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Information HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO DRIVE AROUND THE WORLD? - REAL numbers from REAL Overland Travellers!

Title :  HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO DRIVE AROUND THE WORLD? - REAL numbers from REAL Overland Travellers!
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Frames HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO DRIVE AROUND THE WORLD? - REAL numbers from REAL Overland Travellers!

Description HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO DRIVE AROUND THE WORLD? - REAL numbers from REAL Overland Travellers!

Comments HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO DRIVE AROUND THE WORLD? - REAL numbers from REAL Overland Travellers!

Thank you! Now, and I'm sure you've already made many of these videos, how to travel safely What to avoid Healthy safety tips?
Comment from : @crispbacon5806

Incredibly helpful Thank you so much
Comment from : @masonroddy5163

Great ifno! thanks I did have a question about your car, does your jeep have rear lockers and if so did you find rear locker are/were absolutely necessary for your adventures? Thanks
Comment from : @torunadwisla

I never really thought about how much it would actually cost, just that I'm sure I can do it on 3700/month(my VA disability rate) Last couple years I've been RVing in the US in a 31' class C with 23kw of solar on the roof and a 15kw battery pack so I've had all the amenities of home(even air conditioning) I've done offroading in an older F-350 and I'm thinking about setting up a used F-350 ambulance for overlanding, the truth of the matter is I'm too physically broken for tent camping and all the setup and teardown that entails, I need something self contained if I want to make this happen
Comment from : @scarx4181

Hey Dan, what year did you do the pan am highway in, just wondering with inflation what 14k in whatever year is now Thx
Comment from : @TrailDogEtiquetteLLC

Wow! I would have guessed it would cost that much in fuel alonebrbrNice! brbrNow my biggest expense loss like it's going to be paying my bills at home while I'm gone
Comment from : @jwmmitch

VerbrY helpful and encouraging video, thanks 👍
Comment from : @JonnieShipbaugh-dc9wk

Pleasantly surprised 😀You got us thinking bigtime! Thanks again!
Comment from : @fantapatterson6359

Wow man this is one of the best videos! Cheers !
Comment from : @VintageWanderer

Can you offer an updated monthly number based off current prices?
Comment from : @lenmacdonaldns

In the US we must get our cars registrations renewed each year A new sticker on your license plate How does one approach this while traveling longer than a year? And sorry how does one sell the car at the end of the journey?
Comment from : @coconutmacaroon4907

My thought was USD7K per month
Comment from : @shyam681

How to make 1500/month while driving?
Comment from : @user-fe2lr5jw4i

By far the vehicle is the largest upfront investment it seems Your Africa Jeep if I had to guess all together was probably $40-$50k USD
Comment from : @stephenmartin5766

I recently met someone who travelled the pan am by motorbike with his girlfriend, they spent $150,000 aud in 18 months, so 8k a month Hearing that, I got scared But they did anything and everything they wanted, including an Antarctic cruise
Comment from : @chelseabanana2251

No thanks Things are bad enough in my own country I don’t need to see the rest of the worlds woes
Comment from : @ferretapocalypse

$1200 usd per month for the alaska to argentina trip (ltcomment)
Comment from : @lingdatang669

I love how you make it sound so accessible, as well as affordable I'm already pumped and looking forward to making it happen I'd be interested in potential collaborations with other keeners Anyone ?
Comment from : @kellyburns7188

With every one of your videos I watch, this is looking more and more doable! Thank you!
Comment from : @1FiftyOverland

Excellent video Thanks for the encouragement Why did you pick a JEEP as your vehicle of choice?
Comment from : @lyledesaulniers1904

How I wish I can drive around the world too! 😳 I know this is not too late to happen! I will start travelling in my country and post my videos in my channel I hope youtube can be my stepping stone to travel the world🙏🙏❤️
Comment from : @travelsph18

Just looooove your videos , thank you Sir , hugs from Croatia
Comment from : @dennynisevic9413

Wow!new subscriber here😊i like your content👍
Comment from : @tangculak6461

Can you legally sell foreign vehicle in Argentina/Chile? :)
Comment from : @Mravenec3

Wow I was thinking it was going to be more like $3k a month I might be able to do this sooner than I thought lol
Comment from : @youngwolf20

You sometimes refer to we Do you travel alone?
Comment from : @alexbaxter9681

I can't wait to do one of my only dream to travel overlander I do have the vehicle jeep cherokee xj thank you for the information
Comment from : @samahmed3373

Good video, but could you please include more shiny things jangling from your neck? Find it hard to concentrate without it
Comment from : @TDubya811

Comment from : @zve482

i overland (sometimes bikepack / sometimes motorbike / sometimes public transport) about 4 to 5 months of the year and i can typically live on the road for the same cost as living in one place permanently
Comment from : @sweetsweet3753

I guess I'm not too terribly surprised at your price However, the price of shipping a vehicle is one line item I would love to learn about
Comment from : @CAJones-bu6tu

