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The Best Kept Secret For Buying Calls

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Title :  The Best Kept Secret For Buying Calls
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Comments The Best Kept Secret For Buying Calls

Yes, you showed a few good secrets I am grateful
Comment from : @theophilosmantzanas9203

thats not true, your winning assumes you would win every week which you wont
Comment from : @gamerclownz2783

How long are do you hold on to 90 DTE contracts before selling? How about the leaps? Does the backtest show?
Comment from : @eveexplore

What’s the strategy ?
Comment from : @ryanbrown5058

I recently started paper trading 90 day longs, and the returns have been mind blowing I can honestly agree with you when you say the 90DTE is the sweet spot
Comment from : @ArnitraShort

100 loss means you need more capital lol
Comment from : @KnockoutInvesting

Dude!!! I so needed this!!!!
Comment from : @LegendaryMedia365

Seems like there are so many people who say to never buy CALLS I did not think that was the case, but you have to be careful
Comment from : @btaylor9661

Great video, thanks for sharing!
Comment from : @bryannguyen7388

i always buy call in and out off money and always work with me (a year long ) never went deep in the money
Comment from : @moehamdan493

I think I didn't understand the concept behind the annualized return That's if I invest 100 of my capital, right? Given that these calls have a 35-45 win rate, it'd be normal to have streaks of 8, 10, 12 losing trades Therefore, the risk of ruin would be quite big if we put more than 2 of our entire capital on each position?
Comment from : @andersonbasdao4923

I do this currentlyI buy new every month expy 6 months out I also always have 1 put option 6 months out as well If for some reason things turn Bearish, you have insurance to recover some loses
Comment from : @juddkulik1310

Schwab has refused to give me level 3 option trading because I don't have enough experience and/or liquid equity I think they are mistaken about both Anyway, I appreciate your 'take' on buying long call options because I was beginning to despair that I would be taking on too much risk buying long calls, because unless I have level 3 access I can't do poor man's covered calls
Comment from : @sailor-rick


Comment from : @12496k

Very interesting, thanks for sharing
Comment from : @gibbop1270

This is some very useful information There are so many get rich quick guys and people offering speculative advice they pretend isn't speculative or there are people who brag about making $1000 a week but don't tell you they utilize 100k to make that 1k
Comment from : @bbtodd

Thanks for sharing, are you buying and holding till expiration or selling before?
Comment from : @avieda

Chase might catch Anthony and Shayla back there Fingers crossed
Comment from : @MansaMusa-x9l

Thank you for this video Question: would buying puts in a bear market work just as well?brbrEDIT: Never mind, I've seen you already replied a similar question of another user! 👍
Comment from : @afonsodeportugal

Thank you!
Comment from : @crunchyroll7734

New to the market Is this accurate?
Comment from : @sablelastshelter548

I have a very beginner question that I can’t find a concrete answer on If I buy a call option and the stock price goes below the strike price before expiration of the contract does the contract get closed and I lose my premium?
Comment from : @sukmydktame1495

This guy is good!
Comment from : @edcuray2515

How do you feel about buying leaps? Any strategy suggestions? I’m realizing deep in the money options are the best to buy
Comment from : @DinoDan1987

Re record w/ strikes $ Not itm, otm, at the money Different to see on a phone m Thx
Comment from : @JBulsa

Is the goal to sell to close and take profit or to exercise and buy the stock?
Comment from : @gerardmichael8523

I just found out that uSMART SG offers options starting at $010, with no minimum order fees, and I suddenly feel like I’ve been wasting a lot of money before
Comment from : @AndeeLee-yi4ot

This makes at least me suspect it might be the same for Long Puts in Bear Markets
Comment from : @aurinator

Are we going on a holiday rally ?
Comment from : @HistorIAsImposibles776AC

I purchased boatloads of different straddles that way they're self-balancing and I don't lose a lot of money or any sometimes I gain
Comment from : @Andrewjenkin-kt7jq

