoid nepotism in job recruitment?
Comment from : @digitalteachersuganda

compulsory education: because who wouldn't want to spend their formative years being molded into a compliant, unquestioning citizen? It's like a factory line for future taxpayers and voters—no critical thinking allowed
Comment from : @politicsisstupidandannoyin269

My son is 16 years old and he is home school and he always say i don't see how this is going to help me in the future! This has nothing to do with what i want to do in my career! But he is smarter than other kids his age and more MATURE!! Let's hear from the CHILDREN NOT THE PARENTS
Comment from : @queenv777

take a break musk
Comment from : @geirha75

Take that damn music out of the video so we can hear Elon Who put the music in the video anyway? He is a nut get rid of him We want to hear what Elon is saying
Comment from : @jamesmcqueen6038

I think our schools should be divided into different sections Like level one should only teach math, reading and spelling The next level should teach health and how to become a Doctor, Next level should teach aviation and how to become a pilot Every school should be divided to teach a curtain trade The kids should graduate from the first level before they can advance to the next level I know that should crazy but the way we are trying now aren’t working at all We should do away with back packs and telephones in schools Let our kids learn what they think they would like to do in life Spelling and reading is the most important thing we need to learn and past to graguate before advancing to the next level After that we need to be studying what we want to do in life, stop wasting our time on all this crap like history, diagraming a sentence etc We don’t need that stuff to make a living it is a waste of time We need to learn about our trade and learn it good Like becoming a doctor , layer, electronics, pilot, mechanic etc Each school should have two spelling teachers and also two reading teachers because our kids will learn faster After that we need a lot of special teachers teaching a trade Let the kids learn what they want to learn to make a living
Comment from : @jamesmcqueen6038

He’s an idiot! And don’t be an idiot and say well he’s got a he’s a billionaire He must not be too unintelligent That’s not what it’s about again that’s what you people don’t get
Comment from : @ToddBrown-b1k

You have to brake a system because there still many companies will ignore you if your resume has no education list or no experience! Of course, education has to be more practical but not bunch of not needed courses or punishment / reward method
Comment from : @benandolga

My father taught me what you learn
Comment from : @EmerickKing-j4o

All chinese mosk
Comment from : @miguelmorales887

I hope to hear from Elon Musk I have more ideas to share
Comment from : @rickallard3764

This is exactly what is RIGHT! I always felt just this way and I am certain most would agree But, The school system is just that, A system for the powerful and greedy using people as sheep
Comment from : @rickallard3764

The behind the scenes evidence shows not only is Mr Musk smart but he is also correct! The educational system is not about education, it's about indoctrination into a society that applauds conformity and the belief that one has to work hard to obtain wealth and prosperity and happiness All false It was Henry Ford himself who donated much money for children's "education" so his future employees would be smart enough to be taught but too smart to take over
Comment from : @anthonybaransky137

Yes Musk, start teaching simplest 010 Quantum Mechanics right from the beginning a b c 1 2 3, from 0 to 01
Comment from : @zeroonetime

He is absolutely right Howeverthere are 30 students in a class If you want to reduce the ratios so that you can make the lessons hands on, engaging allowing one on one interactionsits going to cost a lot Thats why we are in the situation we are in
Comment from : @sarahredden8119

I agree with Elon, school systems worldwide need to change, they need to start teaching kids about life skills, budgeting, and survival skills instead of sugar-coating everything, life is tough Having said that, I disagree when I watch videos of successful people telling you to quit college, for example, Steve Jobs, dropped out of college because he was a genius! he had a plan, do you consider yourself a genius? Do you have a plan? If so, go for it, but for most people, they are lost! Only smart, genius people don't need to go to school because they have it all figured out, for the rest of the population if you don't follow the system that is placed on this earth by this society, you will suffer!
Comment from : @altron1009

After studying for 31 years, I can deeply relate to most of what he says and I truly believe that systemic education is another way of money-making and a waste of money for the general public!
Comment from : @ninanoble8252

❤ At the end of the day its within an individual
Comment from : @evergreen111

He has helped many to fast track to success and well being Life is for learning and knowing
Comment from : @norwayland3290

So he creates a school for his children BECAUSE HE CAN AFFORD TO DO SO… but the majority of people dont have enough money to do this However hes a billionaire and could invest in support other children getting the kind of education hes speaking His lens as a billionaire is not the same as the rest of ours
Comment from : @amberblackwell8527