Absolutely right
Comment from : @danmanlivingthedream

Dan, your general estimates aren't far from what international sailors must spend, once they have their boats equipped, to sail the undeveloped parts of the world Sailboats "sail" so actual fuel costs are low Food is purchased down in the town square most often (but take your dictionary!), not in some air conditioned grocery store 'Wild Camping' is another name for dropping the hook in the anchorage Once again, I see lots of parallels between world cruising on a boat and overlanding in a vehicle And for both, WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!
Comment from : @jacktyler7599

I made actually a complete list of the equipment I will need to overland Just for the truck which is a Toyota 4runner is 30 000$, off road suspension 5000$, Roof top tent 2500$, front bumper 1000$, Fridge 1000$ and so much more Total it was like 50 000$ lol
Comment from : @TheCls63

I was thinking, around $60,000 -$70,000 a yearbrGood videos! Very informativebrMy mind is setI'm going to do thisbrDo you travel alone?brIs it safe to do so?
Comment from : @tljcfm

Really Surprised bro
Comment from : @shailenderreddya1035

Can I ask a question You Sound Aussie, how did you go about buying your first Jeep in Canada? Hypothetically if an Aussie wanted to do the Dalton/Dempster Hwys would you ship one or buy one?
Comment from : @Justfun-yp6cx

This is motivating me to payoff my car faster so I can have less expense on the road
Comment from : @optimusplange1

Great content What's your general view of Uganda?
Comment from : @chrisogon6397

We budget 100 ( sterling a day ) however fuel is a lot more in the uk and Europe than the US/Canada
Comment from : @nenook1000

That's shockingly affordable, and cheaper than our mortgage on the low end! We would love to go on an extended overland expedition one day, but currently our lives wouldn't allow being away from home for that long Plus, having the safety net of a home base would always be a priority for us in the event of a major injury or possibly a irreparable vehicle putting us out of commission
Comment from : @SolaOutdoors

I know you're Canadian so my question to you when you're talking numbers is are you basing everything on USD? Cheers from the Sunshine Coast BC 🙂🇨🇦
Comment from : @stefanpluess5909

7:17 and just for our morbid edification, it has been commonly asserted (in the recent past) that it takes about $1/mile to walk the Pacific Crest Trail Interesting how this seems to be a rule in traveling
Comment from : @daveybernard1056

Can you address people that you've talked to that carry US passports? I would be interested to know if there are additional safety issues that should be considered or any other thoughts
Comment from : @jeremyoliver

Love your vids!! Just found you, sub!! Do you have Alask-Argentina video series? What year/model Jeep did you drive to Argentina? Also, how do carry cash for this long trips? Thx
Comment from : @jccharly2000

I have been thinking of making a similar trip so I have a question about crossing from Panama to south America and the cost to do it
Comment from : @timgardner3130

What do you do if you have a medical emergency; broken compound fracture, etc or need to go to the doctor? How is that cost factored in?
Comment from : @duanetucker

So much details 😊 And yes, i am really surprised by the amount 🙂
Comment from : @_SDP_

Excellent info I notice you live in Klondike? Probably not real cheap living
Comment from : @buffalolizard

What about those corrupt tricky police in South America that like to steal your money? How do you get around that?
Comment from : @anthonygendron9737

Welcome to British Columbia Brotha!
Comment from : @PistonShack

Are you willing to provide the waypoints to your trip around the world?
Comment from : @soulsurfer8797

Thanks for the excellent tips as usual
Comment from : @TheThevampyre66

How important is it to add a fuel filter since a lot of modern vehicles don't include them anymore?
Comment from : @RedWingsninetyone

Can you stick to $2500/month or less even with a larger expedition vehicle that uses a lot more fuel than a jeep? Some of us softies would like to have a shower, toilet, etc in the vehicle :-)
Comment from : @jeffkinney6449

damn, i would live so much better with 1500 a month traveling than i do now last time i was on a super tight budget of $10/day traveled on a motorcycle for 2 months, 10,000 kms
Comment from : @ilyasebentsov9074

Being on the road is the best thing
Comment from : @NiketBorade

Good information
Comment from : @Jelena_and_Roger_Travel

Wow, this is goold, I seriously thought that it was about 80k a year with shipping the car and all
Comment from : @oliverr9967

FWIW: I love the cut-in!
Comment from : @SamCarleton

Very inspiring content bud!brI hope one day we can go on a long term Overland Expedition from here in the UK down through Africa!brBest get saving!
Comment from : @AJBAdventures

Diesel ftw
Comment from : @jeremy8715

I like how you're down to Earth, humble and prudentbrI would probably end up wasting a lot more money on hotels and restaurants When I was younger I did couple short trips around Europe and slept in the car and it was quite hard Don't know if I could do that again
Comment from : @poutintsev

More great content Keep sharing your experiences and overland knowledge, I’m sure that you’re inspiring a lot of people to hit the road
Comment from : @DriventoExtremes

geez we spend $1200 / month on booze
Comment from : @slowboat6021

How many miles are on your Jeep?? Has it given you many problems? Great work on the videos, love your channel from Australia!
Comment from : @4wdMonkey