Thank you! very helpful
Comment from : @roboticmiracles6019

This was good stuff but not sure how to trade Options yet
Comment from : @mrtrader4628

Excellent video, pls do this with $XSP (mini SP500 Index option) or $SPX (main SP500 Index) Options on both are really good Plus cash settled - no need to BTC to "cash" out
Comment from : @redeyes5568

Fantastic insight The evidence that you demonstrated most definitely gives me something to use in re-evaluating the idea of a long call strategy Much appreciated
Comment from : @majimusic

Nice video I have a question, when do you take profits for a long call option?🙏🏻
Comment from : @ericchan769

Thanks for a straight up no bull video My main strategy is to use long calls for bullish trades and long puts for bearish trades It all depends on how bullish or bearish I am as to which delta I use A higher delta will lower your leverage but also have a higher probability of being a winner So many on YouTube say the only way to trade options is to sell them I definitely don't agree with that
Comment from : @gtnz2439

we are now in that bull market
Comment from : @MORRILL_MUSIC

Wow thank you just in time for this bull market!!
Comment from : @blakehoran9629

great video! exactly what i was looking for
Comment from : @brandonor

so would you say the $99 a month subscription n market chamaleon is worth it?
Comment from : @vladimirmoreno665

Interestingthanks for sharing this information Problem with all "hold till expiration" strategies is that the probablities eventually sum to zero, so in the long run regardless of how wonderful it is in the back test, the losses will wipe out your winners "but I only untilize this in bull markets" - okay
Comment from : @Dortch3

Curious, can you apply buying puts on a bear year…same strategy, different direction - curious what 2022 what yield thanks for demonstrating Market Chameleon!
Comment from : @piedpiper72

I just recently made over $5,000 on a few TSM long calls in just 24hrs, for me LC are my most profitable trades , bull market helps of course
Comment from : @MrJohnluvit

Absolutely brilliant So much better than trading Online CFDs with 1:1000 leverage This is the real stuff Much appreciated the insights my friend God Bless You
Comment from : @saadyousufsidat

60-65DTE to start 30Deltaless DTE's you have to be right on direction, right on timing
Comment from : @TBradFashionModel

If you have a 41 win rate that also means you have a 59 loss rate Not great brBut, pair a lower return with a higher win rate AND do an Iron Condor and you'll make more money safer Just my two cents
Comment from : @johnmaxwell1356

Amazing insight on how to buy calls Thank you for pointing it out
Comment from : @cottondai

Thank you sirbrPlease do more videos like this on stock options
Comment from : @petepar9507

Excellent video What's a good platform to buy premium membership - Market Chameleon or Optionstrat?
Comment from : @TheHarveySpectre

Here’s how I’ve done it and tripled my returns with a staggering 85 win rate Find a company with momentum that’s lost on earnings or similar and buy calls that reach out 1-2 earnings(or more) Generally these companies earn their way back up and you’ll get what you’ve earned
Comment from : @gazoinked3546

Thank you for making this video and dispelling the notion that buying calls is risky but if done the right away can be verybr profitable The back testing is golden
Comment from : @MrRockinbakken

Always, ALWAYS, buy calls "In the money" Always Don't bet out of the money because you'll lose money in the process
Comment from : @MetalSStar196

Thank you for a great video Do you have any strategy for buying calls using using LEAPS options?
Comment from : @timmynguyen3410

I liked this video So what trade are you in right now? I hope you can share I have been losing two 0DTE on SPX in the last 4 weeks and it wiped out almost all my buy power as I was stubborn and didn't place a stop loss
Comment from : @rgasta7765

Wow, what an amazing video I was wondering about at the money calls for a stock on which I'm bulling, purchasing them with an expiration time of one year, because of the delta those have You know how sometimes you think you've come up with an amazing idea that's going to give you an extra edge in the stock market, only to find out the hard way that there was a flaw in your thinking So you confirmed my hunch about this Something that I like a lot is the fact that your reward to risk ratio is in your favor I got burned today with several shares of NVIDIA I was holding To think that with all the money I lost I could have gotten into this type of strategies, just blows my mind Thanks a lot!!
Comment from : @JS-vl5gd