I enjoyed my time in public education as a student I had fun!! I didn’t graduate But went to college for a trade and ended up with an associates As well, I self educated and networked during this time
Comment from : @sant1ag0_sanchez

The thing that I've learned about learning, is if you don't understand the "why?", you find it a lot harder to remember I completely agree with him
Comment from : @hwcanotabot

He felt the same about education of Black Africans in Apartheid South Africa In Apartheid South Africa, every white household was guaranteed a Black maid
Comment from : @raymondhill4666

Comment from : @petermoss2588

Simple solution, stop sending kids to school and teach you kids yourself and learn along with them like in old times
Comment from : @lightlordstudio3141

All h1b's you want to increase and hire are outcome of same college or school system So why are you hiring them
Comment from : @Ikam215

You are golden person
Comment from : @DupurMaity

Highly respected
Comment from : @JoseEb-k6w

My god most lectures we couldn't even understand due to accents, not speaking into mic, just pain stakingly boring
Comment from : @sherrysoulartist

H1B speech half price
Comment from : @victorsc66

I passed 10th with great marks but i don't want to do intermediate because i think it's just waste of time if i do intermediate than i will not able to learn skills i want to learn and passion i want to follow so i am confused so what should i do ? brbrWaste my years for study and learn nothing from high school ?brbrOr take a decision to drop study and learn skill diploma etc and follow passion ? 😢
Comment from : @Unkownking12

Comment from : @loveplay1983

Well spoken by a person hiring employees with advanced degrees
Comment from : @CaptainCamellot

I am slo n derling yours life yours things most bigest country
Comment from : @DupurMaity

I am sad I Am ordinary
Comment from : @DupurMaity

Yours works system very very wonderful excellent I am proud enjoy feeling I see sweets feeling ok
Comment from : @DupurMaity

like trump said we must , protect him
Comment from : @cybercafe8721

one person created to change the world and the evil cant stop him
Comment from : @cybercafe8721

But that does not mean every college student must drop out or no one should go to college Not everyone is a high achiever or entrepreneurial brThose who are, they know what they are and have already achieved something since childhood brbrLike my cousin who showed entrepreneurial skills rwhen he was 11 years old selling candies to his school mates
Comment from : @ShowBizJunkie

Elon is truly genius!!!brHe truly understands everything about life
Comment from : @Hinduboy7576

He's against education in the west amd for endless immigration to the west what a funny progressive
Comment from : @Ulrna

This guy should not be given a platform He does mot represent America
Comment from : @chrismurrell747

I agree Majority what they teach in school is garbage
Comment from : @Smplyiness

I see so many people who are text book but don't think outside the boxbrbrWell said ElonbrbrI agree totally ❤❤❤
Comment from : @tommasinainnovationandlife7536

He just shows how important high quality general purpose education is that people do not think like him He is just missing whole purpose of education School is not there to give you answers but to teach how to look for them Schools don't make doctors or engineers they give them good enough resources how to become one if they so want I was always above average student because of my interest in science but I've never thought school is useless, it's very important especially for those average people who are kind of too dumb to learn stuff, sorry but that's how it is But maybe system in US sucks I don't know
Comment from : @jalmarihuitsikko7211

Interesting concept, seems like a sample of start of project Venera of Jacque Fresco, at least education aspect
Comment from : @cashonline101

a wonderful attitide to education Elon
Comment from : @beckygarcia9703


Comment from : @SiphesihleMavimbela-u8x

if Elon hadn’t come to America, he would be selling fruit in Africa
Comment from : @charlesfinn-z4d

LOL He wants to people to stay dumb so he can make more money out of them All the smarter ones will be assimilated by rich people like him Dangerous much
Comment from : @marlenemmc2339

When you flunk out of college you usually are against it
Comment from : @fritzbang4805

It used to be a college education was diverse to give young people a "taste" of things they hadn't been exposed to Now, you're forced to take electives you neither want nor need
Comment from : @CRAFT7445

Interesting but turn the background noise down
Comment from : @geraldgreen6278

Back in my days in soviet school we were forced to study about 10-18 subjects per semester And we went to school 6 days per week As of grading, it was very unfair, because like my self being (or trying to be) independent thinker, I was hated by the most teachers Accept English teacher 😂😂
Comment from : @jolantagoetter6224

This resonates huge
Comment from : @lizjunk-lc5tn

Eles acreditam encontrar um dia certas ferramentas de t 4v4nc4d4bre para isso é nescessario mudar o brtradicional?
Comment from : @miltonbrand6603

Wow, even Thomas Sowell agrees our Education system stinks
Comment from : @stevelopez372

