Title | : | William Ayers: Education in a Democracy |
Lasting | : | 3.09 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 18 rb |
also you are not black Comment from : @karistone4887 |
this guy says fuck all nothing Comment from : @karistone4887 |
Ayers asked the question; who am I in the world and does it have to be this way? I think that on the surface it seems like fairly easy/ unassuming questions for students to ask But the main concern is what is the Ayer's motive or agenda for asking them While it is good, and we do want children to question who they are in the world and their life's purpose; I don't think that is what Ayers is trying to get at With his assumption that he lives in a democracy (America is a Republic NOT a democracy) Ayers seems to ask the questions from an entitled stance I think he is really asking; which box do I fit in society from a historical sense, and what can I get out of it? Ayers questions do not further personal growth but guides children to think more selfishly These questions also subtly undermine the parents/families duty and right to create a stable identity Ayers assumes that the school system/government know what is best and should be the guiding force in forming the child's identity brIs it any wonder that about ten years later children who have grown up with that kind of teaching are more unstable, less grounded and plagued with anxiety? I am grieved when I think of all the hundreds of mindless teachers who have followed Ayers dangerous advice and destroyed the lives of countless children How many more school shooting will there need to be for people to realize that a school is an institution designed for knowledge consumption not character/identity/daily life/moral development Those things develop at home with people who actually love you, not teachers who are paid to spend time with youbrAlso see Dinesh D'Souza's Hilary's America for more information on the civil right movement Comment from : @juliannevankley6635 |
wow folks sure don't like you man Comment from : @brentdelaurentis8114 |
This man is a Marxist Don't believe a word from his mouth Comment from : @DavidAndersen84 |
IDIOT TAKE YOUR DEMOCRACY AND GET OUT OF THE REPUBLIC only a idiot would want mob rule Comment from : @robertlee9478 |
What do you mean by "forward thinking curriculum", Mr Ayers? Define "forward" Comment from : @poposaynogo1 |
This man used nail bombs to try and terrorize those he didn't agree with He needs to be put down He is an elitest who thinks he knows best and should be allowed to run everyone's life Comment from : @neoc03 |
Whatever his politics, he has written well on education So, to put it politely in a way you might understand, fuck you Comment from : @messig51 |
Lil' Billin his lil' commie Mao outfitwith his lil' commie intellect and his lil' commie atheism and his lil' pathetic pecker Move to North Korea, lil' Bill Lil' Kim wants you to move to his commie country right away, and we'll all watch how quickly it will take for him to silence you forever BECAUSE THE NORTH KOREANS DO NOT HAVE A BILL OF RIGHTS THE NORTH KOREANS ARE NOT PROTECTED FROM THEIR IDIOTIC COMMUNIST LEADER OR ANY MARXIST COMMUNIST DESPOT Comment from : @Boris82much |
Terrorist, communist, coward, killer, leftist Comment from : @Jdeneik |
Teaching in a Democracy? I thought we were a Republic not a Democracy As John Adams said "Remember, democracy never lasts long It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself"
or "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin Comment from : @eyesontheboat |
@dannyg120 It wasn't "seed information" it was bald-faced lies What I state isn't "a basis in reality", it is reality
I've read a GREAT DEAL of history, am well aware of how bad things were in the nations you mention Please, if you want to blame Communism, tell me on what page of the Manifesto you find gulags
You cannot blame the deaths on Communism Comment from : @PrisonerNumber9653 |
So to be more outraged at Nixon's murder of hundreds of thousands than Ayers' killing NOBODY isn't reality? Interesting
I'm not Communist, but NONE of those deaths or brutal regimes were caused by Marxism On what page of the Manifesto are gulags advocated? Comment from : @PrisonerNumber9653 |
@dannyg120 Now, I am NOT agreeing with everything that was done, or said, at the time, which I'll remind you was FORTY FUCKING YEARS AGO, but to pretend these were "the bad guys" is hysteria The bad guys were Nixon and his gang Comment from : @PrisonerNumber9653 |
@dannyg120 I've done a great deal of reading Bernadine is NOT "disgusting" in any way The vile BASTARDS from the FBI were the true criminals There was NOT any plan to kill people, but AGAIN--why are you NOT going after the ones who murdered hundreds of thousands in Vietnam?