But the margin is very high
Comment from : @nononnomonohjghdgdshrsrhsjgd

New subscriber here I am a female who just started options trading about 2 months ago I have watched countless videos on trading options, and yours explained LEAPS and their profit potential the best I already knew they were powerful The one thing I am surprised to learn is the fact that "out of the money" brought in much higher profit percentages But I thought the "deep in the money call" would have produced bigger profits than out of the money due to DELTA being higher in the money? I guess it is more complex than that In that case, I plan to start buying slightly out of the money from now on and save on the premiums ❤❤😍 Thanks a million
Comment from : @TravelsoFun

buying naked calls at all isnt a good long term strategy
Comment from : @ruxp10

I buy call spreads for $25-$35 at entry points Of the days highs or lows and sell all at $95 3 times gain
Comment from : @yasssgawwwd5643

I just bought a McDonald’s Put 3 Months out because it’s run up lol Got a few Long Calls in Sqqq
Comment from : @laborsave8034

Great video
Comment from : @slavakiev77

Please explain a $3 call on Palantir for 1/26 ?
Comment from : @natethorpe8223

This is the best
Comment from : @kiwilockinlockinvah9679

Whats the current strategy your using today? Can you post an updated video on whats working well right now?
Comment from : @Giggidygiggidy12

If this truly averages 6 per week why is everybody and their mother not doing this strategy?
Comment from : @aMoldy

How do you calculate when the trade ends? I mean when is this backtest selling the call?brPlease don't tell me it's at the maximum profit
Comment from : @thealpha_9

the fact you didn't know you were in a bull market at recording the video is why the whole approach is BS Main take aways: buying is good when in bull, but we can't know when we're in bull Gotcha!
Comment from : @joesmith8462

So couple months out slight OTM calls seems like the best move
Comment from : @Hmmmmmmnm

1:21 - 2:04
Comment from : @tz8565

That’s great info brOn a strategy like this, what kind of IVolatility do you prefer?
Comment from : @josepardo6783

gonna try this soon
Comment from : @theslayer962

What a great video - thanks It was so good, I read every single comment
Comment from : @zocyn