Absolutely right and refreshingly clear and honest It cost six of us, travelling in a long wheelbase Land Rover, less than $200 each to travel 50,000 miles from New York to Alaska to Tierra del Fuego - and back to New York But that was in 1972! I am still travelling (age 70) and - in most places - my wife and I would not expect to spend more than $2,000 per month for both of us
Comment from : @johnhowell6139

I was expecting $5k monthly I had no idea lol
Comment from : @nitropanda5620

Hi mate, sounds affordable! How do I get my fully decked out Landcruiser in Oz to Canada ( left hand drive)to start of? Or fly over there and buy a local Jeep and sell it later ? What’s your opinion?brThanks for your vids!!
Comment from : @donpardo1

3 to 5K a month
Comment from : @roberthand5777

Great video and Info !! Thanks ! Looking fwd to all your experience sharing here ! 🙏🇨🇦❤️
Comment from : @eesko2000

Hello Dan, you speak inspiringly brI earn USD $1000 per month in Asia and own a Honda Petrol 15L urban-cross-over (called BR-V in Asia) which is Front Wheel Driven without 4x4 and only 200mm of ground clearance BR-V is not sturdy enough to carry a rooftop luggage rack neither can it pull anything behind it brThe issue with we asians is that our total monthly earning is equivalent to an American's monthly expenditure The two are certainly different brWhat do you think are my prospects and after how many years of accumulated savings can I proceed?
Comment from : @SushilKPingua

Agree, we wild camped (mostly) around Southern Europe for 18 months in a motorhome As a couple we spent less than €1000 per month including beer/wine and some eating out not exactly overlanding but we did visit about 10 countries
Comment from : @stevea611wax6

$1500 to $2500 so it is actually really expensive
Comment from : @Seto3993

How about modifying an electric vehicle to go around the world 🌎?
Comment from : @mohammadbinbishr5167

Interesting to know how much costs this way of living I though it was not a bid deal The key is save the money for that monthly cash flow and consider what to do when you return (if you are going to return or will be willing to get back to the life you had before) or how can you come up with a way to keep a income that can afford that lifestyle/adventure
Comment from : @fr4nc1s1975

Dan, you make it sound so simple! I’m just waiting for the gov to open up passport renewals again so I can go explore more! Since there is now a new norm that will affect travel and interaction, do you plan to do a video of what people should consider for social distancing during their trip nowadays?
Comment from : @wyldeadventures9975

In 2008/09 I rode a motorcycle from eastern Canada to Ushuaia, the most southern city in South America, and I rode back home in 9 months I've always regretted not having had more time to do that trip I spent more because I stayed in hotels and ate in restaurants 99 of the time I am now building a truck, a Tacoma to, hopefully, explore Asia and Africa for the next 5, 10 or how many more years I'm fortunate enough to be able to It will be cheaper doing it in the truck as I'll be carrying my home and I'll be travelling much slower What Dan says here is real Long distance overlanding does not need to be expensive Wonderful video
Comment from : @RobertVinet

I also wonder what tools and spares you were carrying on those trips
Comment from : @andreasgauckler3152

Interesting to know that the amount to drive across USA is almost the same as driving across Africa We did 12000kms in southern African countries and looking forward to a real long trip in Europe, the estimate will help us plan better Thank you
Comment from : @braveescapeafrica1143

Dead on! I couldn't agree more Btw brWhy did you choose a Jeep (and not ie a Toyota) for your journeys ?
Comment from : @marckaltwasser6402

Sweat vid bro Range was what I always had in my head I'd be comfy spending 1500-1750 for the two of us Bugger getting one of those guchi vehicles either, thats not what matters at all Rock on dude
Comment from : @simplerefinedliving9285

I just checked our bills from our Norway trip and we spent about 1900$ per person for 1month including a couple of beers (not cheap there!!) and at the end 2,5days in Oslo in a hotel The rest of the trip we slept in our tent and we did this with a Ford FiestaI know, not compareble :)
Comment from : @ML-ws6ce

Great video, thanks so much for the info
Comment from : @MichaelNatrin

If you had to do it all over again would you put a bigger gas tank in the jeep?
Comment from : @joshnasche5495

I suppose the next thing is what you did about carrying/accessing money during your trip
Comment from : @CaptainBonavita

Woooah thats awesome!!! Never thougt itll be so "cheap" i did 16000km road trip across Canada from east to west and back with à 2000 chevy astro 2wd and it cost me 2800$ for a month in gas 😨😨😨
Comment from : @dimitriwaardenburg4631

Great and interesting stuff Thanks for sharing Steve 🇦🇺
Comment from : @emu4wd

Good stuff Dan We've done four continents in our overlander (see wwwourpangaeanet) and our fuel was about 40 of our costs This means our daily or monthly costs are largely driven by how far we drive in that period What were your average miles or kilometres per day on your two big trips? Thanks
Comment from : @OurPangaea

Thanks for sharing those numbers! We are currently overlanding the USA and yes we have a beer or a glass of wine every day and eat meat and for us the cost is about 100-$ a day or 1$ per Km I guess we are a little above average But we‘ll be going to Mexico and South America later and hoping the cost will drop a bit brVery informative videos man, keep em coming! Thanks a lot!
Comment from : @richiegubler2710

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