He's not a "terrorist", and he was hired because he's a very good teacher
Criticize away, but try to get some facts instead of just swallowing whatever lies get told you Gathwohl and his ilk have zero credibility Comment from : @PrisonerNumber9653 |
@MegaRightisright Pinko? Wow, and you thought McCarthyism was from the 50s?? Comment from : @PrisonerNumber9653 |
Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance They do this by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and actions or by justifying, blaming, and denying the causal agent
Instead of posting comments that ammount to name calling why haven't any of you 'defenders of 'merica' responded to the point Ayers is making in this video?
Comment from : @romand123 |
lol i love the way some of you here only listen left wing media In 06 the unemployed were 47 thats full employed here we are in 2010 at 97 other the bills the dems pass to make more of us have jobs weak up ppl Dems lie and steal from you all the time and you still vote for them wow just plan crazy Comment from : @jaay334 |
I don't think you know Bill Ayers Be sure to read the opposing views and let us know why Bill Ayers sucks You may have not noticed that he did not post this video Therefor, you might as well address the people who might actually read this Comment from : @wattyofthewattykins |
Teacher johnk42,
Teens struggle to divide 8 into 50, but it's okay, they have calculators You need a translator to figure out what they've written, but it's okay, they have keyboards It takes 10 minutes to read a short paragraph, but it's okay, lots of pictures on the internet They aren't motivated to achieve because they've been indoctrinated with anti-American BS
What's a kid to do? Reproduce, escape into drugs 'n alcohol and let 'the corrupt system' support 'em? Sounds familiar Comment from : @Boris82much |
Ayers no longer blows up buildings; he simply 'terrorizes' the young with his liberal goofiness and indocrination Chicago, of course, is among the leaders in murder/crime/dysfunction
THIS is why people questioned Obama's judgement NOT because he 'palled around with a terrorist (Ayers)' when he was 9but because he was sympathetic enough with Ayer's current left-wing worldview that is part and parcel of the Chicago school system and political climate
what an absolute shame Comment from : @johnlorican |
Very well articulated problem of America and the education system, including the media Not real encouragement to think for ones self More like here is the world, and here you are in it and that is that He refers to black education I think here, but the problem is very deep and fully inclusive Very little encouragement of conscience thinking And it is only through new ideas that the world may change toward more enlightenment Comment from : @desertblbuesman |
we'll see Comment from : @mrhughes00 |
The Left has finally found the ideal Presidential Candidate in Obama
So sad to see how the people doesn't want to look in his background, they are about to commit the biggest mistake in modern politics
If Obama gets elected, people will regret it after 2 yrs, currently he says what the people wants to hear Once he gets elected, he will do extreme changes at the Educational, Social and Economical Levels
Castro, Chavez and ACORN will become regular visitors of the White House Comment from : @garciadelacadena |
oh, get in line behind your wife and i'll be right with ya Comment from : @mrhughes00 |
And yet he has spoken in Venezuela about education being a revolutionary tool wonder what he promoted while he was involved in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) with all those millions at his fingertips 49 million, to be exact filtered to him and his family by none other than Barack Obama, who was in charge of the finances for CAC Bernadine Dohrn worked at the same law firm ad Obama's wife, Michelle Dohrn was also was involved in an org that benefitted from CAC funds Cozy, huh? Comment from : @mrspogadaeus |
Ayers is a scum bag He advocated killing parents and police and the violent overthrough of the goverment He openly states how he hates this country Comment from : @SCHRUBBE1966 |
u sound like a idiot Comment from : @VANITYBONET |
Bill should ask the people that were hurt (who I'm I why are we here ) The sad thing is that he's teaching kids this Comment from : @ekjohndeer |
this guy is a fucking moron and should be in jail right now TERRORIST
he thinks he is soooo above the law it is sick Comment from : @bfinkish |
Not to mention head of curriculum now
This man and his wife should never be allowed to have any access to a child's brain Comment from : @averitas |
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