BUYING options is GAMBLING brSELLING options, is being the CASINO brThe House ALWAYS wins, in the long run br br brMOST people lose their money, most of the time, buying far out of the money calls or puts br brOdds of winning by BUYING options is MUCH worse that placing your chips on odd or even at roulette brAt least with roulette you have a 18/38 chance of winning when betting on odds or evens, (4737 chance of winning, 5262 chance of losing) brWith BUYING far out of the money calls or puts, you only have about a 17 chance of winning, and an 83 chance of losing, when buying an out of the money strike price with a 17 delta br brWHY? Because you have to be right, three different ways, to make money BUYING options brIf you only get two out of three right, you lose br br1) DIRECTION: The underlying share price HAS TO go up, if buying calls, and HAS TO go down, if buying puts 50/50 chance on this alone br br2) INTENSITY: The underlying share price HAS TO move in the right direction, far enough to cover the COST of buying the option, before you make any money (How do you calculate those odds?) br br3) TIMING: The underlying share price HAS TO go in the right DIRECTION, and FAR ENOUGH, before expiration, for you to make money brMost people lose because they didn’t buy a far out enough expiration date brThey may get the DIRECTION right, and the INTENSITY right, but it happened AFTER the expiration date They ran out of time Their timing was wrong br brEvery time I win at SELLING an option that expired out of the money, there is a BUYER who LOST brMy personal win rate is 9999, SELLING options, because I learned how to ROLL for a net credit, (get PAID to avoid assignment), whenever my strike price is in the money on expiration day brI just rinse and repeat the ROLLING process, until the last ROLL in a long campaign of ROLLS, ends up expiring out of the money All the accumulated net credits become REALIZED profit br brIf you want consistent wins, SELL options that are out of the money, with a short expiration date brThe option SELLER has the advantage over the option BUYER, because the option SELLER can ROLL their options out to a farther expiration, to get paid MORE premium, when their short option becomes in the money br brThe option SELLER has the advantage over the option BUYER, because the underlying can move up a little, down a little, or remain the same price br brRECAP: brEven when the trade turns against the option SELLER, he keeps getting PAID to ROLL the option, (up for calls, and down for puts), and out to a farther expiration, to earn a net credit br(With a put, this LOWERS his capital at risk, with a call, this INCREASES capital gains participation) br brThe option BUYER has to keep doubling down, and INCREASING his capital at risk, to try and win back his initial loss br brOption SELLERS get PAID to ROLL, when done correctly brOption BUYERS have to PAY to ROLL the out of the money, long option brThat is throwing good money after lost money brbrOn the rare occasion that your long call expired in the money, and you collected a TON o money, you didn't collect it from me brYou collected that money from some other trader, because I ROLLED my in the money covered call, for a net CREDIT brI collected a larger credit when I sold another covered call, than what it cost me to buy to close brbrBefore I learned to ROLL for net credits, my win rate was around 80brAfter learning to ROLL for net credits, my win rate is 999 brbrI keep moving out of the way of that steamroller that everyone talks about LOLbrbr brKnowledge IS power, ONLY if you apply that knowledge
Comment from : @thomasd5488

Great video! Only one comment: You said that the options get cheaper the further out in time you go (ex: 3 months out - 7:47 in video), yet thats not the case The more time you have for an option to expire, the pricier it gets You can even compare the ask prices in both the 7 day and the 3 month options chains in your video and see that the asks are greater in the 3 months chain I think it might have been a mix up Thanks for the video!
Comment from : @tommy1518

thanks bro
Comment from : @lemyul

Friend So I guess risk reward comes into play Yes you get a good return but with calls you have the chance of losing everything
Comment from : @SimplySwingTrading

Tanks very good explanation Lesson
Comment from : @alessandromontini826

Of you buy a out of the money options with a month or two out using the nearest support or resistance level as a strike price Volatility alone will make you money
Comment from : @pauljennings7196

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing your insights, I will definitely be buying 3 months out
Comment from : @danle-xp9iz

Great informative video!
Comment from : @normbrown878

Clear, easy to understand and very helpful technical analysis Thank you so much!
Comment from : @noelbetancourt4531

Awesome video brThank you 🙏🏼
Comment from : @Superflow66

Hope you did do the long calls and made ton of money and that is,why we don't see new content But you have the best material and we hope to see more
Comment from : @Bru-rs3vt

Thank you for your generous sharing of great analytical tools and strategies
Comment from : @goldpilot100

Thanks for the insight I'll have to give it a look I've been liking trading leaps and generally sell leaps puts at the same price that I buy leaps calls to lower the initial credit Worst case scenario, you get put into shares at a price that you were willing to pay If the trade goes your way, the put goes worthless, you collect current interest (around 5 on your money) and whatever the call makes you Keep up the good work
Comment from : @russellmallory8960

Good video Most of your etf/ stocks were good examples except Tsla has not been great this year
Comment from : @javamochafrap

Great video and ideasbrThanksbrDid you give up on youtube?
Comment from : @562wiseguy

Thanks Ford the video Now for 2024
Comment from : @orlandofundichely858

Why would you buy an otm call for a pmcc instead of itm?
Comment from : @echochambersjr1540

If you're EXTREMELY bullish on something, you could finance your long calls by selling puts This is best if you're extremely bullish AND you're okay with owning the underlying stock (in case it goes against you and your puts get assigned)
Comment from : @chezblunts

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