Thank you
Comment from : @Kidgangforever

This is a typical survivor bias: people who did not graduate from college and were successful in their professional life have tendency to believe that all other people do not need college to get successful The truth is that advanced technical, scientific, and cultural education gives people the opportunity and more chance to get a successful life, but is not guaranteed In the same way, it is not guaranteed that without advanced education you will get a successful life Now, the "general culture" education of the US system might be wrong and politically driven, but this is another question
Comment from : @albrigo

Yea I never learned ANYTHING in high school and I mean nothing zero zilch nada
Comment from : @alexciocca4451

The people who dropped school would have been more successful if they didn’t
Comment from : @jf6732

How many persons have the talent and luck of Elon? Not even 1 The rest HAVE to go to school, which doesn’t mean the educational system is totally correct
Comment from : @jf6732

Only those with a sound economic support can drop out of schools, and they are just a small of the population
Comment from : @jf6732

Hands-on Learning Exactly! :)
Comment from : @SusanEvans

How would you support teachers who are passionate about their careers in creating meaningful learning environments for their students? What policy changes would you advocate for? Do you believe positive changes are currently taking place within the education system? I've observed that many teachers are focusing on explaining the purpose and relevance of their lessons, fostering an atmosphere of lifelong learning Your thoughts
Comment from : @deannastitesduyao1400

Heard something like this once: "The A student and B student will end up working for the C student" Elon must be the "C" student "C" for company 🙂brAttacking the education system by using "C" students who became wealthy via the work of "A" and "B" students misses two larger pointsbrThe "C" student (not all) probably has a generalist mindset and can see the big picture That's the guy creating a company with the big idea and although not smart enough to do the specifics he knows he can hire the specialistsbrThe "A" and "B" students have a different mindset and derive pleasure from understanding things quickly really well and love being rewarded and acknowledged by others for that trait These students are generally not generalists and don't see the big picture and thus not entrepreneurs creating major companies They may end up CEOs of major companies via service, expertise and experience but they generally won't be the ones to revolutionize the worldbrOnly good point from Elon: technology can be used to individualize education so kids are taught at their own individual pacebrIn defense of the education system: given limits on time and resources and inability to see the future as in which kid will be successful, the current system provides all knowledge to all kids and lets time sort them out Totally makes sense brTechnology, however, makes the evolution of education to individualized learning-rate and content simple So evolve we mustbrConclusion: this genius "C" student thrives because of the collective individual accomplishments of the "A" and "B" students and hides behind the created wealth yelling, "the education system sucks"brThat's Elon Musk in a nutshell Totally decoded 🤣
Comment from : @sweetspotdrummer

That may be ok for some skills And some people But you can’t apply this idea to everyone and everything The guy who fixes my phone don’t need a college degree but the guy who is gong to operate on my liver will not be touching just be cause he saw how is done on YouTube
Comment from : @wilsonaponte1079

It just a waste of time Children need that one on one learning that caters to their needs We have the technology to do this
Comment from : @stephaniemixon6386

Samual Clemons said, “ You don’t go to college to learn how to make a living You go to college to learn how to live” The social skills developed and learning to interact with a diverse group of peers is a positive
Comment from : @rvandy5728

Yes! Please! The education system is awful Finding jobs solely based off degrees is terrible Schools use to have kids of all ages in one room and they learned at their level Why not do it that way still? We have segregated students and forced everyone into a box telling them they should be a certain way instead of letting them breathe and explore who they are
Comment from : @livelaughlove6387

People need to have a natural ability and strong curiosity, but they also need to be encouraged by the abilities of people That maybe by seeing things on TV or video, but it's discussion they have with others that let these ideas take substance Other attributes that people appreciate is the ability of persons to function in a team that is most developed in physical activities Forcing people in to these instead of encouraging them is detrimental
Comment from : @douglasengle2704

Our educational system actually blunts abstract thinking brThey are taught to pass standards rather than imagine, research, and problem solve brI looked at my daughter’s 3rd grade report card and there was a comment stating she was not performing well brMy daughter was receiving very good grades The teacher said she always completed her assignments and was not disruptive, but was still labeled by the teacher and chastised as a “day dreamer”br???brShe was bored!!!!
Comment from : @gailcarey3597

The school system does not educate I'm not sure what it is supposed to be, but it teaches kids very little
Comment from : @johnpapa8681

Forced education is slavery It doesn't teach kids anything about living life It's just pointless forced labor
Comment from : @johnpapa8681

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